
Tuesday 27 April 2021

New Challenge at TIOT

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT, and this time our theme is
'inspired by a song'.
As always, projects of all formats are welcome, and you have 2 weeks to join us. Have a look at the lovely projects of my teamies at our blog!

I made a tag, inspired by Julie Andrew's song, 'I could have danced all night'. Strange, as I am neither a fan of her or this song. I was just thinking about what to do and the song was played on the radio - fate! I am also linking to Tag Tuesday, anything goes:

And a few spring photos:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!



  1. Hi Val, good morning. This just popped up on my computer as I was going to shut up shop! Beautiful tag, and wonderful photos. You seem to have the same weather as here. Have a great day, take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a great day, take care. Hugs to all!

  2. Such a fun tag - I love it! I can imagine the little ballerina dancing to that song too - perfect 😁. Your radio inspiration made me smile, I asked my hubby as I just couldn't decide what to do! The spring flowers and views look amazing too, and your lilacs are beautiful. Take care and happy wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. It's strange not being able to decide a simple thing like that! Glad your hubby helped you! Hugs, Valerie

  3. i am not a huge fan of Julie Andrews but I don't dislike her either. In her day she had a fine voice and made her mark, of course, in "The Sound of Music" alongside that handsome Canadian, Christopher Plummer! Let me recount a little anecdote. Several years ago, Miriam's daughter was the official photographer for the Stratford Festival here in Ontario, and she did a photo shoot of Christopher Plummer. At one point she said to him, "Okay, Mr Plummer, let's go for your good side", to which he replied,"My dear, I only have good sides!" Wish I had just one good side! As for you, you Beauteous, Balconia Bombshell, I bet they coined the phrase "good side" based on you! I think you should have donned a tutu and used your own image for the tag. You could have mass produced it and sold millions! As usual the streets, pathways, meanders, detours, culs de sac, water, trees, blooms and buttresses all look enticing. One day, when COVID is but a memory, perhaps I will visit Germany and you will take me for a walk. I'll buy the coffee! Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David! Yes, Julie Andrews had a good voice, but I just didn't like her way of singing and preening etc. Perhaps I was just jealous! I didn't know Plummer was a Canadian, but he evidently had plenty of confidence and charm! I don't think I have any sides that are good these days, my best features are always my shoes! I had a great walk this morning, it's getting greener from day to day and the birds were singling their little throats out, bless them! I hope one day Covid will really be just a memory. It's a long time since I took someone for a walk along the garden path.... Big hugs to you both!

    2. Well, if I am taken up the garden path, it should be with you!

  4. Oh I love this, such a pretty image without being too cute! Such lovely photos too, it's so nice to see flowers again! Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue! I'm so happy to see green and flowers again!

  5. I love cats and everything they are on :) Beautiful photos of spring. Have a nice day:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna, I love them too. Have a great day!

  6. A sweet tag, Valerie! The cat is so into the music and her the zone as they say. I like how you’ve down toned the center of that background with just a hint of the many backup dancers. Cats do insist on center stage.

    1. Thanks Annie, cats are definitely always centre stage! My Kitty used to dance like that when she was trying to catch flies, but without a tutu!

  7. What a fabulous post! I adore that happy dancing cat - as for Julie Andrews I can take her or leave her..but...I do love the Sound Of Music! Your Spring photos are wonderful - we seem to have a lot of dandelions this year at the sides of roads - I think they look great but I imagine it's only because they're not mowing so much. Lovely to see blue skies - and sky trails - we have had a few more planes taking off recently - lots of trails in the sky at Tatton last week. Have a good week, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. The airport here is much quieter than usual, but that's good for me! I always love dandelions! Have a good week, stay safe!

  8. That is such a fun tag Valerie. The dancing kitty made me smile. And there are some beautiful spring bloom photos also. Lucky you to have a vase of lilacs in your home also. They must smell wonderful. Enjoy (hopefully) your beautiful weather. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! The neighbour along the road saw me sniffing at his lilacs and half an hour later he brought me a big bunch, so kind! The weather is sunny but still very cold. From tomorrow we're expecting rain and clouds!

