
Friday 30 October 2020


 Hi Everybody!

Another week has flown by. The Corona statistics are still on the up and up, from Monday on we will be in Lockdown again, and must get used once again to a lot of new rules. A lot of people are complaining again, perhaps they would rather get sick and die. I know it' s hard for a lot of people, but I'm hopeful that it will help to push the statistics back down.

Today I am sharing another set of A5 mixed media pieces inspired by a lesson from Melanie Rivers

And I have another spread in my 16" x 8" junk journal:

I am linking both pieces  to Paint Party Friday and to Chris' 'Hold the Line' theme at AJJ

Thursday's sunrise:

More pictures from the dahlia gardens in Südpark:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I absolutely love all your art and love all the amazing gorgeous flower photos today! I hate that Covid numbers are on the rise again but like you I just don't get people complaining about it. I mean what do they not understand about the word pandemic?!

    1. Thanks Martha. A lot of people are convincing themselves it's not a pandemic, but a world conspiracy...I don't understand it at all! Have a good and safe day!

  2. Lovely art pieces and beautiful dahlias!

    1. Thanks Christine, the gardens there are fabulous. Stay safe!

  3. Crows and ravens are fascinating birds, and I really love all your crow/raven inspired art. And those dahlia photos are gorgeous, especially in the big clusters as you photographed. And the sunrise with the red light lines is amazing Valerie. Nice post today! Our numbers are going up too, but no lockdown again yet. Hopefully nothing will happen until after voting Tuesday, although I voted early-better safe than sorry. Hugs-Erika

    1. Glad you voted, that's good. I love crows and ravens, too, such clever birds. Stay safe and well!

  4. Yes, covid statistics is scary even here in India...
    Loved your art and flower images!

  5. Hi Val, good morning. Hope you have slept well. I thought it would come to another lockdown, and we will all be affected by it again. I really hope that it will help stop the spread and that people will be sensible. Your art is gorgeous, as always, I love both pieces. Talk to you later! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks a lot. Stay safe all of you!

  6. Beautiful flower photos, great artistic pieces too... our lock down and restrictions have eased but now it's wait and see....our state is still closed to entering other states so guess we are not that good....have a lovely weekend. xxx

    1. I think this second wave will affect people everywhere, here the cold and damp won't be helping! Stay safe!

  7. The crow/raven artworks are amazing. Love the colours, so autumn and very Halloween. Dahlias are one of my favourite flowers. Beautiful dahlia and sunrise photos. Happy PPF!


    1. Thanks Soma, have a wonderful day, stay afe!

  8. Die Dahlien sind so wundervoll ich mag sie sehr um diese Jahreszeit!
    Deine Doppelseite und deine einzelne Seite ist wieder so fantastisch und Ideenreich mit dem Raben, Krähe und den zwei Kindern.
    Ich lann das auch nicht verstehen dass die Corona als politische Verschwörung an sehen oder anderen blödsinn. Mit den Silberhüten auf dem Kopf rum rennen.
    Ich wart nur noch dass sie schreien die Alien kommen die machen das.
    Bei uns ist es genauso rot jetzt abe rdie Urlauber dürfen immer noch da sein ab Montag nur keine neuen aber die die Zweitwohnung als Ferienwohnung besitzen haben z.B. von NWR oder Bayern dürfen kommen so oft wie sie wollen.Die Cuxhavener schimpfen schwer und mir ist das auch zum Kopfschütteln.Da geht einiges schief.
    Ich mache dass ich und mein Schatz uns schützen das ist wichtig!
    Ich wünsche dir einen hoffentlich guten Tag und pass auf dich auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Dahlien mag ich auch sehr gern, und die Gärten in Südpark sind immer ein Genuss. Ich weiß nicht warum so viele Leute sich so blöd verhalten. Zuhause bleiben ist für Nieman schön, aber wenn Alle an einem Strang iene kämen wir schneller aus der Misere raus. Dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  9. I was amazed at how different papers take color so differently. You created some beautiful pieces with the crows and raven. Each piece is a gem. I really like how everything was layered and colored using a specific theme. They are unique. I must have missed that artist, because this sounds like something I would want to try.

