
Tuesday 1 September 2020

New Challenge at TIOT and Happy Mail

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT. Hmmm, it's a difficult theme for me - neat and tidy! Not really my thing, neither in life nor in crafting! Projects of all formats are welcome, 'real', digital, hybrid, it should just follow the theme. Have a look at the blog to see the neat and tidy things my teamies made!  I made an A3 mixed media page, with a textured background. A lot of people have asked how I do these textured backgrounds, so I will show you in a little tutorial on Friday. I was trying to get away from always using circles, so divided my page into rectangles this time, and added some cat, dog and flower stickers. I am also linking to the new challenge at AJJ, hosted by Jo, texture:

And I got Happy Mail - joy in the post!
This lovely card came from David, the undisputed bird Pope, in Canada. He had read on my blog that I wasn't feeling good, and sent this to cheer me up. That's kindness from across the miles:

Avril, a lovely teamie by TIOT send me an envelope packed full of goodies -
napkins and a wonderful tag. The details on the tag are so fantastic, I was thrilled to see it close up - pictures don't do it justice:

And die cut flowers and more. I recently admired some white daisies I saw on Avril's blog, and she said she would send me a 'few' - wow, what a treasure I received:

Thanks a lot Avril, I will have great fun using them and think of you! 

And I have some more pictures from my beloved clouds:

The birds gather mornings and evenings in this tree:

I love seeing the tree and pigeons lit up by the setting sun:

And as you know, I love to walk by the Rhine:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful art work Valerie, love the cat and dog stickers. You have received some wonderful mail, nothing better than a surprise in the mail! As always I enjoy your cloud and walk photos.

  2. Valerie, what a gorgeous page. I will be waiting to see the tutorial. I am sure I will be inspired. David is very kind to send you this card and Avril was very generous. What a beautiful tag and a big collection of dies!
    You know I am in love with your sky photos and the photos of Rhine. But seeing your fabulous close ups of the birds, I am thinking that I need to buy a better camera! Ha ha! Hugs, my dear friend.

  3. I love your gorgeous artwork and I can't wait for the tutorial! Great happy mail too and that's always such fun. Your photos are beautiful too! Have a great week :)

    1. Thanks Martha, Yes, happy mail is fun!! Have a great day!

  4. Love your art and the happy mail looks very happy indeed. Thanks for the lovely e-mail birthday card, absolutely love it.... Can you send me your address as you have my email, since getting my new computer tower I have lost a lot of my info on friends, [I forgot to save them.... :(]

    1. Thanks Annie. Glad you liked your card! Will send the addy later! Have a lovley day!

  5. That is a neat and tidy page for sure! Lovely thoughtful gifts. The photos are spectacular!

    1. Thanks Christine. Yes, the gifts are lovely! Have a wonderful day!

  6. I just love your neat and tidy page-what an interesting theme. wonderful gifts from friends-always so special to receive surprise Happy Mail.
    enjoyed all the beautiful photos too-

    1. Thanks Kathy. We all love happy mail! Have a great day!

  7. Hi Valerie oh wow what wonderfully fun mixed media page,I love the fun cats and dogs,well done my friend on your lovely work. How wonderful to receive such lovely gifts,I love the penguin card from David oh what wonderful walking photos. Thankyou for sharing them with us Valerie stay safe and take care my friend xx

  8. Hi Laurie, good to see you around! Have a great day!

  9. I'm definitely NOT a neat and tidy crafter, so I fear I wouldn't make it this time. I like what you created and look forward to seeing how you create those awesome backgrounds.

    You have some amazing friends. Both David and Avril have cheered you nicely. I love those die cuts Avril sent you and the cogs, too. But those napkins are WOW. And of course, I love your sky shots, too.

    1. Thanks E. Neat and tidy was never my thing! It's always great to get happy mail! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

    2. Somehow I managed to miss that you are also sharing this journal page with us at Art Journal Journey. I hang my head in shame, because I pride myself for reading every word in every post. It works well for Jo's theme.

