
Saturday 23 January 2021

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing you all a great weekend!

Today I am sharing 2 pieces made recently. The first is a mixed media floral collage, 8" x 8". The background was brayered with left over paint. The flowers and leaves were embossed with distress embossing powder. The bee was stamped, and I sewed the edges:

I am linking to Erika's favourite things challenge at AJJ

This is another mixed media A4 album I made, now I can sew the signatures for it:

Today I am sharing some photos from a trip to Zons, a little medieval town on the other side of the Rhine. We visited 2 years back, before we had heard of Corona...Blogger has reversed the order of the photos, but they're still worth looking at!

This friendly lady was out shopping with her cat:

This is the restaurant where we ate:

This photo was taken on the Düsseldorf side of the Rhine, while we were waiting for the ferry to come over and collect us:

I will share the rest of the pics next week.
Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!



  1. Both of these pieces are beautiful. So different and so beautiful. Really lovely photos too. Have a nice evening.

  2. Beautiful mixed media pieces and thanks for sharing these lovely photos!

  3. Beautiful art Valerie and I love the photos too. My favorite is the lady out shopping with her cat. I don't think I've ever seen someone shop with their cat before! Have a great weekend :)

    1. The cat lady was a first for me, too! Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Thanks Laurie, enjoy your weekend!

  5. Deine Kunstwerke sind wieder wundervoll geworden. Ich liebe deine verschiedene Gestaltungstechniken mit dem Pulver und mit den Glitzer!
    Zons o ja das ist wunderschöne Stadt, ich war auch immer begeistert wenn wir dort waren. Schön es wieder durch dich aufleben zu lassenmeien Erinnerung.
    Schönes Wochenende wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Zons ist eine wunderbare Ort, ich fahre immer wieder gerne dorthin. Dir ein schönes Wochenende, bleib gesund!

  6. Your collage is giving me a case of Spring fever. I like the rich colors of your book cover. Zons looks like a fun, little town with its happy red and white bunting. That lady's cat is a big boy or girl, I wonder how she manages to shop with kitty in her arms? One of the brick arches reminds me of pictures I've seen of Rothenberg. I hope it won't be long that we can go back to eating out in restaurants. Take care.

    1. Thanks! We are all longing for spring! That Kitty was huge!


  7. I am delighted with your work. Beautiful photos from a beautiful city. The cat in the photo is wonderful. Have a nice weekend.:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna, glad you Like the Cat! Have a great Weekend!

  8. Still playing catch up. I'm trying (I can hear you saying VERY trying under your breath)!

    The page you created for Erika's theme is stunning. I always love it when you sew. And of course, that background is amazing, too. It's another wonderful entry for AJJ.

    WOW, your cover is stellar. I truly LOVE the colors and the design you created for it. Wonderful.

    Loved the restaurant, the flower boxes, and the incredible architecture you shared with us in photos today, dear. Hope all is well with you.

    1. Yes, very trying - how well you know me! Have a wonderful weekend, hugs!

  9. What a charming town. I love places like this -- they are quite enchanting, a world apart. Loved both the art pieces today!

  10. Gorgeous page and flowers, I love the texture with the embossing powders! Awesome pictures of the that Medieval town and what a great photo of that lady shopping with her cat! Enjoy your weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

  11. I especially love the first piece, so pretty.
    And the woman shopping with her cat. How cool. Wouldn't be happening with mine.
    Take special care.

  12. Good morning Valerie: The first piece with a bee and flowers will warm the heart of any naturalist. Given the dire state of pollination anything that highlights the vital connection between insects and plants is very welcome indeed. Apart from the theme, the piece is simply lovely as a stand alone work of art. Well done! I can see why you enjoy meandering through Zons. What a charming little town! There is so much history on every corner in Europe, something sorely lacking in North America, and we just don't have warm little urban centres of this nature. And the restaurant where you stopped for lunch looks very inviting. I am sure you had something very tasty followed by a coffee or two. The weekend is here. Enjoy it to the fullest. Winter has finally arrived in southern Ontario. It is minus 12 degrees, but bright and sunny with not a breath of wind. Perfect for a walk which is what Miriam and I will be doing this afternoon. Hugs and kisses from across the miles. David

    1. The David, need and insects are so vital for us all. Sons is really a gem, very beautiful and charming. More photos to follow! I always drink coffee, I need to stay hydrated!. Enjoy your wintry weekend! Hugs to you and Miriam.

  13. Life before we'd heard of Coronavirus. It's been a year now. Love your work today, especially the yellow flowers and bee one. That kindly lady's cat could be on a lead.
    Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks, let's hope we get our life back one day! Stay safe!

  14. I love the dimensional effect you made... but zons looks like a wonderful place to explore... one day, sigh

  15. Beautiful art. Medieval architecture looks nice.

  16. The texture and colors on your page are wonderful, and I love that album! It's particularly striking.

  17. I love your bee art and your journal cover is amazing!! I love seeing the history in the buildings! I want to go shopping with my cat! LOL! Big Hugs!

  18. The bee page is such a wonderful summery page Valerie. It is bitterly cold here today and that summer page is just what the doctor ordered. That is a gorgeous journal cover too. Very striking and eye catching. Zons looks like a wonderful day trip. I hope day trips are back sooner rather than later. Hope all is well and you are having a nice weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I am doing well, Hope you are, too. It snowed all night, glad I don't have to shovel it! Stay Safe!

  19. Awesome design here and fantastic bees, colours and spectacular photos. xx

  20. A great page Valerie, love the textures you created with the embossing and your journal cover looks amazing, such wonderful textures there too
    Great photos of Zons, it looks very quaint and a lovely place to visit - life before virus! Let's hope the vaccine is the way out and we can get back to normal life.
    Stay safe, Hugs, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril! We are all longing to be out and about again, let's stay hopeful!

  21. What a beautiful little town! I hope you'll soon be able to go walking around in interesting places again.

    be safe... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae. It is indeed a lovely place to visit!

  22. Great collage page - I love the bee and the sewing. The journal you made is amazing. Looks like a ton of texture on it. Very impressive. Love the pictures - looks like a beautiful place! Hugz

  23. Two very different pieces, but both look great Valerie! I love the photos too.
    Hope you had a lovely weekend,
    Alison xx

  24. Thanks Alison, have a great week!

  25. I do like both of your pieces.
    So nice to look back at photographs, looks a great time, and a nice place.

    Hope your weekend was good.

    All the best Jan

  26. Your collage looks great - love how the flowers are positioned and how they melt into your page! Your album looks so beautiful - get drama with those colours! Great to see Zons! Hugs, Chrisx

  27. Lovely collage, looks nice and textural but it is the album that blew me away. Maybe it was the blue touch in it but it really has got something about it that made me have a sharp intake of breath. Thank you for sharing. It is lovely.
    The little town you visited is so picturesque, how lucky to have it on your doorstep - well close by. So enjoyed the photographs.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. The album was a lot of work, but I like it! Now I can fill it with nice things! Stay safe!


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