
Friday 14 August 2020

Friday post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all keeping well. Thanks for the good wishes. I think the new meds are helping, I can move a bit easier now, and I am really sticking to doctor's orders!

For Alison's challenge at AJJ I have another mixed media A3 page in my large journal. The sentiment is on the attached tag. I like these colours:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

For Michele's Alice in Wonderland challenge at Tag Tuesday I have another tag:

And some photos from this week:

I spent some time sitting under the trees in the old cemetery, another good place to sit and have a rest on a hot day:

Andthe sunrise has been beautiful each day, even if the sun has been too hot for me lately:

Shadows on the curtains:

And the evenings were pretty, too. The tree behind the garden has already lots nearly all of its leaves because of the drought. I read in the paper that this is the worst drought since 250 years. Okay, I wasn't around then, but I believe it.

Can you see the grey dragon in the clouds?

have  a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I'm so glad your new meds are helping some and hope they continue to do so. Love that blue and green. And oh, those sunrises. I might get up a little more readily if I was waking to those!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. I always wake up when it starts to get light - the sin comes to me, sometimes more than I would like just now!

  2. Glad you are feeling a bit better. Lovely page and tag. I do see the dragon!

    1. Thanks Christine, glad you saw my dragon! Have a great day!

  3. Ha ha!! I did see the dragon!! Good to hear you are feeling somewhat better, good to follow the Drs orders! Beautiful art work, the blues are very cooling. It seems strange you are having a drought when not long ago the river was flooding! Crazy weather!!

    1. Thanks. The ground is so hard and dry that water can't sink in, which causes flash floods when it rains but doesn't help water the ground....Have a great day

  4. I am glad to hear that the meds are helping and that you are feeling a bit better. your art is beautiful and the photos amazing. Take it easy this weekend.

    1. Thanks Nicole. I'm staying home over the weekend, and will be resting!

  5. Always a post of interest whether cards, mixed media or photos'
    Glad the meds are working. xx

  6. Beautiful art works and really loved those nature snaps...take care❤️

  7. I love those colours too - lovely bubbles of paint. The woman with the wild hair is rather wonderful too. Fabulous Alice tag, and as always your photos take me on a lovely peaceful walk full of beauty and interest. And amazing skies, of course.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. At the moment I'm stuck on cool colours and circles, it calms me down a bit. Have a wonderful day!

  8. So happy to hear you are feeling better. I like your mixed media, but I love your Alice art today. I am particularly fond of Alice's Adventures. The sunrise photos are stunning, and the bird in silhouette, small though it is in relation to the landscape, is a real focal point. I would join you under the trees in the old cemeteries, for I love old cemeteries. They have a special energy.

    1. Thanks Deb! I know what you mean. When I was a kid we used to dress up and play Alice scenes, that was such fun. We took it in turns to be the various characters, and spent many afternoons this way. I love the birds in the tree, the pigeons and/ or crows always sit there and wait for the sunrise. Old cemeteries are wonderful, time seems to slow down there and it gives me a breathing space. Have a great day, stay safe!

  9. Lovely photos Valerie, I'm glad to hear you're feeling a little better. I'm just sitting here watching the birds having their breakfast. So many varieties, we're very blessed.
    Your art journal page is beautiful, I love the colours, the lady with her wild and free hair, and the gorgeous textured background. It's a wonderful page for my theme at AJJ.
    Take care of yourself,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, glad you like the page. Watching he birds and being in nature does us good, we are indeed blessed when we can enjoy so much. I can move a bit better today, so that's something!

  10. Das hört sich gut an Valerie dass es dir besser geht jetzt! Dein JOurnal ist wunderschön ich liebe es mit der Frau und den Hintergrund auch die Farbestellung!
    Süss dein Alic im Wunderland Bild!
    Wunderschöne Fotos hats du wieder mit gebracht! Bei mir sieht es auch aus wie Herbst schon so viel Blätter liegen auf den Boden.
    Ich wünsche dir weiterhin gute Besserung und pass auf dich auf und schön langsam amchen alles.
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Die Schmerzen sind etwas weniger und ic kann mich hier zuhause mindestens ein Bisschen bewegen. Freaut mich dass Dir die Journalseite gefällt. Herbst wird früh kommen wegen der Trockenheit. Bleib gesund!


