
Friday 24 July 2020

Paint Party Friday

Hi Everybody!

TGIF - always my fave day!

Today I have an A3 mixed media piece with cool colours and lots of splodges. I like to keep occupied in my arty (and rather chaotic) kitchen when it's hot outside, and I am linking to Erika's 'when it's hot' challenge at AJJ.
I am also linking to Paint Party Friday
I used acrylic paints, scraps of paper napkins, die cuts and a home-made stencil for the dancing lady:

Some photos of the stones on the shore by the castle ruins. People often  play and make them into cairns, which I like very much. And then others come and kick it all down....sad! You can see that a lot of the stones were part of columns or walls:

Some of the trees are turning yellow, we have not had enough rain:

I always enjoy visiting the horses on the meadow:

And some rusty bits for Elizabeth:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Great art work again Valerie. Wonder if those rocks will ever be used to build something else.

    1. Thanks a lot. In the course of the last few hundred years a lot of the stones from the castle ruins were carted off to build other things, and you can see evidence of that in lots of the buildings around here.

  2. Beautiful mixed media work and lovely photos. Too bad about the drought.

    1. Thanks Christine. The rain always seem to land someplace else!

  3. Gorgeous painted piece Valerie, I love your handmade dancing lady! Beautiful photos, the pictures of the horses are so sweet! Enjoy your weekend and take care.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! The horses are fun, aren't they, I stood and watched them on my way home. Have a nice day!

  4. Keeping cool is good thing to do when it is hot. So is making art! I like all the images in black. They look great. And that expression on the horse is a riot. I like the cairns myself.Thanks so much for joining in at AJJ again and enjoy your favorite day. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Yes, the horses were fun, I love watching them enjoy life.

  5. Cool card here and fabulous rock designs, love anything like that. gorgeous photos.xx

    1. Thanks Annie. The rock carns are really special, that#s true!

  6. Let´s dance Valerie, Ein wunderschönes Kunstwerk das einen Musik in die Knochen bringt heute Morgen!
    Die viele Steine zu Kunstwerke werden finde ich toll aber auch so gemein von Menschen sie kaputt zu machen dann wieder.
    Die Pferde und die Möwen Fotos sind so schön ach auch die besonderen was du so alles gesehen hast!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Ja, Menschen sind oft gemein, ich weiss nicht warum es Spaß macht, schöne Dinge kaputtzutreten, aber es passiert immer wieder. Die Möwen haben letzte Woche mein Brötchen aus der Hand geklaut, sie sind frech! Dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  7. Hi Valerie oh i love your mixed media page ,the colours are awesome,well done my friend on your beautiful work and fascinating seeing the stones stacked like that,hope you are well my friend,take care xx

    1. Thanks a lot. The stones are always beautiful to see. Have a great day!

  8. Beautiful journal page! That homemade stencil turned out great. Happy PPF!

  9. Hello dear Valerie!
    I love your mixed media page and I’m impressed with your home-made stencil !
    You are so talented and creative! Wonderful photos of the cairns ,i also like them,and the adorable horses!
    Have a happy day and a lovely weekend! Take care!

    1. Thanks dear Dimi, much appreciated! Those cairns really have something, it's a pity others come and knock them down! Have a great day, stay safe!

  10. Lovely vibrant piece. Have a great weekend.x

  11. Makes me want to leap off the sofa and dance, Valerie, and then I come back to my senses! I have too many rusty bits for such frivolity! It is sad that people have to knock down the cairns created by others. I wonder what kind of perverse satisfaction they get from that. At least you sometimes get to enjoy them on your walks, and you have the photos to prove it. Have a great day. I am sending enough hugs to last you till tomorrow. David

    1. Hi David, perhaps just a little leap and dance? Miriam could look up the number of the emergency services for you, just in case!? This morning when I took my walk some people had ripped out all of the garbage containers along the Rhine path, and scattered the contents everywhere. I wonder what is wrong with these people? Thanks for the hugs, I need some today! Hugs back to you and M!

  12. Too hot to dance today. I like the castle stones and the cairns and towers. I have some stones in the Zensical garden that I try to balance into towers, but the squirrels come and jump on them and knock them down. Maybe a fun thing for squirrels to do. Your poor plants! Hope you get some rain soon. Take care and have a good day

    1. Sorry it's still so hot over there! Here it's definitely not squirrels knocking the stones down, they are all huge. We badly need real rain here, this is the third year in a row that it's too dry. Enjoy your day!

  13. Very those stones, put together. Fab art
    Happy PPF


  14. It makes me annoyed as well when you see how some folk want to destroy things that others have taken time to create. I enjoyed seeing your lovely photos today.
    Its a fabulous journal page as well, you have used another beautiful silhouette image . Thank you for linking another great inspiration page to Erika's AJJ theme.
    Yvonne xx

    1. I wonder how people like that react if things they have made get wantonly destroyed? Have a great day Yvonne!

  15. I can't think to dance in this hot weather but it's a nice thought. I like the cool colors you used here.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Thanks Lissa, it's not so hot here. Have a great weekend!

