
Saturday 2 January 2021

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you were all able to celebrate the coming of 2021, and let's hope it will be better and brighter than the last one! We had a beautiful celebration at the clinic, very festive and the staff decorated the room beautifully for us.

Today I have another 'numbers' tag to share at Tag Tuesday, where Pinky's theme is numbers:

I don't know about you, but I'm longing for spring, as it's a cold, grey and dismal day here, so I'm sharing some spring photos to tide us over the grey days:

Let's look forward to better, healthier and safer times, and may the sun shine for us all!
Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Happy New Year Wishes.
    I really enjoyed seeing all of your spring photographs as it has been very grey and cold in my part of the UK recently, hopefully some sunshine soon!

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  2. I am so glad you had a nice New Year's Eve celebration Valerie. I love your tag and your spring photos are so beautiful. Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks Martha. Spring will come, and things will get better!

  3. Glad to hear you had a nice New years celebration. Mine was typically quiet but that was OK. It was nice to wake up this morning and know it was 2021. That is a cool ta. And I enjoyed the spring photos. It would be nice to have some green right now. We have a bit of snow coming tonight and maybe more Sunday night. Have a great weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! It's cold and grey, with snow and sleet threatened here! Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Fabulous and interesting tag really it's great and different. It's supposed to be our summer here but so cold at the moment and even slept with the doona on last night....and a blanket!. xxx

    1. Sorry about that, sounds like you have our weather!

  5. Nice numbers tag. Spring will be here before you know it! Look at how quickly the Christmas season went by.

    1. Thanks, it's a comfort to think of spring right now!

  6. Thanks Laurie. I'm still in the clinic, but slowly getting better!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! It's cold and grey here, so good to see your cheery photos. Lovely tag, too. We are all well here. Take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! Enjoy your Weekend! Hugs to all!

  8. Glad you had a wonderful party at the clinic! That makes a lot better for your health!
    For me, January is always the longest month on the calendar ... we have to bite the bullet until spring comes ... but the wait won't be long!
    Take care! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella! January is always a long month, but it will pass! Lete's look forward to spring!

  9. It sounds as if the staff are working hard to look after you, and you have a few other residents too. Oh, I agree, January is a dismal month, and your header image sums it up perfectly with it's moody greyness. Today started out with such a promise of sun, but already it is clouded over and yet more rain falling. Hugs, Deb

    1. Yes, January is mostly dismal, but it will pass! Grey and cold here, brrrrr! Look after yourself!

  10. If I have to pick a number I am going for 13. In fact Friday the thirteenth would do just fine. I met Miriam on Friday the 13th, got married on Friday the 13th and bought this house on Friday the 13th. And there are several other significant thirteens too! Your pictures of spring are encouraging, Valerie. Already the days are getting a little longer and by the end of January the extra hours of daylight are always noticeable, in February Great Horned Owls and Canada Jays will already be busy nesting and the whole cycle will start all over again. Perhaps even the rare birds of Balconia-by-the-Rhine will start getting hormonal? Winter has been mild by Canadian standards and fortunately there have been many sunny days. The combination of snow and sunshine is delightful. The new year seems to have started well for you and I hope it continues that way. Hugs and kisses, David.

    1. Good to know you're not afraid of Friday 13th! I am so longing for spring, and I suppose lots of others are, too....I am sure the birds of balconia will soon return! They're waiting for spring to shake out their plumage and fly!. I spent this afternoon in the studio here, that was fun, but I think we talked more than painted! Have a great weekend, take care, hugs to you both!

  11. Cute tag. Reminds me of the Eldest and her love of Thomas the Tank Engine when she was little. We had a dusting of snow last night and this morning is cloudy and foggy. It's supposed to rain with another storm for Sunday night. I am more than ready for Spring so your pictures are so welcome this morning. The groundhog peeking through the flowers made me smile. Let's hope the groundhog doesn't see his shadow next month. Take care

    1. My grandchildren could never get enough of Thomas the Tank Engine! Let's hope we don't have to wait too long for spring!

  12. Such a nice post! I am longing for spring too, so your photos helped so much! Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. I think lots of us are longing for spring! Happy New Year!

  13. Lovely spring photos. It looks like summer to me. Cheers!

  14. Cool tag. Is that first creature a beaver? What is he doing there? I thought all international flights were closed down from Canada. :) Happy new year.

    1. This is coypu, a dort of muskrat that lives in Europe! Funny thought that they could fly over!

  15. These overcast/rainy days have me wishing for sunshine if not actual spring. Your photos offer some encouragement :) Thanks!