  11. I'm so glad you are feeling better. These works delight me, I love the fairy-tale world.

    1. Thanks Lucyna. Fairy tales are always good! Have a great weekend!

  12. it's very nice that the drugs are helping:) Beautiful photos ;)

  13. I love that first work, lady's hair look amazing! Have a lovely weekend ☺

  14. This is a gorgeous page Valerie. I love these colors also. It has a cool modern look and I like that. Also I like your tag. I need to make one still. But I haven’t forgotten. And mostly o am glad to hear your are feeling on the improve. Wow it must be dry for a tree to lose their leaves so early. And I remember you had a really early spring too. Your poor plants don’t know what to do about it all I am sure. Happy start to your weekend. Hope the improvement continues. Hugs Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. The tablets etc are helping, I hope it continues, I want to get out and about again! Have a wonderful Friday, take care!

  15. I guess it must be early as I forgot to say thanks for joining Into Alison’s challenge. Your support is much appreciated. Hugs again!

  16. I think that the dragon in the cloud has been breathing too much fire on you recently, Valerie. It makes me cringe to read that you can "move a little better." How you can muster the will and the energy to keep making tags is unfathomable to me! Perhaps it is therapeutic. I wish that Miriam and I lived closer so that we could come and pamper you a little, take care of you for an hour or two, bring food, make coffee. Stay as well as you can. We are thinking of you. Big hugs, David.

    1. Thanks David! The dragon has certainly be heating my apartment hot, it's still fiery in here. I always do crafting for challenges well in advance, which is good, as just now I'm not up to do anything, and my kitchen, where I work, is lik!e a fiery furnace! At the moment I'm listening to audio books and resting. Have a great weekend, take care! Hugs to you both.

  17. I really like the cool calming effect of your first piece. Natch, I "see" the image and words based on what's happening in my life right now, and the whole circle of life concept is rather comforting. Those circles could even be seen as free-floating balloons.

    Sorry to hear you've been having some medical problems, but glad to hear the new medicine is working. Take care, and have a super weekend. Sending you a great big virtual hug.

    1. Thanks Susan.I always like the thought of the circle of life, it's somehow comforting. All the best to you!

  18. Love your art-I love those colors too-in the top piece. We are extremely dry here too. It's a bit scary. God is good-our well has not gone dry. Hope you are much better every day.

    1. Thanks Deb. I hope that your well does not run dry. Take care, have a great weekend.

  19. Beautiful pieces! I love the blues and the dragonfly in the first one and the compilation in the second is wonderful.

    Such gorgeous photos. Glad you have been able to soak up some pretty views- it's good for the soul. We are in desperate need of rain here too. I hope we all get some to give the ground and plants some happiness. :)

    Yay for the new meds. Sending you hugs and healthy vibes.

    1. Thanks Jess! So many places are too dry just now, and others are flooded. I think the climate change is gathering speed. Thanks, too, for the good wishes. Have a wonderful weekend.

  20. A lovely journal page Valerie, the colours are so soothing and that's a great tag.
    Lovely photos and I love to look at clouds to see what I can 'see'. Living on the NE coast we don't always get the nice weather and have had 2 days of thick cloud and drizzle - I'll have to send you some!
    Sorry you've not been to well, hope the new meds have started to work and you're beginning to feel better.
    Hugs, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril! Oh yes, please, thick clouds and cool drizzle would be wonderful! Have a great weekend, stay safe.

  21. Glad to hear you're feeling better. Love the fine texture on the background of your first journal page. Great Alice images too!
    And oh, such a beautiful sunrise! Lovely photos. Happy PPF!

  22. I love both pieces. Also your shadows on the curtains.
    Hope your weekend is filled with energy.

  23. I am glad that you are doing better these days. The art is quite whimsical and, to me, it's humorous. Anyway, your photos are good, but sorry there is a drought.

