
Wednesday 11 November 2020

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Today I am sharing another version  of a piece made for Tam's 'Art, heart and healing' course. On the left side lots of negative thoughts were written down, 'cancelled' by being painted over, and replaced by a positive quote. I enjoyed doing this exercise. The feather, flowers and owl were stamped. I am also linking to Wendy's 'birds' challenge at AJJ:

And some more autumn impressions:

Tuesday's sunrise - The first photo is the last in the series, Blogger has been playing silly games again today, sorry!

More gulls having fun:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely art work, I really like the idea of cancelling the negative thoughts with positive. Great autumn photos.

    1. Thanks, it's a good exercise doing things like that! Have a great day!

  2. I too like the idea of cancelling negative thoughts with positive :)

    Fabulous sunrise and Autumn photographs.

    All the best Jan

  3. I need to do a page like that-meaning writing all my negative thoughts and then painting over them. Love your spread. I like how you snuck in that little owl. And you had a beautiful sunrise. I had to look twice because for a moment I wanted to say sunset, but that didn't seem right. Blogger does that to me also. Happy mid-week! Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Blogger was playing a lot of tricks yesterday, I needed ages to get the pics uploaded. Have a great day.

  4. Gorgeous pages, lovely eyes on her. Beautiful photos today.

  5. I love that you canceled the negative with the positive, that's awesome! Fantastic photos too!

  6. Good Morning Val! Hope you had a good sleep. Was nice to talk to you yesterday. I love your new spread, so pretty, with lovely colours. The little owl is so cute!Lovely photos, too. Have a safe day, take care! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Good morning Sarah! Thanks, I slept quite well, I sleep better now than in summer. Have a good and safe day, hugs to all!

  7. Morning Valerie, popping in before I head off to do those care duties then drop off Mom's shop. Isn't she a pretty picture, nice to wipe out those negative thoughts and replace them with the positive, oh boy are there many in my head right now. She looks very much at peace, like me when I see you super photo's, love the romance of the walk down the leafy lane. Catch up with you soon, stay safe Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! I enjoyed making the spread. The walk along the old wall by the Rhein is always beautiful, I walk there at least twice every day, and always love it. Stay safe!

  8. Always a good reminder to try to turn negative thoughts around when we can, into something positive, and you've done it beautifully. Thanks so much for the lovely seasonal pics. They are truly wonderful and colorful. Hugs and hope you are feeling well. RO

    1. Thanks Ro. I love this season because of the wonderful colours. Stay well and safe!

  9. You have created another beautiful spread where you show the positive and cover over the negative. I LOVE how you did the words, too. Were they computer generated? Your green eyed beauty is simply gorgeous. I always love your beautiful faces.

    My favorite photos today are the two of the couple on the path walking through the leaves.

    Blogger is making my life miserable, too. Not only do I have to prove I'm not a robot, I have to identify three photos. GRRR!

    1. Thanks E! The words were computer generated, there are so many fun fonts to choose from. I have to keep verifying I'm not a robot, too, Blogger are evidently targeting people who do lots of comments....I had 5 photos to verify yesterday, and I see badly and have great dificulties to see those mini pics. I hope it goes away sooner or later! Have a nice day, take care!

    2. I had the most trouble when I went to Mia's site because the photos to identify were in Greek. I had NO idea what I was supposed to identify.

    3. I had similar Problems with Polish!

  10. Great photos, especially some of the skies and birds in flight.
    Blogger is a nuisance, especially if you want to move a photo, since the changes.

    Waving from Wales,
    Stay safe and well

  11. Das ist so süss gemalt deine Lady!Eine wunderschöne Doppelseite. Der Sonnenaufgang ist der wahnsinn und auch die herbstlichen und genauso die Möwen, tolle Fotos!!!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Ich hoffe dass es dir gut geht, bleib gesund!

  12. I like how serene your girl looks. The colours also carry the tranquil feel.

    1. Thanks Teresa. Green is a calming colour! Have a great day!

  13. A girl with an owl on her shoulder is my kind of girl, Valerie! And she looks so happy to have it perched there. What a great series of shots of your meanderings through autumn woodlands, with all their splendid beauty at this time of the year. The gulls are cavorting and the crow looks as wise and sombre as ever. I think that our ridiculously warm November weather has come to and end. It has rained overnight and it looks cool outside. A leaf has blown about and is sticking over the outdoor thermometer so I can't see the temperature, but is has a bit of a raw look to it, and the wind is gusting. I will go for a walk, nevertheless. I ran into an old chap yesterday at Columbia Lake, with a heavy accent, east European perhaps, and he was very keen to ask me questions about birds and beavers. He didn't have a mask on, and got awfully close at times, but he was alone and had the demeanour of aloneness, so I didn't have the heart to ask him to stand back. He kept touching my forearm as he talked. Were it not for this damn virus I would have invited him home for a coffee. He seemed like an interesting fellow. He had even picked a few berries and asked if I could help identify them for him. Stay well, stay warm, stay safe, stay relevant, stay cheerful despite everything, a vaccine is perhaps on the way. With much love from Miriam and me. David

    1. Hi David, nice to hear from you again. It's a lot cooler here today, too, but I enjoyed my walk, it's always good to get out. Since then I've been paininting, or at least, I tried! Glad you spoke to that old chap yesterday, it's hard having noone to talk to, as I well know. This morning the crows were having a shouting match in the tree behind the garden, they were really loud. And then they all flew off in a big, black flapping flock! This afternoon I'm planning a nap after my coffee, and perhaps some more painting later. Have a great day, take care. Love and hugs to you and Miriam!

  14. This is fabulous Valerie, I love the owl, and what a great quote! Take care and have a great week xx

  15. Beautiful autumn on the photos :)

  16. Pretty art work-and gorgeous autumn photos-your photos should be in magazines for more to enjoy your photography-hugs happy wednesday

  17. I love the girl's blue-green hair and green eyes. Just gorgeous!

  18. Your Autumn colors turned out beautifully!

  19. Thanks. Nature is the best artist!


  20. Beautiful autumn girl. I really like photography with people walking into the distance together.

  21. I hope that is true. Lovely art and amazing photos.

  22. It is,but you need to look for the right door!

  23. Glorious skies and what fascinating fungi on the tree. Beautiful.

  24. Love your art and the idea of painting over negative thoughts! I think that orange bush is a hazelnut. I have two in my yard. I just love them. Beautiful sky photos!

    1. Thanks Debra. I have no idea what it is, but it's gorgeous! Have a good week, stay safe!

  25. I love seeing all the colourful leaves at this time of year

  26. Your girl is beautiful, great spread Valerie. Lovely autumn photos too.
    Alison xx

  27. I love this. Our country's door is partially jammed right now, but we are slowly prying it open....

  28. Gorgeous page, I love the hair and her pretty green eyes! Stunning sunrise photos!
    Take care, Tammy x

  29. Fabulous journal page and wonderful Autumn photographs.
    Hugs Wendy

  30. Beautiful pages! Your lady is so pretty and I love the wording, so inspirational 😀. I don't think I'll ever tire of seeing those beautiful morning skies and colours of the autumnal leaves - perfect! Hugs, Jo x

  31. I really am a long way behind! I love this page Valerie, such sweet face and I guess that the wise owl was giving comfort to her! Wow! What a great photos..and what fabulous skies! Hugs, Chrisx


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