
Saturday 26 December 2020

Weekend post:

Hi Everybody!

I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas celebrations, even though I know things were very different this year to 'normal'. Let's stay positive and hope that the new year will be a better one! In the meantime stay safe and well!

This was my attempt at mark-making, and it was fun to just scribble and play!

I'm linking to Tracey's them at AJJ:

A few photos showing the clinic buildings, garden etc:

We're in this pretty, Victorian house:

I love how the tulips developed:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your mark making looks like fun. The holly and the flowers look so pretty. Here’s to a speedy recovery and a better year. Take care and stay safe

  2. Ohhh I love this Valerie. A great abstract for sure. Have a happy day.

  3. I love your mark making! That building you are in is beautiful but what I really love are the photos of the tulips, they are gorgeous! I hope you enjoyed your Christmas. Hugs!

    1. Thanks, Christmas was good. The tulips were beautiful!

  4. Merry Christmas! I love your abstract art! So cool! Gorgeous photos!!! Big Hugs! Many Blessings!

  5. I hope you had a lovely Christmas. Peace and Health in the new year...💝

  6. Lovely markings. The clinic looks nice.

  7. Thanks Christine, it's a pretty place!

  8. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well! All is well here, nobody's up yet so I have a quiet few minutes. Hope all continues to be well at the clinic, stay safe, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, enjoy your weekend! Hugs to all!

  9. Old buildings are always interesting, so I hope you have time to explore. Mark making, now that brings back memories. Hope you had a peaceful day yesterday, and you had a good time with your fellows. Hugs, Deb

  10. just absolutely stunning photos;) have a good and Merry Christmas;)

  11. Thanks Laurie, have a wonderful weekend!

  12. I had not heard of mark making, Valerie, but I am sure you have left your mark in life. As for me I might have even left a few stains or blemishes! The clinic looks very grand, I must say, and I am starting to wonder whether you are joshing with us all and in reality have checked into a resort or a spa! The old buildings and the greenery look quite lovely, and you have already indicated that the food is excellent, so if you have to be away from home, this looks as good a place as any to hang your hat for a while. Miriam and I had a quiet, but lovely Christmas day together yesterday, and the rain of Christmas Eve had turned to snow overnight, so everywhere was white. We drank a toast to you, with the fervent hope that soon you will feel well enough to leave the clinic and face the world. It will soon be a brand new year. Let us hope it is good for all of us. Love from Ontario. David

    1. Hi David, mark making is a fun and relaxing thing to do. I think we all make stains and blemishes, too! It is a lovely place here, I am enjoying my stay here. How nice to have a white Christmas. It's got colder here, but no more snow. And thanks for drinking a toast to me. I'll have to toast you with my coffee, alcohol is not allowed! But we get lots of good food! Let's hope the new year will be better than this one! Have a wonderful day, hugs to you both!

  13. Your abstract pieces are beautiful. They remind me of music.

    1. Thanks Teresa, I was listening to music when I made them!

  14. Great photos Valerie, and I love your mark-making!
    Have a wonderful weekend,
    Alison xox

  15. Schön deine Klinik und diese Art Tulpen sind wunderschön!
    Dein abstraktes leichtes verspieltes ist toll geworden auch wenn es bedeutet nichts ist wie es war mal war.
    Schönes Wochenende wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, Alles aendert such momentan, lasst uns hoffen dass es irgendwann besser wird. Dir einen schoenen Tag, Alles Liebe!

  16. Great markmarking. Looks like a beautiful place. Enjoy your stay. Hugs Anesha

  17. Seems like you had a good Christmas. Blessings to you, Valerie.

    1. Thanks Glenda, it was good. All the best to you!

  18. Οh Valerie, you are still in the hospital? Hope you go back home soon, sweetie. I wish you to be healthy and I wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR.

    1. I will be here for another few weeks, but it's a great place to be. Look after yourself!

  19. Fun scribbles:) Your area is so serene. The tulips are looking good.

  20. Scribbling and playing sounds like a delightful way to pass time. I may do just that in the near future. I'd been thinking about a couple of art projects for the house, so my daughter called my bluff and bought me a bunch of new oil paints, brushes, etc. for my birthday. Surprisingly, a good bit of my old paints seem to be in good shape, too, so I've got no excuses. :)

    Those tulips are GORGEOUS!

    You take care and stay safe. Hugs and lots of wishes for a happy healthy new year.

    1. Thanks Susan! Have fun painting, it's a great way to pass the time! Stay safe!

  21. Very interesting photos, beautiful flower ;)

  22. Oh the love of mark making, so freeing and good for our artist hands. Just as movement to music is good for the brain, movement of the wrist is too.. great moves Valerie :)
    What a lovely place you are staying in, I can imagine that beautiful building could tell a tale or too.. wonder what it's history is << (I'm so nosey haa haa!!)
    Hope you are benefiting from being there? I've had a very lazy day watching old Christmas movies with hubby, a rare thing for me. MIL Birthday today so as she is in my bubble it will be an afternoon spent with her. Take care Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, glad you have had a restful time. I watched a horror film Yesterday, it was good. Have a great day, hugs!

  23. How nice to be able to just sit and make marks like that - I wonder if you did it to music or just let your mind wander and your hands trace your thoughts. Whatever, I love the choice of black and gold you made.
    That is one huge Victorian house - and the tulips are beautiful - I often think how lovely they are when they start to unfold.
    Hugs to you
    Neet xx

    1. I listened to music from Beethoven. The house here is really nice. Have a great day!

  24. Your mark making is gorgeous. I adore black and gold together. Your doodles are fabulous. I really enjoyed them.

    I also enjoyed seeing where you are staying. That's a lovely old Victorian home. And the tulip is gorgeous, too. I am sorry I'm late visiting. To be honest, on Thursday evening, "it" finally got to me. I simply shut down. I was not ready to celebrate or even visit my dear blogging friends. It was just too painful and I felt SO isolated and totally alone. I hope you understand why I haven't been by sooner to visit. Belated Christmas greetings, dear friend.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. Don't worry, I know that feeling well. Hope you soon feel better.

    2. I HAD to pull myself out of this "funk" I've been in. I couldn't live like this forever. Even the cats were starting to get tired of my "Debbie Downer" attitude.

    3. Try to keep your spirits up! It's Not always easy.

  25. What wonderfully creative it!!!
    Your clinic is beautiful.
    I do hope that you are feeling better everyday.

    Hugs ☕

    1. Thanks Jan, it's slowly getting better. Stay safe!

  26. I like your mark-marking.
    Your clinic looks nice, thank you for sharing your photographs.

    Here's to a better 2021 for us all :)

    All the best Jan

  27. Great mark making and lovely to see where you are staying.

  28. Your scribble play is really fun Valerie! I also have been doing a lot of scribble play lately. I hope all is well at the clinic and the last few days have been good for you. The grounds are lovely. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! It's a great way to relax and have fun! Have a happy T Day!

  29. Your mark making looks like fun Valerie. Yours is very relaxed and going with the flow, mine is always uptight lol as I really can't do random. The grounds look lovely, definitely a place to get well. Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, I love just playing! Have a great week!

  30. Those tulips look beautiful and your home away from home is lovely. I hope you had a lovely holiday!

  31. Very cool mark making - goes well with traditional New Year's colors of gold and black plus it is very playful. Fun - I need to try it too. Lovely building, berries and flowers - look at you finding beauty in so many things others would ignore or only briefly glance at. Hoping things continue to go well in your healing! Hugz

  32. I like your mark-making piece. Your location looks like a pleasant place -the garden looks lovely. I trust the new year will be a better one.


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