
Saturday 7 November 2020

Weekend Post

 Hi everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy!

Today I am sharing one of the pieces I made in Tam's 'art, heart and healing' course. It's a double page mixed media collage spread in an altered book journal, somewhere between A5 and A4. First of all we wrote down all the negative things we think or feel about ourselves on the left size, and after painting it over it was collaged with a new and meaningful text:

As I have birds on both pages I am also linking to AJJ, Wendy's birds challenge.

And I have some photos from today's sunrise and walk:

This new mural appeared on a wall near here;

Along the Rhine:

Flowers in boxes on the town hall:

Masked face cartoons have been sprayed everywhere on the pavements to remind people.  Let's hope it helps!

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Can you believe it's the weekend again!
    Lovely art and gorgeous photographs.
    The sunrise is beautiful and that blue sky is so blue.

    Happy Weekend Wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, it was indeed a lovely day! Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Lovely pages and quote. That mural is interesting as are the face mask reminders.

  3. That is a great way to write away some frustrations or anger, and then cover it over. Love the page you created. More stars too. And birds. Nice photos today too. The new mural is very interesting. Hope the mask image on the sidewalk actually helps. Everyday this week the local news has reported the highest day yet. I wonder if tomorrow will be even higher? Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Same problem here, not good at all. The mural was a total surprise, not there one day and finished on the next! Have a good weekend, stay safe!

  4. Your spread is amazing, Valerie. The girl is very pretty.
    Great sunrise photos, my friend. And I love the horses!
    Great idea the sprayed cartons with masks on the pavements. Let's hope that they will help. Kisses!

  5. Gorgeous work of art once again, love the photos and the flowers in the window box looks like your spring.... hope the sprayed masks help. xx

    1. It would be nice if we could skip winter and go straight to spring! Have a great day, stay safe!

  6. Great idea to write down the negatives, paint them out and turn them into a positive, it is a beautiful piece. Beautiful sunrise photos, those cyclamen look wonderful. Interesting graffiti, not sure I would have understood the mask reminder if you hadn't explained it!

    1. Thanks a lot. I enjoyed this little course, too. Have a safe and happy weekend!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Wonderful post as always, love the beautiful art spread you made, it is really well done, and I like the ideas behind it. The photos are wonderful, wht a beautiful sunrise you had yesterday. Have a good and safe day, and look after yourself, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, Glad you like my piece, I had fun making it. The sun is shining again today, so that's good. Take care, hugs to all!

  8. Very nice photos. have a nice weekend 😊

    1. Thanks Martyna, you have a great weekend, too!

  9. I love your choice of wording on your super double page spread. Do you know, only yesterday I was thinking I have hardly seen any contrails since March, then I saw one last evening, another this morning, and your photo today with all the pattern created by several. No wonder our skies look so clear! I like the mask reminders, also good for "stand here" queue distancing.
    Have a lovely weekend, stay safe and well, Deb.

    1. Thanks Deb. We have a lot of contrails here because of the nearby airport. The mask reminders are good, I think they are more 'visible' for people than signs planted higher up. Have a great weekend, take care!

  10. Fabulous page and photos, love the mask reminders, what a great idea.
    Hugs Wendy.

  11. Beautiful pages! The face you painted is a beauty, especially her amazing green eyes 😁. Adding the wording, butterflies and birds works wonderfully too! I'd like to kick that big pile of leaves, it would make me very happy 😉. Wishing you a lovely weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. I had fun kicking those leaves about! Have a good and safe weekend!

  12. Good morning Valerie: Looks to me like you have a beautiful young woman, and the birds and the bees as part of your theme today, so the possibilities are endless! As for turning negative comments into positive sentiments that is all to the good. I wonder how some people will cope with the long, dark nights ahead when dealing with the confinement imposed by COVID. I am already making mental plans to increase my contact with a couple of people I know who live alone, including Betty, the wonderful walker you met in one of my recent blog posts. The mural is amazing. I have noted that in Australia they make use of murals far more than we do here in Canada, as a way to enliven otherwise dull urban landscape. The markings on the sidewalk are also quite creative, and we have seen some of that here. Still no decision in the US election! How long can it take? And this is the most advanced democracy?? I guess Trump and his followers have already decided the outcome, and there is going to be mayhem in the streets. Enjoy the weekend, Princess, stay calm, stay cool (mentally), stay warm (physically), drink coffee, eat heartily, nap peacefully, slumber lengthily, think good thoughts and come back refreshed and renewed to entertain us all next week. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Hi David, thanks for the smiles you always give me. Yes, a lot of people will be having problems in the dark nights od isolation, I really know all about that and what it's like! Good that you will be able to help a few people! I liked the mural, too, and it was done in 2 days, I was surprised it went so quickly. The uncertainty in the USA is really hard to bear, and I just don't trust He who should not be named. I am trying to enjoy the weekend. The weather is nice. My fingers are very bad just now, the cold weather always sets it off, and I have necrotic spots on several fingers, and it is extremely painful. For this afternoon I've planned an audio book and feet up sleep, perchance to dream! Have a wonderful weekend, hope you get some good bird walks in. Hugs to you both!

