
Monday 12 April 2021

T sTands for This and ThaT

Hi Everybody!

Today I have a piece to share for AJJ, inspired by. The theme was chosen by Eileen, who is no longer with us, and Chris and Erika are hosting with her theme this month. It was inspired by spring, which is taking its time just now! I used elements from me, Mischief Circus and Serif:

This evening we start celebrating  Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit here.
I have some drink related photos to share.

Table ware in  shop windows:

The bakery:

The window of the Japanese restaurant:

And the windows of the thrift / charity shop:

'Please be considerate. Masks are mandatory, keep a distance of 1 1/2 meters and only 6 customers are allowed in the shop at any one time':

These fun bronze figures can be found in Spitalfield's Market in London and are by Gillie and Marc:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by.
This is a scheduled post, and I will be round to visit you as soon as I can!


  1. Such gorgeous art and I love the photos but I'm more worried about you today. I know you are going back in the hospital tomorrow. I hope all goes well. Please let us know how you're doing as soon as you can. Big hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha. I'll let you know as soon as I can! Hugs!

  2. Lovely art and beautiful photos today Valerie!

  3. Good luck for today, Val! Take care. We're all thinking of you! Lovely art and photos, as always! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a good week, hugs back to all!

  4. LOVELY post just gorgeous and hope all goes/went well. xxx

  5. Hope all goes well today Valeri, sending you hugs.
    I have enjoyed my catch up reading your posts and seeing your art and photos, always a joy to visit here.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Thinking of you! Great page - so full of the hope and promise of Spring and the relaxing beauty of nature. Lovely! LOVE the pictures of shops - so fun. Those sculptures are fun too - not sure I have seen anything like them and I totally would love to see them in person! Fun stuff. Hugz

  7. Beautiful Spring page. I always love the shop windows you show. The bronze sculptures are so fun. Take care.

  8. I know that today you are going back to the hospital, Valerie, and I will be thinking of you. I hope you get the most skilful doctor in all of Germany to handle your procedure and that it will be text book perfect and that you will be up and around in short order. Your card for spring is really quite delightful, and does represent what is happening around here. We have had good weather for days now and everything seems to be progressing as it should. Blooms are popping up everywhere, trees are leafing out, birds are singing, bees are buzzing and we have even had gentle rain overnight, which is perfect. The shops in your town seem to be loaded with tempting offerings. Maybe somewhere, hidden away in a little alleyway, there is a funky shoe store just waiting for you to go in and unload some cash. All this to look forward to when you return home later this week. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David, all went well! Have a great week!

  9. Valerie, your Spring art is so pretty! What a beautiful talent you have to put that together. Spring and Winter are trading back and forth here. But the signs of Spring are all around.
    I just love your photos of the local shop windows. The reflections of the opposite side of the street are wonderful additions. I think I need to go for a walk to our quaint little Main Street. I love store window photos.
    The rabbit and dog figures and great fun! Thanks for the street tour.

    1. Shop windows are always fascinating, so much to see.

  10. Ooh this is lovely, such a gentle piece of art. The rabbit and dog figures really make me smile. Take care, Sue xx

  11. Love your collage, it definitely looks like Spring.
    My first stop on our walk would be to go into the thrift store. They definitely have some interesting items in the window. Next stop would be the shop with the large coffee/tea mugs. Time for lunch - I want to go into that Japanese restaurant - I have a taste for hot Sake. Walk around window shopping then it would be time for a treat and what better place than the bakery! I guess it's time to head for home. I only live forever away!!!!!
    Sandy xx

    1. Okay, your day is planned, when are you coming?!

  12. Your art is beautiful today Valerie. It is perfect for AJJ and I love the spring theme. Our spring weather has vanished today so it is nice to have it back in some art. You have so many great T photos today too. There are some ceramic vases and pitches at that charity shop that really caught my eye. Good thing I am not there to spend money. Ha-ha. Hope the hospital trip is going well. Happy early T day. Hugs-Erika

    1. I am looking forward to going shopping again, too! I can leave the hospital this afternoon!

  13. Hope you are doing well and that you are recovering nicely!

    Love the piece you made. The colors in the photos from the shop windows seem to match the colors in your bird piece so well. :) I adore birds!

    Sending positive thoughts your way!

