
Friday 21 August 2020

Paint Party Friday

 Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all well and fit. After a couple of days of 'normal' summer weather, we have a few very hot days again here, and I am really reaching my limits just now. It should only last another day or so, but it's really hard on my health just now. Yesterday I was able to go for a walk along the Rhine, but today (Thursday) I had to stay home, although it's very hot in my apartment, too. 

In the past few weeks I have been working on a few journal pages in my large A3 journal. As always, I find circles fascinating, and have drawn some more of the strange creatures living in Balconia-by-the-Rhine. The strange bird on the right is an orange-billed pop-eye bird. It's very shy, and always tries to hide, which is difficult because of the bright colours. It loves fruit, and tries to peck oranges at the market. The bird on the left is the purple plum-pitter. At this time of year it can be seen in the trees pecking plums and pulling out the pits. The beetles are musical ones, and make strange strumming noises by rubbing their front legs together, and  inspiring the other creatures to sing and dance:

And I have a 'special edition' to fit the page to Alison's challenge at AJJ - I added a tag digitally:

I am linking to Paint Part Friday

At the Rhine the farmer was working early, followed by clouds of crows, gulls abd geese:

I went along my fave, shady paths:

You can see that some trees are  losing their leaves:

It was good to see the Rhine again:

The berries are ripening:

There are lots of benches along the tow-path, which was good for resting:

The little market by the Rhine was not very busy, but it was still really early:

The walk took well over an hour instead of the usual 25 minutes but I enjoyed it very much.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love your piece Valerie, such beautiful colours and I love all the texture. Your photographs are starting to look quite Autumnal now aren't they. It will be so nice won't it when the weather gets back to normal, though I'm definitely not looking forward to Winter. Take care and look after yourself, Sue xx

    1. Thnaks Sue. Any weather has to be better than this heat! Have a great weekend!

  2. I love your birds and bugs! Sounds like you are still having very hot weather, but autumn is not far away going by the plants. Look after yourself.

    1. Thanks. I'm looking forward to autumn, that's for sure.

  3. Your balconia-by-the- Rhine species are quite interesting. And lots of fun too. I love the digital tag and thanks for linking up to AJJ. Sorry to hear you are hot again. Our heat is coming back, and no rain. WE are in a moderate drought at my house but not to far off they are in a severe drought. I bet our fall foliage season will be pretty bland this year if we don't get rain. Hope Friday is cooler. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Lots of places are too hot and dry just now, the climate is really changing! Have a great day!

  4. Good morning Val! Hope you slept well! It's been very hot here, too, and didn't cool off over night. I think we are all longing for different weather. Look after yourself, and stay home till things get better. I LOVE your fun nature page, you really have strange birds and beetles there! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, it's a bit cooler this morning, and cloudy, but still much too hot. I'm hoping for cooler weather tomorrow!

  5. Lovely whimsical 'balconia' page and enjoyed your photos today!

  6. It's so hot down here, too. We have to take our daily walks late in the evening due to the heat. Otherwise it's unbearable. Love your strange creatures! They make me smile. Take care and have a nice weekend. Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks! Yes, the heat is unbearable- This morning I have 34° in my apartment, it's too much! Strange creatures are a nice diversion from the harsh reality. Happ PPF!

  7. Klasse udn so schön ausgedacht wieder dieses A3 Journalseite!
    Schön dein Spaziergang am frühen Morgen am Rhein, da bin ich froh dass es bei mir windiger ist und es regnet jetzt mit 24 Grad ist es gut! Mit 34 Grad würde ich auch durch drehen bald.
    Ich wünsche dir einen guten Tag und hoffentlich bald besseres frsiches Wetterluft.
    Pass auf dich auf, liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Am frühen Morgen ist immer eine gute Zeit zu spazieren. 24° und Regen klingt wunderschön....Hier kommen ein paar Tropfen runter, aber nicht genug um den Boden nass zu machen. Bleib gesund!

  8. I love the birds from Balconia-by-the-Rhine. They are colorful and adorable. I really like the circles and that texture you got on the page is amazing. It was also great that you added an extra page so you could share it with us at Art Journal Journey using Alison's theme.

    It has cooled a bit here, but today it's supposed to get hot again. No rain in sight here, either, so my herbs are quite stressed. I enjoyed your walk through the farm area. Looks a bit like here in Kansas right now, too. My favorite photo today is the photo directly below your message the trees are losing their leaves. It is poignant. Hope you are feeling better and can get some respite from this heat.

    1. Yes, my B-b-t-R birds are quite something different! The texture comes from brayering the paint over the background. Autumn will be early this year because of the heat. From tomorrow it's supposed to cool down - I so hope they are right!

  9. Colourful and most interesting work of art as always, you inspire. Love the textures you add and the clear view. The varied selection of photos are always so interesting. xx
    Enjoy your weekend. x

    1. Thanks Annie, you have a great weekend, too!

  10. Great journal page. love seeing your photos. Have a great day.

    1. Thanks Anesha. Have a wonderful and creative day!

  11. Try and stay cool. Take care.

  12. Morning Valerie, I hope the weather cools down for you soon. It's been wet and very very windy here for the past 5 days, always the same when work in the garden is needed. Lovely bright journal pages, yes those circles are always their to give a safe hug like little social bubbles, how entertaining to see and hear such amazing creatures you get a balcony view too! I could sketch those shady walk ways all day long, especially sat on those benches. Wishing you a super creative weekend, fingers crossed I get the one I was promised last weekend this weekend. Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. I hope your wishes come true and that you get the best weekend ever, ever, ever!