  13. Fab pages, Valerie. The girl is so well done and love all your added elements, but the words are what got me (and how well you did her lips and eyes). I think a lot of people are chasing the dreams of others! I think we often can't even see our own dreams because we are chasing something we shouldn't be. LOVE your pictures too! Wonderful post. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. I think this is something we all do, and it' good to change it, or at least to try to change it! Look after yourself, stay safe! Hugs!

  14. What gorgeous art! I love the words too. You really do some gorgeous work Valerie! I love the photos but I'm glad you told us what the masked faces were, don't think I would have figured it out otherwise. I do hope it helps!

    1. Thanks Martha. I think the cartoon faces are aimed at the young folk, they're used to things like this! Have a great weekend, take care!

  15. What a beautiful array of photographs, obviously you know how to handle a camera as your shots are always wonderful and capture the moment perfectly. I loved all the scenic ones and had a little titter at the new graffiti - very clever.
    Your journal page is lovely too - I do like the face you treated us to and the idea from the class was very good - something I never do but always think I will when i read about it. I will write down what is bothering me soon and then cover it with paint, it might just help with a few things.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. I can handle a camera better than a frying pan or cooking pot, that's for sure! The new graffiti is good, I hope it won't be over-scribbled by idiots! It is indeed a good idea of writing on a page and then eradicating the negative thoughts by painting them over, I will do it again! Have a good weekend, hope you are keeping as well as possible!

  16. I got such a kick out of the mural. The masked figures on the ground are a fun idea.

  17. What a beautiful page, a lovely face and lots of little elements to delight! The mural is a rather curious one and what a surprise! You photos are wonderful as usual Valerie, lovely colours and views, the Rhine is looking quite full! I hope those little cartoons do remind people to wear them and to keep their distance. Stay safe! Hugs, Chrisxx

    1. Thanks Chris, the mural was a huge suprise, especially in this rather conservative area. Most people are really wearing their masks. Stay safe!

  18. Lovely photos, and your page is beautiful Valerie!
    Hope you're having a good weekend.
    Alison xx

  19. Nice art pages. I really like your butterflies.

  20. Das ist eine wunderschöne Doppelseite und das Mädchen sieht süss aus , mir gefällt sie und der Spruch toll gestaltet!
    Schönes Wetter war heute und ja die Maske auf das Strassenbild,wenn sich mla jeder halten würde daran. Nah gespannt wie es nächste Woche mit den Zahlen sind.Bis jetzt steigen sie.
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Hier war auch schönes Wetter, und die Zahlen steigen auch weiter. Dir ein schönes Wochenende, bleib gesund!

  21. Hi Valerie you really are having fun with those faces, lovely to see someone else enjoying them, I feel all faced out after a busy month with lots of them.. She's another stunner & I really like those bold use of world, so wise and true. I hope those masked faces help remind people of the importance of wearing them, rising numbers here have been horrendous this weekend. You take care & stay safe, i'm claiming today as my own & spending the day in the craftroom!! Yay!! Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. I'm planning a lazy 'me' day today, so I'm looking forward to it!

  22. What a beautiful journal spread, Valerie. The face and eyes were incredible, and the lips you drew were amazing. However, the words you covered over and redrew with positive affirmations showed how we all can paint over our disappointments, problems, and frustrations. This was a wonderful spread.

    LOVED the mural. I'm sure there was a great deal of symbolism there, but I didn't understand it. It was the highlight of your walk, I thought. Of course, those contrail were amazing, too.

    1. Thanks E. The highlight of my walk is always the nature I see along the way. The mural is fun, but not really something that I find 'enticing'. Have a great day!

  23. Such a lovely range of photographs! Great post VJ

  24. I love your art! And your photos are gorgeous. I hope your weekend is beautiful!

  25. I like the sentiment of the page and the lovely face. Beautiful photographs. I really love the patterns in the sky from the contrails. It always looks so peaceful along the Rhine. And the mask face really made me chuckle. I'm not sure it would help here are there are so many covidiots. Take care.

    1. Thanks CJ! The sky is always fascinating, a never ending beautiful film! Every land has their hare of covidiots, unfortunately. Stay safe!

    2. That should be 'share' not hare!

  26. That I Love You hand signal on the mural made me smile.


  27. I am delighted with your work and photos. The mural is really cool. Lots of health and smile.

  28. Thanks Lucyna, have a good and safe week!

  29. This is fabulous Valerie, the pages look amazing on your textured background. Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, much obliged! Have a great, new week, stay safe!

  30. What a wonderful spread. And beautiful photos. There is something about a window box that just captures my heart. How lovely to see them in your town.


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