
Tuesday 9 June 2020

New challenge at Try it on Tuesday - Make it Masculine

Hi Everybody!

Hope you week got off to a good start! It's still cold and windy here, but I like it, it's great weather for walking, and rain is welcome, too!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT -

-Make it masculine-
As always, you have 2 weeks to enter our challenge, and entries of all formats, digital, physical or hybrid are welcome-

I made an A3 Mixed Media journal page. I painted the background with gesso then added in some titan buff and burnt umber. While it was still wet I sprinkled on some EPs in black, white  and copper and heat dried it. Then I added the diamonds through a stencil using some iron paste I discovered in my cupboard. I can't remember buying it, but suppose I must have done! I collaged 2 of my men, and added colour with brown and black pastel chalks.  The roosters are scraps of paper napkins:

And I have some photos from the Botanical Gardens and a park in Düsseldorf:

David's Delight:

Nile Geese:

I'm not sure if this is Doris or Heike sleeping in the mud:

The little coots were having a big splash party:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, at least I'm early for this one! LOVE your men, they look good, and the photos are wonderful, too. Especially those little black chicks, so adorable. Have a lovely day, hope my day will be quieter that yesterday! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, hope today will be a better day for you with less catastrophes! Take care of yourself!

  2. Good morning dear Valerie!
    Like your Mixed Media page! Beautiful colors and details!
    You match on your page the roosters scraps so beautifully! Great work!
    I always enjoy your amazing photos from your walks! Love the birds shots and the cute goats!
    Have a nice day and stay safe!

    1. Hi Dimi, good morning to you! I love visiting the birds and goats at the park, always such fun. Have a wonderful day!

  3. Hi Valerie oh my your masculine mixed media pages are awesome,well done on your beautiful work Valerie. Oh i love the pic of the flower and the bee and as usual i have enjoyed looking at all your beautiful pics,stay safe my friend xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl. There were so many bees on that day, it's always good to see them buzzing about, let#s hope they will be with us a long time.

  4. Wonderful journal page. Love the beautiful photos of the flowers. Have a good day.x

    1. Thanks Anesha. You have a good day, too, take care!

  5. Twoja praca jest fantastyczna. Fotografie kwiatów i zwierząt piękne. Rozbawiała mnie ta słodko śpiąca świnka:). Miłego dnia:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna. There are 2 pigs, Heike and Doris, and always so fun to watch! Have a great week!

  6. So lovely, great colours and designs here, so beautiful images. I am still upgrading my new computer and almost there, bit lacking in time for comments.. xx

  7. Good morning Valerie: You sure know how to get to a guy's heart. Thanks for all the gorgeous pictures of those handsome, brave, forthright CANADA 🇨🇦 Geese! I just received an email from a friend who has a Mallard with eggs in her backyard and yesterday an American White Pelican was on a local lake, a pretty unusual event here. Hairdressers are opening for business and Miriam has an appointment for Saturday morning. She will be happy to have her tresses shorn! Have a great day, Valerie, and be sure to drink coffee! Say hello to Ste. Nathalie from me. Big hugs, David

    1. Thanks David! I knew you would like those pics. There were so many geese everywhere, it was amazing. But the little coots were my faves this time! I wish we would get white pelicans here, too, but can't really imagine it! The hairdressers are open here, but I'm leaving my tresses long. Nathalie just went home, I made us pancakes today before we went shopping. Hugs back to you and Miriam the Muffin Maker.

  8. Good quote having been told so often that I´m no woman ;-)
    Shoot! Forgot to check if our botanical garden is open again!
    Have a great, if cold day, Iris

    1. Oh yes, so many men have wrong ideas about how men and women should be! The gardens and parks are all open here, which is great, and I can get to Südpark more or less from door to door by tram!

  9. Such a wonderful page! The textured background looks amazing and the masculine figures are perfect too 😀. I'm loving those little coots with their fluffy feathers and long legs, they really made me smile 😉. Great for your blog header too! Take care and have a wonderful week! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. Those fluffy little coots were so sweet, I loved watching them splash around like kiddies in a paddling pool.

  10. Its an awesome mixed media , masculine page. The figures against the background really stand out and draw the eye to them.
    The photos from your walk looked great and I am smiling at the one with the pig in the mud.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. The pigs in the park are wonderful. huge and always contented - either they sleep or eat!

