
Friday 27 November 2020


 Hi Everybody!

It's Friday already, and even BLACK Friday, so good luck to all who are off bargain-hunting today.

A few days back Melanie Rivers painted this sweet deer live, and it was fascinating to watch her work. So today I sat down and tried my luck. This is the first time I've tried painting an animal like this, and although there's still a lot of room for improvement, I think it turned out quite well. I added some stars to lighten the dark background and some words  from a freebie word-sheet:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday

And for Wendy's challenge at AJJ I have a 'special edition' with birds:

This is the 2nd half of the photos from the indoor ski slope and alpine village. You can see the first ones here:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I like your deer.

    Lovely to see more of your photographs from the indoor ski slope and alpine village.

    Have a Happy Friday :)

    All the best Jan

  2. Wow Valerie this is excellent. I so want to come visit your town. It looks so nice to me.

  3. Your deer is beautiful, love it! I would really love to visit that place. Only online shopping for me this year. Have a fantastic weekend :)

    1. Thanks Martha. we are lucky that we have the possibility of online shopping these days. Stay safe!

  4. Lovely deer, so much excitement going on. No Black Friday hunting for me....xx

    1. No Black Friday hunting for me either! Have a wonderful day!

  5. Your deer came out amazing! I am highly impressed. And adding the birds is super for the AJJ challenge too. And they decorated that indoor ski area in such nice German alpine decor. I've never been to Germany so do places like that really exist (meaning the alpine look?) Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. In the south of Germany and in Austria etc there are lots of places in Alpine look, and some people still build like that to keep up the traditions! Have a great Friday!

  6. Great job! I especially like the nose.

    1. Thanks Sandra, I was pleased how my deer turned out!

  7. Hi Val, good morning, I LOVE your sweet deer, it's wonderful! You made a wonderful painting here. And I love the clever alterations with the birds, wonderful. Have a fantastic day, take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a wonderful day, take care, hugs to all!

  8. Liebe Valerie ach so süss dein Reh das hast du wunderbar gemalt und du kannst das genauso gut! Mit den Vögeln und Sterne und den Spruch,romantisches Bild!
    Wunderschön die Skihalle und ihre Weihnachtsgestaltung!
    Pass auf dich auf und hoffentlich baldige Besserung, liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Ja, die Skihalle war immer lusting. Dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  9. Your painting is very beautiful, well done! Have a great weekend. hugs Anesha

    1. Thanks Anesha, I had fun painting it. Have a good and safe day!

  10. Very nice deer! I always like the deer eyes ... so innocent!
    No Black Friday hunting for me ... i hate this word!
    Wishing you a very nice end of the week!

  11. Thanks Ella! I'm not going bargain hunting either, at home is best! Stay safe!

  12. Oh your deer is fantastic, what agreat painting. I love the pictures from the Alpine village. I am away to look at your other ones as well. Its always somewhere I would love to visit, not sure where but I love seeing the Alps and all the traditional architecture, Happy PPF, enjoy the weekend, Hazel (Didos)xx

  13. Good job on your deer. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks a lot Teresa, have a wonderful weekend!

  14. The deer looks cute...good one

  15. Your deer is really lovely. I think you did an excellent job creating it. I also like how you added the two cute birds to the mix for Wendy's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    I'm sure this place is lovely all year long, but the addition of the greenery and decorations for Christmas made it even more special. It might even put me in the Christmas spirit.

    I sent you TWO e-mails last night. You should have received them, but if not, I will resend them.

    1. Thanks E, glad you like it! I found your mails in spam! Christmas spirit is a bit hard to find this year! Have a good and safe day!

  16. Good morning, Valerie: For a first attempt I think you did exceptionally well. I can see that after a couple more tries you will be ready to join the ranks of great wildlife artists. Just imagine the illustrated books you will be producing on the unique, ancestral birds of Balconia-by-the-Rhine, and since, as far as I know, there has been no photographic evidence of these rare and unusual forms, this will constitute the only record. I will look forward to adding a signed copy to my collection, and if the original artwork is offered for sale, I will be ready to place my bid. A few people have been impressed that I have original Barry Kent McKays on my walls. Imagine how gobsmacked they will be when they see my VJTs! Interesting to see more views of the indoor ski facility, unique I must say. The dining room looks like it is ready for a grand reception, or something of the kind. Perhaps it was a gathering of crafters and you were the keynote speaker. Now that would draw a crowd of movers, shakers and big spenders. The weekend is coming up so enjoy it immensely. I wish for you good weather to walk, great coffee to drink, sweet dreams when you slumber, and a marvellous week to follow. With love, hugs, kisses, smooches, embraces, warm wishes, good feelings, and all that is helpful in putting a smile on your face, David.

