
Thursday 10 December 2020

Thursday Post

 Hi Everybody!

Just a quick post today to show a few pics of where I am now.

This is my room - I had just started to unpack my case:

The view from the window:


Our sitting room:


And the best thing of all:

Have  a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Take care Valerie, glad you are comfortable.

  2. It looks like a nice cozy place :)

  3. It looks nice! And even better you can have your coffee. Take care please. Hugs-Erika

  4. so glad you have coffee-take care hugs

  5. The room looks quite comfortable and the central area is well appointed. But the idea of coffee 24/7 would make me want to go there and stay for months and months (grin). Looks very clean, too. Stay safe and enjoy your time there.

    Holding my breath this will publish. Once bitten, twice shy.

  6. Hi Val, good morning! It all looks very good where you are, nice place! Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

  7. Hi Sarah, hope you all have a good day, take care!

  8. I'm glad to see you are all cost and contained in your setting Valerie like a holiday get away. I hope you have a little arty stash packed away in your suitcase too?? Wishing you all the best.. positive vibes. Will catch up with you over the weekend, have quite a few appointments and commitments this week so thought i'd pop in with my morning cuppa before I head out. Take care Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, I have a good Art stash here! Have a great day!

  9. Schön dein Zimmer und alles andere mit dem Kaffeedurst zu befriedigen dort mit der Kaffeemaschine lässt sich doch alles toll aushalten.
    Gute Zeit wünsche ich dir, liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, mit Kaffee kann man Alles durchstehen! Bleib gesund!

  10. Looks wonderful and coffee on tap! Have a lovely time. Hugs Anesha

  11. It looks as though you have a comfortable place to lay your head, Valerie. All this emphasis on coffee, from artwork on the walls, to shiny, state-of-the-art coffee makers, makes me suspicious that this is not really a clinic, but a spa for coffee addicts. They have figured that you can't kick the habit (and who would want to?) so give you all you want! Make sure they order in a nice range of biscotti to go with the coffee. After all, might as well get the whole package. And a little shot of Sambuca after an expresso would be just fine, thank you very much. I am glad to hear that you have craft supplies with you, and I will eagerly look forward to seeing what you produce in a caffeine-induced frenzy. Just don't go too far off the deep end and chop off your ear, or any other protuberance for that matter. Van Gogh already had that gig after all! Stay well, stay safe, stay warm, drink coffee (lots), paint often, sleep soundly, GET BETTER, go home! Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Thanks David, the bed is comfortable. You have definitely seen through me with the coffee addict status. But alcohol is not permitted under any circumstances! But we have cookies and fruit galore in the kitchen, fresh cake every day, and 2 fridges full of sausage and cheese in case anyone gets hungry between meals. Today was Black forest cherry cake, yesssss. This is the best vacation I've had in a long time! Have a great day, take care, hugs to you both!

  12. If one has to be stuck in hospital, this at least looks like quite a pleasant environment to be in. I do hope the treatment is running smoothly and that you are doing okay. Having achieved my move to the Czech Republic (and then collapsed in a heap of tiredness slightly!) I'm now just starting to come back to life. Catching up might be a bit much, but I hope to keep in touch again more regularly as life starts to unfold in new ways. Sending you the very warmest of thoughts and virtual hugs...
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison, glad you have arrived safely- Take time to recover! Thanks for the good wishes, hugs!

  13. That is a neat little room, with a gorgeous view. Great looking coffee machine too.

  14. Valerie I am sorry you are in hospital but at least it looks like a decent place. Hurray for the coffee machine.

    1. Thanks Nicole! The coffee machine is a big hit with me!

  15. Looks like a nice place. You have a nice view and the coffee machine is a little bit of heaven. Get well soon.

  16. All looks good Valerie! Glad you have a nice view, and more importantly, coffee!
    Alison xx

  17. the view from youe window is so nice;)

  18. Very fine rooms:) Have a nice day :)

  19. Okay, I think I've missed some posts. Why are you in the hospital. Though, it does look lovely.

  20. That bed is so tiny, but what a beautiful view from your window. I'll have some of that coffee. Lol.

  21. Take care Valerie and feel better soon ☕🎅🎄

  22. Nice room and the first thing I noticed was the Latte poster, how appropriate and they have a coffee machine for you! Wonderful. Great views out the window. Keep safe.

  23. well this looks like the best considering the place and circumstances.! Wishing you all the best my friend XO

  24. Your room looks really comfortable and I saw you getting very excited about the exercise machine (or was it the coffee maker ;-) )Take care, Sue xx

    1. It might just have been the coffee machine....

  25. That's a nice view, and the coffee machine is a great touch :)

  26. Valerie, I am sorry you are in a hospital. Hope you go back home soon. Coffee is a good company! Hugs, sweetie.

  27. It's nice to see where you are. It looks like such a nicely appointed place and nice that there are lots of treats! You have a wonderful view from your bedroom window and I suspect that coffee machine will get quite the workout! It looks like a very comfortable place to be, and I'm glad you brought plenty of art to do, but I hope you don't have to stay too long.

  28. It looks like a home from home, such a lovely place to stay! Glad you have such a lovely view and all those creature comforts, that coffee machine looks out of this world 😀. Take care! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks! The coffee machine is really wonderful!

  29. that coffee machine is proof you're in the perfect place for you. xo

  30. Thanks for sharing your clinic pictures. The coffee pot looks fun - it would be my favorite thing too (and your view looks nice as well). Recover fast my friend! Hugz

  31. Looks a nice place.
    Lovely view.
    A coffee machine YES :)

    Hope you are doing well, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  32. The place looks very nice! You made me laugh about the coffee machine! Big Hugs and be well!


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