
Monday 11 January 2021

T sTands for no Time

Hi Everybody!

Have a good and safe week. When I went into the clinic I thought I would have more time for painting and crafting, but here the time flies past just as quickly as it did before!

This evening we are beginning Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit here.

Today I am sharing some hybrid pieces, made with a mix of digital elements, photos, paintings and drawings:

And some pics from Sunday breakfast at the clinic:

On Saturday I baked a huge boiled fruit cake, which was enjoyed by all:

More clouds and water fowl, taken on various days:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Gorgeous art pieces Valerie! The breakfast at the clinic sure looks nice and everything is so so pretty too. Love all the photos. Hope you are doing well. Hugs!

  2. That looks like a wonderful breakfast Valerie. Plus, everything is set out for you from the looks of it. This is a great T day post. Beautiful art. I am glad to hear that you are staying busy and healthy and the clinic is a good place to be. Happy earl T day and new week too. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! It is good to be Here! Happy T Day!

  3. Fabulous post, delish food, wonderful art and nature at it's best. xx

  4. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well. The Post today is extra lovely! All is well here. Have a great week, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a good week, hugs to all!

  5. They certainly make things as comfortable as they can for you. I have never seen pepper, carrot, and tomato at breakfast, unless in an omelette! Your cake looks so delicious, no wonder everyone enjoyed it. Nice to be able to do things like that, but sorry you aren't doing as much art as you'd hoped, but they obviously keep you busy. Have a good week, Hugs, Deb

    1. Usually I paint in the evening, here I just want to go to bed! Have a great week, stay safe!

  6. Good morning, gorgeous!
    I got hungry from your tasty breakfast! As always your photos are beautiful!
    Thanks from the "coffee"! Very well done!

  7. Looks like it's a really lovely place. Great hybrid pieces and love your photos. Stay safe and well. Hugs Anesha

  8. I’m glad you get some time for art. That cake looks lovely. I’ve never heard of boiled fruitcake. Glad you are getting along well. Hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks. The fruit gets boiled before the cake is mixed.

  9. I always love your hybrid pieces Valerie, so clever! If they keep feeding you like that you'll never want to come home, especially if you can make your own cakes too! Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, the good Here is good and hard to resist!!

  10. The coffee what else made me smile. So you! Looks like lots to choose from for breakfast. The flower salad is so clever and the table setting is so pretty. Looks like they are taking good care of you at the clinic. As always wonderful pictures. My favorites are the seagulls and the blue water makes them really stand out. Take care and have a good day.

    1. Thanks CJ! We have good breakfasts here! We are cared for very well!

  11. Nice green color for the chairs in the dining room. And I love all the fowl. That looks like a great cake your baked.

  12. SchÜne, fantasievolle Bilder sind das und ein wahres Genuss Frßhstßck bekommst du dort ach der Kuchen sieht auch so lecker aus, nah du bist beschäftgit und langeweile kommt anscheinend nicht auf. Tolle VÜgelfotos.
    Ich wĂźnsche dir eine gute Woche!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Wir werden hier gut behandelt! Bleib gesund!

  13. Such a beautiful and artistic post Valerie!
    You are such an amazing talented artist in all mediums Valerie!


  14. Your hybrid pieces are all so fun. Of course, I think my favorite is "Coffee, what else?" What an amazing spread. Everything looks so good and it is a rather a unique breakfast, although I would gladly eat it. Your fruitcake looks wonderful, too. Now I'm REALLY hungry, but I haven't started my own T post yet, so can't eat for awhile. Thanks for sharing your breakfast at the clinic and your fruitcake, as well as your hybrid journal pages with us for T this Tuesday. I also LOVE those waterfowl shots down by and in the river, too.

    1. Thanks E. I am at the right place here, the coffee automat is a look good. I am sure you would like our breakfasts here! See you later at T Day!

  15. Loving your boiled fruit cake! Beautiful art and photos today. Grey days of winter be gone!

  16. Good afternoon Valerie: I have not forgotten you! This morning i received a request from the University of Waterloo for data on the bird monitoring I did for them in their woodlot prior to COVID. Apparently they needed it to provide to students as part of a lab but the professor to whom I sent the information is on sabbatical and could not be reached. So i put together five years of reporting for them. In addition to birds, I always reported on butterflies, mammals, and any unusual plants I observed, and provided details of birds observed breeding....and so on. So that's what I was doing instead of the far more important job of leaving you a comment on your blog! Good to see those Canada Geese in the final shot. i am glad to see that they are masters of their domain - Canada Geese Ăźber alles! And the gulls lined up like Toby jugs on a shelf look wonderful - as does your baking. i suspect that the kitchen clinic is pondering offering you a job! Less than ten days now until the Orange dysentery in the White House ignominiously departs. Maybe he can get a job with QAnon or some other equally meritorious group. Stay well, stay safe, stay warm, get ready for the great liberation of the vaccine. Not by tomorrow, however! Afternoon hugs and kisses are even better than morning hugs and kisses, so help yourself to all you can handle. David

    1. Thanks David! We had a busy day today, one therapy after the other, but I managed a walk to the Rhine this afternoon. I forgot my camera, which was a pity as your geese had really taken over the show and enjoying themselves, well over 100 birds. Sounds like you had a very busy morning, too, getting all that information sorted and sent. The cake was so good a second one has been requested for this week!it was enjoyed by patients and staff and me! Let's hope that the Orange monster will really be gone soon. Thanks for all the hugs and kisses, they are necessary just now. Sending some back to you and Miriam!


