
Saturday 6 June 2020

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy!

We actually got some heavy rain-showers yesterday, and I hope we will get more rain over the weekend, it has been so dry here.

I am continuing with my idea of using up my scraps. I already have my A4 journal almost full, and have also made several larger, A3 sheets, which I will bind together with my bind-it-all at the end of the month. I have decided to give my collected junk/scrap collage pages the title of 'Ohne Sinn und Verstand', which translated means more or less 'Without rhyme or reason'. I am just getting rid of my hoarded scraps by assembling them to collages, without taking time to think about things, just allowing a few minutes to sort, paste and layer and to see what comes out at the end, and it is very relaxing not working to a theme, just 'picking and sticking', so to say. Here I added some sewing to finish it off, so I am linking to Halle's challenge at AJJ:

 Some photos from the botanical gardens, where there are also some aquariums:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love your fun and colorful art using "this n' that" pieces and sewing it into wonderful art!

    Gorgeous photos, too!
    Hugs ☕

    1. Thanks Jan, I enjoyed making something from scraps. Take care!

  2. Such gorgeous photos-I loved all the flowers and those fish too.
    I love your collages-I am going to try that-just "do it" I like that with no themes-hugs Happy weekend Kathy

  3. That is a great page for AJJ. I like the collage of these scraps. Thanks for stitching them and adding them to Halle's challenge. And those flowers are gorgeous. Walking through gardens is such a pleasure. Hope you get enough rain to help the dryness and not so much you can't get out for your walk. Happy weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I love botanical gardens, always so much to see!

  4. Great post once again and awesome designs and fabulous pictures to see....hope all's good.♥

  5. Gorgeous photos. It seems to flood at times then there is a drought. What can one do. Lovely art, great idea to use scraps.

    1. Thanks Christine. It's typical for here with the floods, but the dryness is more a recent things.

  6. A penny for YOUR thoughts can get pricey as in "I don´t like it" - then... don´t ask!
    Happened more than once to me, just do not ask me if you don´t want the truth (that might help you).

    Beautiful pics, either today or Monday, hello, Botanical Gardens (hope they have re-opened!).
    A nice day to you, GlG, Iris

    1. Here the gardens are all open again, which is good. Have a great day!

  7. Das ist eien wundervolle Arbeit von dir, verrückt und doch wieder so bunt wie unser leben!
    Schön wieder deine Fotos zusehen!
    Die Sonne scheint bei mir und der Wind ist ziemlich arg also rüste ich mich gut und gehe jetzt raus. Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende und pass auf dich gut auf bei dem Wetter!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  8. Verrückt und bunt, gute Beschreibung von mir! Hier ist es nass und windig aber mit Sonne dzwischen. Bin gerade wiedergekommen vom Rheinspaziergang.

  9. so stunning and glamour flowers:)

  10. Hello dear Valerie!
    Hope you and your family are ok!
    I really enjoyed watching your gorgeous photos ! Such beautiful and colorful flowers !
    Love your amazing collage! Well done! You are so talented!!
    Have a lovely and sunny weekend! Stay safe! Hugs!

    1. Great to see you again Dimi, you have been missed. Stay well and safe!

  11. Hi Valerie I love your collage pages ,they are beautiful,and wow the pics of the fish are amazing,Thankyou for sharing your stunning pics with us my friend xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl. The fish were so pretty. I would love an aquarium if I had more space here.

  12. Picking and sticking. Sounds like something a country and western music group might be doing at a rehearsal! Your visit to the botanic garden seems quite lovely, Valerie. I always enjoy such places, not only for the floral riches, but generally they are great places to find birds that have become quite accustomed to human traffic and are therefore a little more confiding than most. As far as I can recall (which is at least several minutes ago these days!) I have not visited one with aquariums (aquaria?) but it seems like a wonderful addition. A penny for your thoughts? I will up the ante and give you a dollar. i suspect I may well get my dollar's worth, dahling!

    1. Well, perhaps I should start listening to music while I'm 'at work'.The botanic garden is nice, and it's the only one I know where there are aquariums, and you cn even buy fish and plants there from time to time when they have too many. My thoughts just now are probably not worth a penny, much less a dollar. And they are mostly just for me! Have a lovely day!

  13. Such a fabulous page! I wouldn't have guessed that your page was made up with scraps, you did an amazing job it looks like they were made to go together 😀. The botanical gardens and aquarium photos are wonderful, I'm loving all those flowers! We've had rain overnight the last few days, the garden has been very grateful 😉. Take care and happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! Perhaps those scraps were destined to come together, they had all been in the same box for years! We had lots of rain yesterday and today, so that's good, the earth needs it so badly!

