
Thursday 18 March 2021

Thursday/Friday Post

 Hi Everybody!

Today I had some errands to do after my long stay in the hospital - had an appointment with my doctor, collected medicaments from the apothecary and then sorted them for the next week, which is quite a big job! I have to start relying on myself again to get all the jobs done! And I did have a lot of time with my feet up, just looking out of the window and being thankful that I got through everything so well. Thanks to all blog friends who supported and encouraged me while I was in the clinic and hospital. Some people have asked what was done at the hospital last week, and I will tell you about it sooner or later, but first I need to feel really well again and get some distance to it all.

 I am sharing a 20" x 20" piece I made in the creative therapy at the clinic. I painted an A3 piece with acrylic paints in vertical stripes, and then cut it horizontally into strips, which I wove together into a pattern, which I fixed to black card. I didn't try to get it straight, life is often woven together out of colourful strands and they don't need to be perfect:

I am linking to Rain's Thursday Art Date, diagonal

And I digitally added a single flower to this version so I can link to Sheila's challenge at AJJ, where I haven't been able to do very much up till now:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday.

More single flowers:

This 'flower' is a huge fungus:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. You were there a long time, go easy on yourself! Gorgeous art and beautiful photos as always Valerie. Big hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha, that's true. I'm always too ambitious and want everything done at once, but this time it's not going to work! Stay safe!

  2. So many beautiful flowers and the colours are wonderful.
    I like your art too.

    But most importantly you are now home, which is wonderful.
    Try to take things easier and regain your strength.

    Take good care, my very good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  3. Beautiful woven page and wonderful single flowers. So glad you got your medication sorted out and are settling back into your home.

    1. Thanks Christine. No team of nurses now to sort all the meds!

  4. Adorable colourful post and most gorgeous design. Sorry if I missed a post, got family here and they are out am catching up as much as I can ♥ Happy you are home. xx

    1. Thanks Annie. Have fun with your family, enjoy the time with them!

  5. Thanks Laurie! I am resting and tackling my various jobs here slwly by slowly!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well after your strenuous day. Be sensible (!!!!) and get plenty of rest, you need it after all that happened last week. One day at a time, and if you don't get anything done, just accept it! Love your beautiful art, and the flowers are gorgeous. Have a great da, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! You seem to know me well.... :) Hugs to you all!

  7. It must be wonderful to be getting out and about, back to normality {or what passes for normality at the moment} You must be truly appreciating the importance now of the simple, small, everyday things we may take for granted and the joy they bring through new eyes.

    I think your art is superb today, so full of colour and joy. We did similar in art collage, and took a stage further with painted fabric, cut and woven, then stitched together to make a new printed fabric for clothing. It was fun!

    Stay safe, stay well, hugs, Deb

    1. Yes, it's great to be home, but I did too much yesterday, so will stay home and rest today. I love weaving with paper, and have many pieces made with cloth, paper and 'nature bits', it's always so fascinating to see how things change and evolve while weaving. Have agret day, Deb, stay safe!

  8. Liebe Valerie,
    ruh dich aus und komme erst Mal an und wie du sagst genug zum kümmern hast du ja jetzt daheimwieder.
    Deine Arbeit ist grossartig, die Farben sind so schön bunt und passend zum Thema und dein Lebenstil, ich liebe so was und die Blume dazu ein Highlight.
    Schönen Fotos noch und ich freue mich so dass du wieder Daheim bist!
    Gute Besserung und einen erholsamen Tag nach all den Besorgungen!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Es ist sehr schön wieder Daheim zu sein, aber anstrengend, Keine Krankenpfleger die mir die Arbeit abnehmen. Langsam, langsam werde ich es schaffen! Heute bleib ich hier, Füße hoch, und ruhe mich aus! Alles Liebe Dir!

  9. Hello Gorgeous!
    How are you today?
    Your woven page is very beautiful, and so are the flowers!
    Have a very good day! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella! I am tired today, and resting, but it's so good to be here!

