
Tuesday 16 February 2021

New Challenge at TIOT

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT and our theme is

Oh so cute.

Projects of all formats are welcome, and you have 2 weeks to link to us. Have a look at the wonderful inspiration from my teamies on our blog!

I made a digital piece using elements from me, Mischief Circus and Serif: 

I am also linking to my heavy metal challenge at AJJ.

Some photos taken here in the park and house:

An old fresco in a corridor:

This was the day before the big snow came:

Taken through the insect screen:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. LOVE your art! And the photos are gorgeous!

  2. That silly kitty is perfect for the new challenge. Definitely my idea of cute too, as I don't have a preference between cats or dogs as they are really so different. And perfect for your fun challenge too Valerie. And I enjoyed your winter photos. Seems we're all having some tough weather this month. Happy early T day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! This month is füll of weather surprises! Hugs, Valerie

  3. I love your kitty art, the eyes are perfect! Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos too. It's already getting hot here in Florida.

    1. Thanks Martha! Still cold Here but getting better!

  4. Fabulous cat art, too cute. . ♥

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are feeling better day by day! The builders are almost finished, that's great! Love your gorgeous kitty and photos. Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Glad the work is almost finished. Have a great day, hugs to you all!

  6. Hello gorgeous!
    That crazy kitten is beautiful. I am definitely a cat lady. She is perfect for your fun challenge!. I enjoyed your winter photos because the snow is melting here.
    Have a Happy T day. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Sweetie, I love crazy Cats, too! The snow has melted here now.

  7. Thanks for making me smile Valerie - your cat piece is fun - what a fab expression it has on its face :) Great photos. The rain yesterday took the last of our snow away. Have a lovely day... Gill x

  8. That cat looks pretty self satisfied. I am sure it knows that is has human staff that will think even its worst offences are mere jollity. You have serious snow there, Valerie, to rival a scene right here in Ontario where we know what winter is. But at least you don't have to shovel it. I am sure that my driveway will need two sessions today. We were supposed to receive quite a bit of snow overnight, but it appears that has not happened - yet! Last night I made haddock, with Asian rice and a Greek salad for dinner. It's a bit of an odd combination I admit, but it was all very tasty. I cooked the haddock by breading it and frying it very lightly to just crisp up the coating on each side, and then I finished it by baking it in the oven for about twelve minutes, and it really turned out perfectly. This may be my new technique! Never say an old dog can't learn new tricks. Au revoir, my dear, hasta la vista, so long for now. David

    1. Hi David. The temps have gone from -12 to +10 almost over night, the snow is melting and dripping everywhere. Your Haddock supper Sounds wonderful, great Idea. Take care of yourself, don't shovel too much! Big hugs to you both!

  9. What a cute page! That cat is so adorable and I love the words you added, such fun 😀. Wow, your snowy wonderland photos are amazing! Loved the setting/rising sun with the snow - beautiful! Wishing you a wonderful week! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. The snow was beautiful but so cold and slippery! Have a great week!

  10. Been out for a while and lot of catching up to do on your blog VJ.

  11. An adorable page Valerie, the cat looks so cute and has a sweet innocent look on its face.
    Once again I am enjoying my catch up, The snowy photos looked lovely, I hope you weren't outside in the cold for long.
    Stay safe and well
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Good to see you again. It's warmer Here today.

  12. Super cute art piece Valerie! LOVE your imagery and how you do digital!! And gorgeous photos as well!! Have a fantastic week! ((HUGS)) Helen

  13. Wonderful 'kitty' creation ~ so cute! and great photos as always ~

    Moment by Moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Ahhh that kitty made me smile!!! What beautiful photographs of the snow, love Hazel (GDT on TioT) x

  15. This cat really is SO cute! I loved this from the first time I saw it! The snow looks beautiful but I'm pleased that the temperatures are rising again now - I am guessing the same for you! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, the picture reminds me of my Kitty! The snow is melting, the temps are rising, that's good!

  16. Oh what a cute and fun page Valerie, I love that cat! Great snowy pictures, stay warm and take care!
    Hugs, Tammy

  17. Your snowy scenes are lovely and what a cute, funny page. hugs, Teresa

  18. Beautiful artwork Valerie! I am loving your snowy photos but I was so glad our snow did not stay around long! Temperatures have risen here, a lot! So hoping for time in the garden when we get some painting done indoors! Hope you are feeling good today. Take care xx

    1. Thanks Pinky. The temps are rising here, too and I am not sad! Have fun in the garden! Take care!

  19. If you have to be away from home, you certainly are in a lovely spot. It's very pretty. (That screen photo gives a lot of texture, which I rather like!). The cat in your art piece looks how I feel today!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, it's very pretty here! I hope you haven't been rolling around on the floor with a ball of wool!

  20. This cat on the picture is veyr fine ;)

  21. VERY fun picture and page, Valerie. Definitely cute!!!!

    Great pictures you shared too - you have such an eye! I so enjoy visiting you!!!

  22. This fun and cute cat make me smile!

  23. Beautiful photos Valerie, and your art made me smile!
    Alison xx

  24. We actually have snow on the ground here for a change lol, but it's nice to see your lovely scenes :)

  25. This kitty is oh so cute. Well done. You have such a great eye for photography. No thank you on the snow. Have a warm day.

    1. Thanks Nicole. Who needs snow and freezing cold?!

  26. Yest this is definitely beyond cute lol. Those snowy pictures look wonderfull too. Have a happy week, Sue xx

  27. Such cute and fun art :)

    Love the snowy scenes.

    All the best Jan

  28. Thanks for the smile and laugh! Love your art piece!!! You take such cool and interesting pictures! Amazing! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks Stacy! My kitty was just like that, she was a sweetie!

  29. Love the kitty! I saw it on TIOT and had to come over and see more, so cute! Elle xx

  30. That's a really cute kitty Valerie, i'm sure if my MIL still had her cat it would be saying the same thing, she's forever shouting at her rolling wool ball hee hee..
    Oh my look at that snowfall, has it melted yet? It all disappeared over night her.
    Off to see more as it's Friday YAY!!! Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks! Cats are so cute! The snow has now melted away!

  31. That page made me laugh - the cat is so cute!
    Lovely snowy photos and the one taken through the screen looks like a tapestry,
    Hugs, Avril xx

  32. Gorgeous snow photographs, especially the ones with the sun shining golden on them, and the old frescos. Wow those old frescos will provide you with some lovely backgrounds for future work.
    That is one cute cat, just the kind of position they. often get themselves into - what a fun page this is.
    Hugs Neet x

    1. Thanks. The cat reminds me of my Kitty when she was young!


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