    1. Thanks David, especially for the smiles! I think wildlife artist is not my calling, unless you mean the wild life in bars and coffee shops. But it's interesting to try something new here and there. They evidently hire out the facilities at the skiing place for parties and receptions, but I guess it's closed just now like everything else! I had a nice walk this morning, tidied up a bit here, and cooked myself enough food for today's and tomorrow's lunches, so feel absolutely within my rights to drink a large cappuccino now, and then slumber an hour in my comfy chair. I hope you will have time and opportunity to visit birds today. Did you get to see that screech owl, by the way? Have a wonderful day, hugs to you and M!

    2. It has moved on, Valerie, so unfortunately not, but in about 45 min we will see Heather and Lily.

    3. Give them some distance hugs from me!

  17. Your deer brought beautiful feelings of the Christmas season to my the words,too!
    Lovely photos as always.
    No gift shopping in stores for me this year.

    Hugs 🎄❄🎅☕

    1. Thanks Jan, no shopping in stores here either!

  18. Your deer is lovely, well done. Thank you for another entry for my theme. Have a great weekend.
    Hugs Wendy

  19. You are definitely in the Christmas mood. Bravo


  20. Hi Valerie :)) Wow, what a lovely place to visit. I'd love to eat in that restaurant Salzburger Hochalm, it looks so comfy and cozy!! I LOVE your deer, she's just beautiful! :)

    1. Thanks Rain! It is indeed a fun place to visit. And the food was sooooooooooo good! Have a good weekend, hugs to you and all of your family!

  21. The doe you painted is so pretty and I like the empowering words you chose for her. The Alpine village is putting me in the Christmas mood. Everything looks so festive. I'm cleaning today so we can start putting out the Christmas decorations. Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks CJ, I'm still trying to find my Christmas spirit! Have fun with the Decorations!

  22. I think you've done a really good job with the deer.

  23. Wonderful deer. You inspire me to try.

  24. The deer looks very nice. Good job. Interesting village.

  25. The deer painting is beautiful! I love the colors too. I hope you show more of your paintings!

    1. Thanks Debra. I don't usually paint animals, but this was fun!

  26. WOW Valerie, your deer painting is gorgeous, I love it! Awesome photos of the ski slope and village, the Christmas decorations are beautiful. Enjoy your weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, so glad you like it! Have a wonderful weekend! Stay safe!

  27. That ski lodge looks so warm and cozy...Well, except where it looks cold. Ha.
    Also love the deer's eyes!
    Stay safe and pain free.

    1. Thanks Sandra. Yes, it was cozy and cold at the same time! Have a great weekend!

  28. I love the deer Valerie, you did a great job!
    Great photos too.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, have a great weekend! Stay safe!

  29. Pięknie wyszedł ten jelonek. Ma takie śliczne oczka. Nie byłam dziś na zakupach nie ulegamy pokusie 😁 Miłej soboty😊

    1. Thanks Lucyna. Glad you like the fawn. I didn't go shopping either, but ordered some inter boots online! Have a great weekend!

  30. Beautiful deer and lovely photos of the indoor village.

  31. such a sweet poem next to a sweet deer. That resort looks like such fun!

  32. The deer is awesome ~ wonderful artwork ~ ! And photos are awesome of that special place ~

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  33. I have always dreamed of flying away- so I can relate to that quote.

    Such a festive time of year. I love it! :)

    1. Thanks Jesx, I think we would all like to fly away just now!

  34. Your deer looks expressive and beautiful.
    What a wonderful indoor village.
    Enjoy the weekend...

  35. Oh Deer!!!! Love him and the birds!!!!

  36. Love the deer, so pretty. That ski slope place looks huge, so much to see and do.

  37. Wow Valerie, I love the way you captured that quizzical look that deer have! Love the birdie addition too!
    The ski village looks way up market from the one we have visited near here! The food areas look huge! Hope you had a good weekend! Chrisx

  38. Valerie I love your deer, he has those beautiful soft eyes! The ski centre looks like great fun, though it's many years since I last skied. Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. I like watching people skiing, but there it ends! Coffee drinking is safer! Stay safe and well!

  39. Your deer came out very well and such lovely eyes. Great addition of the stars and words. I love the additional pictures of the ski lodge. The oven in the first picture reminds me of home (New Mexico). Adobe ovens and hanging peppers, onions and garlic are all around there. So interesting. Thanks for sharing! Many hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy, I had fun with the deer. The ski-hall is a fun place to visit. Have a good and safe week!

  40. I LOVE the deer! Great job! And the photos are so fun to look through. If I hadn't read the words, I wouldn't have known, it's just an indoor ski slope.

  41. It's an inspiration. I like your deer.

    So festively decorated! I'd like to spend some cozy time there :)

  42. The ski village is fabulous and I adore your sweet deer!


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