
Monday 28 September 2020

T sTands for This and That

 Hi Everybody!

Hope you all had a great weekend. This week I have a lot to do, with challenges, doctor's appointments and the usual everyday madness. On top of that the trams and buses will be striking at least for part of the week, and that means walking everywhere, so hope the weather won't be too bad.

For Sandie's challenge at Tag Tuesday I have another book-print tag to share. You still have a week to join in, and it would be nice to see more people making a tag!

Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday begins Monday evening, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who come by!

I had a cup pf coffee at my fave café again, and enjoyed watching the people walking by!

And on another day I had a huge mug of cappuccino at the cheap coffee shop, and it is always good:

The windows of the shops in our little town are always filled with tempting things:

I like this sign in the window of the shoe shop -
'where there's a will there's a shoe store':

Last week I visited a farm with shop. You can buy farm produce, bread, cakes and lots of fruit and veggies here, and there's also the possibility to save money by picking fruit and veggies yourself!They have their pumpkins on display just now:

And they have created an outdoor café on part of the meadow:

The bees are still busy:

I saw lots of herons along the Rhine, they seem to enjoy the cooler weather:

The gulls are always there:

Flowers growing out of a stone wall:

A neighbour's beautiful garden:

Another lovely sunflower:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Well, I hope the weather will be as lovely for you in this coming week when you have so much going on and no choice but to walk everywhere. I love the book page tag, and it's a lovely theme. I will definitely try to come and join in... it's been far too long!
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison, I hope so, too! Book-print is a great theme, Sandie chose well. Have a good, new week!

  2. Beautiful art piece, I love that coffee mug from the first shop. Always fun to window shop. Lovely photos! I enjoy watching the herons here too, beautiful flowers-loving everything, and what an awesome farm-I would love to go there and shop and perhaps pick produce. Happy T and new week ahead-hugs Kathy

  3. Beautiful tag Valerie. I have totally lost my art mojo lately, hoping it will come back soon. That little farm looks like a fantastic place, especially for the times we are living in. Enjoyed all of your photos as always. Hope you have had a great weekend :)

    1. Thanks Martha, I hope your mojo soon comes back to you. Have a lovely week, stay safe!

  4. Wow what a happy post, colourful, full of amazing pics just love it. Your tag is awesome...xx

  5. Lovely tag and fall photos. Wishing you a good week in spite of challenges.

  6. Another fan post...loved the birds and flowers

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Monday came round too early, and I have to take the littl'uns for their vaccinations today! Love that BRILLIANT tag and all the wonderful pics you showed today, your posts are always fin from start to finish. Stay safe, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, hope all goes well today, and that they are soon done with the vaccinations! Stay safe!

  8. I hope you have good weather too, if you have to walk. I had to walk to get my flu shot on Saturday. I am in love with your farm shop and all the pumpkins. I have a thing about pumpkins and sunflowers. I don't know when ours will be available this year. I decorate and eat them! I love that lustre mug, but coffee is always good when someone else makes it for us. Have a lovely week, and stay safe, hugs, Deb

    1. Good morning,Deb! I had m flu shot last week, too, so important just now. That farm shop is really beautiful, always decorated for the season, and this is my fave season. And they have such good cake, ohhhhhh! Last time I had pumpkin cheese cake, what a delight! Pumpkins are always delicious. Have a good week, stay safe!

  9. Good morning Valerie: So often, I notice that these challenges on which you embark regularly involve tags, and I wonder what these tags are for? Perhaps you attach one to your jeans so that if you end up in the " lost and found" they will know where to ship you home! I think you know Jeanie in Michigan. She sent me two incredible hand painted bookmarks - simply beautiful. How special is that? I had done a blog post a while ago on a family of foxes we found and that was her subject. Miriam said they were too good to use as bookmarks but that is what I have been doing with them. Great shots of the herons along the river; I can see that they were cooperating with you. Going to a farmer's market is always fun, and we are lucky that we have one close by, within walking distance in fact if you are not coming back loaded with purchases. Yesterday, walking on a local trail, we saw lots of puffballs so we brought one home and had it for dinner, coated with flour, egg and breadcrumbs, cooked in a garlic infused oil. It was delicious with a lemon garlic chicken dish and a Greek salad. And since it was eighteen years since Miriam and I first met we opened a bottle of Malbec too. This morning will be the first in a new series of walks for our nature club. I am looking forward to it, and the weather forecast seems about perfect. Hasta mañana querida amiga de tu siempre amigo, David.

