
Monday 21 September 2020

T sTands for Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. We had good weather here, warm, and very sunny, lovely for walking. I had a restful time, with walking,  crafting and reading and enjoyed it very much!

This evening we are starting a new theme at Tag Tuesday, and this time our lovely Sandie is hosting, and has chosen the theme of 'book-print'. This is a theme I like, so I have made a row of tags, and am showing you 2 of them here. My neighbour picked a name out of the hat, and one participant will be getting a prize, all will be revealed when the challenge goes live this evening!

The first one has some fun images placed over old book-print:

The second one has paper from the 18th century combined with some TH images.The trellis was die cut and the tag was stitched:

This evening we will also be gathering for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who come by. My drink was a large cappuccino which I drank while people watching:

I baked an apple tart with cinnamon-caramel added, and it was very delicious:

The photos are not in the right order, Blogger mixed them for me, so I'm showing them as they arrived.

This hawk or whatever it is (David will know!) kept sitting in the tree at the end of the yard, which made the pigeons and crows all get their feathers ruffled and their knickers in a twist:

Lots of walks along the Rhine:

Another hawk (? ) sitting on the fence looking for breakfast:

A sunflower growing at the tram stop:

Beautiful mornings:

The past few days Venus has been twinkling at me from the sky when I get up:

I tried to zoom in on Venus, but this was the best I could do:

The cormorant on his watch-tower:

The fishing crow:

Some stones from the old cemetery:

This plant - actually a whole row of them - is growing out of the crack on the parapet of the little bridge over the stream. It has fuzzy leaves, and is about 18" in diameter.  Does anybody know what it is?

That's all for today. Take care, have a great day,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Fabulous post and most gorgeous tag. You are so good to keep sharing most beautiful and interesting it love that sunflower with the bee. xx

  2. Hi Val, good morning! The kids are back at school, mum's back home and I'm slowly getting back to sanity here! Was a great weekend, but hard with all the family here. Hope you are well rested. Love the pretty tags you made, both are lovely, great photos, too, as always. Have a great week, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I can imagine it. Now you can enjoy piece and quiet again. Have a good week, stay safe!

  3. Today is Monday, and Valerie is back,
    So now in our lives there is nothing we lack!
    Good morning, good week ahead, good coffee-drinking, good walks - good everything!
    Firstly let me advise that the two pictures of the hawk are of the same species, Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo).
    But, I am drooling over the old magazine you use as the foundational element for your creative offerings this week - very whimsical by the way - but if you have in any way damaged that little bit of ornithological history, there will be no options left other than to put you in the stocks and have you pelted with rotten eggs....AND....banished from coffee drinking for a year. No more java! no more caffeine. Nada, nothing, nichts, rien, zippo, zilch,
    The images from the graveyard are beautifully presented and it is no mystery why you enjoy meandering through there so frequently.
    Little matter that your pictures are not sequenced correctly. The important thing is that we get to share in the pleasure of seeing them.
    I earnestly hope you can avoid the stocks, but I will not be present to cast the first egg in any event - probably just as well because I would certainly lose my will to do so.
    Hugs and kisses from Canada 🇨🇦.

  4. Hi David - a rhyme a day keeps boredom at bay! And no, I didn't cut that precious magazine, It is just a print out! So I can continue to treat myself to coffee! Thanks for identifying the hawk, he was here again this morning and the pigeons were all having hissy fits! The old graveyard is really beautiful, a calm and peaceful place, a little haven to escape fro the noise of the city streets surrounding it. I think I need sticks more than stocks these days! And what a waste to throw eggs when they could be eaten scrambled! Have a great day, take care, have fun! Hugs to you and M!

  5. Gorgeous tags, Valerie!
    I am in love with your photos, especially the hawks!
    Kisses, my friend.

  6. Good Morning Valerie! I agree, let the order in which Blogger puts the photos in alone! It's become hard work getting everything in order. You have such pretty ephemera in your tags today. Have a lovely week, stay safe, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. I hatte it when Blogger makes Mix ups, we can just hope that things get better! Stay safe!

  7. Lovely tags for the new theme, you are such a good baker! Enjoyed the photos today, no idea what that plant is.

    1. Thanks Christine. You inspired me with your baking! Have a great week!

  8. I love those tags, so well done and so beautiful! Fantastic photos too as always, my very favorite is that delicious apple tart you made. Wish I could reach through the screen to grab some for breakfast this morning!

