
Tuesday 26 May 2020

T sTands for a new challenge aT TioT

Hi Everybody!

Today we are beginning a new challenge at TIOT - cut it out.
You are requested to use at least one die cut or objects which have been fussy cut. As always, you have 2 weeks to link to us, and projects of all formats are welcome.
For my piece I fussy cut some leaves from a sheet of painted paper left over from another project. I used some home made stencils to draw leaves in various sizes and then cut them out. I embossed the leaves with various metallic embossing powders. I made more leaves than I needed so another leafy project will be in the making soon. I sewed the leaves to the background, but left the edges free so that the leaves curl a bit.
I used an A3 sheet of blue-grey heavy paper, which I decorated in wild honey and salty ocean distress oxides using various stencils. I outlined all of the stenciled patterns with a black fine-liner and added a quote:

The finished leaves:

I am also linking to AJJ, flowers

Tuesday is also time for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party,so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies who visit here.I found this vintage coca cola image in one of my files:

And here some Designer bottles:

Coffee is still my fave drink, but a coke is good in hot weather!

And how about a lemon sponge?

Help yourselves to a slice:

 Some photos of my walks to Nord Park and along the Rhine in the past weeks:

The Japanese garden:

 Love the wild flowers along the roads:

Sorry I wasn't around yesterday, I wasn't feeling so good and actually took a day off!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your leaves, so sparkly and pretty. So good to see the spring flowers, love the Flanders poppies and the Japanese garden is lovely.

    1. Thanks a lot! Poppies are wonderful, I love their fragile petals. Have a great day!

  2. Good morning Val! I was wondering where you had got to - hope you feel better today, I'll ring you later. Love the beautiful journal page, those leaves are splendid, love the metallic shine, wow! You have outdone yourself again. Great photos, too, it's easy to see how much you enjoy our piece of the world. Have a wonderful day, we're going to the park for a picnic, so hope it stays dry. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have fun in the park, I'll keep my fingers crossed that it stays dry!

  3. Sehr schöne Arbeit, die Cola-Lady ist aber der Hammer. Oh, :-)
    Wunderschöne Blumen, hoffe, bei dir ist es nicht so kalt wie hier, brrr.
    Und ich hoffe, es geht dir besster, GlG, happy T-day, Iris

  4. The leaves are so sparkling and beautiful! Your cutting method is beautiful! The cola bottles are awesome and the yellow flowers too!!
    I hope today you feel better! Have a nice day! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella, I had fun making it, I love sparkly! Have a wonderful day!

  5. I love the colours and textures on the leaves you cut out. Wonderful piece and those words really make you think. Have a great day. x

    1. Thanks Anesha, much appreciated. Have a wonderful day!

  6. Good Morning Valerie,
    I always love to see your walks, makes me happy when I see grass as we only have it here for a short time when it's rained.
    I love the leaves they remind me of the leaves from a cheesecake plant, I think that's what we used to call them. Lemon sponge sounds delicious, I still haven't managed to find SR flour so I've given up, might help with my diet if I can't bake, LOL
    Have a lovely T Day
    Jan x

    1. Thanks Jan. I love the idea of a cheesecake plant, sounds delicious. We have everything in the stores again ere, but prices have risen considerably. But as you say, no flour can be good for the figure! Have a wonderful day!

  7. First off, I have to say that I love your new blog header and your red shoes look fabulous 😀. What a beautiful page, the fussy cut leaves with all the colour and embossing powders look amazing - great inspiration and perfect for our challenge! I'd love a piece of that delicious lemon cake with my cuppa this morning too 😉. The vintage coca cola sign is gorgeous as all all those lovely flowers that you captured on your photos. Take care and wishing you a lovely new week! Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. They are my fave summer shoes! Help yourself to cake, there's plenty, but you'll have to make your own tea! Have a great week and happy T Day, take care!

  8. Miriam uses the term fussy cut all the time as it elates to her sewing, and it is only recently that I asked her exactly what it meant. I thought perhaps she had been looking at me and thinking, "You're a fussy cut!" But that was not the case. So, my favourite lady in Germany and my favourite lady in Canada are both fussy cutters! I am not quite sure what that tells the world about my taste in women! Only one of them wears the wildest shoes in town though! Your creations are beautiful, Valerie, the wildflowers are gorgeous, Valerie, the cake I am sure is divine, Valerie; alas, I will never know! I will just have to put up with Miriam's muffins for elevenses! I won't even get fussy about it.

