
Thursday 28 January 2021

Thursday/friday Post

 Hi Everybody!

This painted collage was another piece made during the Lifebook taster sessions. I wasn't too happy with the way it turned out, but I  like the scribbly background! And I do like fairies! I am linking to Erika's 'favourite things' challenge at AJJ and to Paint Party Friday

Today I am sharing the rest of the snowy photos:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well. I Love your beautiful fairy, and S loves her, too. Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

  2. Ach wie süss deine Fee ist auf diese Seite ist und die Farben die so fröhlich wirken!
    Mit Schnee sieht die Welt gleich anders aus, tolle Fotos und nasskalt dabei das Wetter!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Dir einen schoenen Tag, bleib gesund!

  3. love your gorgeous colours and the beautiful pics of snow. xx

  4. Love your fairie ... and I love the fairies too!
    You noticed, when it snows the photos become black and white or sepia ... weird!
    How are you doing today, Gorgeous?!
    Spring is just around the corner! Hugs!

    1. I am doing well, thanks. Yes, snow swallows up the colours. Some trees already have buds! Stay safe!

  5. I don't know why you aren't happy with your delightful fairy, I think she's super, and I knew straight away she's a LifeBook taster lesson. Do you think, maybe, we are our own worst critics? Anyway, I love her.
    Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks, Deb, you are so right! We need to be kinder to ourselves! Have a great day!

  6. Wonderful collage, love the colours with the background. Have a great day. Anesha x

  7. If it has wings, I like it! Doesn't look like your snowfall was too serious, Valerie, a mere dusting, like icing sugar on a cake. We had about 12 cm on Tuesday and I was out shovelling my driveway when a neighbour two doors down cleared my sidewalk with his snowblower, and a strapping young fellow from across the street came to give me a hand to finish the rest. Human kindness is alive and well. A fellow blogger in Western Australia is growing pineapples in her backyard. Now there's a contrast in lifestyles! I hope that all is going well in the clinic. With love from Canada. David

    1. Hi David, we rarely get large amounts of snow here. How nice of your neighbours to help, snow shovelling is always hard. I am pleased that there are still good people around! Just a short reply today, I have a bad headache! Keep well and safe, hugs to you both!

  8. I love your fairy. I like how you cut out pieces and put them together. The scribbly background is especially great. It all works together as a fun journal page. Your snowy photos are pretty. We're having some light snow this AM. Hopefully it won't continue all day. Take care and hope all is well. Thanks so much too for sharing this piece at AJJ. Your support has always been much appreciated. Hugs-Erika

  9. As always, your work looks wonderful, and the snowy pics are so soothing and peaceful. Thanks so much for sharing, and hope you're feeling well. RO

  10. Lovely. The fairy looks like she bloomed in the garden. Your scenery looks like the view out my windows. The weather dudes are talking about another more significant storm on Monday. 😿 Take care and stay warm.

    1. Thanks CJ. It~s pouring here today, grey, wet and miserable! Keep warm!

  11. In my magical thinking head, I always think of Germany as having a lot of snow in winter, but I think we have more than you -- and it is a light snow year. I'm wondering if it is just a light year for you of if this is typical in your climate.

    1. The south and east of Germany get lots of snow, here in the Rhine Valley it is mostly mild with little snow!

  12. Beautiful photos Valerie, and I love your colourful fairy!
    Alison xox


  13. I love fairies, this one is beautiful.

  14. It is a beautiful abstract looking collage. The snowy photos sure are grey.

    1. Thanks Christine. Today is even greyer, rain all day!

  15. Interesting art. All that snow makes me feel cold. Lol.

  16. You did a wonderful job with your photographs. I love how you played with color.
    And isn't that fairy fun?
    Take special care.

  17. Very interesting pictures:) Have a nice day :)

  18. I think she's a beautiful fairy! Lovely snowy pics too!I think I have finally caught up - now to start on a few other blogs! Hugs, Chris

    1. Thanks Chris. I'm behind with Blogs, too! Have a great week!

  19. I think your piece came out great and I love all the beautiful snowy photos!

    1. Thanks Martha, the snow has been replaced by rain!

  20. Your fairy is colorful and fun ~ I love the flowers and the background. The snow is beautiful! We actually got some too in Virginia :) I woke up to a winter wonderland ~ it's already melting, but I loved it while it lasted. Enjoy the weekend!