  9. Absolutely perfect with that dancing kitty! LOVE your tag, and what great inspiration! LOVE all your spring photos as well! Have a fabulous week! ((HUGS)) Helen

    1. Thanks Helen. Have a great week, take care, stay safe! Hugs!

  10. Grins die Katzenballerina sie tanzt so schön in ihrem spitzenrock! So süss!!!
    Wie schön wie es jetzt aufblüht überall und dein hübscher Fliederstrauss!
    Schönen sonnigen Tag wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  11. Danke, liebe Elke. Ja, sie tanzt besser als ich, und sieht dazu noch schöner aus!! Hier ist es sonnig aber sehr kalt. Dir einen schönen Tag! Bleib gesund!

  12. That is the cutest tag! I love Julie Andrews. Beautiful spring flowers. Can I paint that yellow one that looks something like a chrysanthemum?

    1. Thanks Christine! It's a dandelion, and you are always welcome to use my photos!

    2. haha a dandelion, no kidding! And thanks.

  13. Cute tag - what can I say Valerie, I always enjoy your pictures. You have such a good eye.
    Sandy xx

  14. That is such an adorable tag Valerie! I love all the pretty spring photos too. :)

  15. Love the sweet kitty image, great tag. Love your beautiful photos as well. Not sure where the days are going. Have a great day. Anesha

  16. Cute tag and wonderful photos Valerie! I love seeing all the dandelions flowering this time of year 🌻

    1. Thanks, the dandelions are always beautiful!

  17. OMG. Look at those beautiful lilacs! Do they smell as good as they look?
    Your dancing kitty put a smile on my face.
    You got some great spring pics.

  18. I love your tag, that kitty is so cute in her tutu. Lovely photos too

    Joan x

  19. Adorable tag. Love the kitty. Beautiful flowers, but that dandelion made my heart sing. Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks CJ. I Love dandelions, too, they're so beautiful!

  20. Cute tag. But I adore Julie Andrews and that song!!!

  21. I could have danced all night ... a lovely song, which is now going round and round in my mind LOL!

    I love the tag and super photographs again.

    Happy mid-week wishes, I can't believe Wednesday will very soon be here.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, time flies! Funny how some songs buzz in your head all day! Have a great week!

  22. Like you I am not a fan of either. The tag the song inspired is really cute. Love it. The spring photos are great.

    Hugs and Blessings,

  23. I love your tag Valerie. it made me smile when I saw the image you used. Its a super tune you chose for your inspiration.
    I will be having my usual catch up now and as always the photos are lovely.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  24. I'm more familiar with the Marni Nixon version from the movie, and I've always liked it. The spring flowers are delightful! They always brighten things up :) I bought my first blooming plant -a salvia- yesterday.

  25. Awww that tag is so cute Valerie, love that cat! Gorgeous spring photos, the flowers are beautiful!
    Take care, Tammy

  26. That second photo is gorgeous.
    Have a day filled with sunshine and energy.

  27. That pink building with the lavender flowers is absolute perfection!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, there are lots of pretty places Here.

  28. I love your dancing kitty! So cute! Truly love all your happy Spring photos! Beautiful! Big Hugs!

  29. Your pink tag and dancing kitty had me wanting to dance. This was lovely.

    I also LOVE the window boxes in your town.

    1. The window boxes here are enviable, mine never look like that!

  30. Super duper gorgeous cattag🐱😻😺 im cat lover😸😻 congrats
    Have a great day 💐

    1. Thanks so much, who doesn't love those gorgeous creatures? Have a great week!

  31. Fantastic dancing cat and photos!
    Have a nice week

  32. I love that dancing kitty and she looks as if she's dreaming of the 'purrfect' partner, so sweet.
    Lovely Spring photos, our weather has turned very cold so there's lots of buds just waiting for some warm sunshine before they open - I don't blame them!
    Hugs, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril, I love that Kitty, too! It's cold here, too, but Sunny.

  33. oh you live in such a beautiful area my friend !

    i really thoroughly enjoyed the heavenly glimpses of your spring :)
    thank you so much for sharing!


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