    3. I'm good at reading about every third word, so don't worry! You have a lot to do today!

  10. Ein wunderschöne lustige Seite mit den Hunden und Katzen! Der Hintergrund ist toll! Was für hübsche Karten du geschickt bekamst und mit den gestanzten Sachen!
    Herrliche Fotos vom Rhein und von der Taube.
    Ich wünsche dir viel Spass mit den neuen Herausforderungen!
    Schönen Tag wünsche ich dir
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Die Tauben sind sehr hübsch und ich glaube sie mögen fotografiert werden! Dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  11. Good morning Val! Love your new journal page with ll those sweet cats, dogs and flowers, so pretty. And you managed to get it very neat and tidy! Great photos as always, love the birds in the tree especially. Have a fine day and take good care of yourself! Hugs, Sarah

  12. I love the texture of the background on your cute dog and cat page. An envelope of such lovely bits and pieces is bound to make anyone smile. We all need more smiles in our lives these days.

    1. Thanks Deb! That envelope really made me smile big, we all need something to make us smile these days. Have a safe day, keep smiling!

  13. I really love this page Valerie, improved my mood no end!! Those cute animals and these gorgeous bright colours- oh yes!!! Lucky you to receive such happy mail - lots to keep you busy too! As ever your photographs are wonderful! Have a great day, Chrisx

  14. I love this page, full of cute cats and dogs. Love all the beautiful bright colours. Have a great day.

    1. Thanks Anesha, I found the stickers in my stash and they were just right here! Have a great day!

  15. What a fun colorful, whimsical art journal page! Just LOVE it!!!! That background is awesome (will check back Friday!), and those cats and dogs... just priceless!!!! Wishing you a super week! ((HUGS)) Helen

  16. I suspect that in reality, Valerie, you are a pretty neat and tidy person. Thanks for the link to my blog. I am confident that people will be flocking to it as soon as they become aware that esoteric conclusions may be postulated there as to the origins of the strange, phantasmagoric avifauna of Balconia-by-the-Rhine. Actually, there is probably a second field of study waiting to be explored too. I hear that it is also the haunt of the Funky-footed Woman, a unique and highly appealing subspecies of Homo sapiens. It must be said that Funky-foots are found elsewhere but have attained the pinnacle of evolutionary development at Balconia. Considerable research has already been undertaken and it has been established that their preferred diet consists of coffee and pie and that by feeding them a steady stream of these substances they can be induced to do almost anything! Hmmm.....there may be reasons yet undreamed of for an expedition to the region! Have a nice day, as they used to say when you got full service at the gas station. Big, fat hugs from me to you!

    1. Oh dear, David, I've laughed so much I can hardly type! But I must say, I am REALLY untidy, chaos is my normal habitat and I thrive on it. Being tidy is NOT my thing. Funky foots are rare these days, even here, most people just wear expensive and not funky! And yes, coffee and pie is important, but they also like yogurt and cheese! And funky-foots (Feet?) attract lots of tourists around here, they don't just come to look at the castle ruins! You have a nice day, too, with or without a filling of gas!

  17. Aww I love your piece Valerie, so happy and colourful, and very apt today as we are away cat sitting at my sons house. We are here but the cat has beggared off somewhere, typical cat! Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. Have fun catsitting, cats are independent creatures and do what they want until it's feeding time!

  18. Such lovely treats from sweet friends - I know you treasure them. Hope you are feeling better! Your journal page is so happy and fun and full of sweet animals and bright colors. Very fun!!! Love your pictures too. Many hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy, I am feeling better. Still room for improvement, but it's moving in the right direction. Glad you like the journal page! Have a great day, stay safe!

  19. I love your pussy cats and dogs playing with the flowers, Valerie. They are so happy and colourful.

    1. Thanks Sheila, much appreciated. Have a good and safe week!

  20. Very interesting things and photos. Have a nice day:)

  21. Piękne są twoje prace i fotografie. Śliczne dostałaś prezenty . Życzę dużo zdrowia i radości z życia:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna. Health and joy are the best things we can have!

  22. Your neat and tidy page came out fabulous. I love the dogs and cats. They are adorable. And what fantastic happy mail. That is a great bird card, but of course what else could be expected from a bird Pope? Smile. And those are fabulous die cuts from Avril. Thanks for linking up to AJJ with your neat and tidy page. And happy happy September. I hope you have a healthy and happy month! Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Happy mail makes us happy! You have a safe and happy September, too!

  23. ... what a beautiful page!
    You know I always love your beautiful artwork and your photos!
    I am your biggest fan! LOL
    Have a nice day! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella! Good to have fans! Have a wonderful day!

  24. I struggled with the neat and tidy theme as well.
    Your page looks fantastic with the cats and dogs , and all the little scenes you created for them.
    Stay safe and enjoy using your new gifted goodies.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! I think crafters are perhaps not the most tidy people in the world?! Have a good week!