  14. Beautiful page and fantastic photos.

  15. Das ist so wunderschĂśn dein Journalseite, ach da macht der FrĂźhling richtig Spass einen.
    Die Fotos sind klasse Ăźber das trinken *wow* ich bestaune was du alles so gesammlt hast!
    An dich denkende Elke

  16. You've really captured the essence of Spring in your page, beautiful and just as it should be. I really like your photographs. These shops look amazing don't they and I love going into thrift/charity/curio shops as you never know what you might find that will inspire you to craft with or in my case, I think I might need it for something...but just don't know what that is yet..ha ha.Your blog is always very inspiring. Take care, Michelle x

    1. Thanks Michelle, Shopping is fun, and I'm looking forward to going shopping again!

  17. Your journal page is so YOU. Your lovely bird is definitely the focal point of this beauty. It's a real show stopper and stunning, too. It is perfect for Art Journal Journey where we are honoring Eileen this month.

    Your storefronts are wonderful. I like how so many of them show cups, saucers, and glassware. They must be very popular items in your little town, since so many shops handle them. Of course, the statues from London are simply the BEST. They are amazing, dear.

    Get better soon, dear Valerie. Check in ONLY when you feel like it, dear.

    1. I completely forgot to thank you for sharing these storefronts with us for T this week, dear friend. DUH. Guess I'm in need of coffee.

    2. Thanks Elizabeth. I can go home Tuesday afternoon! Catch up with you soon!

  18. Love yoru layout it is beautiful. Hope you are well and have a great week. Hugs Anesha

  19. I love those shop windows, Valerie! Oh, what a lovely time!

    1. Thanks, I'm looking forward to going shopping again, too!

  20. Your artwork is lovely, I especially like the theme of the challenge.
    The windows are beautiful with such enticing displays. I would love to visit all of them. And I always enjoy seeing those pretty statues with the cups.
    I hope you are feeling better soon.
    Happy Tea Day,

  21. a perfectly delightful Springtime piece fro AJJ! And oh how lovely are those shop windows- it would be SO difficult for me to just walk by without buying something;) Be well, and happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda, it's hard to pass by those shops!

  22. I love the spring feel of both your page and photos! Your page is so beautiful and peaceful, loving the design and how you layered everything together so seamlessly 😁. How pretty are those shop windows, I love the delicate daffodil and tulip mugs - perfect! I hope you are doing ok, get well soon and sending you Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! I'm thinking of buying one of those mugs, not that I really need it, but....All went well, just very tired now. Happy T Day!

  23. Valerie I do hope all goes well for you, I will be thinking of you.
    Beautiful artwork, so pretty and beautiful colours too. I love the thrift shop windown, i wouldn't be able to resist going in there, the shops windows always look so pretty.
    Take Care, sending hugs
    Jan S

    1. Thanks Jan, I love the shop windows, too! All went well! Have a great week!

  24. Lovely shop windows! And a beautiful journal page.
    I have understood that you are coming out of hospital this afternoon. I see in the comment above that all went well. You will be glad to be back home.
    Happy T-Day,
    Stay healthy,

    1. Thanks Lisca! All went well, I just need to go back for a final control examination next week. I just want to stay home and put my feet up! Have a great week, hugs!

  25. That sweet bird is in such a pleasant scene :) I'm drawn to the cups and mugs in the shop windows :) and love the sculptures!

    I'm glad to see all went well with your clinic visit and that you're home. Take it easy :) and I hope your recovery is uncomplicated. Happy T Tuesday!

    1. Thanks, I'm planning a lazy week, I'm very tired!

  26. A beautiful Spring page Valerie, and I love the photos of the shop windows and those interesting sculptures.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, those sculptures are worth looking at!

  27. OMG look at those sculptures. Love them almost as much as your spring piece.

  28. Beautiful pretty and delicate. I especially love the table ware and sweets. Hope you are feeling better soon. Take take care.

  29. I am sorry to hear you are going back to the hospital. All healing energy sent to you. Your art is lovely as are the photos of the shops. Love the Dog and Rabbit statues. Take care.

  30. Lovely art and photographs.
    Keeping you in my thoughts, as you continue to heal and get better at home.

    All the best Jan

  31. A fabulous journal page Valerie! You know I love looking in those shop windows! One of our neighbours who joins in our Zoom group was saying that people in our village are not queuing very safely - we aren't planning on visiting any time soon! Love those bronze hares! Hugs, Chrisx

  32. You have the most amazing photos. I love all those windows you are sharing and it makes me long to go out and about and once more wander around towns in the vicinity and see what they have in their windows.
    Love the bronze figures, I have never seen them but if i go to London I will have to look them up. My kind of thing!
    That is a lovely journal page - definitely heralds Spring and it is just gorgeous.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Spitalfelds Market is a wonderful place to visit, I'm sure you would enjoy it!

  33. Your art piece is so special! I love it! I love all the store fronts too! Those statues are so cool!!!! (Sorry, I am so behind with my comments. This seems to always happen with me! LOL!) Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks so much, have great week! It happens to me, too!


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