
Thursday 8 October 2020

Thursday This and That

 Hi Everybody!

Today I am sharing another piece, painted with watercolours, made in the Lifebook taster course with a lesson 'Peace be with you' from Ida Andersen Lang. As it also has lots of lines, I am linking to Chris' challenge at AJJ:

And I have another tree tag for Pinky's tree challenge at Tag Tuesday:

And some more autumn impressions from my walks:

The last photos of the moon from last week (taken with my cell-phone):

Red and green:

And some beautiful rust:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Happy Thursday, this week is flying by!

    Lovely art.
    Beautiful photographs, I especially like the Autumnal colours.

    All the best Jan

  2. Happy mid-week beautiful art and I really enjoyed your autumn photos-

  3. Lovely art work and tag Valeriwe, the autumn colours on the trees and vines are beautiful.

  4. Stunning fall colours and a lovely page and tag.

  5. wow talk about a post full of sweetness and gorgeous colours, amazing art and just love it all....thank you. xx

  6. Oh my goodness, from art to earth! So much to love - and I am SMILING at your moon pictures! My granddaughter and I have a thing with just the 2 of us to go out each night and look at the Moon and Stars! Love the organic look to your art work - just splendid. Hugs!

  7. Hi Val, Hope you are okay. Love your beautiful Art and Photos. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Sarah

  8. I haven't seen that video, but it appears you have created a real beauty. I love her headdress with the stars. Thanks, too, for sharing this with everyone by linking at Art Journal Journey using Chris's theme.

    Your trees made me smile. I love palm trees and these are VERY colorful. SO unlike any I've ever seen before.

    I love how the leaves are turning to reds and yellows. The autumn colors are so beautiful and warm.

  9. 'Peace be with you' too, dear Valerie!🙏
    Beautiful pictures, especially the moon playing with the clouds!
    Wishing you a wonderful day! Hugs!

  10. I think I missed that LifeBook lesson so I'll go back and check now! Love seeing all the fungi and leaves, so redolent of Autumn days, and the full, Harvest moon too. All whispering that the seasons are turning. Stay safe, and keep making art! Hugs, Deb

  11. Love your watercolour piece, just beautiful. I do love this time of the year, nature is so beautiful. Enjoy your week. x

    1. Thanks Anesha, it is a wonderful season indeed!

    2. Thanks Anesha, it is a wonderful season indeed!

  12. Huiii das ist natürlich mein Lieblingsjournal wunderschön, Valerie!!!
    Herrlich deine Herbstfotos, der Tintenpilz wunderschön und all daas andere.
    Ich hoffe dein Netz geht bald wieder.
    Schönen Tag wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Liebe Elke, vielen Dank!Netz funktioniert seit 10 Minuted wieder, hurrah! Der Tag kann jetzt besser werden!

  13. Hi Valerie :) Your art is lovely and so are those photos, I love those climbing leaves!

  14. Hello Valerie: The young maiden with the blue hair looks very seductive and appealing, I must say. There was a time when blue hair would have been fanciful indeed, but today hair of innumerable vibrant colours is the norm. The other day, in the supermarket, a young woman in front if me at the checkout had bright purple hair and more tattoos than a drunken sailor on leave in Port Said. Not to my liking, I'm afraid. The tattoos snaking up her neck verged on grotesque. Now your feathers are a different matter entirely, and they reflect that birds' plumage really does come in every shade imaginable, with iridescence to highlight their beauty. I too have been paying great attention to fungi, which seem to be especially abundant this year and is everywhere to be found. The fallen leaves, of course, are the very essence of autumn, and make me think back to walking through them, and kicking them up when I was a child. Then we used to build up huge piles, climb a tree and jump into them. Maybe we can do some of this with Lily is a couple of years. Well maybe not climbing trees......Enjoy what remains of the day, Valerie. From Canada I am sending you hugs, kisses, pecks, squeezes, pats, greetings, salutations, salutes, and other gestures of friendship and affection I can't even bring to mind! Toujours ton ami, David

    1. Thanks David, your comment cheered me up. We had a problematic start to the day here - no electricity and no internet. So no coffee, no computer, no friggin' nothing! Cola for breakfast was not to my taste. Wanted to go into town for a breakfast and coffee. Trams and buses are all on strike, all day today. Perhaps tomorrow, a takeaway coffee from the kiosk near the tram stop, boy, was it good! Autumn leaves re wonderful, and I still kick my way through them, but don't anymore jump from the trees, those times are unfortunately passé! Sending you greetings in all forms, and a nice, cold hug. Hope the heating soon kicks back on again! Hugs etc to you both!

  15. What a gorgeous watercolour you have shown to us today. I love the colours chosen and the subject is beautiful, what an endearing face, so angelic.
    I am loving your tag too, very strong colours here in total contrast to the watercolour above it.
    I must comment on your new blog header - what a gorgeous tree, what a beautiful golden shade it is. I have not seen any around here that colour as yet but I long to as I love autumn and its richness of colour.
    Thank you also for the beautiful photographs. I am going back to start at the beginning and look through them all again.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thank so much Neet. I tale lots of photos - even more than usual - in Autumn, I love the colour changes. Have a good week, stay safe and well!

  16. That is a wonderful piece you made in class. Great glow from the purple at the top. It gives her a sacred feel, but not really a religious feel-at least to me. It is perfect for Chris' challenge. And nice tag too with those potted palms. Loving your autumn photos. The colors right now are gorgeous, aren't they? Too bad they don't last longer. Hope your week is going well. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. The first half of today was a catastrophe, it just has to get better!Have a good day, stay safe!

  17. I love your lady in blue with nimbus. Pretty!

    Your Autumn colors! Striking!

  18. That watercolor is gorgeous as well as the tag. You are in full autumn season there. It is so beautiful.

  19. Nice Pictures! I love autumn is my favourite season.

  20. I love the pieces AND you got some wonderful shots!

  21. Stunningly beautiful art and autumn splendor!!!
    You are so multi-talented!!!

    Hugs ☕

  22. very nice mushrooms;) but I suppose they are not edible:D

    1. They're not poisonous, but I don't think I want to eat them! Enjoy your day!

  23. Gorgeous watercolor Valerie, I love that image, beautiful tag too! Stunning autumn photos and awesome pictures of the moon. Take care.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, I had fun making this one! Have a great day!

  24. Oh wow Valerie you have captured the essence of autumn from top to bottom on your blog. A pure delight for the eyes today and I love your tag!!

    1. Thanks Pinky, this is my very fave season! Have a great weekend!

  25. Lovely autumn photos Valerie and I adore the art you shared today, so peaceful and calming
    to look at.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, much appreciated! Have a wonderful day!

  26. Beautiful art and stunning autumn photos Valerie!
    Alison xx

  27. On your painting, her hair and the colors are super amazing. So well done. I wish I had her eyelashes!

    The colors on the tag are very eye appealing and it is super pretty.

    Your Fall walk pictures are wonderful! You have such an eye for color and interesting things. Such a delight! Hugz

  28. Another fabulous tag...and more stunning photos. The colours in the Autumn outweigh all the colour of summer, your photos showing Autumn at its best...xx

    1. Thanks Sandra, this is my fave season! Have a good week!

  29. i LOVE your painting! one of these days i will do lifebook! great tree tag of course! have a great week. xo

    1. Thanks Michele. The lifebook taster course has been great fun! Have a good week, stay safe!

  30. I love your blue haired Goddess and I love your moon pictures! Big Hugs!


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