
Friday 16 October 2020


 Hi Everybody!

It's Friday, hope it's a good one. Yesterday we had yet another bus/tram strike here, the Trade Union is going crazy. We are all fighting Covid on all fronts, and they keep calling out strikes in all public services, not only transport but also in clinics, Kindergartens etc. I think this is really irresponsible at this time. Apart from that it's cold and damp, and I still haven't got any heating. Things can only get better!

During the Lifebook Taster Course with Effy Wild we made a little book with 4" x 4" squares - I used coasters. I decided to make another 4 squares to complete my book. One side was painted with acrylics and decorated with some washi tape. The reverse was covered in a coordinating designer paper with an added quote. I stamped images using the linocuts I carved 2 years back, stamped and embossed them onto white tissue paper, and then stuck them down with potch. I added some details with a white pen:

This is the complete book with the old and new squares:

And I have been busy with collage. I got a beautiful free catalogue, very nobly made with photos on good paper, 134 8 x 8" pages:

I am using it as a journal. Each double page gets lightly gessoed with a brayer so that the background remains visible:

Then I did some painting and collaging and made an autumnal / Halloweeny spread. The tree was quick to paint, and I kept the colours as transparent as possible, so that the printed background makes a surreal layer behind the scenes:

I am linking both pieces to Art Journal Journey, Chris' 'hold the line' challenge, and to Paint Party Friday.

The photos are mostly sunrise and sunset scenes, my fave times:

May the light be with us all!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Great little book Valerie. Re using that catalogue is a wonderful idea, I like the crows. Always enjoy your photos, you have some wonderful sun rises and sunsets.

    1. Thanks a loT! That's always my fave time of day. Stay safe!

  2. Hey My Friend! I have missed your blog! Thank you for always coming by my blog! Means a lot to me! No heat??? I hope you get some soon! Please take care! I hope everything settles down where you live! I just hope everyone is keeping safe!
    Those coasters are so cute! I love the one that says, I followed my heart, it led me to the fridge! LOL! That book is amazing, that you are using for your art journal! I love what you have done so far! Breath taking photos! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks so much, my friend, great to see you again.. Stay well and safe!

  3. I hope that heating comes back soon. The coasters are lovely as is that journal. Enjoyed your sunrises and sunsets.

  4. Awesome art work VJ! Loved the sunrise images too

  5. I hope your heat is back soon. And I LOVE all the art today. Cool coasters and that catalogue looks super. Your Halloween page is amazing. I love crows and ravens and the like, and they look great on your page. Today my mom and I watched some contrails from planes too. It's fun. Have a great FRiday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, The contrails are the plus size of living near the airport! Glad you had a fun day. Stay safe!

  6. Sorry about the strikes. It is crazy here in the states too. My favorite is the cat. Well done on that. Stay warm and safe.

    1. Thanks Nicole. The cat is my fave, too. Have a good and safe day!

  7. I like those squares and the way they work as a book. Those skies! You captured lovely colors :)

  8. Great post full of gorgeousness here. Have a lovely weekend. xx

  9. Hi Valerie, your art is always so inspiring-love the book. and your sky photos are Amazing!! Happy weekend hugs Kathy oh and I can't believe they have not fixed your heat as of yet-hope you can stay warm hugs

    1. Thanks Kathy. They said the heating will be fixed today, I wonder.... Have a great day, stay safe!

  10. Hi Val, good morning! Thanks, I feel better today and I hope it stays that way! All is well here at home. LOVE your beautiful coasters and the journal pages, so beautiful! I am going to try doing those coasters with the kids, they will enjoy that. Have a wonderful day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Good morning Sarah! Glad you are feeling better. The kids will enjoy painting coasters, and I know they always have lots of stickers they can use, too. Have fun! Hugs to all!

  11. The squares look fabulous, don't think I could pick a favourite. Creating collages on catalogue pages - what a great idea. Lovely photos too, Valerie!


    1. Thanks Soma, much appreciated. Have good and safe day!

  12. The squares are fantastic! Did you do the linocuts yourself (at least they look like linocuts)? Love them! Also the ravens! I don't want to start a political discussion and I'm indifferent about the strike, too, but clapping our hands won't get those key workers more money in their bank account. The employers in public administration didn't even make an offer for more money, so their offer was 0% more money for people working in public administration. But we all depend on them fighting covid. So clapping our hands is not enough. Happy PPF! Hope you have a creative weekend. :)

    1. I used my own linocuts as stated in the text. Happy PPF!

  13. Your sky photos are truly amazing. I have a mail order catalogue that I am going to see what I can do with it. I also have a hardback 2019 almanac, the pages are very flimsy for a book, but we'll see what happens.
    Really hoping you get your heat sorted out, and as for the striking transport workers, that's what they do, isn't it? Strike when they are most needed.
    Stay safe and well, have a lovely weekend, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. I like using old prospects and almanacs etc, better than throwing away and buying new! Have a great day, stay safe!