  11. Thanks Laurie, have a great day!

  12. Absolutely stunning art journal spread! LOVE that background as well as your men... just stunning!!! And your pics of the gardens are gorgeous!!!! Have a super week! ((HUGS)) Helen

    1. Thanks a lot Helen. Have a great week, take care!

  13. Beautiful page today and stunning flowers. Pigs are lazy aren't they, lying around in the mud!

    1. It's a nice life if you can get it, huh! I'm off for an afternoon nap now - but not in the mud!

  14. Original, beautiful and artistic work.
    Wonderful selection of photos, I especially loved the photo of the bee on the yellow flower.
    Hugs and all the best for you

    1. Thanks Maria. I love to see the bees, too, and they are so important for us.

  15. I love your photos of animal life. Well done.

    1. Thanks. I have fun taking and sharing them!

  16. A fabulous page Valerie, love the textures in the background and that's a super quote. Loved the photos from the wildfowl park, the little coots looked as if they were really enjoying themselves, and the pig, well you know what they say about pigs! Fabulous close ups of the flowers, loved how you captured the bees too.
    Have a great week, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril! The park is a great place to spend a few hours. Have a great week!

  17. Great piece. And what a purrfect saying. I love botanical gardens. Great pics.

    1. Thanks. Botanical gardens are really paradise!

  18. wow those flowers on the water... amazing!

  19. Love the roaster in your art piece. Wonderful photos too. Ohh on blogger comments, I get 2 or 3 of those spam comments a day and since the new blogger I can't put any kind of restriction or verification on comments.

    1. Thanks Nicole. Sorry about those nasty comments. I occasionally get a nasty one, I put it into spam straightaway. Have a great day!

  20. These beautiful photos, especially the ducks :)

  21. What a gorgeous masculine page Valerie, I love the colors and fabulous black diamonds! Beautiful photos today, the baby coots are so cute and fluffy! Take care and hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! Those baby coots were just adorable, I loved watching them play and splash and run around on heir huge feet, too funny! Take care!

  22. Love your masculine page …
    Love, love, love your photographs.

    Eddie and I were out for a drive earlier and came across some horses complete with baby foal … I said I should take some photographs … but didn't! Perhaps next time.

    Hope your week is going well, we had a few rain showers today.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. The young birds and animals are always fun to watch. I must go past the stables and see if they have foals there, too. Have a great week!

  23. Great masculine page, love the colours. Love your header photo too. Great garden photos, the bug and bee hotel is a good idea, I thought about getting one here, but then I would be worried about spiders moving in 😁. Lovely to see the y9ung birds growing up. Great photo of the pig getting a relaxing mud bath.

    1. Thanks a lot. Did you say spiders? I wouldn't want them moving in, either! Enjoy your day!

  24. I like these abstract male images Valerie. The who page is super and is really interesting to look at. And your day out gave you some super photos. I like the bee hotel. Not only good for the bees but makes a really interesting photo. And the flowers and animals are cool too. Hope it was a great Tuesday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, it was quite a good day here. Bee hotels always look fascinating. Have a great day!

  25. What a wonderful combo of creatures and blooms in the botanical garden park. The photos are just wonderful. And I'd say you aced the challenge theme with this one!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. That park is a wonderful place to be.

  26. Deine fetzentagebuchseiten sind fantastsich ich mag sie und straheln aber auch was aus. Bunt, Lebendigkeit, Freude, die rienste Fröhlkichekit!!!
    Diese Orte, ich liebe sie heute noch wenn ich mich erinne mich gerade die Tierwelt!
    Ich wünsche dir einen angenehmen Tag und pass auf dich auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  27. Beautiful photos and I really love your page Valerie xx

  28. Great pages and lovely photos too

    Joan x

  29. fabulous artwork Valerie, and I love your photographs, these animals look so happy, especially the pig and goats. Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. The animals there are very well cared for, petted and admired, they should be happy! Have a great day!

  30. Wow! What a striking page this is! Fabulous texture and images! Your photos of the gardens and park are wonderful! Big Aaaahs! for the Coot! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, the coots were really mega cute!

  31. Another wonderful collection of photos. You are such a good artist and your blog is fun to read/look at.

  32. It`s fantastic!
    Your photos are lovely.

  33. What a wonderful set of photographs fro your journey around the park gardens. The Nile Geese look so proud as they walk by and I just love the "pig in muck". Reminds me of one tie when I went for a walk on Anglesey. We had to go through a farmyard and outside the farmhouse stood this gorgeous stone pot bellied pig (pygmy). Well I had to go over and admire it but when I bent to touch it it moved - yes it was real - it frightened me so much I took off. I had never expected it to move. It really did look like stone.
    Too many gorgeous photos to comment on but I love the one with the logs of wood and the holes through them. What a fabulous background paper that would make.
    Your men in the journal page are very tall and I love how you have stayed to the browns apart from the touches of colour brought in by the roosters at the bottom. Lovely effect.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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