    Your latest entry in your large journal is great, too. SO clever and those little girls look right at home under that tree. These are both incredible entries and I'm happy you shared them with us at Art Journal Journey using Chris's theme.

    I had NO idea there were so many styles and varieties of dahlias. Each is so different and beautiful in its own way. Some are so full, while others are delicate and lacy. I'm glad you showed us how many varieties you discovered at the dahlia gardens in Sudpark.

    Sorry to read your area is on lockdown again, but I wish we were. I'm staying home, but more people are out and about than ever. Please stay safe, dear.

    I'm deep cleaning my house, which I wouldn't have done had I not been without electricity for nearly three days. Now I just need to do the basement since the lights are back on again. Staying active keeps me warm, too (grin).

    1. Thanks E. Melanie Rivers has lots of courses on her Facebook page, so I've been working my way through them, she is good. I've been avoiding housew''k, life is miserable enough just now without adding to it! The dahlia gardens in Südpark are really fantastic, I love walking around there. Take care, have a good and safe day!

  10. Yes, it's a dismal picture now, across the world. Wales in Lockdown, and talk of a UK wide one coming. How people behave is baffling to me. Still, I love coming to your happy blog each morning, to see you art and photos. Today, your dahlias are simply outstanding and phenomenal.
    Stay safe and well, hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, stay safe! It's a scary world just now.

  11. With the sword of the election and Covid numbers in my state on an alarming upward trend, see your artwork and photos is a lovely distraction. The bird pages are fantastic. They remind me of the blackbirds in the trees you photograph. The dahlias are just beautiful and your sky photos are just awesome and so full of hope. Take care and stay safe.

    1. We all need distractions to keep reality at bay just now. I just hope the lection goes well. I love the birds in my trees! Have a good and safe day!

  12. A second round of lockdown is doubtless going to be more difficult than the first. It will seem as though freedoms gained have been snatched away again. It is unfathomable to contemplate that there are still those who continue to deny the pandemic and to adapt accordingly, and in the process they endanger everyone. Some are even egged on by politicians who are certifiable idiots. Homicidal maniacs in fact. Your artwork is a pleasant balm in the midst of all this, Valerie, and I am glad that you have featured a very wise crow. There is so much colour to be seen on your lonely walks. At least blogging is a way for us all to keep in touch, but virtual hugs are never going to replace real ones. We have to do what we can do and carry on, I suppose. Stay safe and stay well, drink coffee, take care of your fingers, craft often, drink coffee, smile at the sunrise, drink coffee. And make sure you know where the bathroom is! Until tomorrow, kisses from Ontario. David

    1. Hi David! You're right, this will be hard, and a lot of people are blaming the government for the new wave of Covid cases, but they are the ones who screamed so loudl in June to be allowed to do everything as they wanted, including travel, parties etc. Some Covidiots never learn! And the hateful right wing politicians are stirring the pot as quickly as they can. My walks and being creative are my barriers against going mad just now. The trees by the Rhine are almost bare of leaves already, time flies by! I spend a lot of time blogging and by Facebook, some sort of company and contact to others. My fingers are developing necrosis again, it always starts about this time. I do know where the bathroom is, always important. So, now I'm off to heat and eat my veggie soup! Hugs to you and M!

  13. Gorgeous pieces. I really like the bright jewel tones you've used in all of them. Have a great weekend, Teresa

  14. At least your country does shut down how it is suppose to. As your know in the US we have a "thing" in the white house that promotes covid and he followers go along with it. We are the covid spreader of the world and it is shameful. As for your art it is beautiful and the flowers are amazing. Enjoy your day.

