
Friday 31 July 2020

Spills and splatters

Hi Everybody!

Thanks for all the good wishes. The dental Op went well, it wasn't exactly the  pleasantest 2 hours I've spent, but the ladies of the team there are fantastic and do their work really well. I have to take antibiotics, and the second part will be done in the middle of August when it's healed up.

Today I'm sharing a frustration piece I made after spilling paint on a gessoed A3 page in my journal. I just carried on with drips and drops,  and added the  Banksy girl,  balloon and text with  stencils. I am linking to Erika's 'when it's hot' theme at AJJ , to simon Monday challenge - art journal, and to paint party Friday

Here I reversed the colours, just for fun:

And for Pinky's 'Christmas' theme at Tag Tuesday I have another tag:

And some photos from a visit to a farm in a neighbouring town:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. So pleased your dental op went well ... healing wishes coming your way :)

    Lovely art and amazing collection of photographs.

    All the best Jan

  2. Very happy to hear all went well at the dentist. Great save with the journal page, who would know it wasn't created that way!! The birds have beautiful colours in their feathers and how cute is that pig!!

    1. Thanks. The pigs are always my faves! Enjoy your day!

  3. Hi Valerie :) I'm happy to hear your dental appointment was tolerable. I hate those! Your art is very nice...but those photos! Oh the colours on the animals! The peacock!! I've never seen one in real life before. The pigs are so cute with the hairy ears, what a treat for you to visit the farm!! :)

    1. Thanks Rain! I love seeing farm animals. Peacocks are beautiful, but the piggies were my faves!

  4. I would have never know you spilled paint. I thought you just wanted (at the beginning) to have drips. I like them and I like the page too. The girl and her balloon are something you might see in nice weather so it all works. Thanks so much for all your great pages this month. And glad the dental appointment went well. And my favorite photo is the close up of the pig looking at the camera. What a face! Have a nice FRiday! Hugs-Erika

    1. Glad you like the drippy page. I had fun making pages for your challenge this month. And the pigs were gorgeous!

  5. Those peacocks dazzle! And are those goats? They're quite handsome. Love the pig, too.

    I'm glad the appointment went as well as it could, all things considered. I hope the healing goes well and you aren't too uncomfortable. You've a lot on your plate these days. Please take care.

    1. Yes, goats and sheep. They have some rare types there. Thanks for the good wishes, it must get better soon! Have a great day!

  6. I am so glad that the dental op went well. Wonderful farm photos! The winter wishes tag is lovely. Love the blue and the gentle glow of yellow on it. The frustration piece looks amazing, Valerie! Hard to believe it was from an accident piece. Wishing you a speedy recovery.


    1. Thanks Soma! It's sometimes amazing that an 'accident' can turn out well. Have a great Friday, take good care of yourself!

  7. Das ist gut dass der Teil vorbei ist jetzt und wüsnche dir gute Besserung!
    Dein Frustrationsstück ist klasse geworden und dein Weihnachts -Tag ist auch so goldig!
    Süss die Bauerhoftiere mit dem Pfau!
    Schönes Wochenende wünsche ich dir udn ruh dich gut aus!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Thanks Elke! Der Bauernhof ist in Neuss! Ich bleibe heute zu Hause, ich muss nicht einkaufen gehen, also ist Ruhen angesagt! Dir einen schönen Tag und bleib gesund!

  8. Oh, I love all the animals! Beautiful birds and sheep and the wooly pig. Cutest ears ever! And I think you did a great job with the girl and her balloon. Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks, the animals there are gorgeous, they have lots of old breeds. Happy PPF, stay safe!

  9. Hi Valerie xx I hope you are well and your mouth is continuing to heal after your dental surgery xx I am in awe how you tunred the spill in to a fabulous page using some more drips and drops and stamps x Great Christmas tags and I really must start mine soon to avoid that rush x
    Your photographs as always are amazing too xx
    Best wishes
    Annie xx

    1. Thanks for the good wishes Annie! Have a great day! Stay safe!

  10. Love your bold journal page and photos

  11. Hello dear Valerie!
    I'm glad the appointment went well!
    Wishing you a soon recovery! Love your fabulous page and your Christmas tag too!!
    Amazing pictures from the farm! Wow! The peacock has such beautiful colors!
    Have a relaxing day and a lovely weekend! Stay safe! Hugs!

    1. Thanks a lot, dear Dimi! Hope you are feeling well too. I am having a rest day today to recover! Have a wonderful day, take care!

  12. Glad to hear things went well; I put you in my morning healing light meditations. Lovely photos of the peacock, but I can never decide if I like peacocks or not! The colours are stunning. Now, if you hadn't mentioned your paint spillage, I would never have guessed! Be gentle on yourself today and take time to recover.

    1. Thanks so much Deb, I appreciate that so much, it makes me feel less alone. Peacocks are beautiful to see, but I must admit I like the geese and ducks and chickens more! I am staying home and resting today, I need it. Take care of yourself!