  14. To use a catalogue is a great idea.
    I have old magazines, could try to use them.
    Happy weekend!

    1. Thanks. I like using up what I have rather than buying more! Old magazines are great for painting. Have a good weekend, stay safe!

  15. Oh no - still no heating - that's horrible! And yes, you could do without strikes adding to everyone's woes at the moment.

    Having said that, on to the positives... what a wonderful post! I love your bookful of lino cuts and great words, and the page spread in that amazing catalogue journal is simply wonderful. Beautiful translucent paint layering creating a wonderful dreamlike effect of depth and autumnal glory in the colours. And I have no words for how wonderful the sky/sunrise/sunset/tree silhouette photos are this week... simply glorious.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison! Yes, no heating is no fun, and I don't think they are even working on it! I liked the effects of painting over the 'old' backgrounds, I love trying new things, and it's a great size for journaling. We have some wonderful skies here, they keep me going! Have a good and safe weekend!

  16. i am a firm supporter of the principles of trade unionism and the right of workers to better their lot, but so many of them have become as unconscionable as the manipulative employers they are acting against, and the public good suffers all too often. This seems to be what is happening where you live, and it must be especially galling to have services withdrawn when coping with the pandemic. Add no heat at home to that, and I am sure you must be a tad cranky right now, and understandably so. Your squares are very well done, Valerie, and the way you have used that catalogue quite brilliant. The fact that you have included birds in your artwork today confers extra merit, of course. The other day we received a beautiful advertising piece for new seniors apartments, in the form of a 16 page brochure with an embossed cover and I can only imagine what you could have done with that. Your photographs of dawn and dusk are very atmospheric and I hope that tonight you will be able to watch the sun go down from a cozy, warm living rooms. Hugs and warm thoughts from Ontario to Balconia-by-the-Rhine. David

    1. Hi David, I hope your eye is getting better from day to day. I'm all for workers having rights, but I don't like that the union bosses are once again targeting people at a time when we have enough difficulties to cope with. The presnt leader of the trade unions is a hard hearted man with only one goal in sight - feeding his own colossal ego. And I am more than a tad cranky just now, I would see i am friggin' furious! Glad you liked the bits I made, and yes, even a bird among them! I have my neighbours all well trained, if they get nice post which I might like, or pretty boxes, or good cardboard, they know to place their tribute in front of my door! The dawn and dusk scenes have been beautiful, the weather in between cold and damp and often cloudy. And thanks for the warm hugs, very welcome just now, Balconia-by-the-Rhine thanks Ontario! Have a great day, stay safe, hugs to you both!

  17. Lovely artwork! I love the stamped pieces. So lovely. I just need to try and make one of those. I've seen people make them and I'm so afraid I will ruin it. Lovely photos as well and I love the transformation of the book you are using. How amazing! Love all the details of the birds and tree and butterfly girl. so magical. Have a lovely Friday and have a happy weekend. The world at the moment is chaotic and I feel this is the new way of life. We have to make changes and adjust. It's truly hard and heart breaking. I hope and pray for positive changes. Thank goodness we have art to keep us going and help us express our feelings and keep us calm. Thank you for sharing your lovely post. I really enjoyed it. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Thanks so much Maria! They are fun and easy to make, so just give it a try.The world is indeed chaotic just now, I hope and pray that one day we can get back to normal, whatever that might be! Art and walking outside are the only things keeping me sane just now, Have a wonderful weekend, take care of yourself, stay safe!

  18. I can't believe you still don't have heat! I love your little book and the catalogue idea is fantastic for a journal. Love all the beautiful photos too. Stay warm and safe, hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha. I can hardly believe it either than they don't get their fingers out of whatever place they're stuck into and repair the heating at last! Have a wonderful weekend and hope your furry kids are doing well now!

  19. Wow ~ love how you painted over the catalog pages ~ You can still see the living room as if it's a memory, very clever. Your coasters are fun too, especially the smiling kitty face. Enjoy the weekend!

    1. Thanks Karen, I am having fun with these pages. Have a great day, stay safe!

  20. Originality is your specialty. Your coaster pages are no exception. Love the phrases you used. I am also partial to the sunrise/sunset time of day. beautiful images. Praying you get heat soon. This is no time to be without heat.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings,

    1. Thanks Jim, much appreciated. Still no heat, so I'm going to get my blanket for the evening! Stay safe!

  21. Your marveloys tree art is my favourite today Valerie

    Happy PPF


  22. Beautiful art. It does look spooky for Halloween.

  23. your collages and coasters are so good!

