
Wednesday 16 September 2020

Evil wishes...

 Hi Everybody!

We are 'enjoying' really hot weather here again, this afternoon it's 34°, but should start getting a bit cooler again from tomorrow. It's unusual weather for this time of the year, but the weather seems to be unusual everywhere just now. And some are still insisting there's no climate change....

For my challenge at Tag Tuesday I have another tag made with my photos. The background is a rusty door I saw near here, the other 2 were taken at different times. The excited goose was taken at a park, the rooster lives at the farm down the road. The bespectacled goat and grass are from Serif! The quote, 'Evil wishes, like chickens, come home to roost',  is from Aesop:

Some more animals from the farm at the end of the road:

A beautiful house near here, now used as a hotel:

Pictures from my walks:

Lots of autumn berries:

Hopefully NOT impossible:

No coffee van this morning, I'm hopeful for tomorrow when the market takes place:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Womderful artwork, that sayjng is so true! Yoe nice it would be to cruise along the Rhine in a boat. More enjoyable walk photos.

    1. Thanks. Yes, it is true, and one my auntie was always using when I was small! I would love to go on a Rhine cruise, but they're expensive and more than I can afford, so I just watch it from here!

  2. Your evil wishes tag is adorable! I really can't believe people still don't believe in climate change. Something needs to be done and fast! Love all the sweet animal photos and enjoyed joining you for another lovely walk :)

    1. Thanks Martha. Some people won't notice it till it's too late! Have a great day, take care!

  3. Hi Valerie lovely new header my friend love the tag great work . Oh my your pics from your walks are amazing you live in such a pretty town,hope you have a lovely day Valerie,take care xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl, you have a wonderful day, too - stay safe!

  4. Lovely farm art, complete with farm!

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Love that wonderful farm tag, too funny. Wonder what that geese was saying!? Lovely farm pics, too. Mum is now back in the home, she seemed happy to be back and was cheerful so that's something! Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Good morning Sarah! Hope your day goes well, too. Glad your mum is really in a better phase just now, that's good news. Take care of yourself, hugs to all!

  6. Wieder wundervoll gestaltet dein Tag! Schön die Tiere und der Rhein auf deinen Spaziergang zusehen. Ich bin froh dass es bei uns nur 24 Grad geworden ist aber kein Wind und richtige dicke Luft war es. Also wenn das kein Klimawandel ist , ich verstehe diese Leugner auch nicht.
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Gut dass es bei Dir dort oben nicht so heiß war, hier war wieder ungemütlich für mich. Heute scheint etwas kühler zu sein. Ich hoffe es geht Dir gut, pass gut auf dich auf! Dir Alles Liebe!

  7. A true sentiment indeed on your tag. Like Karma comes back threefold. Sorry you missed your coffee, you were probably quite ready for it. I hope you get to enjoy a delicious coffee today, and maybe a treat to eat too? Have a lovely day, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb! Always good to have good account with Karma! Today I'm hoping for another cup of that lovely coffee! Have a great day, stay safe!

  8. Morning Valerie, your tag reminds me of a still from an animated movie hee hee!! Really well thought out, love how the wise looking goat takes a back seat to watch from afar.
    How i'd love a holiday in that hotel right now but holidays seem a million miles away right now, i'm grateful to still have my support bubble with my Mom so I can have a cuppa with her before that's taken away again.
    Sending safe hugs your way, i'll be round for a catch up very soon Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! The scene reminds me of my auntie P. talking to her husband! Holidays? What are they?! I haven't had one for 18 years and that's a long time. Glad you can visit your mum now, that must be a comfort for you. Stay safe!

  9. Love being down on the farm today, the gorgeous tag and oh gosh those photos, wonders of nature. xx

  10. Zabawna jest ta koza w okularach . Piękne fotografie. Zmiany klimatyczne niestety są bardzo duże. Miłego dnia😊

    1. Thanks Lucyna! I think I'm the goat in glasses! The climate change will cause us many problems. Have a great day!

  11. Beautiful art work and as usual it is a treat to see your snaps...!

    1. Thanks Sreeja, nice to see you around. Have a great day, stay safe.

  12. Wonderful photos again! Late summer at its best!

  13. Thirty-four degrees in September is a tad excessive, Valerie. In fact, its downright unpleasant at any time of the year. The artwork you show us today is of very high quality since it shows a Canada Goose 🇨🇦 asserting its dominance over all those barnyard peasants! Aristocracy has its place you know. Perhaps our lovely pacifist anthem "Oh Canada" should be changed to "Canada, Canada über alles." Canada Geese are in the vanguard of colonizing the world! And speaking of birds, I will be having virtual meetings with a couple of ornithological colleagues over the next week or so, and I am planning to ask that the primitive, adaptively-radiated, avifauna of Balconia-by-the-Rhine be added to the agenda. I can hardly wait to see their gobsmacked physiognomies as they gaze upon those beauties. I shall of course be shamelessly name-dropping that I am an intimate and trusted confidant, collaborator and coconspirator of the renowned Frau Doktor Valerie-Jael Tups. I can hardly wait to see their jaws drop when I lay that on them! Until tomorrow, ever your chum, pal, friend, admirer, devotee, sycophant, confidant, bon vivant, coffee slurper, wine guzzler and Canadian through and through! David

    1. Thanks for the laugh, I'm thinking you're about as crazy as I am, that's nice! I love watching the Canada Geese when they are getting excited about something, they so remind me of auntie P back in my childhood! I am sure your learned friends will be astonished if you show them the world-rocking winged inhabitants of Balconia-by-the-Rhine. That über Alles text has been forbidden for many years, I'm happy to say, but for Canada it's okay! And my doctorate was totally serious and all about women in religious literature. Don't tell anyone, though, I would hate to ruin my bad reputation! Have a great day m court jester! Hugs to you both!

