
Tuesday 20 October 2020

New challenge at Tag Tuesday

 Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and our lovely and talented Michele is hosting with the them 'All Hallows Eve'. She has made some inspirational pieces on our blog. 

I have a piece using a Gecko Galz image:

Hope to see lots of you joining in! As always you have 2 weeks to join us and tags of all formats are welcome - hope to see you there!

At TIOT our theme is also Halloween, and you have one more week to link your creations to us. I have another A3 mixed media journal page. I am also linking to Chris' 'hold the line' challenge at AJJ:

And some mixed photos from the past couple of weeks, my photo files got muddled up after a Windows update!

The neighbour's crocodile:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by


  1. Hi Valerie oh I love your tag and your mixed media piece ,stunning work my friend,I love Halloween and wished that we celebrated it here like other countries do. Great photos Valerie and boy the alligator looks scary,stay safe my friend xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl. I think not much ill be celebrated this year! Have a good and safe week!

  2. I love it when I have a tag already made. I like yours a lot. Those distorted witch faces are great. And I also love your witch page. That spooky town beneath the flying witch is cool too. Hope all is well and you are having a nice week Valerie. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. We all need some Halloween fun, even if it's only on paper this year!

  3. Spooky tags and lovely textured page. Lovely fall photos today too.

  4. BOOtiful! So festive for the hallows eve time! Love the changing leaves photos and that slug is really quite something - the underrated bug, I'd say, LOL! Beautiful post, my friend! xo

    1. Thanks Kelly. I don't like slugs, but they are somehow wondrous!

  5. I like both pieces of art, especially that first. And your leaves and territory is looking especially beautiful!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, it's a beautiful time of year!

  6. Interesting tag :) liked all your pictures VJ

  7. Thanks Laurie, stay well and safe!

  8. Good morning Val. Just rolled out of bed here! LOVE those Halloween pieces, the big one and the lovely tag. The witches look like they's waiting for the worst to happen. Great photos, as always. We're going to do some painting this afternoon and make some pumpkins like you showed us!- Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a good and safe day, hugs to all!

  9. Great tag and journal page. Looks like you had fun. Have a great day.

    1. Thankks Anesha, I did indeed have fun! Have a safe day!

  10. Super spookilicious artwork today, love it. That plane coming in to land looks like a Night Fury flying in! Isn't that slug beautiful? I think it's a Leopard slug, looking at the size and the markings.
    Stay safe and well, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. I don't know anything about slugs, but this one is really a beauty, leopard is a fitting name! Have a good birthday week!

  11. spooky and cool arty stuff today and lovely autumn photos. xx

  12. Good morning Valerie: Halloween is just around the corner, of course, but the annual trick or treating by children has been officially cancelled by the government of the Province of Ontario due to Covid concerns. I remember the great enthusiasm my daughter had for this annual event when she was little so I can imagine that many children will be disappointed. Parents will have to get creative to ensure that their kids have some kind of Halloween party at home. This damn pandemic continues to snake its way into every corner of our lives, doesn't it? The slug pictured above is a fascinating looking creature. I don't think I have ever seen one so attractively coloured, and certainly it is more attractive than a certain pumpkin-hued politician on this side of the Atlantic, and doubtless more intelligent. Probably with better manners too. I think a theme for one of your tag challenges should be slugs and snails! Think of all the attractive snails shells with whorls and bright colours and the creative opportunities right there. Today I will be leading two bird walks, one for my regular Tuesday group and another for a group of children being homeschooled, whose parents wish them to have some outdoor education. I will take some bird seed with me and they should be able to hand feed the chickadees, always a thrill for children from toddlers to ninety-year olds. Hope you have a great day, Valerie. Hugs from Canada. David

    1. Thanks David! Yes, that pumpkin headed politician who tricks everybody to treat himself is unfortunately not a Halloween joke, but hopefully, soon gone from the scene. The slug is really beautiful and was long, about 5", I have never seen such a big one. A lot of kids will be disappointed about Halloween this year, this one, too! Have fun with your 2 bird weeks, that will surely be a great experience for the kids. Here the schools are all open, under strict conditions, but I wonder for how long, as the numbers are rising scarily and toilet paper is once again being bought and hoarded....Have a great day, take care, have fun with the kiddies and with the other group. Hugs to you both!

  13. Hmmm, I think you are way too good at spooky Halloween tags Valerie!! I will be seeing those witches in my dreams tonight!! Brilliant!

    1. Thanks! Give those witches a wave from me when they visit you tonight!

  14. I love your header:) And your pieces are fun.
    Oh my gosh, that croc head looks sooo real.
    Hope your week is pain free.

  15. Fun tags. I like the Witches Coven. The crocodile made me laugh as I thought it was quite big. It's a matter of perspective, isn't it? Enjoy your day. 🎃

    1. It always depends on your point of view! Have a safe day!

  16. Love the tags. The fall photos are wonderful. The essence of fall is well represented with the changing colors.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings,

    1. Thanks Jim! I love this season! Have a good and safe week, hugs, Valerie

  17. Luv your photos. Mr Alligator gave me a scare. Nice witches both good and stylish
    Stay safe


  18. OMG - I totally love, love, love your header! And the tags along with the scenery pics are perfect for the season. Wonderful work! Hugs and sure hope you're feeling well! RO

    1. Thanks Ro! Life is not easy just now, but somehow we've got to get through this! Stay safe!

  19. Süss deine Arbeiten für Halloween, also gruselig wirkt das nicht auch nicht die Hexen aber schön sind sie.
    Toll deine Fotos heute wieder!
    Ich habe mir einen schweren Teller auf meinen Grossen Zeh gehaut der ist dick so brauche ich nicht raus.
    Ich hoffe dass dir gut geht und pass auf dich auf.
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  20. Liebe Elke, es tut mir sehr leid dass du dich verletzt hast, Zehen tun sehr sehr wenn verletzt. Pass gut auf dich auf, gute Besserung!

  21. Your art captures the Halloween spirit very well.

  22. Hi Valerie, Bill here! Lovely art as always and great photos.

  23. Lovely photos! Not everyone has a croc living next door! Xx

  24. so great post dear;) with a Halloween mood;)

  25. fabulous hallowe'en tag! great page also. and that slug is fabulous! xo

  26. Fantastic Halloween art Valerie. its a great image of the witches. I hope they enjoy the brew and it was worth waiting for.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! I'm sure they will enjoy their witchy brew!

  27. I love both of your spooky creations! Love the silhouettes on the journal page and the colours are wonderful - not too scary for me and my theme at AJJ!! Your photos are great, although I'm not sure about the croc infested water! Hugs, Chris

    1. Thanks Chris! I was very careful Walking by that dangerous croc!

  28. What fabulous pieces, I LOVE those witches. Take care, Sue x

    1. Thanks Sue. They remind me somehow of family....

  29. I love the "all good witches" and those Autumn tree colors.

  30. The crocodile is definitely a lesson in perspective ~ very clever! So much wonderful fall happening with this post ~ I saved the swan on the lake photo as it looks like something from a movie or a dream. Blessings on your week!

  31. Love the artwork!!!!!!!! Thanks for the pics too!!!

  32. Awesome tags Valerie..I just love the image of those witches.
    As always some fabulous photos in your blog post, you do live in such a lovely area xx


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