  10. Welcome home Valerie, so happy to read you are now home again after your long stay away. Your woven art work is something to reflect on like those days spent looking out of the window, maybe a piece you should frame to remember those times of thought, it's as if each stroke tells a tale. Sorry if I have missed anything this past week i've had computer issues after a bad update and not been able to log in since Saturday, hope it's all sorted now after a defrag and couple of resets.
    Care duties call, fingers crossed I can get a post together when I get back this evening without anymore gremlins.
    Take it easy now Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracy, glad you like the woven piece. I gave it to my doctor at the clinic as a farewell gift. Sorry about the computer woes, I know things like that too well! Hope all is now settled. Have a great day, take care!

    2. I hope the Doc has it pride of place.. Happy PPF lovely Hugs Tracey xx

    3. Thanks Sweetie! Have a great day!

  11. Was für schöne Blumen! Der Frühling kommt langsam! Und schön, dass du wieder zu Hause bist. Lass es dir gut gehen und werde gesund. :) Dein ,,Kunststück" ist so toll geworden. Mir gefallen die Farben total und der schwarze Hintergrund bringt sie nochmal richtig zum Leuchten. Hab einen schönen Tag!

    1. Viele Dank, es its so schön wieder Daheim zu sein, auch wenn es mit mehr Arbeit verbunden ist! Freut mich dass Dir den Gitter gefällt, sowas mag ich sehr gern! Dir einen schönen Tag!


  12. The flowers are beautiful and add charm to life. Have a good day:)

    1. Thanks so much Lucyna! Have a wonderful day!

  13. Welcome home. I bet you are glad to read those words.

    What an incredible weaving. This must have taken forever to create. I love how you turned it on the diagonal to share it with Rain this week, too. You have been missed at Rain's for awhile, now.

    Of course, the single flower for Sheila's theme at Art Journal Journey made me so happy. It's a beauty and so are all your wonderful photos of single flowers.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! It's good to be home. The woven piece took just over an hour from start to finish! It was my last creative therapy at the clinic so I wanted to have it done and dusted! Glad you like the flower, too!

  14. I'm so glad your home! Ease back into it all and find a new routine ~ Continue to take care of YOU :) I love the colorful woven designs and all the beautiful blooms this morning. Blessings to you!

    1. Thanks Karen, it's good to be back, but I still need a lot of time! And I'm going to take it! Have a lovely day, hugs, Valerie

  15. Apothecary - now there's a word I haven't heard in a long time. It has a quaint, old-fashioned air about it. I will have to try to use it soon! We generally refer to such an establishment as the drug store, or more formally the pharmacy. No doubt it feels quite wonderful to be home again, but I think it was quite churlish of the clinic not to assign you a cook and cleaner for the first several weeks at least. You will have to remember how to do for yourself. If I were there, I would come over and cook you a fine dinner, I really would, and we would sit afterwards and drink coffee, and discuss the state of the world, and how it would be so much better if only they would listen to us. Enjoy your freedom, Valerie. I hope that spring will surge forward with flowers, leaves and pleasant breezes for you to enjoy. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David! Just having a bit of fun with some old words, they sound so much nicer! I was wondering if anyone would react! It's good to be home, but a cook and cleaner would really be good, I've still got week knees and will need a couple of weeks to get over the after effects of the operations, and they are not pleasant! My meals are very simple just now, it will take some times before I can get back to hot and savoury! And my coffee intake is very limited, too. What a life! A friend came today and brought me some shopping, that was nice! Have a great day, take care, hugs to you both!

  16. Apothecary, took me by surprise. Old word fun to read today.
    Luv your response to diagonal prompt. Your flowers brightened my mood. Iam feeling a bit depressed for no good reason

    Stay creative.
    Stay safe
    Thanks for dropping by my blog


    1. Sorry you are feeling depressed, hope ou are soon better. I just feel like using a fun, old word today!

  17. Oh, I love you using the old words, apothecary, medicaments.....soon you will feel well enough to make a trip to the local haberdashery for the enjoyment of something new or needed. Such a pretty single flower with a dainty leafy vine. I imagine making that colorful master paper to cut into strips was a lot of fun. All the following single flower photos are beautiful.

