
Saturday 4 July 2020

Saturday Post

Hi Everybody!

I would like to wish everyone a great weekend, and all friends and family in the United States a happy and safe July 4th.

Here we had rain on Wednesday / Thursday. We still need more, but at least it was something:

In the evening I stood outside and watched the clouds scudding across the sky:

And in the other direction the moon rose up through the clouds:

The clouds have been piling up again today:

Nature is the best artist!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. We had a rainy day here yesterday too, great photos of the clouds and the moon. Enjoy the weekend.

  2. Thank you for the 4th wishes.
    Don't you love to watch the rain? Here's wishing you get another good shower.
    Nature is a wondrous artist.

    1. Thanks. I love watching the rain, it's very soothing. Enjoy your day!

  3. Good morning Valerie wow great photos,love the one of the rain and how beautiful does the moon look,Thankyou for sharing these with us my friend. Hope you also have a wonderful weekend xx

  4. We need some rain too. Great photos.

  5. Sunshine and the rain and gorgeous photos.... Monte sends slurpy hugs.xx

  6. Good morning dear Valerie!
    Wonderful photos of the rain and the amazing sky shots!
    Great captures of the moon! Here its very hot,i just came back from the beach!
    We go early in the morning for swimming ,to avoid the visitors from Athens!
    Have a happy day and a lovely weekend! Take care! Hugs!

    1. Hello, dear Dimi! Nice to go swimming before the masses some. Today I will have a dip in my bathtub, not quite the same, but good, too. Have a wonderful day!

  7. Thank you for the Independence Day wishes, dear Valerie. So thoughtful of you.

    Love the sky shots. And those moon shots are incredible, too. But the clouds take over the sky shots today as my favorites. You are right that nature truly is the best artist and you are a fabulous "recorder" of its beauty.

    1. Thanks so much Elizabeth! I love watching the sky, and the clouds, it's always so beautiful. Have a fun day!

  8. Love the photos, the moon ones are stunning. Have a great weekend.

  9. Hi Val, good morning, hope you are feeling fit and well again. Here it's a manic Saturday again, EVERYBODY is here, more people that we have chairs for so we'll be eating in various sessions. If it's dry the kids can eat in the garden, they'll like that. I will be happy when they all go home again! Love the photos today, especially the moon. Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, as you are tried and tested in managing chaos, I'm sure all will go well. Have fun! Hugs to all!

  10. Pięknie wygląda niebo na twoich fotografiach. Ja również życzę wszystkim udanego święta 4 lipca a tobie duzo zdrowia i uśmiechu:)

    1. Thanks for your good wishes. Heath and smiles are always great! Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. We had a bit of sun in the mornings and thunderstorms in the afternoon all week. The skies never looked as beautiful as yours. Take care.

    1. It's strange how we often have more or less the same weather here and there where you live - the world is getting smaller! Enjoy your weekend!

  12. Good morning Valerie: A day spent watching clouds scudding, and then piling up, along with the moon rising, is an astronomical happening. Congratulations on your observations of these phenomena and your highly descriptive and pleasing interpretation of them for us all to enjoy. A walk in gentle rain is a very pleasant experience I find, but a stroll in a deluge not so enjoyable. Yesterday I bought a basket of strawberries from a local Mennonite farmer, and they are DEEEEEEELISHUS! We had them for dessert last evening, and I ate more for breakfast this morning with Greek yogurt. Fresh local strawberries makes me swear off ever buying the refined wood that arrives from California having been picked green and ripened intransit. If you were here I would serve you a big bowl of strawberries right now, and you could have your choice of Greek yogurt, vanilla yogurt or frozen yogurt to go with them, or just plain to save room for a second bowl. I would bring them to you and then make you a nice café au lait, with steamed milk, served in a bowl à la française. Easy to make promises on line, I know, but if you were here I really would. Have a wonderful weekend, Valerie (or was that Calerie or Balerie?)! Ever your pal, David

    1. Hi David, just got back from my midday walk. Yes, there's a difference between soft and pleasant rain or a deluge. Deluges usually only happen when you are in the middle of nowhere, have no raincoat or umbrella, and no place to shelter, and have to creep home like a thrice drowned rat! Your strawberries sound delicious, enjoy them! We can buy fresh ones direct from the growers at many places near here. The cost a lo more than the store bought ones but are worth every penny! If you were to serve them to me just now I'd like them with frozen yogurt, please, sounds very refreshing. When my great-nephew was small he used to call ma 'Hauntie Galerie', and the name has stuck ever since! Have a great day, enjoy your strawberries, yogurt, muffins and coffee. Hugs to you both!

    2. I knew a woman named Lucy who received a birthday from her young niece that started out, "Dear Auntie Lousy"!

    3. Too funny, thanks for the laugh! Kids sometimes say very strange things. The same little boy who gave me my special name got very upset because he heard his mum say something about me having my 'gold stones' taken out..

  13. Ja das stimmt die Natur ist der beste Künstler und ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke sehr, liebe Elke! Dir auch ein schönes und erholsames Wochenende, bleib gesund!

  14. Awesome photos of the sky, those white fluffy clouds always get my attention and your snaps of the moon looked fantastic. Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Have a good weekend, look after yourself!

  15. Fabulous rain and sky photos. Glad you got at least some rain. Maybe more is coming?Our sun is back today so I guess we might get out in the boat to celebrate. Love the July 4th page. I know you don't celebrate but hope it is a wonderful day for you. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks, I hope we really get more rain. Have fun in the boat and enjoy your celebrations.

  16. Fabulous photos Valerie! We have had a lot of cloud lately but mainly of the blanket of grey type, many sending down rain so we are luckier than some areas! Have a great weekend! Chrisxx

    1. Thanks Chris, send some rain this way, please! Have a great Weekend!

  17. It is raining here, too, after so many days of heat and humidity. Blessings!

    1. Enjoy the rain, it's always refreshing. Have a happy weekend!

  18. Thanks Laurie, nice that you're back again!

  19. What a beautiful piece with the statue of liberty! I love your cloud photos very much too.

  20. Wonderful art and beautiful skies! Happy weekend Valerie.
    Alison xx

  21. Beautiful pictures! Happy 4th of July weekend!

    1. Thanks Diana. Hope you are enjoying your weekend, too!

  22. Ooh I recognise that rain, we've had it here too. You've taken some beautiful pictures of the moon and clouds. Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks for sending it over, we needed it, and we had some more today! Have a good week!

  23. Happy belated 4th! Your cloud photos are nice! I used to know the names of different cloud formations. Those are forgotten, but I recognize some of them in your shots.

  24. Don't talk to me about rain. LOL Although the last few days it has just rained at night and the days are nice.

  25. Your skies are remarkable. I honestly could never pick a favorite here, whether it was the clouds or the moon. Splendid in every way.

  26. Love the pinks in those skies … and the moon is amazing.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks, the skies are always so wonderful to see!


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