
Friday 17 July 2020


Hi Everybody!

It's Friday - enjoy. The weekend is coming, and we might even get a bit of sun here. And I don't really mind if we don't, I enjoy walking in the rain, even if I don't sing! But I do sometimes get soaking wet, and I don't mind that, either!

Today I have another A3 mixed media journal page in cool colours - ideal to share with Erika's 'when it's hot' challenge at AJJ, and with Paint Party Friday

I painted the background with green, turquoise and gold and sprinkled it with some glitter. The butterflies and dragonflies were collaged with pieces cut from paper napkins. The leaves were painted, fussy cut and sewed to the background. The sparkly lizard was half of a lizard that got caught in a drawer and ripped in half - poor thing - so I used his good half here.  The feather was rescued from my table and the edges were stitched:

I have no idea how this one got rounded edges....

Today I am sharing some glass from the glass museum in Düsseldorf, one of my fave places to hang out. The first pieces are modern art glass. The objects are part of the glass patterning:

Here the cup in the cup is just an illusion:

As are the scissors:

I love this huge piece:

Beautiful glasses:

Art Nouveau vases:

More beautiful glass ware:

An Art Nouveau window:

Have a great day, take care,
and hanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie what a wonderful mixed media page ,love your ideas,well done. Oh what an interesting musuem ,lots of wonderful things to see,thankyou for sharing them with us my friend xx

  2. A lovely and colourful mixed media page.
    Plus, such beautiful glass, and lovely photographs from the museum.

    Enjoy your Friday.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks. I love the glass here, it is so beautiful!

  3. Well, I can see why that's one of your favorite museums to visit -- the photos are fabulous. That mountain goat (or whatever it is) is fabulous! I can see why you took so many pix! But it's all really beautiful. (So are your art pieces.)

    1. It is indeed a fabulous museum, a store house of treasures!

  4. Beautiful mixed media page and wonderful photos from the fascinating art museum,thanks for sharing.

  5. I like that lizard crawling onto the page. Using just the head half gives the page some movement. Just like the butterfly at the bottom. It has a rainforest feel and I love that Valerie. And I am always amazed at what people create from glass. You would think glass is so fragile for art, but it is definitely not. Thanks so much for sharing the glass and also that super page for AJJ. Hope the recovery is going well. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. The glass always amazing me, it is just amazing where they have there.

  6. Love the illusion pics and your page is fantastic.. I just raked up a load of colourful leaves and this is so pretty what you have done.xx

    1. Thanks Annie! I'm looking forward to Autumn and colourful leaves here!

  7. You are one of the very few people I know who does not mind walking in the rain. I love it! Walk In Nature is a fabulous collage, Valerie! I love seeing the changing colours and the texture. Thank you for sharing the photos from the Glass Museum. They are amazing! Happy PPF!


    1. Thanks Soma. I walk in all weathers, unless it's too hot, but rain is always beautiful! Happy PPF! Stay safe!

  8. Good morning dear Valerie!
    Love your mixed media page and all the elements ,and the sparkly lizard !
    Amazing pictures from the art museum! The glass-made goat is so impressive!
    Have a lovely day and a happy weekend! Take care! Hugs!

    1. Thanks, dear Dimi! The museum is really wonderful, I love being there! Have a great day!

  9. Valerie, du übertreiffst dich mal wieder ich dachte Steigerungen kann es doch nich tmehr so geben aber dein Header ist so süss ich liebe ihn und dein Posting. Wunderschön dein Journalseite mit der Eidechse und Libelle und die Schrift. Die Blätter sind grossartig. Die Farbe alles so stimmig! Ein Kunstwerk.
    Dieses Glasmuseum ist der wahnsinn da wäre ich stunden lang umher gegangen zum bestaunen. Was alles gibt, Magie pur in Glas!
    Hab ein schönen Tag und Wochenende!Pass gut auf dich auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, freut mich dass du die Journalseite magst. Das Glasmuseum is wirklich wahnsinnig, ich bin sehr gern dort. Dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  10. What fabulous art today, Valerie. Your journal page is amazing. I really adore the way you added the partial lizard and the partial butterfly. They compliment each other. Thanks for another great entry for Art Journal Journey using Erika's theme.

