
Monday 17 May 2021

T sTands for a new challenge at Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all had a good weekend. I stayed home most of the time, enjoyed reading books and listening to music and generally being lazy.

This evening Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party will begin, and I have a coffee themed journal page meant for this and for Elle's language challenge at AJJ, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here.

This is perhaps my dream, that one day soon we can safely go out for a coffee or tea and meet up with friends. My journal page is showing that coffee can be a universal language. The Covid situation is improving slowly here, but I will not go anywhere for a drink or meal until I have had my 2nd vaccination and feel safe.

This evening we are also beginning a new challenge at Tag Tuesday. Many thanks to Sandie, who hosted the last challenge, and to all who joined in. This week's challenge is being hosted by the lovely and very talented Pinky, and her theme is fruit or vegetables. Tags of all formats are welcome, and the challenge will go live at 9 pm this evening. My tag shows a Victorian greengrocer bringing his veggies into town:

These pics were taken 2 weeks back, I put them into the wrong folder and couldn't find them!

The evening sky:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful art Valerie, I especially like the first piece. I hope you will be able to get your second vaccine soon so you can get back out comfortably again. Your weekend sounds perfect and similar to mine, and your photos are beautiful. Has it warmed up a bit yet? Have a great week! :)

    1. Thanks Martha! I get my second shot of Biontech on June 2nd, just over 2 weeks to wait! The weather has warmed up a bit, but still very changeable. Still, we need the rain so I'm not complaining. Have a great week!

  2. Beautiful. Your backgrounds and images are just adorable. Life as it should be with us girls having a coffee together, chatting and laughing, all is not lost. Love the tag and photos. Keep safe and well, we have not had the vaccine as yet here. xx

    1. Thanks Annie. Yes, that's how it should be, and will soon be again, I hope! Have a great week, hugs to you and Bella!

  3. Love your art very much.
    The photos look so spring with those deep greens Love that.
    Happy new week and Happy T hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy! Have a great week, stay safe!

  4. Hi Val, good morning, happy new week! Love your fun page with the ladies having fun together and drinking their coffee, and the tag with the vintage scrap is perfect. Great photos, too. Hope you can soon get out and about for a coffee again! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah! I'm hoping that one day we will be back to normal. Hope ou are all keeping well. Take care, hugs to you all!

  5. The photo of the evening sky is amazing, Valerie. And I LOVE your page with all the friends together having a coffee. I will have my first vaccination on Saturday 22nd of May. Let's hope that the virus will end soon. Kisses, my friend.

    1. Thanks Mia. those delicate colours are always amazing. Glad you have an appointment for your vaccination. Stay sfae and well, hugs!

  6. One day it will look like that again, but even once I'm fully vaccinated I intend to be cautious. I managed to get a haircut, over 14 months since the last one. I do love your café scene. Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. We need to be cautious, there's a quote, 'Fools rush in where angels fear to tread!' I still need a haircut! We will get there slowly! Stay safe and well, hugs!

  7. wie süss dein Plausch einer Kaffeefrauenrunde als Journal page und das Gemüse -Tag ist wunderschön!!!
    Schöne Fotos trotz dem Wetter was gewesen ist!
    Ich bin froh am Mittwoch die erste Impfung zu bekommen endlich, dafür blöd mein Schatz nicht, der bekam eine Mitteilung, er muss leider warten wegen den anderen mit der 2 Impfung!
    Pass auf dich auf und ich habe heute meine Haare selber geschnitten *zwinker*
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Schoen dass du deine impfung bekommst, bleib gesund! Ich hab auch etwas an die Haare rumgeschnippelt!

  8. Such a happy art page, one day we may be able to meet up again and enjoy company. Even though some restrictions are being lifted here. I think we all should think about how quickly this virus can spread. I've had my second jab but find it hard to leave the house I've been confined to for so long.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, even when restrictions are lifted we need to be careful. Stay safe and well, hugs!