    1. Thanks Karen, the snow has gone here, too! Glad you enjoyed yours! Stay safe!

  21. Gorgeous artwork Valerie, I love that fairy and her bright colored dress, beautiful background also! Great snowy pictures too. Take care.
    Tammy x

  22. I think your fairy art is beautiful and I love your snowy pictures! Big Hugs!

  23. Why aren't you happy with it? I like the happy colors you used - to me the entire piece says "calm" and "happy". - My daughter is happy about the snow she is experiencing in Germany. I don't really miss it, especially not the wet stuff. However, snow does look nice, especially on a brilliant cold but sunny day. It was so cold here that the mountain tops around us received a dusting of snow. This doesn't happen too often.

    1. The fairy didn't look like my imagined picture! The snow has gone here, it's raining non stop now. Stay safe!

  24. Sorry to read you are not happy with your art here, but I really like it, especially the colours you've used :)

    We've had some rainy days, the sunshine has disappeared! I hope it will be shining again soon.
    I enjoyed seeing your snowy pictures.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks! It's very grey and wet here, too! Stay safe!

  25. Thanks for sharing your sniwy scenes. Warm Wishes. Luv your fairy

    Happy you dropped by my blog today

    Much love...

  26. I love this fairy. Everything about her brings happiness. Great snow shots too. Have a great day.

  27. Wonderful snow pics. I would be happy to meander down that path.
    I, too, love your fairy. She’s bright and beautiful.

  28. Your beautiful fairy needs a story about running through all your lovely snowy photos.

  29. I love the green of the tree against the snow in the second.
    Eaghl had a wonderful idea of adding a story to your fairy:)
    Take special care.

  30. your fairy is delightful Valerie! I don't know how you managed all the taster lessons. Good for you!
    Glad to see you didn't get too much snow. Take care, and happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda. I just didn't do any housework or cooking!

  31. Lovely and creative fairy and elegant background ~ Wonderful wintry photography too!

    Moment by Moment ~

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  32. Great fairy, love the background and flowers. Really enjoyed your snow photos.

  33. Love your fairy for the Lifebook taster session. I'm doing Lifebook as well. Hopefully I will get further on this year than I normally do. Lovely snow pictures. Hope you are well.
    Hugs Wendy

    1. Thanks Wendy. I'm doing LB, too, but can't start till I'm back home from the clinic!

  34. Beautiful snowy photos! It snowed in California too, a big huge pile in some places! Strange for sure! Happy ppf

    1. Thanks, I didn't know you got snow in California, that's strange! Happy PPF!

  35. I love wandering through the snow covered countryside of your photos. So peaceful and serene! Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Tammie, snow always looks pretty. Stay safe!

  36. I like the fairy and I could see it as a paper doll. Happy PPF
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Thanks Dora, that's a good idea with the paper doll! Stay safe and well!

  37. Your page is fabulous, Valerie. The fairy is very interesting and makes me think - the designs imply shelter and warmth. Very cool. That scribbly background is fabulous as are the flowers.

    Great snowy pictures too. It has been cold here (for us) but we only have a bit a frost on the car - one day it was in the 70s! That was a fun day! I am hoping for some snow - something to kill the bugs down a bit so this summer is not too bad.


    1. Thanks Nancy, glad you like the fairy, and I like your interpretation. We don't get much snow here in the Rhine Valley, in the south and East they get much more. Hope you get some snow to get rid of those nasty bugs! Hugs!

  38. I love your fairy art Valerie :) The snowy photos looks so lovely! :)

  39. I love the fairies - strong and so different from what we normally see. Just love those colours you have chosen and the way she stands out from the gentle wispy background.
    Thanks for the snowy photographs, we have had quite a bit of snow but I have been staying in where it is warm and dry (and not slippery). Whilst this pandemic is on and our numbers are so great we have to make sure we do not have any cause to visit a hospital.
    Glad you are staying safe
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! Glad you like the fairy. At the meoment I can't avoid hospitals as I've been in the clinic here for 2 months, but hope I can go home soon. Stay safe!

  40. Wow this is so pretty and vibrant, I love her! Have a great week, Sue xx

  41. I want a dress like that :) Doesn't that snow make for lovely scenes!

  42. I lvoe your journal page. SO many wonderful details. Love the flowers! Thank you for the fun photos!


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