  24. I always enjoy your beautiful and creative artwork.
    Thank little book is precious.
    Your photos are always stunning!
    Have a lovely day ☕

    1. Thanks Jan, always good to see you around again! Stay safe!

  25. That background really gives it a surreal feel. How gorgeous, and what a great idea to just cover it lightly with a brayer. I'll have to remember that ;-) Your little book of coasters is so cute ♥

    1. tHANKS A LOT: Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  26. You've been busy! Love the Halloween coaster kitty:)
    As always, you got some gorgeous sky shots.
    Ouch! What awful timing for a strike. Always something. Hope you get heat soon.
    Hope you have warm,snugly clothes and blankets.

    1. I have to kep myself busy so that I don't go insane....So, off to snuggle in my blankets again!

  27. Wspaniale są twoje prace, podziwiam je . Fotografie wschodów i zachodów słońca są niezwykłe. Uważaj na siebie . Życzę by powróciło ciepło do twojego domu .

    1. Thanks Lucyna. Sunrise and Sunset are always wonderful. I Hope the heat will soon be back on. Stay safe!

  28. Fab coaster art and collage art Valerie! Your photos are spectacular- those sunrises and sunsets- breathtaking. Fingers crossed you get some heat back real soon! happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda! Have a great Weekend, stay safe!

  29. Great idea for a little book, lovely kitty. Lovely collage too. Hope you get some heat soon.

  30. Well, I was all enamored with your 4x4 book until I saw your new journal and how you are treating it and using it as inspiration for entirely different art. It's a stunner. Well done -- you think so very creatively!

    1. Thanks Jeanie! It's fun to try new Things. Stay Safe!

  31. Hi Valerie :) I love your collages and your coasters are so pretty! I love the sunrise photos! :)

  32. Awesome coaster book Valerie, I love the your handmade prints/stamps especially that cat, so cute! Beautiful journal page too, that tree is awesome! Gorgeous photos, the silhouette bushes and that large moon picture is stunning! Take care and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, glad you like the little book. Have a wonderful weekend, stay safe.

  33. Late again, I fear. Story of this month. I finally saw that one, and enjoyed it, since I didn't really have to draw anything (grin). I love those coasters. That is SO cool. And the quotes fit the images on the other side, too.

    I really, really LOVE your entry for AJJ. How wonderful you got that incredible high end catalog. You also found the perfect way to recycle it, too. I love the Halloween theme you created and the lines fit quite nicely with Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    Of all those shots, my favorite was of the sun setting with the single bird in the top right. It was powerful.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, better late than never. I am doing another course now, a free one, free is always good....have a nice afternoon, stay safe!

  34. Wow, I love your little coaster book - great images and colours! I love those kind of catalogues and your first spread is brilliant! Great for my theme at AJJ too so thank you! Those Autumn photos and sunrise/sunsets - are wonderful! It's a lovely time of year, but not without heating - I hope they get on with it soon! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, much appreciated! I was hoping to snag another of those catalogues today, but they were all gone. Next time I'll be greedy and take 2 straightaway! The heating is still not repaired, but they are doing their best....

  35. No heat? Hope you get some soon, the days are getting cooler.

    Lovely art and photographs in your post.
    Stay safe and well - this Covid is not going away!

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I hope they get the heating repaired soon.

  36. Ich bin begeistert von den vielen schönen Untersetzer-Arbeiten und die wahnsinns Fotos so grossartig!!!
    Spät dran aber ich denke du freust dich trotzdem!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Liebe Elke, ich freue mich immer wenn du vorbei kommst! Danke dafür!

  37. Gorgeous sunrise photos ~ Very creative and festive coasters and wonderful mixed media art work ~ ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  38. I love those little coasters Valerie! Beautiful skies too.
    Alison xx

  39. Your coaster pages look amazing, of course my favourite is the cat, and the Halloween scene looks fabulous on the catalogue pages. We don't seem to have too many strikes over here now - probably 'cos no-one has a job anymore! Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue! They're striking again tomorrow. Stay Safe!

  40. I hope your weekend did get better, there is so much unrest in most of the European countries, its getting to the stage of who is actually in charge of out countries and why do we vote for folk who do or do not look after the peoples 'Health, well being and put money issues first.
    Hope you had a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Ooops forgot to say I loved the art squares and your pages.

    2. Too true! Have a great week!


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