    1. Yes David, great women the world over always have a cutting edge! But you poor thing, having to put up with Miriam's muffins, I'm drooling just thinking about them and imagining the smell while they're baking, sigh! But the lemon cake is always very good, it gets drenched with freshly squeezed lemon when it comes out of the oven....Need I say more! And yes, you have good taste, that's evident. Even if you do like spiders.... Hugs to you and your wonderful Miriam!

  9. Thanks Laurie! Lemon sponge is a favourite, but today I'm going to bake a rhubarb crumble...Have a great day!

  10. Good morning Val, Your leaves are amazing-sounds like a fun theme too.
    Your sponge looks delicious and love your dishes!
    You have the most beautiful views for your walks-always different, here everything is the same pretty much but I do love the lake views always changing as it reflects the sky.
    Happy T wishes Kathy

    1. Good morning to you Kathy! The sponge is delicious, but not gluten free. The onion pattern of the dishes is classed as very old fashioned these day, but I love it. Can you walk all round the lake or is it too big? I love seeing the sky reflected in the water. Take care!

    2. This is a man made lake and it's 94 miles long I think and it winds around all over the place with little coves etc. My little area is in a circle, so I can walk around that-I do walk a little bit out of the circle that leads to a rural road out to a main highway, but nothing to see there-I do walk part of it to make a mile once around. I love dishes like those, reminds me when we used to have big family dinners at home growing up and at my Grandma's

    3. Thanks Kathy, that's a huge lake! But good that you have a little part where you can walk. I think that's why I love those dishes, too, they remind me of time spent with my great Aunt, she had similar ones.

  11. Liebe Valerie das muss auch mal sein sich auszuruhen dafür ist deine Kunstwerke um so schöner mich macht es wieder freudig was du so alles kreativ gestaltet hast. Deine Fotos von den Parks sind grandios anzusehen!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag bei Kaffee und Kuchen!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Thanks Elke! Ja, manchmal braucht man etwas Ruhe....Dir auch einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  12. Gorgeous leaf art and beautiful photos today Valerie! Diet Coke is good in this weather. We have a few days of a heat wave.

    1. Thansk Christine - keep cool! Drink plenty!

  13. Original, beautiful and delicate works. The leaves were amazing.
    I loved the Japanese garden, what a spectacular place.
    Spring offers us so much color and beauty through its flowers.
    Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos
    Have a good day

    1. Thanks Maria, nice to see you again! The Japanese garden is a wonderful place for a quit rest. Have a good week and stay safe!

  14. A piece of lemon pie and a coca cola for me, please. We will eat and drink beside the water lillies, my friend! And I LOVE your beautiful page with the stunning leaves. You are so creative, Valerie. Thank you for joining again my challenge at AJJ. Kisses!!!

    1. Okay, lemon sponge and cola for you, enjoy! Have a nice day!

  15. Your leaves are spectacular and I love how the fit so well onto your page! An excellent colour choice and I love the quote! I love the vintage image you found and I too will have a coffee please, I wish I had room for lemon cake but hubby cooked our main meal for lunch.
    Such beautiful colours around at the moment - I envy you living so close to the park and I do love to see wild flowers coming up at the sides of the road, and as we do here on roundabouts too! Happy T Day, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. This is a wonderful trend all over Europe just now, planting public spaces with wild flowers, and I love it. I brightens my day always.

  16. Put on the coffee, I'm on my way over for some of that delicious-looking, and I'm sure tasting, lemon sponge cake:)
    Love those red tennies:) and...the flowers...and the vintage Coke piece...and the sparkly leaves.
    Have a day filled with fun and good health.

    1. Coffee's always on here, day and night, hop on over and welcome! Have a great week!

  17. lemon sponge looks wonderful:)

  18. Those leaves! I love how they provide depth and texture. And shine! I've never seen designer coke bottles like those. Cool! But, yes, I prefer coffee most of the time. Perfect with a slice of that lemon sponge cake, thank you :) Your nature photos are such a delight, as I'm not getting out to our public gardens yet *sigh* Your photos will hold me 'til I get out :) Happy T Tuesday

    1. Thanks a lot. And don't forget to wear your hat when you enjoy your coffee and cake!

  19. I love those leaves Valerie, and that's a great quote!
    Wonderful photos, thanks for the cake.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, enjoy the cake! Look after yourself!

  20. Those leaves are stunning Valerie, lovely piece of art


  21. Gorgeous work of art Valerie, the leaves are beautiful, love the metallic look! Stunning photos, the Japanese garden looks so peaceful and beautiful.
    Take care, Hugs Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. The Japanese garden is a wonderful place to be, so peaceful. Have a great week!

  22. The cut out laeves are gorgeous, Valerie. They really sparkle and gleam. Some day, could you tell us how you make such detailed stencils by hand? They're wonderful.

