
Saturday 29 August 2020

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!
Happy weekend! I am looking forward to a lazy and restful weekend with lots of reading and audio books and walks when the weather allows.
I have another A3 mixed media journal page to share today,, and magicked an extra tag onto one piece so I link to Alison's challenge at AJJ. I wasn't happy with the colours here, but done is done, so it's staying as it is!

And here with added tag for Alison's challenge:

And for Wendy's challenge at Tag Tuesday I have another tag with ladybirds:

And more photos from my daily walks along the Rhine and round about. The photos are not in the right order, Blogger re-arranged them for me:

The chairs have been moved slightly:

The school children have their sport classes outside these days:

This is one of the few remaining farms on our street:

They still keep horses and offer riding for handicapped, you can see a yellow hoist in the background:

The square by the basilica with houses from the middle ages:

The stream which flows into the Rhine:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good morning Val! Hope you have a lovely day. It's cool here, but there should be some sun later, so the kids can play in the garden, that will be nice. Love your pretty page, and the fun tag. I don't know how you manage to think up so many new things every day. Sorry Blogger changed the photos round, but they're lovely whatever order they're in. Have a lovely day, take care, and get plenty of rest! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, hope you get the sun you need to get those kiddies out from under your feet! I have time to do crafting because I don't do much housew**k! I know how busy you are with your kids and everything else, so try to have a little relaxing time here and there! look after yourself!

  2. What a lovely journal page, Valerie. I really like the way you added the tag for Alison's theme, too. I actually really LIKE the colors you chose for the page. Thanks for another lovely entry at Art Journal Journey.

    Your ladybug/bird tag is adorable. Looks like there are lots of little ones. Really cute.

    How did Blogger rearrange your photos? I'm still using Legacy and posting as far ahead as possible before the doom and gloom set in. It's not that I resist change, it's I RESIST being told I HAVE to change. As for photos, I love the one in town with the window box. It's my favorite today. The last one would be awesome if it weren't for the cigarette butts.

    1. Thanks E. There's too much black on the page for my taste. I uploaded the pics in the order I wanted them on the blog and they 'arrived' in a completely different order. I changed a few but didn't have the patience to re-arrange them all again. Always surprises! Legacy is mostly okay, but as you say, we don't want to be ORDERED to do things! The house with the windowbox is here on 'my' street. Have a good one!

  3. And I really like this pink and black artwork.

  4. Great journal page and a lovely tag. Plus photos of your surroundings which are always so interesting.
    Hugs Wendy

  5. Miło jest pospacerować po mieście dzięki fotografia. Bardzo podobają mi się twoje prace , lubię biedronki . Miłego dnia:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna, glad you enjoy visiting m town with me! Have a great weekend!

  6. Beautiful photos:) Have a nice day :)

    1. Thanks Martyna, enjoy your weekend! Stay safe!

  7. Lovely post..have s great weekend VJ

  8. Lovely page. Enjoy your weekend. x

  9. 'Tis the weekend indeed, Valerie, and though for people like us who are retired one day seems much as the next, there is still the sense that it is time for relaxation. Actually, we tend to stay at home more on the weekends since the streets and stores are busier with those who still have to work. I hope that your weekend will be tranquil and that your well being will begin to surge back to your normal supercharged levels. Last evening at dinner we thought of you. I had bought corn on the cob right from the field from a local Mennonite farmer, we had pork schnitzel (do you eat pork?) with gypsy sauce and I made oven-roasted sweet potato fries, and it was all very delicious. How wonderful it would have been if you lived right around the corner and you could have come and joined us. Afterwards we had coffee on the patio, with fresh Ontario peaches dripping juice off our chins. No doubt you have plum pie enough for a slice or two with coffee. Take care dear Valerie and relax, with a little walk along the Rhine here and there, of course! Until Monday, hugs and kisses from Canada.

    1. Hi David! Oh my, your dinner sounds so good and I am hungry just thinking about it, wish I did live round the corner! But yes, I still have some pie for the weekend! I managed to walk just over 10000 steps today, so that was great, things are looking up! I avoid the town at weekends, too, too many people and I am not crowd lover. I hope you and Miriam have a great weekend and some nice walks where you can look for wildlife. Hugs to you both!

  10. Terrific art pieces ~ and wonderful photos...More beach shots ~ Love them ~ I had to save the stream with the rocks and the purple flowers. I can hear the water in this beautiful picture. Enjoy the rest of the weekend

    1. Thanks Karen. I love that beach, too, it's always a great place to walk, pick up stones and shells and balance on the stones over the stream! Have a great weekend!

  11. LOVE your weekend post, your art is magnificent, the colours are stunning too. Lovely photos and I do sit and really look at the beauty you put forward...hugs. xx

  12. Thanks Annie, glad you like the photos. I love this little corner of the world, too. Have a safe weekend!

  13. These ladybirds look so cute, wonderful works as always! Have a lovely weekend ☺

  14. I like the colors of your page, especially with the black images. They really pop. Those are good late August colors. Not quite fall but not quite summer either. Of course it is a dark wet day here and those colors feel like our weather. Thanks again for linking up to AJJ. And cute ladybug tag too. I've got to make one-but it's on my list. And if you didn't see my email reply-thanks for finding out about that funky fly for me. Glad it is a helpful one! Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! I had to look that fly up, it was so unusual. Good that it's a good one!

