
Monday 15 March 2021

T sTands for being in hospiTal!

 Hi Everybody! 

Today I am writing a short post from my hospital bed, which is very comfortable. I still have more examinations and tests to get through tomorrow, and if all is well I can go home on Tuesday. For the past few days I was on a fluid diet, just water, herb tea and clear broth, so was happy to be served some real food today. I got rice pudding for lunch and a slice of bread with Quark, a sort of cream cheese and jam for my evening meal. Strange how things you don't usually like taste so good now!

I can't access my photos taken here yet, so a few old pics stored on my tablet will have to do for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party. Happy T Day to all! They are certainly things I've been dreaming of:


And I have some cloud photos from 2019:

Have a great week, take care,
And thanks for visiting


  1. Wishing you the best Dear Valerie.

  2. Thinking of you Valerie, glad you got to eat some real food that tasted good to you.

    1. If you've had no food for 4 days everything tastes good!

  3. Your diet sounds very bland and boring compared to the delish photo you added here, thinking of you and sending healing hugs from down Under.xx 🍔 and a healthy burger.x

  4. Sending you good wishes and hopefully you'll be home Tuesday. Then you can have a better T than the hospital food sounds. But I bet after a liquid diet anything tastes good. Sending hugs and good karma. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I never knew how good bread and jam could taste!

  5. Oh, Valerie, I hope you get to go home Tuesday.I don't care what the photos are in your post as long as I hear words like "go home" and read about food that wasn't liquid! All good thoughts that your tests will be fine and you'll be out of there!

  6. Hi Valerie, am sure hoping you can come home soon and everything will be sorted out.
    I always enjoy your sky photos-hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, let's hope it will be tomorrow!

  7. Sending hugs your way, Valerie, and sending recovery wishes to you! I hope you are okay and get well soon :) xx

  8. Hunger will certainly change our perception of food we didn't like! Hope all goes well and on Tuesday you will go home. Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Den, you're so right! I've been practising walking along the corridor this morning!

  9. Hope it all goes well and you get to go home soon. Take care. Anesha x

  10. Keep looking at all those pictures taken during normal times, Valerie. I hope that normalcy will begin to return for you when you walk through your own door tomorrow, and that conditions will improve for everyone, with universal vaccinations. Did they give you your shots while you were at the clinic, by the way? It has been a long haul for you, almost three months away from home if I am not mistaken. You are long overdue a respite from all of this. And Quark will be something in outer space, not a compound smeared on bread to eat! Hugs and kisses, David.

    1. Thanks David. I'm so looking forward to going home again! I've been away for14 weeks. We didn't get shots at the clinic but we're regularly tested. Quark is a delicious cream cheese, I am Sure people in space would Love it! Have a great week, it was lovely to see your photos of Lily! Big hugs! Valerie

  11. Ok ~ I need to catch up and read back! I hope you get to go home tomorrow ~ 14 weeks is a long time to be away. Blessings and coffee wishes to you ~ Love, Karen

    1. Thanks Karen! Blessings and ☕☕☕ coffee wishes, what could be nicer!? Have a great week!

  12. I hope all goes well and you can get back to your beloved cappuccino, treats, and real food. The sky photos are so beautiful and hopeful. Blue skies and clouds with silver linings. Take care and Happy T Day

    1. Thanks CJ. Clouds with silver linings are what we need!

  13. Beautiful photos. I hope all goes well and you'll be on your way home soon. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha, I am looking forward to going home!

  14. Hello, Gorgeous!
    I hope so that everything will go well with you and that you will be able to go home! Sending you lots of love and blissful wishes for you to recover as soon as possible!

    1. Thanks Sweetie! I should be back home again tomorrow!

  15. Sending all healing and going home energy. Glad you were able to get a bit of solid foods too. I really like your mug and the photos are beautiful.

  16. I hope you get good results from your tests and that you can get back home soon. Real food of your own choosing will come soon, and I know you'll be glad. Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks a lot! Real good, sounds like a dream!

  17. Ooh Valerie, no food - that's torture! I do hope you get to go home tomorrow, I bet you can't wait! Take care and take things easy, Sue xx

  18. Great sky photos Valerie and that pasta looks delicious! Thanks for your comment, I am so happy you get to go home tomorrow!! Sending you BIG Hugs!
    Take care, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! I'm more than happy to be going home tomorrow!