  16. What a professional looking stencil! How you must have a very steady hand indeed.

    You see cairns all the time in Iceland and it is illegal to take them down or destroy them for they are the time trusted markers of safe passage routes across the lava fields.

    1. Thanks Deb! I did the cutting but by bit to rest my hand in between! Acorns are always beautiful and even if they are just for decoration it's just mean to push them over and destroy them. Have a great day!

  17. OOh Your art journal page is Wonderful Valerie !! I looove it, the background is amazing, great you used black on it, beautiful stencil you made!
    Thanks so much for sharing your amazing photographs with us, love the horses.
    I wish you a great weekend, stay safe and well,
    and big hugs, Caty

    1. Thanks Caty. You have a wonderful weekend!

  18. And in the midst of it all are the horses. Gorgeous!

    1. Yes, the beautiful horses. And I have more horse pics for tomorrow!

  19. the rocks!!! so cool. Your painting is a portrait of me disco dancing in my youth! Is she also wearing a pair of Candies high heel sandals? the link I first left was not today's paint post... sorry about that

    1. Thanks! I wish I could still go disco dancing! And high heels these days, just sneakers!

  20. Fun art- makes me want to dance too:) Fabulous photos- love the rusty things, the stones, and that horse is beautiful!! A shame about everything dying and being so dry...
    happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda! Dancing is good for body and soul. Happy weekend!

  21. That's a fun mixed media piece :-) I love cairns, beautiful pictures again! Happy PPF! ♥

    1. Thanks a lot, cairns are always very special. Enjoy your weekend!

  22. I love your art Valerie, she looks like she's having a party!
    Love the cairns too, I always like to add to any I see on my treks.
    Happy Friday!
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, you do it properly with the cairns, well done! Have a great evening!

  23. Fabulous texture on your page Valerie. I love the colours in your photos and it's lovely to see the Horses! Have a great weekend, Chris

    1. Thanks Chris, you have a great Weekend, too, take good care of yourself.

  24. Your disco girl is look like a fun gal. The photos again are amazing.

  25. I do like the rusty bits. The girl looks like she is having so much fun!

    1. Thanks Lin. Rust can be very beautiful. Have a great weekend.

  26. Sorry I'm late visiting. I just can't seem to stay awake. I guess I got emotionally drained from yesterday.

    I was in awe of your hand cut stencil, Valerie. It is very professional looking. I was also impressed with the die cuts you chose. I especially like the heart. Overall, this is a beautiful entry and the quote is absolutely perfect. So glad you once again joined us at Art Journal Journey using Erika's theme.

    I had NO idea rust could look purple. These are stunning photos. I attribute green, red, and orange to rust, but never until now, purple. Those photos opened up an entire new world of color for me, and I thank you beyond belief for this.

    1. Sorry you were so tired, I know that feeling. The die-cuts I used here were some cheap ones from China, and they are great. I think the colours in the rust are perhaps influenced by the colours with which it was painted - just an idea! It's a nice piece, on an old Victorian building here on the street where I live.

  27. I love your piece Valerie, it's so full of life and colour! The photographs are fabulous, I really like the rusty ones. Take care and have a very happy weekend, Sue xx

  28. Had to look up word splodge and I see nothing irregular in your art piece PPF

  29. I do like your dancing/disco girl, it looks fabulous and great colours.

    All the best Jan

  30. Your dancing girl looks like she's from the movie, Saturday Night Fever. Very cool.

    I bet Elizabeth will love those rusty things photos. Now that I think of it, so do I. Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen! I Love rusty things, too! Have a great Weekend!

  31. What a beautiful work of art, Valerie. I especially love the gorgeous background and the fact that you made your own stencil for the dancing lady. Could she be YOU???? And as always, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing your beautiful photos. WOW!!!!! Thanks for sharing them. HUGS! Sharon

    1. Thanks Sharon. I wish I could dance like that these days! Those were the days! Have a great week!

  32. I LOVE looking at your posts! Enjoy your works and all of your photos! May I ask where you live? It’s so pretty and if and when this COVID is gone, maybe my husband and I can travel again and would love to see your beautiful town💖

    1. Thanks a lot. It is pretty here. I live in Kaiserswerth, a little town by the Rhine near Düsseldorf. One day we will surely be free from Covid again! Have a great week, take care!

  33. A vibrant and fun piece. Something everybody wants in these times. LOVED IT!! Take Care 😀

    1. Thanks Ira! We need to have some fun just now! Stay safe!

  34. I love that people make their own structures out of the rocks.

  35. I am so not ready for yellow trees! Birds and horses, yes! Yellow trees? Not yet, please!

    1. Ready or not, what you can't change you have to accept!


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