  13. I'm so glad to read this today Valerie, you take time to heal now before the next visit.
    There are never any mistakes in art each mark is precious whether intended or not, great page and cleverly reversed too.
    What a smashing character that pig is and just look at that goat, looks like it too is suffering the effects of lockdown and needs a jolly good hair cut hee hee!!
    Happy PPF & TGIF... here's to a creative weekend Hugs Tracey xx

    1. P.S Love that tag... i've a plan hee heee... :D

    2. Thanks Tracey. So you've a plan? You've made me very curious! The pigs were really funny. We stood there and looked at them, and they looked back, really interested. And those old breeds of sheep and goats are gorgeous. My hair looks similar now thanks to Corona! Happy PPF!

  14. I hope you recover quickly, I hate going to the dentist, bad childhood memories of the school dentist. Love your tag and the spill page. Great photos as well.
    Hugs Wendy

    1. Thanks Wendy. I'm happy to say the lady who treats me now is no comparison to those awful school dentists back when! Have a great day!

  15. I love the drips on the journal page you linked with Erika's theme at AJJ and the Banksy girl looks like she is having lots of summer fun, It also looked awesome the way you reversed the colours.
    Super photos, the one s of the peacock and the pig were my favourites today.
    I am pleased your dental op went well, I was cringing at the thought of your visit, its not one of my favourite destinations.
    Stay safe and look after yourself.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. the reverse colour one turned out well. I was cringing at the thought of the dentist, too, I lay there thinking 'beam me up Scotty!' Take care of yourself!

  16. MAGNIFICENT post, love this gorgeous drips n colours you used. Thanks for your lovely comments. xx

    1. Thanks Annie, glad you like it! Have a wonderful day and hugs to M!

  17. Glad to hear you dental appointment went well. Your spill turned into a very happy accident. I think the Dream/Dreamer page is great! The peacock is magnificent. I bet he knows it, too. And I had to laugh at seeing the ram because it made me think of a recent meme I saw with a picture of a ram, a lamb, and a picture of our prez as the ding dong. Ram a lam a ding dong. 😺 Take care and enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thanks CJ. Sometimes accident like that turn out well. And thanks for ram a lam a ding dong, it will be circling in my head all day. Too funny! Have a fun day!

  18. Love the page - especially the reverse which seems to send out extra energy. Lovely words too. The tag is super cute and has a great icy feel to it which is so refreshing in the middle of the heat we have here in the Southern U.S.

    Your farm pictures are fun - love the pigs! Super glad your dental surgery went well too - take care of yourself and have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Nancy. It is really strange that the colour reverse changes the impact so much. It's hot here today, too, so it's good to think of snowmen! And I know it's much hotter where you are. Have a great day, take care!

  19. Thankfully the oral surgery went well, Valerie. I hope that the recovery is swift and painless. Funny you should start off today with the subject of dreams. Last night I had one of those dreams that seems to go on forever and combines people from different phases of your life in the same dream - and it makes sense! Haven't had one of those for a long time. Judging by the pictures you had an enjoyable visit to the farm and I know that all the animals were curious about the lady in the funky shoes! Maybe the goat or the pig would even like to snack on them, given their proclivity to eat just about anything. As for the peacock, I have seen them in Asia in their natural habitat and it is an experience not to be forgotten to come across them. The weekend is coming up. Maybe it will be rest and recuperation time for you. Big hugs, David

    1. Thanks David! Yes, today is a rest and recovery day. My mouth is still sore, but not as much as yesterday, and my ear is getting better from day to day, too, so that's good. That sounds like an interesting dream you had. And strange things often seem to make sense in dreams. The farm was a fun place to visit, especially the pigs and the rams. I can imagine how wonderful it must be to see peacocks in heir natural environment, fantastic. Have a great day, take care, Hugs!

  20. Glad you survived that surgery! I love the outcome of that paint spill. Nice tag and the photos are outstanding, great closeups.

    1. Thanks Christine! Have a wonderful day, stay safe!

  21. Thank you for letting me know about the watercolor tutorial-I will be following along.
    glad the dentist went well-I go back for my permanent crown next week.
    cool how were able to continue on with paint splatter-turned out nice. enjoyed the farm photos-we used to have a mini farm years ago and two pairs of peacocks-really enjoyed them one pair were all white-looked like lace. Happy friday Hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. Soma is really good, I am sure her tips will help you. Good luck when you go to the dentist net week. I've never seen white peacocks, they must be gorgeous. Take care!

  22. I like the spilled art. It's always interesting to see what comes out when you don't just do and not think too much.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Thanks Lissa. Sometimes it's good to just let the paint take over the lead. njoy your day!

  23. Happy to hear your dental Op went well Valerie. I had a root canal done in 2 parrts between Dec2019 and January 2020 so i can identify. Take care of yourself

    Thanks for all the nice art and photos today

    much love...