    Some of that glass is out of this world. I can see why you LOVE that museum. There is so much glass to see. Some looks modern beyond its years, while others look timeless. I really, really love it all, though. It's something I could NEVER collect. I'm too clumsy and would break it all. Of course, I can certainly appreciate it.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I like using up little scraps, as you know, and they sometimes give good effects. Glass is on the whole not so fragile as it appears. I dropped one of my beautiful vases recently, the recent was a crack in the laminate flooring! The vase is undamaged! Have a fun day with your birthday boy!

  11. I LOVE the jounrnal page! And the quote is so true. DH and I started taking evening walks about 3 months ago and enjoy it. We saw so many animals and other interesting things. And thanks for sharing the glass photos. WOW! Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks so much. Walking in nature is what keeps me sane and gives me hope. Have a great day!

  12. I love your mixed media page and you worked well to utilise the poor lizard. For me, that's the best part. The colours are beautiful. I wish all the snails in my garden were glass. That made me smile. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks Deb! Glass snails would be better. I have a balcony up n the 2nd floor and still have snails and slugs munching on my few plants! I hate throwing things away, so try to use up as much as possible! Have a great day, take care!

  13. Hi my friend! Your journal page is amazing! I love the gorgeous detail and all the green (my favorite color) just brings it such vibrancy and life! Wow - fun museum - I can see why you'd like to hang out there :) Have a great day!

    1. Thanks Kelly. Green is a great colour, that's true. Have a wonderful day, hope you are feeling better!

  14. Another amazing creation! You are so talented!
    Amazing pictures from the art museum! The glass-made goat is gorgeous!
    Wishing you a very nice weekend! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella. That is really an amazing museum, and the goat is a wondrous thing! Have a great weekend, too!

  15. Hi Val, good morning. I've been working hard on the new designs, should get them finished today. LOVE your journal page, so beautiful, it's relaxing to look at, and I love picking out all the beautiful details. The gecko is sweet! Have a great day, take care and don't overdo things! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, glad you are getting on well with the project, well done! Have a great day, hugs to all!

  16. Beautiful colors on your journal page. No lizards here or butterflies 🙁 but I did see a dragonfly the other day. WOW, the glass museum! So many gorgeous pieces. Enjoy your day.

    1. Thanks CJ. Lots of butterflies here, but I don't often see lizards around here! Have a lovely day!

  17. Good morning Valerie: Poor lizard! I hope you held a suitable requiem for the half that didn't make it, composed suitable music and the like. The glass from the museum is stunning, creative, beautiful and pleasing to the eye. There is a glass and pottery museum here in Waterloo, and I am ashamed to say I have never visited it. i should rectify that. It's not even far from my house. Years ago I used to visit the Steuben Glass Museum in Corning, NY where you watch the artisans at work. Quite fascinating. Probably not half as interesting as watching you at work, I bet! Bis morgen! Bleib gesund!

    1. Guten Morgen lieber DavidI always listen to Mozart's wonderful Requiem, I'm sure the Lizard enjoyed it, too! The museum is full of delights. They have an atelier in the museum, too, and sometimes you can watch people working, that's fun. Yes, go to your museum! Watching me work is probably interesting. I talk to myself, sing, swear and drink coffee! Have a great day, it's afternoon nap time here!

    2. Mozart's Requiem is an incredible work, but a few years ago Miriam and I attended a live performance of Dvorak's Requiem, hitherto unknown to me. If you get a chance listen to it. Fantastic work.

