
Wednesday 14 April 2021

To bee or not to bee....

Hi Everybody!

Okay the title is a groaner, I know. I couldn't resist it!

I am back home, all went well in hospital, the stent is out, and I had no bad side effects. I am just very tired, so just  a short post today. The tag is for wendy's challenge at Tag Tuesday, 'bees':

Bees are  vital for our existence, so please plant bee friendly plants and flowers in your gardens!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful bee tag and post, we have plants in our garden for the bees

  2. Not much of a groaner, perfect for the post actually. Your art and all the photos are fantastic! I'm just glad all went well and that you are back home. Rest up and take good care of yourself Valerie. Big hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha! I'm having a lazy day and resting. Have a great day!

  3. Beautiful post Valerie, so happy things went well-take care and rest-hugs Kathy

  4. Hi Val, good morning! Glad all went well! Take your time, get really Well. Hugs from us all, Sarah

  5. I love everything about this post. Happy all went well, but be gentle on yourself and don't overdo things. Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb! I know you are a great garden and bee friend!

  6. First, I was delighted to learn all went well at the hospital and you are resting. Second, your bee tag is absolutely gorgeous. I love that beehive and what appears to be an old fashioned ad. It's a great way to put a tag together. And your bee photos are great, too. I hope to build a bee house this summer, so I'm trying to do my part, too. We can never have too many bees.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I really need rest, and that's my plan for today! Good luck with your bee house!

  7. So pleased to read you are safe home from hospital and resting.
    Its a wonderful bee tag as well.
    Stay safe and look after yourself.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Very nice 😊 have a nice day 😊

  9. Lovely tag. I’m glad the procedure went well and you are resting.

  10. I'm so glad you're home, and your tag is wonderful. Incredible bee pictures too. Now you just need to rest and fully recover. Take care and have a peaceful week, Sue xx

    1. I'm sitting with my feet up and busy doing nothing! Have a great day!

  11. The title may be a groaner, Valerie, but if it introduces us to the plight of bees and the implications for the food supply it is a good thing. And your pictures are quite exquisite. I guess you have BEEn quite busy! Do I hear a second groan? It's good that you are back at home and relaxing with your feet up. I hope that people drop by and leave off little goodies for you. You deserve to sit on silk cushions and eat bonbons and drink endless cappuccinos. And I hope the weather will take a turn towards summer and the breezes will be gentle as you explore the enchanting nooks and crannies of Balconia-by-the-Rhine. I have sent strict instructions to all the birds and frogs to serenade you as you walk by, and for the blossoms to exude pleasant fragrances. Take care, stay well, rest up, walk softly, think good thoughts. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David! Groaned not, the bees need protecting. I read in the paper today that there are lots of beekeepers here, who have their hives in gardens, but mostly on rooftops of high buildings, and their honey has a wonderful quality. Today I am not being busy, but sitting with my feet up and watching nature documentaries on TV. I will listen out for the birds and frogs when I go out again! Have a great day, hugs to you both!

  12. So beautiful is your gorgeous post and I was happy to read on my comment recently from you that you are now home, stay well and happy. xxx

  13. Glad you are back home and doing well. Love your tag, it's beautiful. Hugs Anesha


  14. Bees are unusual insects. My grandfather had an apiary. I like honey. Have a nice day:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna. Bees are wonderful insects. We all love honey!

  15. So glad the surgery went well. Lovely bee challenge enjoyed the photos too.

    1. Thanks Christine, I'm relieved that all went well, too.

  16. Glad to hear it went well at the hospital Valerie. Rest up and feel better soon.
    I love your bee tag, it's beautiful, and the photos are wonderful. I love seeing bees in my garden.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, you have a lovely garden for the bees!

  17. Freut mich so sehr für dich dass alles gut gegangen ist und die Müdigkeit wird auch noch weg gehen also gut aufapssen auf dich.
    Wunderschön das Bild von dem Bienenkorb ,so goldig und auch deine Fotos. Der Header ist grossartig mit der Sonne und dem Wolkenspiel!!!
    Herzliche Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Ich hoffe das ich jetzt fertig mit Krankenhaus bin! Dir einen schönen Abend!

  18. So glad to here your medical procedure went well. Now you can enjoy an uncomplicated recovery :) I have a list of plants to get to put in my little patch of sun. Bee-friendly flowers, every one :)

    1. Thanks! Glad to hear your garden will be bee friendly, that's great!

  19. this little creature is so crutial is our ecosystem:)

  20. Very pretty tag. So glad things went well, and you are home. Take care.

    1. Thanks CJ, it's good to be back home! Take care!

  21. I do like your tag.

    So pleased all went well.
    Just take things slowly and get your strength back.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  22. I hope you are Beeing good and resting! I'm sure you will be out and about soon taking even more photos! I love your bee tag - a great vintage look ! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, I am Beeing gut and not buzzzing about this week! I really need the rest!

  23. Heh. Love the title:), the pretty, spring piece and the pics.

  24. I love this tag with all the lovely flowers. I haven't got a garden as such, just a patch that I have just laid some new gravel and potted up some planters, food for the bees..x

    1. Thanks Sandie! Your planters sound good. I just have a balcony and some flower-boxes, and they attract lots of bees! Have a great week!

  25. I'm so glad to read you are home and all went well Valerie... i'm again sending get well soon wishes and demands you put those arty feet up. Lovely Bee tag, I wish this month had given me extra time come along and play, I'm waiting for the weather to warm so I can add more colour to attract my garden companions.
    Take care Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, I feel well, just very exhausted. It will pass! I need to plant flowers for the bees, too, it's still too cold! Take care!

  26. Love your tag Valerie and all those gorgeous bee flower photos! Get some of that honey into you, no better fix!! Hope you get your energy back again soon but so glad everything went well.

    1. Thanks Pinky, great Idea with the honey, I've put it on my list!

  27. So glad to hear everything went well and you are now back at home recovering - Sending you get well wishes! Your bee tag is gorgeous, all the spring flowers look gorgeous and I'm reminded of the bluebells starting to flower in our garden 😁. Such lovely photos too. Take care and keep relaxing until you fully recovered, these things can't be rushed! Big hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! I am resting a lot, I really need to just now! Hugs!

  28. I am glad that your stent is gone and that you are recovering so well. Bees galore here.

  29. Hi Valerie, so glad your back home and everything went well, I hope you continue to heal. Gorgeous tag, love the flowers and all of the bees!
    Take care- Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! I'm happy to be back home, too! Have a great week!

  30. Glad to hear all has gone well and you are home. Get some rest. Your tag is also beautiful! hugs-Erika

  31. How did I miss this post.A fabulous tag and all the bee pictures, thank you. Hugs Wendy.

    1. Glad you like it, Wendy! Enjoy your day, bee happy!

  32. Thanks so much Laurie, all went well and I'm feeling better every day! Look after yourself!

  33. I am so happy, you didn't have any bad side effects! Thank you for the special bee post! Big Hugs!


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