  14. Colorful tag and the sentiment is something to keep in mind. The farm animals at the end of the road are so cute. They all look like they are standing in line. I wonder what they are waiting for? The coffee truck to arrive? 😺 Have a good day

  15. Good morning I really enjoyed your post I Love your tag!! loving those sheep on your page too-Have a good day hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy! The animals are lovely, I always enjoy visiting them.

  16. What a fabulous tag Valerie! Great to see the animals at the farm too! We had had some warmer weather but happily not really high temps! 27C is enough for me! Super photos....Mission Impossible indeed!!! Ha! Ha! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. Sorry I couldnt resist Mission Impossible!

  17. Yes, it is unbelievable that people don't understand and realize climate change. Right now in the US the west coast is on fire due to climate changes. The Southeast has a hurricane and the flooding will be life threatening. The smoke from the fires have already blown across the US to the East coast. These things get worse every year. Pretty soon there will be no place to evac the millions of people that have lost homes and the lives of loved ones. OKayyyy enough of that. I love love love the photos of the horses and donkeys. Great shots. You share so much with us and I appreciate it. Have a very nice day.

    1. Sorry you are having so many unpleasant problems just now, it must be scary. Here in Europe the extreme weather and storms continue, and still people don't want to hear about climate change. I hope they soon wake up!

  18. Love your animal theme for this post. Cute tag.

  19. I got a kick out of the different sized horses :) I imagine it's interesting to live so close so you can see the animals through all the seasons.

    1. The horses are fun, they have some really mini ones about the size of large dogs. Have a great day!

  20. i love horses they are so elegant;)

  21. Hi Valerie, Bill here! Love the beautiful painting and Farm Photos. Have a great week!

  22. What a cute and fun tag Valerie, I love how you merged your different animal photos! Great photos and cute horses, I love the bright red color of the autumn berries!
    Take care, hugs Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, I Love combining reality and fantasy! The autumn berries are always lovely.

  23. I love it when you work with you photos! What a great farm piece. And I love seeing the horses. Hopefully coffee soon!

    1. Yesssssssss. I got my coffee yesterday, and it was gooooooooooooooooood! I love working with photos, too, it's fun mixing reality and fantasy!

  24. That is a fun tag. I like this challenge. And I love seeing the animals at the farm. There was quite a collection of them. Hope it was a good Wednesday! hugs-Erika

    1. I like this challenge, too, that's why I did it. The farm is a nice place to wander by, look at the animals and then go back to the Rhine and then home, a good walk.

  25. A gorgeous tag and great photos Valerie! That's a beautiful hotel, and lovely to see the farm animals.
    Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. It's lovely today, cool but sunny, that's how I like it! Stay safe!

  26. Love your Aesop tag and the farmyard animals to go with it, and how lovely are those autumn berries at the end!?

    I accept that I will get used to the interface of the New Blogger dashboard - though the Stats page does my head in, such a waste of screen space to transmit information which you used to be able to see at a glance - but the inability to layout my blogpost as I choose, with photos next to the text and moving from side to side is a deal-breaker for me.

    Photos down the middle is how I differentiate my Encore posts. In tutorial and step-by-step posts, which have been my meat and drink, having text next to the photo explaining what's happening in that photo seems to me far better than trying to work out whether the text refers to the photo above or below.

    You're accustomed to going down the middle and it works fine for you. But it's not how I designed my blog, and it's not how I want it to look. The photos are lost in the middle of the page unless I make them all huge. And then I can't differentiate between the photos I want to prioritise as X-large and those which are less important as merely Large. I'm not just throwing a hissy fit - it spoils the whole process for me. I'm very very sad and very angry to have something I have loved doing turned into something which is both hard work and unsatisfactory after the hard work.

    Sad sigh.
    Alison xx

    1. Sorry this is causing you distress, but don't give up. They keep altering things. Put your comments into their feedback if you haven't already done so, they do seem to take notice of what people say. Stay safe and healthy!

    2. I have left feedback multiple times in great detail about where the problems have been for me.

      Thank you so much for taking the time to experiment. Again, it's about process. I've always written my whole text and then added photos. I will have to work the other way up if I have to select each photo first and then write text for it. And that completely interrupts the flow of the thought as I write. And as you know, I write a lot!

      I'm honestly not trying to make difficulties. I feel desperate about it. I want to continue blogging, but I have no quiet half hours coming up... I'm moving house to another country. So my next quiet half hour is in March or April if I'm lucky. If I don't write blogposts in that time, the chances are my blogging is over. The timing is just really bad for me to be struggling to make changes in something which I used to be able to just do really easily and quickly, and which gave me great pleasure, when I'm making so many other changes at the same time.

      I will try, but it makes me want to cry.
      Alison xx

    3. Sending you BIG hugs, and hope that things will get better and easier for you! Hugs!

  27. Pretty Autumn berries & I love the donkey and other farm animals :)

  28. I adore the Aesop's tag with the farm animals. They are so cute and clever. I promise again to join in this fortnight. It's a fun theme.

    Loved your photos. My favorite was the farm tractors with the added equipment. That was a great photo.

    1. Thanks E, I love taking pics especially at this time of year! You've got time till Monday evening MET to join in!

    2. What is MET? Obviously, I'm a dunce. Is it some kind of European time?


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