  13. Lovely circle mood Valerie, Luv the photos as well. HappyPPF


  14. Valerie, it pains me to read what you are going through. I am sure you are putting as brave a face as possible on this situation, but It must be very miserable for you. It really grieves me to know that you have no one to help you through it. It is a tribute to your fortitude that even during these difficulties you have found time to once again reveal to me the ornithological eccentricities found at Balconia-by-the-Rhine. There is an added sense of curiosity about such intriguing species as the Orange-billed Pop-eye Bird and the Purple Plum Pitter. Based on your excellent images of these elusive species, they are obviously new to science and probably deserve to be placed in families of their own. Scientific nomenclature will have to be assigned and recognition of your work is bound to be included therein. The Pop-eye Bird, for example, might well be called Googlyopticus valeriensis. The ornithological community is forever in your debt, Professor Tups. Hugs, kisses and best wishes from Canada. David

    1. Thanks David. It sometimes does me good to concentrate on the rare species to be found in Balconia! I like the name 'Googlyopticus valeriensis', very fitting! Early this morning the sky was clouded over. I hat to go to the doc for my injection - Alexa reminded me, what would I do without her: It rained as I walked along and it was a great feeling. On the way back the sun came out and steamed the wetness away. I so hope they are right and tomorrow will really cool down! Hope you had a good drive back home, I'm sure you enjoyed the time with your daughter. Have a great day, hugs to you both!

  15. Your background textures are exquisite! All of the pieces make me think of childrens’ book illustrations. So colorful and lively! Great work!

    1. Thanks Barbara! I used to love making books for my grandchildren when they were small, and the were all filled with strange creatures like these! Happy PPF and have a great weekend!

  16. I'm sure it was wonderful to see the Rhine again. And I really do love this piece. The blue and green are wonderful and I love your birds and Beetles (or is it Beatles, since they are musical?) So very fun and cheery. I'd love to see this framed on a wall.

    1. It was VERY good to get to the Rhine again. The beetles were made when thinking of a certain group, I just didn't want to steal the name! My walls are unfortunately full, I need a bigger place, or less bookshelves, or....Have a fun day, enjoy the feather nightdress birds!

  17. A fun piece and I enjoyed the story. Not many more hot and humid days left. Cheer up sweater weather will be here soon before you know it. Another lovely walk along the Rhine, too. Take care and have a good weekend.

    1. Thanks, I am really looking forward to sweater days. I know you prefer it hot, but good that we are all different! Have a fun day!

  18. I’m glad you're still able to create despite the discomfort of the weather. Your birds are super cute. A walk beside the river sounds refreshing. I had a short stroll by the sea recently and it was lovely. Hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa. Creating and reading are the things that keep me sane just now. How nice to walk by the sea, sounds very good!

  19. Love the circles. Great colors and details! Love the photos from your walks!

    1. Thanks Jean. Have a wonderful weekend, take care!

  20. Hi Valerie. Your pages are fabulous. I too like circles. Your photos today are beautiful too. I love the "path" photos. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Nicole. The paths are all wonderful places to walk. Have a great day!

  21. I'm glad your were able to enjoy a nice walk ~ Your page is great, I like the shy bird, and the dragonfly ~ Enjoy the weekend

    1. Thanks Karen. Glad you like our strange birds here! Enjoy your weekend, stay safe and well!

  22. I got a real kick out of this one, such bright colors and striking shapes and a bird with a personality :)

    Sometimes a more leisurely pace is best. I enjoyed my virtual stroll through your varied environment :)

    1. Thanks. Yes, sometimes we need to slow down.

  23. I love the colors and shapes and surprises!!! Stay well!!

  24. Gorgeous page and colors Valerie! I love all of the circles and that beautiful dragonfly! Your shady paths look beautiful! I hope it cools down for you. It's very hot here in Colorado and I hope we get some relief soon, the wildfires are out of control :(
    Take care & enjoy your weekend. Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. Wildfires are scary, please stay safe. Have a great weekend!

  25. Wonderful photos and art Valerie! I love the birds and circles. Thanks for adding a tag and linking up to my theme at AJJ.
    Have a great weekend,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. Have a lovely evening, take care!

  26. Lovely page, I've not seen birds like that over here in the UK.

    1. Thanks Lin, these birds are only to be found here!

  27. Love, love , love your art!!! It made me smile.
    Enjoy a nice weekend-hope it cools down!

  28. Wonderful and love your palette on your lovely artwork ~ Gorgeous photos on your hour long walk ~ Wow!

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  29. Lovely art and gorgeous photographs.

    I do hope the weather cools down for you, here in the UK many areas are experiencing Storm Ellen, hoping for more settled and reasonable temperature days soon.

    Take care.

    All the best Jan

  30. For some reason I like birds and actual would like to try birds in art some day. Happy PPF

    1. Thanks Dora. Happy PPF and have a great weekend.

  31. It always looks good when seen through your lens.

  32. Hey Valerie :) I hope your weather gets better for your health's sake. I have to say I'm CLINGING to summer right got down to 9 degrees overnight and I had to wear gloves to walk the post has introduced me to new birds, very cool. I love your circle art. Coincidentally enough, I am ordering some circle stencils. I try to make circles in my art and they usually end up looking egg-shaped! Yours are great...your piece reminds me of high school math, the Venn Diagrams! Do you remember those??? Great photos, I'm so glad you could get out on your walk! :)

    1. Thanks Rain, hope your death doesn't get too cold! Glad you like my special birds. I draw the circles using cups, glasses, whatever I have to hand! I can't remember Venn diagrams, but I didn't really like maths! It's cooling down now, so love am thankful for that!

  33. You are lucky to have the balcony to sit out and view the scene although I think those insects would be given an eviction order if they came close to me. Its a fabulous page and super inspiration for the AJJ theme.
    Yvonne xx


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