
Tuesday 11 May 2021

New challenge at TIOT and more

 Hi Everybody!

After enjoying a one day summer on Sunday we are now back to wind, rain and grey skies, but at least it's not so cold!

Today we are starting an new challenge at TIOT, make it feminine. As always you have 2 weeks to join us, and projects of all formats, including digital are welcome. Have a look at the lovely creations of my teamies on our blog!

I have chosen a photo of a suffragette, taken 1911 in London. Women were fighting to have rights that we take for granted today - to be able to vote, to be able to make decisions for themselves, to be able to own property, have a bank account, study and work in a profession other than cooking, cleaning and housework. If you look at the poster she  is holding, you can see that violence against women who fought for their rights was socially acceptable. Many were imprisoned under terrible conditions, some died for the cause. And we have to be thankful to them that most of us can now live our lives as women and decide over our own lives. And women can be feminine and still stay strong, it doesn't always have to be pink and pretty. And there are still women in many parts of the world who even today have no freedom and rights:


I am also linking to Elle's challenge at AJJ

And I have another Tag for Sandie's sports challenge at Tag Tuesday:

Some spring photos from the past few weeks. The birds look a bit blurry as I took the pics through the insect screen:

And my favourite time of day - sunrise:

Have  agreat day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Great post Valerie, The beautiful flowers and sky photos I so enjoyed viewing, loved your art, and your post about the women's sufferage movement is a good reminder what our ancestors went through to give us freedoms
    Happy new week ahead.

    1. Thanks Kathy. The world needs strong women today, too!

  2. Beautiful art Valerie. I especially like the first piece. I love seeing the colorful flower boxes and the beautiful sunrise skies. Have a great week. I hope it stays warm. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha. It's not as cold as last week, but not much better, a strange spring indeed! Have a great day!

  3. Oh Valerie, such beauitful art - we've come so far as women and the things we are now advancing in! I remember my mom in the UK wasn't allowed to have a job on the military base. I love the colorful flowers and your art! I think i'm the opposite - my favorite is sundown!

    1. Thanks Kelly. Things have changed, but we still have a long way to go! Have a great week!

  4. How wonderful you chose a suffragette. I remember the first time I read that women weren't allowed to own property unless their HUSBANDS co-signed. I was appalled. I'm glad that isn't the case today, but I know it still is in many 3rd world countries. This is a darling entry and also great for Elle's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    That is NOT football. That is soccer (grin). Still a lovely tag. Your flower boxes are wonderful. Yours look SO much better than anything I have. Mine are dying as I write this.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. For many women the world is anything but free and safe. And I hope one day you Amis will learn to speak English! Football is football because you kick the ball with your feet! Have a great day!

  5. Lovely art and beautiful spring flowers!

  6. Beeindruckende, schöne Kunst sind alle Zwei!!!
    So ein Sonnenuntergang hatte ich gestern Abend, diese sind wirklich so schön an zusehen und deine Blumen wachsen so hübsch im Blumenkasten und die Kohlmeise erfreut sich mit den Futterknödeln.
    Bei mir regnet es auch und kalt wieder geworden.
    Das ist kein Mai, das ist blödes Wetter *zwnker* hab es trotzdem gut... machs dir es gemütlich!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke liebe Elke! Blödes Wetter in der Tat, das hast du gut beschrieben! Dir einen schönen Tag trotzdem!

  7. Hi Val, good morning. This is another wonderful journal page, I like that you are highlighting brave and strong women who fought for freedom. Wonderful spring photos, too. Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, where would we be without all those brave people who did so much for our freedom? Have a great day, take care, hugs to all!

  8. I think your suffragette art is spectacular and very special. They paid a heavy price for us. We recently learned that Emily Pankhurst came to my little village and signed the visitor's book in the Cathedral.

    1. Thanks Deb. Those women were so brave, we need to celebrate them more often! How interesting that E.P. visited your village! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  9. Magnificent tags and the women of today who still have no rights is world wide, such a sad state of affairs. x

    1. Thanks Annie, it is indeed sad for those women!

  10. Fantastic art projects Valerie especially the page honouring the suffragettes . Where would we be today if those women hadn't stood up for us all those years ago.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. That's a good question! They were all so brave and we owe them a lot! Stay safe and well!

  11. Beautiful photos. Have a nice day;)

  12. Fabulous page! Loving the focus of your feminine piece, that's such a wonderful vintage picture and you married it beautifully with the other images too 😁. So lovely to see the flowers and birds on your balcony too and wow, that sunrise is spectacular! Take care and wishing you well! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. When we have sun I have a wonderful view of the sunrise. It's hiding again today! Have a great week!

  13. I love the idea of suffragette page Valerie. That is a great choice for feminine. I watched some old 1930-1960's films this past winter, and how women were treated in the films was different than newer films or we would expect now. Not that they were treated badly, but definitely the male had to be the hero and the women weren't quite capable. And that was long past suffragette days too. Thank goodness we were on our way to now. Nice tag too. I have on scheduled for THursday. And wow, what a gorgeous sunrise. Hope all is well and you are enjoying your day. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. It's nice when men treat women well and with respect, but we are not helpless and brainless, and can decide for ourselves! Looking forward to seeing your tag! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  14. Fantastic page and tag.
    Have a nice week.

