
Wednesday 23 December 2020

Wednesday Post

Hi Everybody!

Today I am sharing some photos taken on my late afternoon walks here:

I love to see the sun setting over the water when I walk along the Rhine. I took the photos with my cell-phone as I forgot to take my camera:

You can just see the crescent moon over the house where the clinic is:

Roses on the kitchen table:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Thank's for sharing these wonderful photos. What a spectacular sunset.
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
    Take care and Best wishes

  2. Gorgeous photos! Love the roses.

  3. That is a gorgeous sunset. The clinic looks like a beautiful old building, and wow, roses. What a nice touch. It sounds more like a vacation resort. Smile. Hope you are doing well Valerie. Stay safe. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks. It is indeed a lovely building, almost a vacation resort!

  4. How sweet - which one could be the favorite? All of them! I love the walks that you share - makes me miss 'home'. Stay safe and Merry CHristmas to you! xx

  5. It looks like a wonderful environment and so nice you have a good walking area. Being by the river is healing, I think. And what pretty roses!

  6. Again some beautiful photographs VJ

  7. I am so pleased you are able to get out and about a little. You know, it really bothers me that my phone camera is almost as good as my bridge camera. If you hadn't said, I wouldn't have known you were using your phone. The roses are so pretty. Hugs, Deb

    1. Cell phone cameras have improved greatly in the last few years, but I still prefer using a 'real' camera! Have a wonderful day Deb, take care!

  8. Beautiful pictures! Have a nice day;)

  9. Very nice photos! I love the roses ...
    Dear Valerie, may your Christmas be as warm and as sweet as a steaming cup of coffee!
    I'll will see you again after Christmas!

  10. Gorgeous photos!!!
    What a beautiful and magical post!!!
    Have a safe and Happy Holiday Season...Hugs 🎅🎄🎁☕🍪

  11. Sunset on the Rhine sounds like the title of a song waiting to be written, a romantic ballad of course, with young lovers bound to each other by the promise of eternal bliss. They have much to learn! But let me not be a curmudgeon at Christmas! The streets through which you meander look charming, Valerie, and I am sure that you look forward to your evening walks. The pavement must bear the imprint of your footprints, and maybe there are shop proprietors who notice you regularly, and say to their assistant, "Here comes Miss Funky Shoes!" Such are the little diversions of life. Soon it will be Christmas in the clinic, with a full tummy no doubt. Stay well and get ready to roll up your sleeves for the vaccine. With love from Canada. David

    1. Sunset by the Rhine is definitely worth a song, for young lovers or old folks or whatever! This is a beautiful little town, and I love walking through these ancient streets. Miss funky feet is now miss funky boots for the duration of winter. We all eat a lot here, the food is too good! I think it will take weeks before we get vaccinated. Have a great day, take care, and to you both!

  12. Such beautiful photos! There is just something magical about walking in the evenings with the warm glow of the lights 😀. That sunset over the Rhine is stunning too! Wishing you a safe and happy Christmas filled with joy, peace and love! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks No, have a wonderful Christmas, stay safe!

  13. Gorgeous photos. How nice to have roses on your table.

  14. Beautiful photos. I would love to see the sunset on the Rhine in person some day. Hope you are well.

    1. Thanks Nicole, I Hope we will be able to travel again one day

  15. This looks like a magical place, especially at dusk. What lovely photos with a taste of Christmas, dear Valerie. The roses on the table in the clinic are beautiful, too. Enjoy your time there, dear. And of course, stay safe, please.

    1. It's a special place, that's for sure. You stay safe, too!

  16. Such beautiful photos Valerie. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas along with big holiday hugs!

  17. Nice photos! I hope you are doing well in the clinic. Keep your spirits up during this difficult time.

  18. Beautiful pictures. You are in such a lovely area.
    I love that your clinic is homey and warm instead of cold and sterile.
    Thinking of you.
    Take special care.

    1. Thanks Sandra, it's a good place to Rest and recuperate!

  19. I'm impressed by the Christmas lights :) Those roses are lovely. I trust you are steadily getting better. Happy Christmas Eve Eve ;)

    1. Thanks so much. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  20. Lovely twilight photos Valerie, the festive lights look lovely and such gorgeous roses.
    Enjoy your Christmas and All My Best Wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year.
    Avril xx

  21. I am smiling BIG TIME! Thank you my friend! Big Hugs!

  22. Thank you for sharing those wonderful photographs. The clinic looks beautiful bathed in the light in that way. What a gorgeous entrance it has and I love the tree they have sighted outside.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  23. Such wonderful pictures and what a difference the outside light makes. You are so talented with a camera or a cell phone. Fabulous shares, Valerie. Hugz


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