  19. thank U for tbis blog coffee;)

  20. Beautiful skies! Hoping you'll be able to get out and enjoy your walks again soon.
    Take care,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison! Have a great week! Hugs, Valerie

  21. I can't believe it's been 14 weeks since you have been staying at the clinic. I'm simply delighted to read you are going home and hopefully all is now well. This is the best news I could hear.

    Love the photos from before. I would gladly join you for a cappuccino or a bowl of pasta.

    Lovely sky and cloud photos, too, dear. Thanks for sharing these with us and finding a great way to join us for T this Tuesday. Broth and tea sound terrible. Solid food sounds wonderful!!!

    1. Thanks. Broth and herb tea is not the thing for Coffee lovers!

  22. Fingers crossed you get great results from the tests and you can go back home. Wonderful cloud photos.

  23. That is an unbelievably long stay in the hospital. Our hospitals never have people there that long — they transfer to other types of facilities. I hope you recover soon.

    I did a little research project on quark one time. Here’s a link if it would amuse you:

    best... mae

    1. Thanks Mae, I will ready the project when I get back home!

    2. I read it, thanks! Very interesting. Quark is always loved by big and small!

  24. Hi Valerie, sorry to read you're still in hospital, good luck for tomorrow's tests and fingers crossed that you get home this week.
    Avril xx

  25. Praying you can go home on tuesday!!! Thank you for the gorgeous photos!! Big Hugs! Love you!!

  26. Sorry to hear that you are in the hospital. Hopefully the tests point to the issue and I hope you are able to go home soon. Love that mug with the cow.
    Happy Tea Day,

  27. I enjoyed seeing those beautiful clouds in your photographs.

    Sending my good wishes and hoping you will be back at home on Tuesday (later today).

    All the best Jan

  28. Valerie I'm so sorry you are still in the hospital after all this time, being away from T day I didn't realise, I hope you get to go home and it must be lovely to have some solid food at last.
    I really love the mug with the cow on it and the lovely photos.
    Take Care, sending virtual hugs
    Jan S

    1. Thanks Jan, I arrived home this morning, so happy to be here. Now I need to rest and recover from the journey!


  29. Beautiful photos, great that you can eat now.

  30. Your getting real food!! That is good news Valery! Loving your choice of photos today and enjoy your bed rest.

    1. Thanks Pinky! Good tastes so good when you are hungry!

  31. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers dear Valerie. I do hope you will be home very soon and will be able to enjoy your favorite foods and drinks again. Cloud formations are always so beautiful and can definitely stir the imagination:) Get well soon, and happy T day!

    1. The Linda, I am back home! I have to stick to my diet for a couple of weeks, but that's okay! Happy T Day!

  32. I hope you have had a good day and are enjoying something more normal! Those things you have been thinking about will soon be available to you! Love those cloud pics, Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! Today I had some bread, a yogurt and an egg - eggstravagant! Have a great week!

  33. Wishing you well! I hope all the tests are going well so you are home soon 😀. The cow mug made me smile and that pasta looks delicious. Those cloud filled skies with the sunshine are gorgeous too! Take care and wishing you a Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  34. How great that you can compose a post from your hospital bed! I am so sorry to hear you are there. I have missed a whole month of tea parties, so wasn't aware of your situation. I hope your tests come back good. I see you are already home. Best wishes to you Valerie, and thank you that you even visited my blog. Hugs.

    1. Thanks Sharon! This was a first doing a post in bed, a true 'bed-post'! The last tests were good, and it was great to come home yesterday! Happy T Day, take care!

  35. I hope you are home now. (14 weeks is a long time), and that you found everything as you left it.
    I smiled at your comments about food tasting nice when you have not been able to eat what you want, and then all of a sudden you are allowed to eat. My hubby can empathize with that. And quark? I wish I could get it here. Lidl sometimes sell it in small post, but I want big pots so I can make cheesecake with it. All my cheesecake recipes use quark (from the time I lived in Holland).
    I'm sorry to be commenting late, but hope you had a lovely T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca, I am Home! How do people live without Quark?! Don't worry about being late, you have enough on your plate! Hugs!

  36. Oh Valerie, how on earth did you manage on a liquid diet? I would have been chewing the bed clothes. I am sure after a short while on a diet like that anything would taste good.
    Hugsm, Neet xx

    1. It wasn't easy! After 4 days I was even thankful for white bread and jam, and rice pudding was luxury....


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