  17. Your work and photos are beautiful. The cake is probably delicious. I am glad you are having a good time at the clinic. A lot of health and smile :)

    1. Thanks Lucyna! The cake was very delicious. Stay safe!

  18. Gorgeous art work and photos Valerie! Your fruit cake looks delicious and everything is
    beautifully arranged for breakfast at the clinic! Take care & have a great week.
    Tammy x

  19. Oh yum! Your cake looks delicious ~ That is such a nice breakfast set up to enjoy. Terrific art pieces and I love all the animals. Stay warm and well ~ Happy T day! Love, Karen

  20. You captured some wonderful photos with all the birds-love those, your pages are beautiful too. nice that you can bake there at the clinic and share. Happy T hope this week is good one hugs and Happy T

  21. Loved your art pieces.
    The Clinic food looks good and your cake delicious:)
    Always enjoy seeing your photographs, thank you.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  22. Your Sunday breakfast looks wonderful. I love that they have the little candles, really try to make it nice. And extra fun that you can cook or bake if you want. I'd love that!

  23. That's a lovely breakfast, more like I would expect at a hotel buffet. Your outdoor photos are very beautiful.

    best...mae at

  24. Hope you are doing well in the clinic. The food and the table are so nicely arranged and decorated. Colours are the smiles of nature. Love that quote! Enjoy your coffee and Happy New Year!

  25. Such beautiful pages, I love how you used your photos! You always find the best quotes, they always end up in my quote book ... and the colour/nature one is so beautiful 😁. Your breakfast at the clinic looks delicious and wow, the fruit cake that you made is amazing, I bet everyone really enjoyed it too! Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. I Love quotes and also have books to wrote them in. The fruit cake was very good, I'll make another one this week. Stay safe!

  26. I am glad you are busy and have lots to do. Wow! You even baked at the clinic. Excellent! Great art and photos too. Be well my friend.

  27. That spread is so pretty! They obviously put a lot of thought into their selections and presentation. Happy T Tuesday!

  28. Your hybrid art is fantastic-so colorful and perfect T Day entries as well!
    And what an impressive selection of foods at the clinic- I love how fresh, covered and safe everything is presented as well. Beautiful photos of the ducks, birds, and swans. Happy T day!

  29. Beautiful art and photos Valerie, and your cake looks delicious!
    Have a good week,
    Alison xox

  30. Yoir art is lovely Valerie, the food is beautifully presented there at the clinic. Your boiled fruit cake looks wonderful I am not surprised everyone enjoyed it and anothernhas been requested. I made one for Xmas and it is gone, always a good sign!! Stay safe.

    1. Thanks, we are going to make again this evening!

  31. I had to smile at your coffee-themed art. So you! And there is even a little cameo!
    The breakfast at the clinic looks very lovely, makes you want to eat. They really look after you will.
    The photos of the river walk are beautiful, as always.
    I hadn't heard of a boiled fruit cake either but I just read your comment that it is the fruit that is boiled. That answers my question too.
    I hope you get better soon,
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca, boiled fruit cake is very delicious!

  32. Beautiful art, especially those pretty teacups.
    Your fruitcake sounds like the perfect accompaniment to a cuppa tea. I bet it was delicious!
    Sorry I am a bit late making it around.
    Happy belated Tea day,

  33. Time has a way of doing that, doesn't it, Valerie? The clinic looks quite cheery. I'm impressed by the fancy food plates they prepare and that you can cook something up as you like to share. No wonder you stay busy. But I hope you are improving and can return home soon.

    Happy T-day! Stay safe and get well. Hugs, Eileen

  34. Such a beautiful post, filled with love! Love your art! Love all the food! Wow, that looks nice at the clinic! Boiled fruit cake? Never heard of that! Thanks for the great photos! Big Hugs!

  35. I love fruit cake , even the kind they used to give away at Christmas. I haven't seen any of that lately. Yours looks yummy. I love all your water fowl photos. Thanks for sharing. Happy belated tea day.

  36. Yes! Coffee, what else? I'm sorry to hear that you don't get much art time! I'm sure all the breakfasts are good, are the Sunday ones a little more special? Only asking as when we stayed at a hotel in Berlin just before Christmas one year the Sunday breakfast was served on tablecloths and had special napkins and food. I wasn't sure whether it was because it was nearly Christmas or whether it was a Sunday thing! Your cloud and bird shots are great - I always enjoy seeing the rows of seagulls! I hope you will soon be leaving the clinic in time for some Spring Pics! Take care, big hugs, Chrisxx

    1. The breakfasts are all good, but Sundays are extra good. Usually I do art evenings, but here I am so tired ! go to bed early!


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