    1. Let's just hope that that Covidiot in the White House will soon be ousted! Stay safe!

  15. Hi Valerie :) The sunrise behind the clouds are just beautiful! And so are the flowers. I love your junk journal art!! :)

  16. Great post! You kinda took me on a roller coaster ride of sorts. My subjective impression of your cheerful images and semi-haunting words combined with the large looming blackbirds is a perfect metaphor for the state of the world fighting against the pandemic.

    THEN... you give us hope with the beautiful images of sunrise.

    And THEN you show us the sheer beauty of the dahlias. Just gorgeous. I simply MUST plant some dahlia bulbs next spring. Thanks for the nudge, :)

    Take care, dear lady. Hang in there.

    1. Thanks Susan! The world is rather surreal just now, nothing more as it should be! The Dahlia gardens are really a Joy! Stay safe!

  17. I'm sorry to hear your going back into lockdown :( Your raven pictures are so colorful and your journal sky is too ~ very cool! Love all the beautiful blooms and fall foliage ~ Enjoy the weekend! Love, Karen

    1. Thanks Karen. You have a great weekend, too! Stay safe!

  18. Beautiful pages Valerie! I love the colors and extra doodling on your first set! Gorgeous pictures the flowers are amazing and in full bloom, so beautiful! Stay safe & healthy!
    Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy. I like making small bird collages. Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  19. Your photos of flowers are very pretty. So sorry about the increasing number of cases in your area.

  20. Wow Valerie these A5 pieces are wonderful, I love those vibrant colours and the textures. We are just about to enter Tier 3 here which is not quite a full lockdown, but I bet it soon will be. Take care and have a spooky Halloween xx

    1. Thanks Sue, Happy Halloween. The while world is spooky right now?🎃😷🎃

  21. Your art is beautiful, and the photos are as well.
    We are going crazy here in the US with the virus with no lockdown in sight. And no clear leadership. I'm hoping for a statewide mask mandate.
    Your flower photos made me happy! Thank you!!! :)

    1. Thanks Debra. So many stupid and obstinate people who only react when Things are mandatory. I Hope you soon get a better leadership. Stay safe!

  22. I love the backgrounds and how you posed the bird against them. Your Autumn colors are really something! The increasing cases are scary. I wish they could figure out how to get a handle on this :(

  23. Tanks a lot. The colours are really wonderful- Stay safe!

  24. Such beautiful artwork and photos, Valerie. I am visiting today after years of staying away from PPF and blogging in general. Most people in my location are adhering to masks, social distancing, and washing of hands philosophy. I am in my own little bubble with no one. The only people who have been in my house for almost 8 months are the furnace maintenance man and the dryer ductwork cleaner! I order groceries online and pick them up at the curb. I hope we don't get to the place of total lockdown but that might be what it takes to get rid of this horrible virus.

    1. Hi Faye, nice to See you around again! Life is difficult for us all just now, let's hope we get through it safely.

  25. I love the colors on the page. And your photography is fabulous. I love dahlias. I have one that I have been especially waiting to bloom. Two buds, and it snowed today. Still hoping. Happy Halloween

  26. I love your journal pages - Fabulous for my theme! Are the crows 'yours'? Lovely photos , I do love Dahlias!
    As for Covidiots, there was a man on TV news who had driven over a border from a level 3 alert area to a lower one to...wait for a bet(bookies were closed in his area) and while he was there found that the pubs were also open so ...........went for a drink(so that's drink driving as well???!!!!) So many people protesting that it's their 'right' to go out and meet others, have their nails done, go to bars...what is wrong with them???? Take care but have a great weekend! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. I think a lot of people have had things too easy all their lives. They don't know what it is to have to go without, or stay home. For many, a life without pub, party and celebrations is no life. Have a good and safe weekend, Valerie
      The crows were m photos, printed out, fussy cut and collaged.

