
Saturday 19 December 2020

Weekend Post!

 Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all  great weekend, in spite of the restrictions caused by Corona.
Let's hope that next year will be better! I am still in the clinic, the treatment is doing me good, but I will be here for another few weeks.

Today I am sharing an A3 mixed media piece:

I am linking to Tracey's challenge at AJJ

A beautiful sunrise from this day last year:

The crib in St Swidbert's basilica - it gets added to week for week during advent:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Such a gorgeous page! You created such beauty with the colours, texture and images - wonderful 😀. I'm pleased to hear everything is going well at the clinic too and wow, those skies are so beautiful. Take care and wishing you well! Happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, have a wonderful weekend! Take care!

  2. Das ist ein so schönes Bild mit den Farbenmix un ddie wunderschönes Fotos von der Krippe und der Kirche!
    Du bist ja gut aufgehoben dort und lässt dich gut gehen dabei dass du wieder prima daheim an kommen kannst!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen 4. Advent!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke liebe Elke! Ja, hier bin ich gut aufgehoben. Dir ein schoenes Wochenende, bleib gesund!

  3. Beautiful mixed media art and enjoyed lat year's sunrise. Nice to see religious photos at this time of year. Glad you are ok at the clinic.

    1. Thanks, Christine, have a good and safe weekend! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Love your mixed media piece and love all the photos too. I'm so glad to hear you are doing well Valerie. Have a great weekend. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha, have a good and safe weekend! Hugs!

  5. Beautiful post, love your gorgeous pictures of the nativity and Christmas, which I just love, keep well, safe and happy... [we have another outbreak here in Sydney so it's not looking good] xx

    1. Thanks Annie. The numbers are constantly rising here, too, we have a tight lockdown. Stay safe!

  6. I especially LOVE that background. Looks like you used all kinds of bits and bobs. It is great and goes nicely with your incredible drawing. It is magical. Thanks for sharing it with us at AJJ using Tracey's theme, too.

    Your photos from the advent are beautiful and it's always nice to review your photos from a year when COVID-19 was still unheard of.

    1. Thanks E. It seems strange that Civic was unknown this time last year!

  7. Hi Val, good morning. Glad you are doing well at the clinic. Stay safe, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Stay safe and well, hugs to you all!

  8. Miło mi ,że dobrze czujesz się w klinice i tworzysz piękne prace. Życze wszystkiego dobrego:)

  9. Thanks Lucyna, have a great Weekend!

  10. Beautiful pages. They look like the stained glass in the church. Glad you are doing well. Take care.

  11. Lovely page Valerie, and I loved seeing your sky photos and the church is beautiful.
    Happy you are doing well at the clinic-hugs

    1. The Church here is really beautiful. Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. Beautiful page ~ Magical sky and the church pictures are stunning, The flowers, candles and shadows on the figurines make it so peaceful. Blessings and well wishes ~

    1. Thanks Karen, have a great Weekend, Take care!

  13. Replies
    1. Thanks Teresa, we need to stay positive just now.

  14. I"m glad the treatment is helping, Valerie. I hope you are allowed to have company but I know so many medical facilities are locking down for covid. Hopefully you have met other nice people there to enjoy all the holidays with.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. We can go out for walks but No visitors are allowed in. There are some nice folks here.

  15. A fabulous page with wonderful textures! Great photos too!
    I'm glad to hear that your treatment is helping, and you have some good company too I see from your comment above Valerie. Glad you can still take your daily walks too.
    Have a good weekend,
    Alison xox

    1. Thanks Alison
      Have a great Weekend, stay safe!

  16. My dear Valerie, I could browse through your art all is breathtakingly gorgeous!
    Your photos are always an escape for me. I become lost in them and find peace.
    I am happy to hear that you enjoyed doing well.
    But I am sure that you are looking forward to going home in the area future.


    1. Thanks Jan. Here is good, but home is better!

  17. My tablet is going nuts lately...
    "that you are doing well" is what it should say!
    Christmas Gremlins again???

    1. Ah, those naughty gremlins! They spilled my coffee today!

  18. I'm glad to hear you're seeing progress with your treatment. Your sky photos always have great color. I love the Advent images :)

    1. Thanks, the Church always puts on this wonderful, life-size Display.

  19. Beautiful page Valerie, I love how colorful the background is with all of the textures! Gorgeous sunrise pictures too!
    Take care of yourself- Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, much appreciated! Have a great weekend, stay safe.

  20. A wonderful page Valerie with lots of textures and interest and the very positive quote.
    Glad you are doing well in the clinic and that they are taking care of you.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril, have a great Weekend, stay safe!

  21. Good to hear you are being well looked after and the treatment is going well. Lovely page you have created and as always I really enjoy your photos. The windows in the church are beautiful.

  22. Glad things are going well at the clinic Valerie. I've been thinking of you. I love your wonderful piece for Tracey's challenge. I do like those "abstract" figures your do, although I know they are not exactly abstract. The photos are wonderful too. Take care and don't eat too many cookies while your getting your treatment. Smile.Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. The Cookies and cake Here are soooo good! Have a great Weekend.

  23. Everything looking very nice, thanks for sharing! I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year!!!! 🎄🎄🎄

  24. Good morning Professor Tups: I was very happy to hear from you this morning via my blog. As best I knew you had not been leaving comments and I was going to email you today so see if all was well. I am relieved to know that it is merely a blogger gremlin playing tricks. I think they can be malevolent little sods at times! As others more able to appreciate than I have pointed out, you have done a wonderful job with this latest submission, its textured layers adding depth and complexity. The weekend is almost over for you, but I imagine that weekend or weekday is pretty much the same, as it is for us. It's amazing how often I have no idea what day it is! Big snow overnight, so before I do anything else this morning I will have to shovel the driveway. If you lived close by I would make sure you came over to help and then we would have earned a coffee and a blueberry muffin. Makes all that effort worthwhile. I am glad that all is well, Valerie. Your comments by way of explanation appeared this morning, so perhaps Blogger has decided to behave. Hugs and kisses, extras in fact, from David

    1. Hi David, this has been happening on several blogs when I use my tablet, so I have had to go back and write again. Naughty blog gremlins. I have a plan here showing me where and when I have my treatment. Weekends are free, today I baked scones with another patient. Sorry about the snow, it's mild here, no snow in sight but probably rain tomorrow. Blueberry muffins are yummy! I made the comments this morning with my phone, which is rather fiddly for my fingers. Hugs to you and M!

  25. I am glad that the treatment is going well, Valerie. I like that Christmas scene in the basilica. So pretty.

    1. Thanks Glenda. They always make the Brasilia beautiful!

    2. Basilica , not Brasilia! Sometimes I hate spellchecker!

  26. I love your artwork Valerie, and what a wonderful sunrise from last year. I didn't realise that you had to be in the clinic for so long but it will be worth it in the end. Take care, Sue xx

  27. Great page - we all need to look at things more for the possibility! Love the thought - I think you have that mentality when you look at things. Love your pictures! Get better soon! Many hugz

  28. Yes we have to see possibilities everywhere, we are all as one clinging on to hope. New rules and regulations have put many into a panic in the UK as they try to save their Christmas but to me my main concern is saving my family. I love all the texture on your page Valerie and the shadowy figures holding each other close.. here's to happy healthy days where we can all enjoy many sunsets without fear. Sending Hugs your way Tracey xx

  29. Wonderful post Valerie. I am playing catch up on blogging.

  30. Your art piece is very powerful! I love it! I love this post! Thank you! Big Hugs!


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