    1. If we had a haberdashery shop I would pend a lot of time there!! Just felt like playing with words! Glad you like the weave, it was indeed fun!

  18. I was admiring the photos of the woven painted paper - then suddenly - the most beautiful Single Flower, white spotted blue with the bright orange centre, just jumps out of the page. Thanks very much, Valerie, for this lovely flower for our challenge, just after you got home even.
    I think you might feel a little strange to be at home at first? -thinking of how it feels even after a short holiday, but definitely a great place to be.
    How good it is to see the photos of Real Live Single Flowers with so much inspiration there, thanks for that too.

    1. Glad you like the flower on the weave! It feels very strange to be home again, I have no button to press when I need something! I'm still feeling really groggy, so trying to rest as much as possible! Have a great day!

  19. Good morning Valerie, Your post is so lovely. The flowers are gorgeous-and I needed to see these to brighten my day-we have had soooo much rain every day since last weekend, so it's gloomy here. Your art always inspires me and I am so happy for you that you are back home.
    Hoping everything goes well now hugs

    1. Thanks Kathy! It's still gloomy and cold here, but next week will be better! Have a great day, stay safe!

  20. Your woven piece is lovely. The added flower and scroll perfect it. Gorgeous photos of flowers. I love close up shots that capture all the intricate detail.

    1. Thanks Teresa. I love flower close ups, too, so many wonderful details!

  21. So glad you are back home again. Love your creation, the colours are amazing and I adore the weave. Hope you feel yourself again real soon. Sending lots of healing prayers. Anesha x

    1. Thanks Anesha, much appreciated!! Have a great day!

  22. Since you are like me and like freebies, here's a freebie that starts today and has posts for two weeks. This is the sign-up link:

    1. Thanks E, I will head over there and have a look-see. Free is always good!

  23. Hope you are feeling stronger everyday. I really like how you created this piece and oh those flower shots are wonderful. Have a very nice day today.

  24. I am so glad that you are back at home. Nothing like Home Sweet Home. I like the painted strips of paper you made. And your ways of linking to various art challenges with flowers. Blessings!

    1. Thanks so much! It's great to be in my own 4 walls again!

  25. So glad that you are home and now a speedy recovery. You woven piece is very pretty and I like the explanation. Gorgeous flower pics. I especially like the dandelion with the one seed ready to take off to grant a wish. Take care.

  26. i love flowers:) they are so amazing plants;)

  27. Beautiful flowers, especially this rose 😊

  28. I'm glad your home Valerie and hope you continue to heal. Gorgeous artwork, I love how colorful it is and you added the perfect flower to the woven design! Beautiful photos today!
    Hugs, Tammy

  29. I'm so glad you are home and I will look forward to hearing about your hospital times. I love your pretty paper quilt and those blooms are gorgeous!

  30. It must be wonderful to be home. You've been gone quite awhile. I hope you are feeling better, but good to relax after doing all those needed chores. I love the weaving. Those colors are great. And nice flower photos too. Take it easy and relax so you get 100%b soon. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I am trying hard, but things aren't so easy yet!

  31. Such a beautiful post! I love your happy art and I love all the gorgeous flowers! Thank you! So happy you are home! Keep resting and taking care of you! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks Stacy, I am doing my best! Stay safe!

  32. Beautiful flowers! I hope you feel all better soon, blessings!

  33. It must be much more relaxing for you being home after such a long time and I'm glad you've been able to take it easy. The paper weaving looks so colourful and makes a great background for the stunning flower. Lovely flower photos and that fungus is amazing.
    Have a great day, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril. It's good to be back home, and I need to rest, the operations there have left me very weak and shaky, but it will get better over time!

