
Friday 13 November 2020


Hi Everybody!

It's Friday again, the weekend is almost here, let's enjoy it! 

For Paint Party Friday I am sharing a piece made after watching a lesson, 'Earth Mother', from Melanie Rivers. I made an A3 mixed media piece on a sheet of paper which was already painted and partly collaged. I made a mess while trying to make some white drips at the top, so covered them up with feathers. The collaged plants were gifted me by Avril, thanks again.

I wrote this verse to accompany the painting:

The Earth Mother

She arises from the earth,

Clothed with the dignity of wisdom,

Which is her beauty and her strength.

The light of the sacred moon

Shines in her eyes

And blesses and awes those who recognise her.

She carries the stars on her cloak

And brings the water of life to mankind.

She is there for all who search for her,

Treat her well.

And I have some more pictures from yesterday's walk, today's pics are still in the camera:

A lot of the trees along the Rhine are now bare of leaves:

It was a grey and misty day:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Goodness it's Friday again, I hope you have a lovely day.

    I like your colourful art and I think the feathers look good.
    Many thanks for these lovely Autumn photographs, our trees in the UK are also beginning to look a little bare. When out and about many are in their gardens raking up the leaves :)

    Take care.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, raking leaves is a popular occupation just now!

  2. I'm confused. I just read your comment about not being able to link to AJJ. The last one you linked to was Rain's TAD. Please tell me AJJ is working OK now.

    This is a gorgeous piece you created following a lesson by Melanie Rivers. For me it was all about the eyes and the headdress that included the feathers. You did a LOT of doodling, too. It was great.

    More lovely images from yesterday's walk. I see you were still enamored by the leaves. It was almost like two different days with the sunny part at the river and the rest with the mist. Those are the ones I like best because they feel moody. Stay safe out there, dear friend.

    1. Nothing's wrong with AJJ, it's Blogger playing up! The mist was heavy in one direction, and there was nothing in the other. Stay safe!

  3. Walking by the river must be exciting, Valerie. I always love the beautiful photos you share with us.
    Your pages is a real masterpiece, my friend. I attended only the free lessons from Melanie, but as I guess from your lovely page, this must be a great lesson. Kisses!

    1. Thanks Mia. There are a lot of free lessons on Melanie's page, with videos. Stay safe!

  4. Beautiful mixed media and lovely photos!

  5. The art is just beautiful but that last photo, I can't take my eyes off of it.

    1. Thanks Nicole. It's the street where I live on that last photo.

  6. Hi Val, good morning, I hope you had a great sleep. It's cold and frosty here, but looks like good weather. Love the beautiful piece you made, your earth mother is wonderful, and looks kind and mysterious. Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, much appreciated! Hugs to all, take care!

  7. Wunderschön und so berührend dein Kunstwerk von der Erdmutter, ich bin total begeistert davon!
    Herrlich dein Spaziergang wieder , ich liebe es den Herbst!
    Schönen Tag und pass gut auf dich auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Ich bin jetzt gerade wieder Heim vom Spaiziergang, es war schön! Bleib gesund!

  8. Although Autumn is my favourite season, and I find different beauty in all the seasons, I think bare trees speak to me the most. I love to see what lies beneath the green of Summer and the structure of the leafless trunks and branches is inspiring.
    Have a wonderful weekend
    Sending you many kind thoughts today on World Kindness Day
    Hugs Deb

    1. Every season has something beautiful about it, and bare trees can be very lovely. Sending kind thoughts your way, too!

  9. She's magnificent - such warmth and compassion and welcome in her expression, and the colours echo that warmth and beauty. Wonderful photos as always, capturing the season perfectly. Happy PPF and happy weekend to you.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. I had fun painting her. Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  10. Your Earth Mother gives off great warmth Valerie makes me want to hug her!! There's no such thing as a mess in creativity but the feathers add to it's mixed media magic along with those lovely die cuts that we all know and love. She's lovely as are your pic's the misty autumn mornings is what always drew me to the season as a child. Wishing you a super weekend, i'm hoping for a quiet one with calls or requests!! Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. Thanks for the kind way of describing 'mess'!!! I hoe you get your quiet weekend! Take care!

  11. Hello and good morning Dear Valerie. The beauty of your verse is matched only by the glorious depiction of Earth Mother. This is such a vivid image and I was struck immediately by the fact that you chose an African woman for this creation. After all, we all originated in Africa and the symbolism, and the association with the very beginning of hominids seems so very appropriate. In my humble and unsophisticated opinion this is one of the best things you have done. It certainly resonated with me. If this is what comes from making a mess, then keep doing it I say. Louis Leakey might have been proud to adopt this symbol! Your walks along the pathways of your area are lovely as always and no doubt bring a little sanity into what has really become an upside down world. Take good care of your fingers. We need your art to inspire us each day. This morning we will see Heather and Lily. I will be sure to tell Heather to check this post. i know she will enjoy it. Hugs and kisses from your Canadian admirer. David.