  25. Such a gorgeous page! I love the neat and tidy aspect of the compartments and the textured background looks amazing 😁. Those little dogs and cats really made me smile, as did you pretty cloud photos - perfect! Thanks so much for joining us at Art Journal Journey! Happy and creatives wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  26. The cloud in the second pic looks like a seagull to me.
    What a fun piece.
    Lovely gifts. Lovely friends.

    1. I just looked - it does indeed. And yes, lovely friends!

  27. You have so many loving friends. You are blessed. Nice gifts, too.

  28. Beautiful page. I love happy mail. How sweet.

  29. The kitty and puppy page would make a sweet quilt for a little one. Animals know the right way to live. Fun happy mail and goodies. Beautiful skies and sites along the Rhine. Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks. We can learn a lot from animals about what's important in life!

  30. Thank you for sharing the beauty of your art, your lovely gifts and fantastic photos!
    I love looking at clouds and leaves in trees and seeing what images I can find.
    It's a little game that I have played since I was a kid :)
    Great post Valerie.

    Hugs ☕🌷

    1. It's a fun game, huh? Today I saw Donuts in the Sky!

  31. WOW Valerie, I LOVE your cute and colorful AJP! Awesome rectangle design and the cats & dogs are adorable!! Gorgeous cloud pictures, enjoy your day and all of your new goodies!
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. I thought you would like the dogs and cats! Have a wonderful day!

  32. Lovely journal page, cute dogs and cats. Great goodies, lucky lady.

    1. Thanks Lin. Yes, I was lucky to get these goodies. It's nice to have friends.

  33. Not sure when you had the walk by the Rhine - so I am hoping it was now and you are feeling up to it, therefore a little stronger.
    Lovely photographs of the clouds and the birds as always. I always love your photography.
    That is a lovely journal page - I do like the way the background is textural - it reminds me of the kissing technique. Love all the little cats and dogs chasing the flowers - it is a happy page. It makes me smile. Just as i am sure your happy mail made you smile - and the lovely diecuts - what a happy day that was for you.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. I am feeling better and stronger, which was good, as today there was a problem with the trams and I had to walk all the way home from Düsseldorf, that's over 10 kilometres. But I managed it, and that did me good. Have a great day, take care, hope you are getting better!

  34. The happy and brightly colored dogs and cats playing amongst the flowers made me smile. I hope you're feeling better.

    1. Thanks, I am slowly getting there. The chairs have gone! Aliens? We're they beamed up to Scotty?

  35. Hope you are feeling better Valerie, it's been a few days since I last visited and you'd had a rotten day. Always love the texture you show on your pages, so heavy in body. Those cats and dogs are having so much fun smelling the flowers, now if that was my Freya she'd have to taste them too hee hee!! Lovely mail from Avril, I bet that cheered you up well and good, look forward to seeing what you create with them, there's some favourites of mine amongst them. Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. My Scruffy used to nibble flowers, too, and then she'd make a strange face as if it didn't taste good! I am feeling better, not yet 100% but who's perfect these days?! Have a great day!

  36. You say you aren't neat and tidy but you could fool me with this art and with the few photos you've shown of your space! (On the other hand, I'm the master of NOT neat and tidy and can make space look pretty good. I think it's a blogging requirement!) Loved the work, your clouds and the card, too!

    1. I'm really chaotic. But I'm good at taking photos to show god parts and not messy parts!

  37. How lovely to find all those goodies in your mail box. Your page is adorable and so cheerful. hugs, Teresa
    PS - thanks for all your sweet comments on my blog.

    1. Thanks Teresa, you're welcome! Thanks for visiting here, too! Have a safe week!

  38. I love this page Valerie, those cats and dogs look such fun and I'm looking forward to seeing how you get all that texture into your backgrounds. Love those penguins in the card David sent and glad the mail brought a smile. Lovely photos and I was surprised to see how bare the tree outside your apartment looks - no doubt due to your hot dry weather.
    Have a good week.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril. Lots of trees are brown and/or are losing their leaves. The hot and dry weather hast caused a lot of problems.

  39. That's a lovely colourful page.
    Beautiful and thoughtful gifts/cards through the mail.
    Great photographs too.

    All the best Jan

  40. Wonderful art and photos Valerie! Love the penguins David sent you!
    Alison xx


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