  24. I like the texture as well as colours on the journal page. Glad you're feeling a bit better.

  25. Beautiful page Valerie, I love the colors and all of the circles! Adorable tag too! Gorgeous photos of the sunrises and I'm happy you are starting to feel better. Take care and enjoy your weekend.
    Hugs Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. Sunrises are always fabulous. Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  26. Great tag artwork ~ love your palette and Alice in Wonderland collage is awesome ~ Great photos too ~ ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  27. I hope you feel better! I love the hair on your journal page maiden, it's so pretty! Your tag and photos are also so lovely.

  28. Lovely journal page, especially the lady with the gorgeous blue hair and the lovely circles that surround her.
    Sorry to hear you have not been well but glad that you are on the road to recovery - keep taking the medication and get yourself back to full health.
    As an Alice fan I obviously love the tag, so gorgeous with those figures arranged as they are. also loved the photos and did see the dragon. There must be a meaning somewhere for seeing a dragon in the sky.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thaks Neet, much appreciated. But I wonder just what seeing a dragon in the sky means? Have a great weekend!

  29. yes, the dragon! Your landscape photos are the best. The wheel is complete and your art is so pretty... I love coming to your blog

    1. hanks LeeAnna! Have a fun and creative weekend!

  30. Hello Valerie, all the best to you and I too am happy to know you're feeling on the improve as your new meds kick in. Being restricted in your movement can certainly be so hard at times. I'm sure, given your determined attitude, you'll achieve your healthy goals.
    Loving the beautiful blue of your piece and the lady's long flowing hair gives me the impression of cool-ness.
    Thanks for those photos too - it always amazes me how the tree canopies can create their own little zones of less heat underneath them.
    Good cheer to you xx💐

    1. Thanks Sue, have a wonderful weekend! Take care!

  31. Wow, great picture, very imaginative. Happy weekend. I follow your blog now

  32. Lovely work...loved the way the hair are flowing and her expression.... stay

  33. Hi Valerie stunning mixed media page and wow your tag is awesome,I love both,well done my friend and Thankyou for sharing your lovely photos with us xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl, have a wonderful weekend! Stay safe!

  34. Such a beautiful page! It has such a relaxing and summery vibe with the blues and greens, circles and dragonflies - gorgeous 😁. Loving your photos too, those close are amazing. I hope you've had a lovely week and wishing you a happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Oops ... it should read "clouds" not "close" 😉. x

  35. Thanks Jo. The clouds were really amazing, I love watching them. Have a great weekend!

  36. Hi Valerie :)) I'm sorry you've been feeling unwell, and happy to hear the meds are helping. Your first piece is darling, those colours really work so well together! And again, a beautiful dragonfly! I love the Alice piece too! :) Oh neat, I see the dragon!!!

    1. Thanks Rain, the medis are slowly doing their work. Have a great weekend!

  37. I’m glad you are feeling better.

  38. Amazing job, great colours ��

  39. your journal page is dreamy (love the dragonfly!) and the alice tag is perfection, the whole story on a tag! and yes, i see the grey dragon! keep taking good care of your self so you can heal and be well. xo

    1. Thanks Michele! I Love to See dragons! Have a great weekend.

  40. I like the blue and green color combination and the dragonfly. Alice in Wonderland always makes me smile.The sun rise photos are magnificent. My area is in drought, too, though the trees haven't lost all their leaves yet. Just some are turning color a lot earlier. Love the dragon, too. Take care

    1. Thanks! The climate change is making a lot of problems, and some people still say it isn't happening....

  41. Really lovely art and photos Valerie. I think we've had more rain in the last couple of days than we've had for a long time. Brown seems to be the new green! Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, how lovely to get rain. We only got a bit.

  42. I love your blue and green piece ~ She's a beautiful girl. The Alice tag is fun, I have to try to make a tag today :) For some reason your blog didn't show up on my blogger reading roll, so I'm discovering your new posts on my own now ~ Not sure what that's about?

    1. Thanks Karen. I suppose Blogger is having problems again, I have had similar experiences. Thanks for still visiting! Have a great week, stay Safe!

  43. A few days late calling in Valering, your art as always is fantastic and I was pleased to read that the new medication is working.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  44. That cemetery looks like such a peaceful spot :)

    1. It's like going back to a quieter and slower time, and does me good.

  45. Another gorgeous tag..and yes I can see the dragon...x


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