  16. Happy New Year Valerie, let hope it is a better year - and like you I'm looking forward to Spring and it was lovely to see your Springtime photos, especially as we've got snow.
    Love your tag. I like the little trains.
    Avril xx

  17. Cute tag Valerie, the stripes and trains look beautiful together. Gorgeous springtime photos, that first critter is so cute! Glad the staff made everything festive for the New Year. Take care & stay safe.
    Tammy x

  18. Happy New Year Valerie, beautiful spring photos, we have snow and rain !

    Joan x

  19. I love the numbers piece. It's bright and perky.
    These are great pictures.
    I hope you are doing well.

  20. Your number artwork would make a great teacher tool for little ones in preschool.
    Love the gorgeous spring photos!!!

    Hugs ☕


  21. Your artwork is beautiful. Photos bring a smile to the face - this little fluffy animal is very funny. Have a nice Sunday :)

  22. Great tag and wonderful photos Valerie!
    Enjoy your weekend xx

  23. Hi Beautiful Soul! Love your number 5 tag! Thank you for the beautiful Spring photos! Wishing you a very bright and healthy 2021! Big Hugs!

  24. That's a lovely, colorful tag, Valerie. Winter is just starting here. I got about 8 inches of ice and snow yesterday, knocking out my electricity early in the day. I guess spring is just a memory because we are just now experiencing winter's ugly blast. Stay warm, stay safe dear.

    1. Thanks E! It Sounds very cold where you are, Take care!

  25. Oja der Frühling wäre mir jetzt auch lieber wie das Schmuddelwetter bei mir und ich träume da von jetzt bei dir mit dienen shcönen Fotos und deinem tollen ,fantasiereiches Zahlenbild. Schön dass sie für euch so an genehm gemacht haben in der Klinik.
    Schönen Sonntag wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Frühling ist immer besser als Schmuddelwetter, das stimmt! Dir einen schönen Sonntag!

  26. Such beautiful flowers! Have a great new year of creativity!

  27. Very fine photos ;) Have a nice day :)

  28. Lovely photos. It's been a miserable wet and cold day here today too. Cute tag.

  29. Fabulous post! The tag is brilliant - made me smile and think of my Grandson, who was train mad when he was little - we watched hours of Thomas the Tank engine and had lots of steam train journeys.
    Your Spring photos gave me a real lift - looking forward to getting out of this Tier 4 and getting some longer walks. They are shutting off or diverting some of the riverside paths around here so that they can work on some bridges! Glad you got to have some fun at New Year! Take care, Chrisxx

    1. Thanks Chris. My grandchildren Loved Thomas the Tank Engine, too! Have a great week!

  30. What a fabulous tag Valerie, so bright and cheery and it definitely took me back too to Thomas The Tank Engine days with my children. I'm sure we still have the videos somewhere, but no video player lol.Take care and have a very happy 2021, Sue x

  31. Great tag and photos, Spring can't come soon enough for me. I drove home last night on very snowy icy roads. Heart in my mouth job with husband and son as passengers.

    1. Thanks Wendy. Driving over Ice is scary, glad you arrived safely!

  32. Your photos are a tonic. It is gray here, too but with lots of snow so seeing grass and flowers is a big boost!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, it's grey and dismal here. Stay safe!

  33. We are having a gray day here today too, but it will pass and the sun and warmth will return. Lovely tag.

    1. Yes, sooner or later the sun will shine again!

  34. I really like this tag. Hmmm spring? Winter just started for me. I have a long way until spring. Hope the sun shines for you.

    1. Thanks Nicole. No sun here, just grey and cold!

  35. Cool tag. Your photos are beautiful...always make me smile.

  36. tolles tag!

    schöne Bilder. :)

  37. Warm Wishes why the number 5 for your tag


    MUCH LOVE...

  38. Your tag is brilliant Valerie and you chose my lucky number!! I hope you are recovering well and getting better by the day. Stay and here's hoping spring will look beautiful and be as uplifting as we need it to be!

  39. It is another grey day here in the UK and we have had a small fall of snow. It makes the bushes in the garden look ever so pretty but I want it to go away as I worry about the roads being slippery.
    That was a lovely tag you made, so bold and bright.
    Thanks for the photographs, they certainly made me sit and think about warmer days to come. Love the coypu (if I have it right - never seen one irl_.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  40. I love all the Spring pictures ~ Especially the critters! today is sunny and it really does make such a big difference. Blessings to you!


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