
Saturday 6 March 2021

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - have a good one!

Today I have a collage to share for Sheila's single flower challenge at AJJ:

 The pictures were taken in a neighbouring town, Kettwig:

And a collage of some of the pics I took there:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful collage and thanks for the visit to Kettwig!

  2. This is my second try at posting a comment...
    I absolutely love your fantastic artwork!
    Stunningly beautiful!
    I love the warmth and the elegance!!!
    Your photos of are always delightful!

    Hugs ❤

  3. Hi Val, good morning. Love your Art today and the photos are wonderful. Have a great day, hugs from us all, Sarah!

    1. Hi Sarah, have a wonderful weekend, hugs to all!

  4. That postcard is so beautiful, I really can't call it collage!
    The blogspot does not want to cooperate ... I had to write the comment twice!
    Kettwig is very nice ... beautiful pictures!
    Hello Gorgeous, I wish you a very pretty Weekend! Hugs!

  5. Kettwig kenne ich nicht aber sieht schön aus dort mit den alten Häuser und Gassen!
    So schön Nostalgie pur deine Journalseite über die Natur, toll der Kugelfisch dazu.
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke liebe Elke, dir ein schönes Wochenende! Bleib gesund!

  6. What a fantastic post, love the wonderful colours and design. xx

  7. Lovely piece of art for the challenge. Absolutely adore the quaint town with its cobblestone streets!
    Have a great weekend ~ Deb

  8. There is something fishy about today's creation (groan!). Perhaps you have used our scaly friends before but I don't recall, infrequently in any event, so this fish has earned its place in the spotlight today. It was probably already up on my blog before I went to bed last night, so I guess we could refer to it as a Famous Fish on a Friday. Kettwig looks like a wonderful old town, with lots to interest a visitor. It would be a foolish woman who walked those cobbled streets in high heels! Perhaps soon you will visit there again, Valerie, and enjoy a pleasant stroll in warm, spring sunshine. Yesterday morning was minus 9 here, but by mid week the forecast is for ten degrees. That will get rid of the rest of the snow and clear the ground for the plants to start pushing through. It will be lovely! Hugs and kisses, David.

    1. Ah yes, a fish by any other name would smell as fishy.... it's a long time since I had a fish on my Blog! Kettwig is a very pretty place, but füll of cobble stones and steep stairs. It's cold here again, we had frost in the night, but the sun is shining which makes it lovely. Have a great Weekend, stay safe, hugs to you both!

  9. Thanks for the lovely yellow rose, Valerie, and I also rather like your fishy fish with his pretty fins. I think he is giving me the eye.
    Great photographs of a lovely town and I especially enjoy photos of doors and entrances.

    1. That fish is giving everyone the eye.... have a great Weekend!

  10. It's very beautiful journal page! And I like all the photos! Really charming town :)

  11. Lovely journal page. Kettwig looks so quaint with the beautiful half-timbered buildings. That door is awesome and I love the giant shoe at the shoe store. Have a lovely weekend.

  12. I love the timbered buildings. Kettwig looks just charming!

  13. Flowers and fish go together perfectly in my mind. Water and land. This is a cool collage. I typed collage wrong at first and it came out coollage, and that might be a good new word for your art. This is perfect. Nice visit photos to Kettwig. It looks like a classical beautiful place to see. Have a great weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Coolage, that's a great, new word! Kettwig is a pretty place, I like visiting there. Have a great weekend.

  14. Beautiful art Valerie! Thanks for sharing the photos too. That looks like a great place to stroll around for an afternoon. Have a great weekend, hugs!

  15. Gorgeous page/collage Valerie, I love the colors! Great photos I love that large hanging shoe! I hope you are doing well.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks, that Show is fun, I wonder what size it is?!

  16. Valerie, you would be surprised if you knew how many times I go to your blog for my European fix. Oh to be able to visit Kettwig. Europe and Europeans have a style and way of life that America does not have and cannot duplicate. Thank you for always sharing your delightful view of your world with us.
    Sandy xx

    1. Nice to see you around again! Europe really does have a different flavour to the Staates.

  17. Nice art. Interesting facades of the buildings in that town.

  18. Such a beautiful collage! I love the single rose - perfect 😁. The architecture is amazing, it's a pretty place to explore, thanks for sharing! Wishing you a wonderful weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! It is indeed a lovely place. Have a great weekend!

  19. Lovely creation. What a beautiful place with some amazing buildings. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs Anesha

  20. What a fabulous page Valerie - true beauties indeed! Guess where I am putting on my list of places to day? Kettwig looks so beautiful - you really do live in such a lovely area Valerie. Enjoy your weekend. Hugs, Chrisx

  21. I like the fish and flower combo. Beauties but so different :) Old trip photos bring back fond memories, but I know you'll be glad when you can get out there and take new photos :)

  22. Kettwig looks so scenic and clean. Love the collage.
    Hope you have a wondrous weekend.

  23. I do like your collage art.
    Kettwig looks very nice, thank you for sharing these photographs.

    Happy Weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, Kettwig is a great place to visit!

  24. Oh I love this, very impressive fish! Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

  25. Your artwork is beautiful. I love 'visiting' your country-thank you for so many nice photos!

    1. Thanks! Armchair travel is all that's possible these days!

  26. A beautiful vintage Rose I believe yellow is the colour of friendship? When ever I see a puffer fish it reminds me of the time my hubby brought a stuffed one home after finding it in the eves attic of a house he was renovating, it scared me but the children found it fascinating.. Love those pics, makes me really think of holidays. Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. Those fish are a Bit scary but beautiful!

  27. These are indeed beauties of nature. My grandmother would have LOVED this, because yellow roses were her favorite. Imaginative and perfect for Sheila's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    I love all that architecture. The boot hanging between the flower baskets was my favorite today.

  28. Ohhh I love this post. The art piece is brilliant and I really do love the photos.

  29. Oh how I wish I had known your blog before when I used to visit Dusseldorf. I am afraid I am not as physically fit as I was and probably unable to visit the areas you show to us so I just sit and let my mind wander looking at your blog. I so enjoy seeing the areas you visit, which I assume are near your own city. What a beautiful area Kettwig is.
    As is your journal page. I love the rose and the fact that you have painted it orange and the background is the perfect contrast of blue. Such a lovely page.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, I hope you can come here again!

  30. I love your cute art piece! LOL! So much fun! Great photos! Big Hugs!


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