  9. It will be a while before things are normal again but like you I am looking forward to sitting in a cafe or restaurant and feeling safe. Even with my second vaccination I am being cautious with a new variant around these parts. Your page sums up all that is good about getting out for a coffee with friends(have the girls on the left perhaps drunk a little too much coffee-if there ever could be such a thing? :-) ) I absolutely love it! Your tag is great and ...Hurray - I do have fruit and veg images and stamps! That does look like a fabulous walk Valerie - we seem to have Horse Chestnut trees very heavily laden with flowers this year and I love that reflection of the beautiful houses in the shop window. Have a good week, hugs, Chrisxx

    1. You're right to be cautious. It's not worth risking an infection for a coffee or a beer! But no, there's no such thing as too much coffee! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  10. Good morning, Cautious (substitute wise) Valerie: I think those six ladies all sitting having coffee together, and gabbing about who knows what, are suffering from severe gender imbalance! There needs to be at least one guy in the group to add intelligence and charm, or at the very least to act as the foil for their jokes. I am sure that if you ever do this kind of presentation again you will rectify such a grave and serious omission. Perhaps the doughty Victorian greengrocer who looks quite splendid, and a solid sort of chap, could be integrated into the group, and a discussion of carrots and cabbages would naturally flow from such a union. As always, the sunny, pleasant picture of your walk are the stuff of contentment. Soon perhaps you will receive your second shot in the arm, your confidence level will be boosted and you will be able to sip coffee en plein air. We all long for those days to return. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Good morning David, thanks for the 'wise'. Okay, next time I do a coffee drinkers piece, I'll put some men into the picture. But mostly here it's the ladies who sit together and chat, and the men sit on their own and read the newspaper! Bute the waiter is always charming when he brings the drinks! My tag inspired me to buy some fresh veggies at the market this morning, so I'll be making a nice veggie soup for tomorrow. It's still cold enough to appreciate hot soup!On June 2nd I'll be getting the 2nd vaccination, but I will still stay cautious! The rain here has done the environment good, everything is lush and green as it should be. Have a great walk, take care, hugs to you both!

  11. Lovely page and tag. Gorgeous photos today.

  12. What a fun page Valerie! I hope we can all get back to doing just that very soon. I also love your red sky sunset photo too. Thanks for joining me for the Language theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle xx

    1. Thanks Elle. The skies at sunrise and sunset are always beautiful!

  13. I love your coffee-gathering images :) Right now I'm thinking we're jumping the gun and I'm still hanging back a bit. I may make my first-ever non-grocery shopping outing today. I've missed the antique malls :)

    1. Thanks. One day! Ah, antique malls, that's a great Idea.

    2. I went to 2 antique malls and was impressed by the continuing mask usage and the few numbers of people. I bought 2 cups and saucers and felt so excited to be out. I stopped by the nursery and bought some catmint for the patio. Quite an exciting outing lol

    3. How lovely! I'm looking forward to a flea market when it's possible, hopefully soon. Enjoy your new purchases!

  14. These are fabulous. Waiting for the day to gather with my friends. Your photos today are just stunning. Have a great Monday.

    1. Thanks Nicole, one day it will be possible.

  15. That is a fabulous page for T day. Things are moving quickly here in the US. The CDC (center for disease control) is now saying fully vaccinated people can go out and about without masks. I still wear mine, but it is nice to get out with people again. Love all those friends having coffee. And nice tag too. Sounds like a fun challenge. Hope you have a wonderful T day Valerie and happy new week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. We saw that in the news here. It's just hard to know If others are really vaccinated or not. Have a great week, hugs!

  16. haha so great little chat art:D

  17. Hi Val! Bill here. Lovely Art and Photos. Bill

  18. Fabulous page Valerie, love the scene you created with all of the coffee drinkers! Gorgeous photos too, everything is so green!
    Take care, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, we've had loads of rain and now everything is green. Have a great week!

  19. Lovely art Valerie, I especially like the scene with the coffee drinkers.

    I always enjoy seeing your photographs, the evening sky looks beautiful

    All the best Jan

  20. Beautiful tags and lovely photos! I hope that you are able to go out and enjoy life again soon.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate, it will be good to be able to get out more! Have a great week!

  21. I'll start with your tag, Valerie. It is beautiful. We don't have greengrocer's here, so it was a joy to see.

    Then I had to applaud you for a twofer. You combined your T Tuesday post with your Art Journal Journey post and I thank you for both of these blogs. Wonderful art.

    I also love the beautiful photos. I'm always taken by the flowers.

    1. My sincere apologies. I was by before T time and thought I had posted this. However, I got a phone call and got distracted. When I came back tonight, I saw (to my horror) that my comment was still there unpublished.

    2. Thanks Elizabeth. We still have a greengrocer#s shop here, and three times a week market booths with fresh veggies and fruits, so we are lucky - nothing like fresh veggie!

