
Wednesday 24 February 2021

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

We have been enjoying warm and sunny weather here these past days, with spring flowers instead of the ice and snow, which made everybody happy!

Today I am sharing an A3 mixed media collage on black paper. The honeycomb, gears etc were  stenciled, the insects are stickers which I framed with gold dots:

I am linking to my heavy metal challenge at AJJ

10 days ago we were stamping and sliding through ice and snow, even the moat at Castle Kalkum was covered in ice. We visited there again this Sunday, and enjoyed watching the beginnings of spring:

The bike is also no longer covered in snow:

We visited the alpacas:

They were just as interested in us:

What a difference a few days can make!

Have a great day take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful mixed media. So nice to see spring come to your area!

  2. Wow what a huge difference in such a short amount of time! Beautiful art and great photos Valerie. Enjoy your warmer weather and signs of spring!

  3. Brilliant collage VJ ! Some lovely country side photos;!

  4. Fabulous work here and adorable pics of spring approaching in your world. Our summer we never had at all this year is at it's end....xx

  5. How JOYful to see Spring springing forth again, bringing with it the hope that we, too, shall return from the days of pandemic. Got to love those Alpacas!
    Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb! Sitting outside in the sun Just now!

  6. Your mixed media rendition is captivating, Valerie, especially with birds and insects featured so prominently. It looks as though your region has been transformed from winter to spring almost overnight and I am sure that everyone welcomes the transition. You don't tell us who the lovely lady in the pictures is. A companion from the clinic perhaps? An old friend come to visit? Alpacas seem to have been introduced around the world. I see them here and I am not sure whether It is for their meat or their wool. Sometimes a farm has one or two, and I assume they are pets in small numbers like that, but sometimes there are large numbers, and there is doubtless a commercial aspect to it. I tried a new, upscale grocery store yesterday. Very nice, but quite pricey, and I don't think I will be going there often. Have a great day! Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David. It did indeed change from deep freeze to spring almost over night. The lady is a friend. The alpacas are kept for their wool, I love to see them on the meadows. We have some very upscale shops here, too, but I mostly shop at the discounter. Today and yesterday we were able to sit outside in the sun, what a treat! And we saw more formations of cranes flying overhead, most impressive! Look after yourself, hugs to you and Miriam!

  7. What a change in such a short period of time! Lovely spring flowers :)

    1. Thanks, the transition was very quick this year!

  8. What lovely scenery. We still have a covering of snow, but we haven’t gotten much this winter. Another good snowstorm would do our farmlands good and set them up for spring.
    Your art page is meaningful and so is the quote.
    Hugs from Canada,

  9. Hi Val, hope you are well. Love your beautiful Journal page with the golden head, and the photos are great, so good to See spring flowers. Hugs from us all, Sarah

  10. Very fine post 😊 have a nice day 😊

  11. It;s so good to see spring somewhere!

  12. Love the collage and always enjoy the photos.

    Hugs and Blessings,

  13. Good visual therapy. Nothing like appreciating nature, God's wonders.

  14. Love the gold dots around the insect critters.
    The photos: breathtaking.
    Stay safe. Be well.

  15. Really beautiful art. Wow, the difference in just a weeks time. It is so pretty there.

    1. Thanks Nicole, the weather changed very rapidly!

  16. Great art piece Valerie, my reaction was ooohhh hexies as you know I enjoy sewing them 😄 wonderful to see signs of spring coming.

  17. I think you should make a book, with your art and the quotes you put with them! I would buy it! All of them touch my heart, so much!! Thank you!!! And, thank you for the beautiful Spring photos! I want to take an Alpaca home! LOL! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks Stacy, it's so good to see flowers growing again. The alpacas are sweet!

  18. Not sure how I keep missing these posts Valerie think I need to have a good clean up of my blog list, isn;t Spring amazing it's like someone has opened the curtains and let the light in. Your face gives food for thought, as it shimmers in gold. Not heard that saying before but i'll be sure to remember it. Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S those Alpaca's are great x

    1. Thanks Tracey, spring is really amazing! Have a great day!

  19. So nice to see all of our photographs ... fabulous.

    All the best Jan

  20. You have real spring already. We had gorgeous warmth today, and the snow is melting, but real spring is still a ways off. Sadly for me. But this is good for you. I love when you make your heads and this one is particularly interesting with the honeycomb and bees. We must be on the same wavelength as you will see next week when we start a new challenge. Enjoy your weather and those spring flowers too. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, spring is always welcome. Good that we have some shared ideas! Looking forward to seeing your page!

  21. What a lovely idea to frame the insects with the gold dots, it really lifts them on the page as the head is definitely the star attraction. A great page again Valerie.
    I so enjoyed seeing the photographs from the Castle, so many interesting places around the area that I did not know about or I would have visited. And I thought I had done my homework on the area! Was that you or a friend in the photographs? Loved seeing the alpacas - they are a curious animal aren't they, so cute looking but definitely with a quizzical look on their faces so much of the time.
    Stay safe, Hugs Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! There are lots of castles around here, all worth looking at! That's a friend in the pictures. The alpacas are indeed cute and pretty! Stay safe!

  22. What a difference! It looks like full-on spring! We're getting a melt and two weeks of above-freezing weather. I don't think we'll look like this, but it's a start. I adore the alpacas!

    1. The alpacas are always so sweet, I love watching them!

  23. A wonderful quote and a beautiful page! Love the alpacas too! xx

  24. I love this, your heads are always really special. The photo's are fab too, those alpacas look very pleased to see you xx

  25. Some more beautiful words and love the bees to illustrate the sting of unkindness. Very cool page. You do some great head pages!

    Love the pictures - especially the alpacas. Very cool place to walk! I would walk there often if I lived there! Hugz

  26. I love how you used your head!! Love the creatures and the honeycomb - clever idea! Your walk looks fabulous so many signs of Spring in those grounds! The real treat was seeing the Alpacas - i love seeing them when we go to the Wool Show - don't think it will be on again this year sadly! Hugs, Chrisx


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