    1. Hi David! Tags are quick and fun, and can also be used for bookmarks or little presents. And as I run a tag challenge blog, well, I need to make tags! Today I have been busy making stuff for a 2 week even on FB I am joining in. Unfortunately it's time consuming, so housew**k and cooking will be suffering! But it should keep me off the streets and out of the bars! Your food sounds delicious, pufballs sound good, especially when I'm living off bread, jogurt and fruit! And coffee, of course! Yes, I know Jeanie, she's a nice lady, she sent me a painting of a cup of coffee last year, made from a photo I'd had on my blog! So, back to the grind! Have a great day, take care, hugs to you and M!

  10. Love your tag...great contrast. Your photos are beautiful, like always. Love them all, hard to pick a favorite. I am between the heron and the little purple flower. Sunflowers 🌻 are eye catching, those giant faces. Love them...have a happy day, and I especially wish you good weather!

    1. Thanks so much Nan! Sunflowers, herons and pumpkins all make me happy. I hope your wish for good weather will come true tomorrow, I have a long walk into town and back for an appointment. Have a great week, happy T Day!

  11. I hope the weather cooperates and is nice and sunny if you have to walk to errands and appointments. It's nice that your city is walkable. In my rural town, there are no sidewalks and even though we have country roads the cars and trucks fly up them. So not safe to walk around. Lovely tag. I like the spot of color using the flower like a fancy, tied scarf. Taken from the side, at first I thought your coffee cup was a candle. The shoe store sign made me laugh. I love looking at shoes, but hate trying them on. The farmers market looks so festive with the harvest produce so artfully displayed. Love that sunflower. Take care and enjoy your day.

    1. Hi CJ! The cars here dry crazily, too, but we do have sidewalks! Yes, that coffee cup does look a bit like a candle! Have a great day!

  12. So sorry about the strike, but if you can walk the distance, then you are truly blessed.

  13. That's a really lovely tag, Valerie. I love how you used the dictionary page to create the tag. This is a lovely example, too.

    I feel I've missed SO much on your blog. I wish I had time to go back and see everything I've missed. Your visit to the farm was wonderful. I really LOVED seeing all the pumpkins and how they even had a hay bale among the pumpkins.

    Your T cappuccinos look good this week. Looks like you got an extra cookie, too. Thanks for taking us shopping (LOVED the birds), to the farm, to the river, your tag, and your coffee with us for T this Tuesday.

    1. Thanks E, I often get an extra Cookie! See you later!

  14. I forgot to mention how much I LOVE your new blog banner.

  15. Wonderful photos Valerie, and your tag is gorgeous!
    Good luck with your busy week, hope the weather stays fine for you.
    Alison xx
    P.S. Love that new header!

    1. Thanks Alison. My boots and raincoat are ready for tomorrow!

  16. Loving your art... gorgeous!!!
    And those beautiful pumpkins...I love the color orange 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃
    All of your photos are fantastic but the pumpkins were calling for my attention and they won🍁🎃🍂

    Hugs 🎃

    1. Pumpkins are always a wonderful sight! I'm making pumpkin soup this week! Yummy🎃

  17. Great post love it all, but I can't get over how much that face looks like my mom when she was young.

  18. coffee with a sunflowers - ideal day:)

  19. People-watching is always fun :) Just look at all those pumpkins! Those Autumn leaves and flowers are a lovely sight. Happy T Day!

  20. Gorgeous tag Valerie and fabulous design with the book-print background! Great photos of the farmer's market, I've always enjoyed them and the yummy stuff they sell.
    Take care, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. Farmer's markets are always fun and yummy! Have a great week, take care!