    1. Thanks Martha. Help yourself, plenty there! Have a great week!

  9. Hi Valerie, awesome tags-your art is always "eye candy" for me
    and your photos-I loved them all hugs Happy T and for a new week Kathy

    1. and your apple tart looks so delicious

    2. Thanks Kathy, much appreciated! And the tart is totally delicious, wish I could give you a piece! Happy T Day!

  10. My heart took a big huge leap of joy when I saw your new banner. I love it so much. And those tags are wonderful, the warm style that really speaks to me. LOVE those cemetery stones. Gorgeous work.

    1. Thanks a lot Jeanie, glad it all made you happy today! Have a great week!


  11. Beautiful works. I love coffee. Not surprisingly, the pigeons were frightened by the sight of a hawk, a bird robber. Have a nice day:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna. The hawks are dangerous for smaller birds, and rob their nests. Have a great week!

  12. Love all the elements on your really eye catching..lovely photos as always..xx

  13. Great new tag theme ~ Should be fun to create. The hawk is beautiful peeking around a branch. I think that fuzzy plant is a lambs ear Stachys Byzantina ~ what terrific stones, webs and blooms you found ~ Enjoy the week

    1. Thanks Karen, and thanks for the info about the plant, I will look it up on Google. Have a great week!

  14. Love, love, love your banner!!!
    Hawks are one of my favorite raptors so you have indeed created beautiful art again and as usual that I have fallen in love with ❤
    Always fantastic photos, especially the center of art!!!

    Hugs ❤

    1. Thanks so much Jan! Glad you like the banner! Raptors are clever birds. Have a great week!

  15. I love your tags Valerie, those birds look fabulous, as does your baking! I'm still struggling with blogger but I did manage to do a post in under an hour. I much prefer to just add photo's then words but now I have to do it a photograph at a time which is a pain in the you know where! Your new header looks wonderful,you have been busy! Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. The apple pie is really good, and no calories.....Yes, Blogger is sometimes a pain in the bum, that#s true! Have a great week!

  16. Both tags are wonderful Valerie! And I always love your bird photos. We had a buzzard flying over today, I wish I could see him as close as you do.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. It's nice seeing them so close. Have a great week!

  17. I especially like the composition on that second one, how the foreground extends beyond the tag base. That apple tart looks delicious.

    I'm not having any trouble getting photos to appear where I want them in new blogger, but I hear others are :( I wish I knew what was going on with that so I could help :(

    I'm impressed by your hawk photos. That sunflower is a bright spot! Happy T Tuesday :)

    1. This Just seems to be an occasional happening, and only when uploading large amounts of pics. It will pass! Happy T Day

  18. Beautiful tags. That close up of Venus looks like an image of the corona virus.

  19. Lovely tags. I really love the new banner which reminds me of Beatrix Potter. Beautiful photos on your walk. I love the photos from the cemetery best. The old carvings are just so beautiful. The acorn and the oak leaves, the thistle and the bee, and the coat of arms. The plant reminds me of a succulent called Hens and Chicks, but I can barely tell a rose from a daisy. There is a free app called PlantNet. You can take a picture and the app will try to identify by leaves or flowers. Happy T Day

    1. Thanks CJ. I will look into plantnet, it sounds good. The old carvings at the cemetery are beautiful indeed, it's a good place to be.

  20. Gorgeous tags Valerie, I love the textures and stitching on the second one! Beautiful pictures of all of the birds and what a fabulous close up of Venus. Enjoy your week.
    Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy, I love seeing Venus! Have a good and safe week!

  21. Wie süss sind deine zwei Arbeiten, so wunderschön mit den Vögeln!
    Herrliche Fotos sind das wieder!
    ich bin begeistert von deinen Posting.
    Bei mir ist es auch ein sehr schönes Wetter und bin viel draussen, das tut mir gut!
    Schöne Wocche wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, dir auch eine gute Woche! Geniiess das Wetter und bleib gesund!

  22. Your tags are lovely.
    The plant is of the succulent variety but sorry to say I do not know which one!

    Really enjoyed your mix of photographs.

    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan

  23. As always it’s a pleasure to take a walk along the Rhine and have outdoor coffee with you! Your art work is very enjoyable too!

    be well... mae at

  24. Wonderful tags, love the print idea. I always enjiy your walk photos, of the river and the birds and sky. I wonder if the mystery plant will have flowers? The carvings on the headstones in the cemetery are beautiful.