    1. Thenks Gillena. Have a great day, stay well and safe!

  24. Glad the dentist went well and I hope you are all recovered soon 😀. Loving those drips and splatters of paint today and the snowman looks adorable too! Such fabulous photos, it looks like it was fun meeting all the animals - fun! Take care and wishing you a happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, I hope to recover soon, too, I don't like staying home! I loved seeing all those animals, they were watching us all the time. I think the visitors are allowed in to keep the animals entertained....

  25. Glad your dentist visit went well. It's a hard place to go to. I really like your spilled paint piece and your photos today are fabulous!

    1. Thanks Nicole. There were too many people this week wanting to 'needle'me! Hapy PPF!

  26. Great comeback from your spill. Your Christmas tag is really cute too. Your dental ordeal sounds very unpleasant. I hope you heal up soon. hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa! Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  27. Well, I would apply the word serendipity to your page... what a wonderful way to turn around your frustration into something so magical. I love the drips of colours floating like the girl's balloon. The snowman cards are really sweet.

    I love the farm visit photos - not just the magnificent peacock and the other animals, but the farm implements... all really pleasing to the eye.

    Do hope you recover soon from the dentist trip.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison, it turned out quite well in the end..I'm still feeling groggy, it will surely get better.

    2. Fun use of the accidental splash!
      The farm scene with the old barrow are enticing - and the colors!
      Happy PPF!

    3. Thanks Nadya. There are lots of old farm implements there, I like them, too. Happy PPF! Stay safe.

  28. I'm happy to hear the dental operation went well. I wish I could spill paint so artfully. Great page.

    The bird photos are beautiful! I was also impressed with the rams curled horns. Nature is amazing. Have a good weekend. Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen. Once the first splodge was on the page I just let the paint fly, and it was fun. And I have some matching spots on the table now! Have a great, stay safe!

  29. Love all animals photos. Your art journal you had lemon and it became delicious lemonaide.

    1. Thanks Dora. Nature is always r best artist, and we have to make the best of what happens. Have a great weekend!


  30. I really like the works of Banksy. The animals are great and the pig is very fun. I wish you a lot of health :)

    1. Thanks Lucyna. Banks is great. It's always relaxing to visit animals. Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. glad all went well at the dentist. Fab bright and drippy journal page- the background goes so well with the image and floating balloon. And oh my, the animals and birds- LOVE them all!!! Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda. Glad you like the Page. The animals are always wonderful. Happy PPF and have a great Weekend!

  33. Glad your dentist did a good job. You made abstract art out of the spill and drip. Love the peacock.

  34. Beautiful page Valerie, the drips of paint look awesome! Cute Christmas card too! Love the photos of all of the farm animals, especially that adorable hairy pig, made my day! Enjoy your weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. That pig is lovely, it's good to see healthy animals enjoying their lives. Have a great weekend, stay safe.

  35. Wow this is fabulous, I love those happy colours and they go so well with the image and quote. Those animals really know how to pose for a photo don't they! I'm glad your surgeries have gone well, look after yourself and take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue! Yes, the animals we're real posers. I'm having a restful weekend. Enjoy yours!

  36. I'm glad the surgery went well! I love your painting, you made the most of a situation and made it shine! The animal photos are adorable as well.

  37. Hi Valerie oh i love your pages ,you have made a beautiful piece from that drip and love love your snowman tag,well done my friend on your beautiful work. Oh my that peacock is so beautiful and majestic,thankyou for sharing your beautiful neighbour hood pics with us my friend xx ps glad your dental work is halfway finished for you ,get better soon xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl! Have a wonderful weekend, take care!

  38. I swear, very soon I won't be late. Maybe by 2022 (grin). Lots going on and not a single photo, even though I had my camera with me at all times. I had NO idea your Banksy girl was full of spills. You managed to cover it nicely. I really like the reverse colors, too. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey using Erika's theme. I am so glad you created this final entry for us.

    That Christmas tag didn't cool me down as much as I would have hoped. I like the cute snowman, though.
    Oh the peacock. Absolutely gorgeous. And the pigs and goats are adorable, too. You captured some beautiful and expressive faces in your photos today, dear.

  39. I like the freeness in this paint dripping/dropping. Pretty in either color combination :)

    The animal photos are a real treat :)

  40. Glad that dental work is now behind you Valerie!! It's never pain free but they certainly are a lot better at it these days. I am loving your cute snowman tag!!! Your art work is a real colourful treat today too. Loving the gorgeous farm photos. You really captured them so closely and perfectly! Feel well soon xx

  41. Thanks Pinky! Have a great week!

  42. A brilliant 'Happy Accident' page Valerie! Loved seeing the animals but must say that although Peacocks are so beautiful I still recall being threatened by one as a child and ever since then they are not a favourite of mine!! Great inspiration tag too! Not feeling at all Christmassy at the moment! Hugs, Chrisxx

    1. Yes, peacocks can be a bit scary. I'm not in the Christmas mood at all, but I have to make some tags....Have a great week!

  43. I love your splashy page Valerie! Great tag art and photos too!
    Alison xx

  44. You created something nice with the spill. Lovely peacock photos.


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