  21. Lovely tag, great theme. If I remember in the morning, I may join in. :-)

    1. Thanks Lin, we would love to see you and your tag at TT! Have a good week!

  22. It sounds as if you've got a very busy week, hope all goes according to plan for you.

    Lovely tag and absolutely gorgeous photographs. I really enjoyed seeing the pumpkins, I do like this time of year.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. Pumpkins are really special, I love this time of year!

  23. That is a fantastic tag. She looks like she is ready to go out and conquer the world. And it is nice to see the fall photos with pumpkins. You got some fabulous heron photos. And I do love that drippy colored mug. It's a beauty. Have a happy T day. and hopefully you're week will not be all business and you can have some fun! Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I will surely find fun in between appointments and walks. Happy T Day!

  24. ooh- the image of that woman on your tag is so striking and powerful- love it! I do hope the weather cooperates for you esp. during the strike that will require you to walk.
    Gorgeous photos abound- love the herons, and I'm for a farm stand like the one you've shown anytime! Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda. I wish I felt like that woman looks! Farem stands are great, always. Happy T Day!

  25. Awesome tag, love the placement of the image, sort of a splash on the tag if you know what I mean..its great...xx

  26. Love your header! And that first coffee mug. I would be happy today sitting at a sidewalk cafe watching people. But our numbers have increased drastically this week so I am staying safe at home today.
    Our flu shots are not yet available.

    1. Thanks Jackie. I only go places where there is lots of space. I am happy I got my flu Shot so promptly! Happy T day!

  27. Beautiful paper portrait tag, Valerie. I noted the deadline and will do my best to join in.

    I always enjoy your photos as you walk about town and through the countryside.

    Good luck with your busy week ahead. If you have to walk, I hope the weather is favorable.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen! I would be very happy if you would join us, that would be great! I had to walk quite a long way today, with my rubber boots and raincoat I kept dry! Tomorrow should be better! Have a great week! Hugs, Valerie

  28. Your tag is fabulous! I so enjoyed seeing your coffees and the little birds in the shop window 😁. It looks like you are ready to celebrate autumn with all those pumpkin decorations too! Take care and wishing you very Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! I'm always ready to celebrate autumn! Stay well!

  29. As always, the mugs from your favorite coffee shop are one of a kind.
    Beautiful window displays. My eye really likes those pretty metal birds. It almost looks like they are made of coins.
    The "herons on the Rhine" sounds like a phrase out of a book. They are lovely in their setting and I hope you have many beautiful walking days ahead during the strike.
    Lovely book tag!
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. The Herons are always a majestic sight, and it's great to be able to see these lovely birds on a daily basis. The metal birds in the shop are fantastic, I wish I could afford one. We shall see! Stay safe!

  30. What a fabulous mug in the shop. Oh, I'd want that mug "to go."
    I think your book page challenge may be one of my favorites. I love the type with the graphics. And good luck with the doc apoitnments. I'm doing the same.

  31. Happy belated T day! Your tag and your coffee are wonderful ~ I love the fall pictures and the Heron ~ I'm sorry to hear about the strike, the world is still in such a turmoil ~ Thank God for nature and the seasons to keep us on track. With love, Karen

  32. I love that first picture of the heron. What a gorgeous composition it is. Also love your tag. I wish I could draw portraits, just faces have always appealed to me, regardless of whether it is male or female I find bone structure of faces so interesting. Faces can tell so many stories and the face you have used on your tag really does appeal to me. A beautiful tag.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  33. I love this tag Valerie! I love that your coffee is being served in real cups, where we go to the outdoor cafe they use paper cups. Your photos as usual are brilliant, the farm looks fascinating place to visit. A very belated Happy T day, Chrisx

  34. Beautiful photos! Now I want a cappuccino! *LOL* Your tag reminds me of the ladies on the huge ad poster for shampoos hair dyes etc., that hung at the hairdressers in the 80's/90's. Love it!


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