
Thursday 19 November 2020

Thursday Post

 Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. After the cold and misty weather from Tuesday, Wednesday was a wonderful 'golden' day, from sunrise to sunset, and I enjoyed it. Tomorrow arctic winds will be hitting us....But I enjoyed this wonderful day.

For Wendy's birds challenge at AJJ I have a 'scribble' journal page. I often make pages like this when I am watching TV,  or in the pre-covid days while sitting in a café. These pages are always inspired by what's going on around me or in TV as the case may be:

I enjoyed my walk along the Rhine, and watched men trimming back the trees to make them safe for winter storms:

Lots of glowing colours:

Looking down the Rhine:

And up the Rhine:

Not many booths at the Rhine market because of Covid:

I walked through the park, which was the moat in the old days:

And then up the ramp and along the bastions (fortified city walls):

I always imagine the watchmen patrolling the bastions in past times:

Huge fungi on a tree stump:

Looking from the bastion to the Rhine:

And the bastion leading back home:

Past the meadows:

Flowers on the street corner:

Have a great day, take care,
and hanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I'm just sitting enjoying a very late evening cuppa and scrolling through your wonderful photographs ... simply WOW!

    Lovely art too.

    Happy Thursday Wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks so much Jan, it was a great day for photos!

  2. Always nice to see the sunshine! Lovely doodle pages today and enjoyed the sunny photos.

  3. I love your art and photos as always. I'm so glad you had a nice day, but sounds like it's time to bundle up tomorrow. Stay safe and stay warm my friend. Hugs across the miles!

  4. Looks like our weather will be switching places. I love your drawing page. It made me smile and looks like fun. Stay warm tomorrow. Hugs-Erika

    1. Strange how things shift and change so quickly! Have a great day!

  5. These are cheery, happy pages in your book, Valerie. And it looks like you are nearing the end of fall in Dusseldorf too. Lovely scenes.

  6. Fun and happy pages, and gosh your photos are sheer delight to view. x

  7. Here they are trimming trees like crazy, too. Wonderful pictures from your walk. Happy Thursday!

  8. Hi Val, good morning to you! Hope you have slept well and feel as well as possible today. LOVE your fun pages, you should show more like that, they are such fun! Have a lovely day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, you all have a great day, too, take care!

  9. Das ist eine so schöne lustige Zeichnung ich finde das solltest du ölfters zeigen!
    Tolle Fotos, oja das kann ich mir auch gut vorstellen mit ihren tollen Gewänder von früher.
    Schönes Wetter war auch noch dabei.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag (mit viel Wind bei dir so wie bei mir)
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Heute scheint es viel kälter zu sein, das heisst mich warm einpacken wenn ich raus gehe! Dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  10. Lovely scribble page I wish I could draw like that!! Wonderful walk photos, the Rhine is a beautiful river. The trees look great in their autumnal colour.

  11. A great journal page, lots to see. You do have some wonderful walks near you and some great photos along the way.
    Hugs Wendy.

  12. Such happy, smile making pages in your journal today! What a good job those men are doing. I wish my neighbours would do the same, for if their trees come down, tis I who suffer!
    Hugs, Deb

    1. p.s. forgot to say, second photo of fungus looks like a wide mouth frog 🐸 emerging from the leaves!

    2. Thanks Deb, happy if it made you smile!They do the tree cutting regularly to avoid accidents. That fungus does look like a frog now I look at it, well spotted!

  13. Luv your awesome photos and "cheepy" birds gave me a smile
    My 3 muses birds is HERE

    much love...

  14. I love your drawing page.
    We will all miss the beautiful colors of fall!
    Have a lovely day! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella, let's hope winter brings us some lovely days, too!

  15. Good morning Valerie: It is great to reconnect with you again. My cataract surgery went very well, and my distance vision has improved greatly and the clarity and brightness is quite amazing. However, I can't read worth a damn! I have been unable to get an appointment with my optometrist until 29 December to get a proper prescription and then we will be right into New Year, so it is going to be a while before I have new glasses. In the meantime I just picked up a pair of drug store reading glasses and that is helping me to see your always impressive art and the incredible views of your walk along the Rhine, with a history lesson thrown in! You really do have some enchanting places to walk. I am now busy catching up with scores of emails and trying to hit a few of my favourite blogs. Hopefully by tomorrow I will be caught up. Hugs and kisses, David.

    1. Hi David, good to hear from you again, and I'm happy that your OP went well, that's good. But it's a bit of a bummer that you need to wait so long for reading glasses. Still, good that the drug-store ones do the trick for the time being. Due to Covid all appointments re taking much longer here, too. My walk yesterday was wonderful as the weather was so good, but today it's back to cold, wet and windy. But I still enjoyed being out! Rest you eyes, and be a good boy! Have a great day, stay safe! Hugs to you both!

  16. Hi Valerie, Bill here. Lovely Art and Photos. Have a great day.

  17. Your area is so pretty. You really capture that in your photos.
    Love your scribble journal.
    And your header is purrfect:)
    Hope your hands are feeling better.

  18. Your art made me smile. I enjoyed the walk. Even though you walk in the same area, your pictures always look different. Take care and stay warm.

  19. Your whimsical drawings made me chuckle. Very cute.

  20. I love your bright colors in your art today. And always I love the color in your fall walks. Winter will bring its own landscape, but I'm enjoying this season's colors.

    1. Thanks, I will muss autumn and its wonderful colours.

  21. A lovely bright and colourful page Valerie, and beautiful photos of a beautiful walk.
    Alison xx

  22. so wonderful and colorful photos;)

  23. Hi Valerie, yep the world is a jungle alright. This is a great way to show it off. I love your photos but for me today looking down the Rhine is so peaceful.

    1. Thanks Nicole. It always does me good to walk by the Rhine. Stay safe!

  24. I love your art work! It's colorful and happy!
    You are such a great photographer too.

  25. Interesting art work and some amazing photos vj

  26. I am so sorry for being so VERY late visiting, Valerie. I was SO sick night before last, I didn't even link up to AEDM and TAD for at least two hours. Still not well, but feeling guilty, so wanted to stop by and admire your amazing your art and photos today.

    The journal spread is adorable. I like how you doodled away and gave us so much to think about. I especially liked how you doodled the clothes on the "clothesline," and the houses and cars in a circle. Of course, I can't forget the bird, because it is special and works well for Wendy's theme at Art Journal Journey, dear.

    The wall held my attention of all these photos today.

    1. Sorry you were so sick, that's not good. Hope you are feeling better today. Sometimes I have fun making pages like these. Have a great day!

  27. Fun pages! Your drawings are fabulous, a wonderful way to capture life and things going on around you 😀. Those skies as always are a delight and so lovely to see all your photos too. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. Sometimes we just need to be a bit crazy! Hugs!

  28. Love your scribbly page Valerie! Life certainly is different these days! Along as the sun shines we'll be OK!!! Lovely photos as usual - the walk on the city walls looks beautiful! Hugs, Chrisx


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