  34. It good to read that you are settling back home and you are recovering from the operations and stay in the clinic and hospitals,
    there is no place like home.
    The page with the woven strips looks amazing, a super background for the pretty flower as well. All the photos looked lovely as well.
    Stay safe and look after yourself.
    Yvonne xx

  35. Love your woven piece, fabulous colours. So pleased you are back home and don't rattle too much with all those pills. Gorgeous flower photos, thank goodness for Spring.

    1. Thanks Wendy. It really is a wonder that I am not rattling!

  36. Life is a woven tapestry that your art project expresses so well. An added flower is the optimism we need to make everything we go through worthwhile. :)

  37. Home, sweet home. Enjoy and relax, take time to recover.
    Beautiful post!
    Happy PPF!

    1. Indeed. I still need a Lot of time, but I'll get there in the end. Happy PPF!

  38. I love your woven piece, and the page you created with digitally it Valerie.
    Beautiful blooms too.
    Take care of yourself, and have a good weekend.
    Alison xx

  39. Hope you are relaxing and taking it easy now your home 😁. Your woven page is gorgeous, the colours look amazing and contrast beautifully with the flower and foliage that you added - gorgeous! So lovely to see all those flowers too, I hope you made a wish when you saw the dandelion blowing in the wind 😉. Take care and wishing you a happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, I never miss the opportunity to wish for something!

  40. There really is no place like home. May you soon be well, Valerie.
    Lovely colourful artwork.
    The flowers are beautiful. I’ve never seen a fungus flower before. I love it.
    Have a lovely weekend...

    1. Thanks Dixie! The fungus flower was huge, about 24" in diameter. Enjoy your Weekend!

  41. I loved the acrylic on it's own and then loved the addition of the flower. So beautiful.

    1. Thanks Annie, happy PPF, have a great weekend!

  42. I like that woven piece, and it's the perfect background for that flower. Great flower closeups! and so many pretty colors :)

  43. Beautiful artwork, very wise words and fabulous photos. Have a great weekend. Michelle x

  44. Beautiful woven artwork and gorgeous floral macro shots ~ Sending you lots of healing hugs for a great recovery ~ Xox

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  45. Happy Paint Party Friday


  46. Take all the time you need, and rest well. I love your bright and cheerful woven art!! And your flower photos are just stunning! Gotta love the fungi flower:) Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda, I really need time. Being old and sick sucks! Happy PPF!

  47. I think last time I did any weaving was ages ago, like grade school. Lovely flowers
    Happy PPF
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Thanks Dora. Art takes us back to basics! Have a great Weekend!

  48. Loved seeing all of your floral hotographs, some beautiful flowers and photography there.
    I do get enjoyment myself from weaving strips of painted card and I also move it about a bit to change it from squares to diamonds. Again some beautiful strong colours here and the addition of the single flower in that gorgeous shade of turquoise is beautiful.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Weaving is something very satisfying, and I love it!

  49. Ah! Lovely collection of flowers!

  50. What a wonderful piece, I always love your paper weaving. Although you must be so glad to be home it must also be quite daunting having to do everything yourself after such a long time being away. Take care, and take it slowly, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, it's great to be home, but as you say, a bit difficult at the same time!

  51. Hi Valerie! :)) ♥♥ I'm happy to hear you are home and doing well! Your flowers are just so beautiful, they bring warmth and comfort to my heart when I see them. I LOVE your reminds me of when I used to weave. Very pretty! :)

  52. A fabulous post Valerie! Love how you added this beautiful flower to your woven piece! Loved seeing all those single flowers - the purple Iris is my favourite! Hugs, Chrisx

  53. My goodness Valerie - I have to scroll down forever to leave a comment!
    I love the colors in your woven piece - it could definitely stand alone without anything added. I have always enjoyed your pictures. You are one talented lady!
    Valerie, you had so many medical tests - that in itself would make anyone sick.
    I hope you are feeling better and stronger everyday.
    Sandy xx

  54. This was one of my fave pieces, I enjoy making weaves. I am starting to feel better! Have a great week! Hugs!


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