  15. Between yesterday's post, Valerie, and today's you are really taking on some of the great social and humanitarian issues of our time. Early suffragists were brave women indeed who faced the full backlash of men who felt threatened and often did resort to violence. There is something undeniably and shamefully pathetic about a man inflicting physical harm on a woman. Has he nothing else to offer? Does this constitute a relationship between the sexes? I value strong, intelligent people of either gender, someone with whom I can have spirited discussions, agree and disagree, but always under the umbrella of mutual respect and dignity. I cannot imagine my life without strong women as part of it, from Miriam through the many members of our naturalists club, through the academics with whom I share my life. Christopher Hitchens often said that the way to eradicating poverty in the world was to empower more women and he was absolutely right. Vive la femme, égale et libre! As for your art, it is lovely. As for your pictures, the fuzzy Blue Tit is delightful. As for the sunrise, there is as you say, no better time of day. And as for you, Valerie. Thank you for being my friend, my strong, intelligent, witty, articulate friend. You add greatly to my life. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David! The suffragettes risked an enormous lot to get their rights, and what also impressed me was that women of all ranks, from nobles to factory workers got together and fought together for their freedom, which was a novum in the class conscious society back then. And men who beat women are for me the lowest of the low. Discussing and arguing, yes, but violence? No, no and no again. Christopher Hitchins is right. I am always pleased to see that some women in third world countries are now able to get a mini-credit from banks to start of their own enterprises and to make them independent - a great idea. The blue tits are my constant visitors just now, always hungry! And thanks for the compliments at the end of your comment, I'm glad to know you, too, and you put a smile on my face day by day! Have a great day, hugs to you and Miriam!

  16. Powerful spread the suffragete one. And I seriously adore your photos! That pink and white ball flower omg, I've never seen anything like those flowers and I absolutely adore them!! I love sunrise, I just hate having to get up early enough to see them, I'm far more of a sunset kind of person.

    1. Thanks so much. I love those flowers, too. I am a morning person! Have a great week!

  17. Voting rights. A hot topic in the US. republicans passing laws to restrict voting. It is a mess over here. I really love your art this week and those flowers are amazing. Have a very nice day.

    1. Thanks Nicole, we need to fight for our rights!

  18. You have some beautiful shots. And that first sunrise photo...glorious.
    I especially love your suffragette piece. It's strong and feminine. Unfortunately, the right to vote is being challenged over here.

  19. There are still issues but women have made good strides. Love the artwork as always. Spectacular sunrise photography. Spring flowers are a joy after the past months of drudgery. Wonderful post.

    Hugs and Blessings,

  20. Thanks for the information about the suffragettes. I did not know much about them. Yes, even today, women are fighting for their rights in many places in the world.

    1. Thanks, there's still a lot to set right in the world.

  21. What a fabulous page Valerie and very thought provoking write up, we do take all those things for granted nowadays and forget how hard won they were. Your photos are gorgeous as always, I love the flower ones.

    Joan x

    1. Thanks Joan, it's easy to forget. Have a great week.

  22. We have so much to thank the Suffragettes for - they proved that women deserved more than just the vote too! This is a fabulous page - truly feminine! Your tag is great - I am struggling to find something suitable! Love those photos - the sunrise pics are especially wonderful. The weather here has warmed up...a bit...good for the flowers like this you have captured so well! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! Those ladies were so courageous, we owe them a lot!

  23. I love your suffragette piece. I just watched a movie, "Suffragette" and boy -- they had it very hard at times. I admire them.

    1. They really had it hard and were so badly treated by police and justice.

  24. Beautiful photos and art Valerie! I always vote!

  25. Now these are my kind of women! We owe so much to them. I love your football tag too, and the quote is very true. Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, they were really strong women!

  26. Love your suffragette art. Some amazing skies on your photos.

  27. Thanks Lin, have a great week!

  28. Powerful and moving art! Gorgeous, stunning, romantic pictures! Thank you! Big Hugs!

  29. We had a local election last week and they were interviewing people on the radio asking if they were going to vote and so many said no, and I was just thinking about how we had to fight for the right to vote, and here you are with this lovely suffragette page! I love all your photos too, flowers, birds, beautiful sunsets. Thanks for joining me for the Language theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle xx

    1. Thanks Elle. I, too, am always astonished at how many people don't bother to vote, and then never stop complaining about the politicians....Voting is a valuable right for which so many fought. Have a great week!

  30. Those bright flowers are a joy to see. And that sunrise scene! You have a good view of the horizon.

  31. i absolutely love those flowers photos:) they cheer me up:)

  32. Beautiful page Valerie and awesome photos! The flowers are so pretty and I love the sunsets, amazing colors!
    Hugs, Tammy

  33. Great journal page, Valerie. We do owe them much gratitude. Them and the ones they influenced. Love the butterfly and lovely text with your great picture.

    Super sports tag - very true words.

    GREAT Spring pictures. So pretty! Your pictures are always a treat as is your art.


    1. Those women were very courageous, we indeed owe them a lot. Hugs!

  34. Super Tag Valerie, love the vivid background.
    Thank you so much for supporting my theme..xx

  35. I love your page, that's a fabulous photo, I think they were very courageous women and we ow them a great deal. Love the soft colours and pretty flowers framing the picture making it very feminine. Great photos, especially the sunrise.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril, they were indeed strong women!

  36. Your starry night is lovely! Such a fun tag! Happy PPF and thank you for visiting my blog.


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