    3. Thanks, I will indeed, I can probably stream it. Till tomorrow!

  18. Wow the museum glass was amazing! I really enjoyed the exhibit. the glass goat was really special.
    Loved your mixed media piece-and so fun to walk in a summer rain Happy Friday Kathy

    1. Yes, the glass is amazing, it's like walking into a treasure cave! Enjoy your Friday!

  19. What a glorious tropical page! The jungle colours are vivid and intense, and I love the dimension of the leaves adding extra detail and delight - fabulous! The glassware is amazing, though I have to confess I prefer mine a little more minimalist, but I don't suppose that's a surprise!
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. Minimalism is definitely not my thing! Have a great weekend!

  20. Stunning mixed media page. Love the vibrant green. Have a great weekend.

  21. Its a fantastic mixed media page Valerie. I am wondering what else may be lurking in the drawer besides the other half of the lizard. Thank you for adding the page to Erika's AJJ theme. The summer green shades are lovely.
    The photos from the glass museum grabbed my attention especially that large sculpture.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Hmmmm, that drawer needs to be cleared out, it's so full that things get torn when I open it. But I'm not doing it today. Perhaps next week! Enjoy your weekend!

  22. Happy PPF Valerie. Thanks for delighting me with your wonderful art again today

    much love...

    1. Hi Gillena, thanks so much, always a joy to see you here! Hugs!

  23. You would love the museum Laurie, so much beauty there, so sorry you can't see it. Stay safe!

  24. So many fun details in your piece! Love the lizard! Wonderful photos as well!

  25. I love glass and enjoyed visiting a blown glass factory in Venice back in 1069.

    1. Glass factories are fun, and then in Venice, wonderful!

  26. Love your are. The leaves really make the piece. Some truly stunning glass pieces. Thanks for sharing them. Have a nice weekend.

  27. Love the lizard tale ~ instead of a tail! Thank you for the visit to the art museum too, so many wonderful pieces. Blessings on your weekend!

    1. That's a good one! The museum is really wonderful. Enjoy your Weekend!

  28. Love the glass and your page is beautiful Valerie!
    Have a great weekend.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks so much, Alison. Have a great Weekend 😁

  29. a truly delightful summery mixed media journal page Valerie! Love the imagery.
    And wow- what gorgeous glass works in the museum- amazing!! Thanks for sharing, happy PPF, and have a wonderful, safe weekend!

    1. Thanks Linda. The glass in the museum is indeed fabulous. Enjoy your Weekend, stay Safe!

  30. The "walk in nature" quote appeals to me :) and is perfect for your page. The illusions are fascinating, and there are so many different kinds of glass art on display. I'd enjoy that museum :)

    1. Thanks. The museum has something for everybody.

  31. I just left a long comment and it disappeared. grrrr.
    anyway the gist is I wish I could go to the glass exhibit with you, and your art reminded me of it. I like the combo of stitching, paint and paper

    1. Oh yes, that often happens and it's always annoying. The glass museum is a beautiful place to be.

  32. Gorgeous AJP Valerie, I love the colors and beautiful leaves, what a fabulous quote too! WOW that glass museum is amazing, the large piece with the glass faux fur is stunning! Enjoy your weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. The goat is a fantastic piece, but I'm glad I don't have to dust it! Have a wonderful weekend!

  33. I love your journal piece Valerie, your half a lizard looks perfect here! Fabulous photo's too, I love that goat. Have a happy weekend and take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, half a lizard can sometimes come in useful! Have a great weekend!

  34. Beautiful artwork! The bright and happy colours look amazing 😁. Wow, I loved seeing all your photos of then glass! The different styles and colours look stunning and I was mesmerised with the large piece, is it a goat - it's gorgeous! Thanks for sharing and happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. Glad you enjoyed the glass! Valerie

  35. What a wonderful showing of art...PPF and coffee is on

  36. I love being outside in nature and it totally nourishes my soul.Beautiful piece- with so many of my favorites from my walks in the woods. :)

    Oh those glass pieces. So exquisite. I just love the goat- each new angle was mesmerizing. Wow! I can see why the museum is a place you like to visit. Thanks for taking us along. :)


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