    1. Thanks. I will keep watching the mystery plant! Have a great day!

  25. I love the birdy art. Wonderful tart too. Have a great day.

    1. Thanks Nicole, help yourself to tart! Enjoy your day!

  26. I love this tag challenge too. I think I will have to make some tags tomorrow. The bird book bookpage looks great with those 2 creative birds. Oh and I need to say nice new header too. Your letter tag is great also. And I will take some tea with some of your apple tart. I was good this week and didn't post any of my baking photos, and since everything is eaten already, your tart looks particulary yummy. And looks like you've had some great weather. Happy T day and first day of Autumn Valerie. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, it's a great theme. Looking forward to what you make! Enjoy the tart! Have a happy T day.

  27. I love your pear birds it made me smilie

    1. Thanks Dora, smiling is good. Have a nice day!

  28. Beautiful tags Valerie. The pie looks delishhhh
    Happy Tuesday


    1. Thanks Gillena, that pie was good, toooooo good!

  29. Hello Valerie..I love the vintage book print and the fabulous images on your first tag..your 2nd tag is fab too with the stitching and vintage people.
    As for blogger, I don't know about you but it takes me longer to do a post and add photos with the new setup, then if you need to delete any images in your blog post you can't..twice I had to delete my whole post.
    Your pie looks lush and what an amazing photo of that Hawk...x

    1. Thanks Sandie, we will get used to Blogger sooner or later - I hope. Have a great day!

  30. Beautiful tags! The apple tart with the cinnamon looks so delicious, I could happily eat a slice with my afternoon cuppa 😉. Loving all the birds and photos of the Rhine today too! I think the plant you were as5king about is mullein, it can grow quite tall and has spikes of yellow flowers; it's a biannual and was historically used as an herbal treatment for coughs and colds. Happy T Tuesday! Hugs, Jo x

    1. ... loving your new blog header too! x

    2. Thanks Jo! The Apple tart was very good indeed, nice with tea and ☕. Thanks for the info about the plant. Happy T day!

  31. What a pretty header. I love the cute little mice spread.

    Love your tags - Familiar Birds indeed. Grin. The vintage snail mail and photos tag is lovely too.

    I take your word that your apple tart was delicious. It certainly look so.

    I'm puzzled by the pink cloud and purple tree photo. You've had a lot of hawks around lately. I'd have my knickers in a twist too if I were a smaller bird.

    Re your Venus close up: is the purple ring the coming off the planet's surface?

    I think the plants are baby Mullein (Verbascum thapsus). Eventually they send up tall stalks of yellow flowers which carry the seeds. See

    Happy T-day! Stay safe and well. Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen. The coloured spots are just light reflections as I was taking a pic against the sind. Thanks for the plant Infos!

  32. I like the theme of this month with the old print pages. They make great tags. The 'familiar' birds made me smile.
    Lovely photos from your walk. I get the same problem that Blogger doesn't put them in the order I want them in. But then I make them small, and then it is easy to move them up and down to where you want them. Then when they are in the right order, you make them large again.
    I'm impressed with Venus. (I would't know where to look)
    No, I'm afraid I can't identify that plant.Sorry.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. I just did my new post and Blogger did everything right this time! For Venus you need to look east. Have a great week!

  33. Your book print tag is lovely, especially the first one. Those animals look great against that book paper.
    Beautiful flowers from your walk.
    Happy Tea Day,

  34. I love your tags Valerie, and of course I will try to get a tag made before the deadline again!!! Coffee and people watching sounds great and caramel spicy apple pie sounds great to come home to! Love the photos, not sure but your hawk, probably the same one, is a Buzzard I think. We used to see one around the same area up North, but since it never told us his name.........! Venus is shining very brightly at the moment - I peep through the curtains around 4'o'clock most mornings before I get back into bed!! I think your hairy planet could be comfrey that my dad used to go and pick to rot in a corner of the garden then squeeze the juice out to feed plants!!! I know - sounds yucky! Belated T Day Wishes, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. That Apple pie was good, I'd better not make it too often! Venus is wonderful just now.Have a great week, stay safe!

  35. I did a little happy dance when I saw the latest Tag Tuesday challenge your tag are tagastic Valerie, lovely little family gathering on the second. Your apple pie would go well with your cappucino whilst sat people watching. I'm hoping next year I can choose a little spot to grow a sunflower or two, always wanted sunflowers in my garden since a wee bairn. Not sure what that green plant is growing out of the pathment, maybe a runaway alpine I wonder if it will flower?? Happy belated T day, maybe one day I can come join you all in a cuppa. Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. It's a nice theme that Sandie chose, I like it, too. People watching is always fun. I'm hoping the pant will flower so I can see more of it! Have a great day!

  36. I love your headline photo! Your book page tag is fabulous. Thank you for a wonderful post to read while I have my tea this morning!

  37. Just love your two tags, great work. Also love your photos, especially of the birds..
    Hugs Wendy


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