  14. A great page for Halle's theme at AJJ, thank you for linking up with us Valerie. I love how you used your scraps to create the page, it looks as if they were all mean't to go together and its looks good how the stitching links them together.
    Have a good rest of the weekend.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! You enjoy your weekend, too, take care!

  15. What a fantastic way to create! so many interesting items all melded together in a perfect way. Thanks for a great piece for A Stitch in Time!

  16. I need to try this technique of just adding many scraps together in order to get rid of the large number I have. This is a wonderful plan, as is your latest page. Every photo showed something I missed in the overall image, so it was fun seeing everything up close. I enjoyed the stitching, too. It was lots of fun. Thanks so much for sharing this with us at 'Art Journal Journey using Halle's theme.

    Loved the fish photos and the bleeding hearts and echinacea. Really lovely photos today.

  17. So much to look at on your collage. Reminds me of Can You Find pages when I was a kid. Loved those. Gorgeous flowers and the fish look a little like underwater flowers, too. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thanks. They still have those can-you-find pages in our local newspaper on the kids page! Have a good weekend!

  18. Hi Val, hope you have enjoyed your day up til now. It's been wild, wet and windy here, but the kids enjoyed it. We're looking after the next-door's dog, too, so the kids are all happy, mum, too! Love your collage, so much to see and read. You have some wonderful ideas. Fab photos, too. Is that the botanical garden in Duisburg? Have a great afternoon and evening, hugs, Sarah

  19. Valerie you mind is so locked into creativity. It doesn't really matter if you use fresh or scrap materials you design and create with such passion. Your photos have brought sunshine to me today. The rain.......

    1. Thanks Nicole! Collage is always better than housewo**!

  20. Stunning photos, and I love your collage art Valerie! xx

  21. I just love photos from aquariums. They are mesmerizing. And your scrap collage is terrific. It's sometimes hard to take so many diverse scraps and pull them into such a complete whole,but you do it so well.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. I can watch fish for hours, it's better than TV! Stay Safe!

  22. Fantastic photos and pages.

  23. I love your random assemblage! that's what a junk journal can be about ~ Things that you love and don't want to throw away. Your photos were a wonderful escape from the local news, so far all protests today have been peaceful (prayers they stay that way because they're only a 5-10 min drive from my home) I love your turtle shot and the black eyed susan ~ Wonderful! Blessings and love ~ Karen

    1. Thanks Karen. I hope it stays quiet for you! Glad you liked the scrappy piece and the photos. Stay safe!

  24. I like it, especially your cheeky comment, "Seems a little pricey". I've been using up scraps making cards. I should probably take a cue from you and use a big journal page. Have a great weekend. Teresa

  25. Great art page, I like the idea of just sticking down what ever comes to hand. Lovely photos from your walks, beautiful flowers.

    1. Thanks. It's a very relaxing process, and I'm getting rid of my hoarded bits of nothing!

  26. Great post! Have a super weekend!

  27. Hi Valerie :) Those are some really nice photos of the gardens. I love the little turtle!! :) Great idea to use your scraps, they made a lovely piece of art! Have a wonderful Sunday!

    1. Thanks Rain, have a great, new week, keep up the good work!

  28. I do like your journal page, what a wonderful colourful mix.

    Fabulous photographs again, the flowers are such amazing colours.

    I hope you've had a good Sunday, we've had slightly cooler weather and some rain … which was most welcome.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. Same weather here, the rain was so necessary. I hope we get more.

  29. I love your collage Valerie, so bright and cheerful. We've been nowhere for the last couple of days either as we've had non stop rain. Still the garden is very happy! Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. Wet and windy here, but we need the rain.

  30. We've had plenty of rain over the past few days here Valerie, little Freya has not been happy as her puppy fur soaks it all up like a sponge.. I agree totally about what a relief it can be not to work with a theme, to paste and collage anything and everything is so relaxing, fabulous page, penny for your thoughts has definitely been something in my mind over the past week.. Take care & thanks for sharing Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Poor Freya, I can imagine being wet isn't such fun for her. People used to use that 'penny for your thoughts more often in past days. Have a great day, stay safe!

  31. A penny for your thoughts ... seems a little pricey - lol. I'm wondering if you'll add another layer or two to this page. So I'll keep my eye out.

    Beautiful photos. Those tall yellow stalks of flowers are gorgeous! I'm impresed that you got good photos in the aquariums. Eileen xx

    1. Thanks Eileen. I Love adding layers, it's like life, lots hidden underneath! Have a good week!

  32. It's good to get needed rain. Those flowers look happy :) The aquarium is a great feature in a setting like that.

  33. WOW! Your collage is absolutely amazing and so beautiful! I love all of the colors and fabulous textures here. Stunning photos, too. The flowers are simply . . . WOW!


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