    1. Hi David, good morning to you in faraway Canada, land of the magnificent geese! Glad you like my earth mother, I enjoyed the lesson so much I made her in 2 variations, but I like this one best. Mess is always fun to make, I seem to be a nature talent there. I remember learning about Louis Leakey when I was studying, many moons ago. And there is ( or at least used to be) a display about him in the Neanderthal Museum, which is quite near here. My fingers are very ouchy just now, came back from the doc's with a bag full of tablets, have to start again with cortisone in high doses, which I hate, but I have to get through it. Give mylove to Heather and Lily, that gorgeous baby! Have a great day, stay safe and well, hugs to you both!

    2. There will soon be a new exhibit in the Neanderthal Museum of one of the most primitive forms, known for orange hair and a permanent scowl. Unfortunately it did not become extinct, but soon will be rendered ineffective at least.

    3. I so hope you are right, but I won't pay money to visit him!

  12. Ahhh this is a beautiful piece of art, I love the poem you have done to accompany it as well. Its lovely to see other parts of the world in Autumn, thanks for sharing. Happy PPF, Stay Safe, Hazel (Didos) x

    1. Thanks Hazel, glad you like it. Autumn is a beautiful season, I will be sad when it is over! Stay safe!

  13. I love the pictures you take while you're walking and sharing them with us. You have a good eye for detail!

    1. Thanks Fonda! I've been walking around with a camera since I was a little girl, and enjoy taking pics of my environment! Have a great day!

  14. A lovely, thoughtful piece. I think the feather cover-up was a happy accident. hugs, Teresa

  15. So many wonderful details! Thank you for the lovely photos!

  16. I love your Earth mother, just gorgeous! Thank you for always taking us along with you on your walks :)

  17. What a wonderful piece Valerie, and I love the verse that you wrote to accompany her, we should definitely treat her better than we do! Take care and have a very happy weekend, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. We certainly need to Take more Care of her!

  18. Lovely fall photos Valerie! :) Your Earth Mother is very soulful, really nice! :)

  19. Lovely Earth mother art and sentiment Valerie. Loving the foggy atmosphere of autumn along the Rhine! Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda! I Love it when it's foggy! Stay safe!

  20. Your earth mother is absolutely stunning Valerie! And your photos are beautifully atmospheric. I love this season!
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, autumn is really a wonderful time.

  21. Interesting art. The feathers and plants do add a nice touch to it.

  22. Really lovely piece of mixed media art. Have a great weekend.Aensha

  23. A beautiful piece and important reminder that we should honor her and our responsibility to her. I'm enjoying your bare trees and the remainder of your lovely Autumn color. Great shots!

    1. Thanks so much. If we don't start looking after the earth soon it will be too late. Stay safe!

  24. Your Earth Mother is gorgeous Valerie and I love the rich colors you used! Beautiful photos today! Enjoy your weekend.
    Tammy x

    1. Thanks so much Tammy! You have a great weekend, too, Take care!

  25. Beautiful earth Mother and walk photos. The leaves seem to have disappeared quickly!

    1. Thanks. All of a sudden the leaves were gone, we had a couple of windy days! Stay safe!

  26. Wonderful work and beautiful photos! Happy PPF ♥

  27. mother earth is wonderful.... ask her to forgive us for our tresspasses against the earth. the light in your photos is so pretty

    1. Thanks LeeAnna! Let's hope it isn't too late! Stay safe!

  28. Mother Earth is wonderful. I love your poetry and the idea of mother earth is very clever. I don't see many people out during your walk. Are people being more cautious with the virus? Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Most people are being careful, but there are still a few idiots about! Stay safe!

  29. Love your Earth Mother Valerie. Your walks are always filled with beautiful sights, it must be so refreshing afterwards. Hope all is well over your way xx

  30. Beautiful EarthMother art and i particularly luv this line from your poem
    "Clothed with the dignity of wisdom,"

    Happy you dropped by my blog


  31. Your Earth Mother is stunning Valerie. I love those colours that are really representing the Earth! Yes, sadly a lot of the trees have lost their leaves already, you still found some wonderful aspects of Autumn! I really do love to see paths with leaves on, even though they can get a bit slippy! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. I had fun with this one. Enjoy your weekend!

  32. I love the verse you wrote. It is as powerful as your Earth Mother art.


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