    3. That should read fresh veggies, I don't buy one at a time!

  22. Beautiful art! I love how you captured the joy of sitting with friends whilst enjoying a cuppa 😀. Your photos are gorgeous too, all the architecture is gorgeous and I love this time of year with all the fresh greenery coming to life and your views are glorious. Enjoy and relax - Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! I'm off to put my feet up, so will be relaxing! Have a great day!

  23. I love your journal page Valerie, the simple pleasures like going out for coffee seem like a million miles away! We had to go into town at the weekend (the first time I've been in over a year), and the shops were deserted. The only busy places were the coffee shops. Everyone was sat outside, in the rain (we weren't allowed indoors until yesterday) People weren't interested in shopping, just getting together with friends and family. Have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. It's not easy getting along without meeting up with friends and family, hope it will soon be possible for all!

  24. Lovely tags Valerie. Enjoyed your photos

    Happy Tuesday

  25. your tag really reminds me of pages from some of the old schoolbooks. very nostalgic! i have had both vaccinations and i wish i could come to germany and have a walk and coffee with you! a girl can dream. have a lovely week! xo

    1. Thanks michelle, I have a set of those old scraps. Now wouldn't that be great, perhaps one day it will be possible!

  26. Happy T day Valerie! Love your AJJ/T day journal page - they all look so happy and engaged in conversation. Very fun! Your tag is fun as well. I would buy his veggies and love the landscape!

    Lovely pictures too. Always a treat.


    1. Thanks Nancy. Nothing better than fresh veggies!

  27. Beautiful art and photos Valerie! I love your cafe scene!
    Alison xx

  28. I like "your dream" a lot! Oh, you are in full spring!

    1. Yes, spring has sprung in spite of so much inclement weather!

  29. Love your first art piece, we are slowly getting back to eating out and coffee out here, just had the first covid jab yesterday. Hopefully the same can happen for you too and you can enjoy your coffee.

    1. Things are slowly progressing just now, I'm looking forward to my second jab!

  30. So nice to be able to get together with girl friends and have coffee and a natter. Your greengrocer tag is lovely. Did I see a comment from someone who says there aren't any greengrocers where she lives. What a shame. I hope greengrocers continue to exist and I also like to go to the market to get fruit and veg, but usually I support my local little veggie shop.
    I love the photos from your walk (two weeks ago). I forget how green everything is in northern countries. The chestnut tree is gorgeous and the flowers are so beautiful. ?Hydrangeas? Rododendrons? Whatever, they are stunning.
    Belated happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. Greengrocer's are great places. I like that I can buy small amounts of various things without having to purchase huge packets like in supermarkets. Have a great week, hugs!

  31. Hi Valerie, I hope you are well.
    I love the vintage image on your tag, reminds me of a local farmer from years ago, my mum used to buy veg and eggs from him.
    I was disappointed that my theme didn't get a good response for Tag Tuesday, not one comment, so unusual, mind you I didn't get any from the team on my blog,lol...won't be choosing sport again,lol...xx

    1. Thanks Sandie. I had to delete ll of the comments, they were just these awful cleaning companies again. I'm sorry that you didn't get any response on your blog, that's sad. Sport is a difficult theme. But you made some lovely tags anyway!

  32. We are starting to open up slowly too, but everyone is going crazy! I think we will be put into lock down again! People are stupid!!!
    I do love both your art pieces! Going out with friends sounds so nice! Loving all your photos!! So beautiful! Big Hugs!

  33. I just love your journal page Valerie! I have had my 2nd jab but hubby has only had one. But we can now head off to the beach from Monday!! Love your Victorian tag too, so colourful. Great selection of photos. Stay safe!!

    1. Thanks Pinky. I think we all long to be out and about again. I get my second jab on June 2nd, so not long to wait now.

  34. Your page today makes me smile, the ladies look so happy and carefree sat there chatting with their coffees. Oh for the times when we can do that again. Despite having my second vaccine I am still kind of isolating and have not yet ventured into a shop. Now I hear that because of the state of my home town we are being advised to stay in!
    I love the background you have chosen and the figures too - a delightful page.
    Love the photos, especially the sky in the last one - but what is that interesting building with all the arches - it looks lovely.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. We are allowed to have drinks outside now, but I'm not risking anything yet. I get my second vaccination next week. The building with the arches is the ruined castle of Barbarossa by the Rhine, a fun place to explore, and I love passing by there day for day. Have a great day!


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