  27. I think we will soon be following you Valerie, the system set up in the UK is just not working, you just have to read Chris's comment to see that. At least we have our art..locked myself in the craftroom today, taking advantage of daylight to try and work on things coming soon... who needs food hee hee! Beautiful art, love the collage work. Melanie is a fabulous artist but I'm only aware of her portraiture work. There have been some amazing workshops recently, I have quiet a few saved for this weekend.
    Have a super one yourself Valerie & stay safe Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S Happy PPF just about made it x

    1. Thanks Tracey, happy weekend to you, too! I love Melanie's art.I still have some course work for a free one from Fan for the weekend and next week there's a new one starting from another of the LB ladies, so I am keeping myself busy.

  28. I wonder those who aren't creative in some way or another. What do they do with there time. For some reason I like birds and how there worked into the pieces.
    Stay Safe and Coffee is on

    1. Thanks Dora. I woud be lost without creating. Stay safe and have a great weekend!

  29. I love the raven and stars combo. All your picture are awesome but those sunrise photos...wooow. Beautiful!

    1. Thanks Shannon. Yes, we get some wonderful sunrise scenes, right in front of my window. Have a great weekend!

  30. We are just coming out of our second lock down here Valerie, Melbourne was a bit of a mess for numbers, slowly getting better. More wonderful art work, I love your junk journal pages. Sunrise looks beautiful out your window, the dahlias are great flowers. Keep safe.

    1. Thanks. Hope the lockdown helped reduce the numbers. Stay safe!

  31. Really love your crow art Valerie, absolutely gorgeous!
    Beautiful photos too 😍
    Happy weekend,
    Alison xx

  32. Those flowers are so amazing! Being an introvert disguised as an extrovert(lol) I'm okay with staying mostly in the house or puttering around the neighborhood, but I know many are super frustrated over the old and the new rules and want to go out to places. According to the news it doesn't look like things may return to normal until the end of 2021 or the start of 2022. So rough. Please stay safe and I'm sending some hugs. RO

    1. Thanks Ro. If I didn't go out I would never see or hear anybody and that would not be good. We have lots of empty space around here, so it's mostly safe to go out. Yes, we're in for hard times. I hate this solitary confinement! Stay safe and well!

  33. Your journal pages are brilliant. I would like to craft like that. All the photos are so nice too.

  34. Thanks a lot, I had fun making them. Have a good and safe weekend!

  35. Wow, your artwork is so beautiful! I love the A5 pieces with the collage pieces and doodling with the crows and colours looks amazing - gorgeous 😁. Those sun rays and flowers are so pretty too! Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  36. Fabulous art, Valerie. I love the raven triptych. The color combo is one of my favorites. The color scheme in the junk journal spread is another of my faves. I love the words. So true. It's all about perspective.

    Scrolling through your photos was like strolling through a rainbow.

    Love this post! Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen, Strolling through a rainbow is a wonderful idea! Stay safe!

  37. Ugh- sorry to read about a second lockdown. Could happen here too, but thankfully we got our son's wedding day in;)
    LOVE, LOVE your art projects today- especially the ravens!!
    Gorgeous photos as well.

    1. Thanks Linda, glad all went well with the wedding!

  38. Amazing sunrise photographs ...

    Here in the UK (England) has a second lockdown starting Thursday for a month ...

    All the best Jan

  39. I wish we'd lock down. Not gonna happen. I adore every photo of the art pieces you shared. Every single one. The colors, the subject, everything. And glorious blooms. I love the dhalias. They're such a showy flower and so very beautiful.

    Stay well and safe, my friend.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. You stay safe, too. We have to get through this!

  40. We all need to be on lockdown and try to put a big dent in it. It seems like some countries are just better at it than others (the U.S. is terrible at this). We relaxed lots of rules this week and our numbers are still bad - not sure what people are thinking... Great journal pages and pieces with beautiful colors, backgrounds, and fab birds. You come up with the best ideas. I love visiting! Hugz

    1. Lockdown and masks are no fun, but so important just no, and I don't understand those who won't join in. On my walk today most people were masked and kept their distance, so that#s good. Stay safe!


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