  15. Was für ein schönes Journal und das mit dem Marienkäfer ist so lustig, toll und so kretaiv wieder!
    Herrlich deine Fotos mit den wundervollen Wolkenhimmel!
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Elke! Dir ein schönes Wochenende und bleib gesund!

  16. I love your journal page and your tag is SO adorable! Really beautiful photos as well. I'm going to have fun exploring some of the art link ups. I participated on Paint Party Friday yesterday but painting is not a strength of mine at all, but I love the types of art you did here today! Have a fantastic weekend :)

    1. Art journaling is a good way of being creative. Give it a try. Have a wonderful weekend!

  17. Hello Val! I'm back! 😅 No ... not quite, but Monday for sure !! LOL
    Very nice diary page ... and the nature photos too!
    Have a nice weekend! See you on Monday!

    1. Hi Ella, great to See you around again! Enjoy your Weekend!

  18. Pink is not my favorite color, but it is striking with black. Cute lady bugs. I took a picture of lady bugs and will show them with my garden post. Yeah, I hate that fact the uploading multiple pictures for Blogger to put in reverse order. The clouds in your photos look so close you can almost reach up to touch them. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Looking forward to seeing your lady bug photo. New Blogger still has some bugs that need to be ironed out. We've had some glorious clouds Here.

  19. I always enjoy your wonderfully created art!
    You must have a great brain for coming up with so many wonderful ideas!
    Blogger does mess up now and then but it still is my choice to use blogspot.
    Your photos are always fantastic no matter what!

    Hugs and Stay Safe 🌷☕

    1. Thanks Jan. I'm sure Blogger will get rid of the kinks sooner or later! Have a great Weekend!

  20. Beautiful page and colourful tag! Enjoyed your photos today. Those houses from the middle ages have outlasted many generations.

    1. Thanks. This little town hast experiences a lot in the passt centuries.

  21. I think these colours are fab, very striking! All these photo's and not another person in sight, I'm guessing you were out very early! Take care and have a great weekend - reading sounds very good, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. I am mostly around very early, that's true. Enjoy your Weekend!

  22. HI Valerie! You always post beautiful pictures! :)

  23. Fabulous art and photos Valerie! Thanks for linking up to my AJJ theme again.
    Wishing you a wonderful and relaxing weekend,
    Alison xx

  24. Beautiful art, love the lady bugs, and your walk photos. It must be wonderful for someone who lives life in a wheelchair to go and ride a horse, imagine that freedom feeling. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks a lot. Yes, it's a great idea to offer riding for handicapped. I often see them riding, flanked right and left by helpers to keep them safe, and they riders always look happy.

  25. Hi Valeria what a wonderful mixed media piece ,the colours are awesome and how cute are the tags ,I love the lady bug ,well done my friend. Thankyou for your beautiful pics and I hope you have a wonderful weekend of reading and walking,stay safe my friend xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl. Have a good and safe weekend!

  26. Beautiful artwork! Loving the texture of the circles, it's such a relaxing piece too 😀. Those little ladybirds are so cute and it looks like you've had fun out and about. Loved seeing the Rhine and architecture - perfect! Happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  27. Hi Valerie! Yes, I finished studying!
    What a super page, my friend. Great design, my dear friend.
    And your tag is soooo cute!
    You take the most beautiful sky photos, sweetie!

    1. Well done in getting it finished! That Mist be a relief! Enjoy your Sunday!

  28. Wow. Some great photos. I love that the farm does handicap riding - what a lovely thing. All the water pictures are calming. I know your walks are a joy! I would walk if I lived there too. Beautiful place to live. Love your journal page - that flower tag is beautiful and the elements are so fun. The ladybug tag is cute too. We ordered a box of live ladybugs one time for a science fair experiment. We had zillions of ladybugs for years. They are cute and useful but can be very annoying! Great post! hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy! We had a plague of ladybugs some years back, I didn't find them cute then! Have a great week!

  29. Hello hello! I hope your weekend is restful and that you are feeling well. I love the first art piece. The tag is sweet too. Always love seeing your walk through your lovely photos.

    1. Thanks Debra. Hope all is well in your corner of the world, too!🦆😁🦆

  30. Valerie you always create the best art. Your photos are excellent too.

  31. I like the colors in your art: the reds, hot pinks, the charcoal grey. Those medieval buildings are interesting to look at.

  32. When you say "the chairs have been moved" you're making an assumption that the chairs didn't somehow move on their own lol. Frankly, I'm thinking there's more to those chairs than meets the eye ;) I want a surveillance video camera trained on them... They intrigue me :)

    1. Ah, that's a problem, there are no video cameras there...And the plot thickens - today there was only ONE chair. Next information tomorrow!

    2. Oho! Those chairs may be up to something. Only time will tell ;)

    3. I will keep you informed....

  33. your tag is adorable and I really like the sentiment on your journal page. Creativity does take courage. hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa! Yds, that sentiment is true. Have a great, new week.

  34. Really love the face and the flowers in the first piece! And another cute lady bug tag for Tag Tuesday. Have a good start into the new week.

  35. I love the quote on your journal page and the background colours, its another fantastic interpretation for Alison's AJJ theme.
    The tag looked cute as well, a fun ladybug image.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  36. No matter what order ...
    Your photographs look good.

    All the best Jan

  37. I love seeing the cupboard in your banner! And following you on your walk. Now I am very intrigued about the chairs. Did the person who set them there move them? Did people sit in them and adjust them? We must continue this story!


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