    Thank you for the yummy yellow sponge cake.

    Beautiful outdoor photos. I enjoy them more than ever, since we're still in lockdown. When I go out for medicine or fresh food, I don't stop to smell the roses - lol. I rush arounnd doing as much as I can as quickly as I can.

    Happy T-Day! Eileen xx

    1. Thanks Eileen. The stencils are easy to make, you just need sharp, fine scissors. I will explain it when I have time. Enjoy the sponge cake. Sorry you are still in lockdown. I so enjoy being out and roaming around, and I hope people stay sensible so we don't get more sick people again. Have a happy week, stay safe.

  23. Wow. You fussy cut those leaves beautifully and they turned out great. They went nicely with the journal page, too. I liked the quote, too. We have to let go at some point, don't we? Thanks for also sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey.

    I was thrilled to see those poppies in the field. They certainly stick out. Those could be my favorite photos of all you shared today with the possible exception of the ones from the Japanese garden.

    I have to admit I've never seen a Coke bottle like any of these. They are amazing. And although I prefer coffee, I'll have a diet coke about twice a year in the summer, too. I'd love to stay for lemon sponge, too.

    Thanks for sharing your art, your beautiful photos, and your cokes and coffees with us, along with sponge cake for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, glad you liked the leaves, I had fun making them. The poppies are really beautiful, I can never get enough of them. Those coke bottles were evidently very expensive art objects, and no, I didn't buy one. A normal diet coke is enough for me! Help yourself to sponge cake, I made a rhubarb crumble today, so yummy!

  24. Glad you are back in action. Missed you yesterday. I like that quote about letting go of decaying leaves so you can grow. I say the same about decaying thoughts and bad memories. Let it go.

    1. Thanks! We need to let go and carry on with our lives whatever happens. 'The past is history, tomorrow a mystery, but today is our present'

  25. Those leaves are fantastic Valerie, and i love how you used the stencil and outlined the design too! Love the vintage coke label along with the decorated bottles. And what a gorgeous Japanese garden-awesome photos of the blooms!
    PS I need to get a red pair of sneakers like yours;) Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda. Sometimes it#s fun just to try something different. Everyone needs a pair of red sneakers! Stay safe!

  26. What a gorgeous piece Valerie, these embossed leaves are stunning! I'm sirry you weren't well yesterday, I hope you're feeling better now. Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue! I am feeling better today, I think I need to get more sleep on a regular basis! Have a great week!

  27. Those leaves are great. I would make a garland or bunting out of them. And oh, what wonderful skies, beautiful flowers. Much happiness in this post.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. Garlands get full of dust, I'm not fond of stuff hanging about!

  28. Your leaves are so sparkly and pretty. I love the design of the leaf, reminds me of the monstera plant.
    Your lemon sponge looks great!I have never had one but would love to try a slice.
    That Japanese garden is gorgeous. I especially love the Lotus blossoms.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. I drew my leaves from a monstera plant. And lemon sponge is good, tr some!

  29. Happy belated T day Valerie. This day just got away from me. I like the vintage Coke Cola lady and those artsy bottles too. And since it is evening and a little sweet would taste good, your lemon sponge would taste good. Can I magically snap my fingers and have a piece appear? Smile. And your TIOT page is gorgeous. Those leaves almost look like metal the way you finished them. Hope it was a good one. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Hope you snapped your fingers right and got the cake!

  30. Think I was in LaLa land when you posted this amazing post full of always. Love the leaves, so gorgeous.xx

    1. Thanks Annie. LaLa Land is sometimes a great place to be!

  31. A fabulous page Valerie, the leaves look fabulous with the embossed texture against that lovely background, love the colour combo. Gorgeous photos - the Japanese garden looks beautiful and so tranquil, the perfect place to sit for a while. That's a fabulous vintage Coke poster, but if there's any lemon cake left I'll make my own coffee, thank You.
    Great new header - love the shoes, Hugs, Avrilxx

    1. Thanks Avril. Help yourself to cake, there's always some left for you!

  32. Sorry I am late calling in Valerie, I think I will be to late for a piece of the delicious looking cake.
    YOur journal page and the leaves look fantastic, using the embossing powder was a great idea.
    I also loved the photos, the flowers are so pretty.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, there's always enough cake for you!

  33. Beautiful artwork. I love those leaves that you made. Great quote, too. The flowers growing there look beautiful. And a water lily already?! I like your new blog header image. Happy belated T-Day!

    1. Thanks Anne. Yes the water lilies are out already, so pretty. Have a great day!

  34. I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I hope you are feeling better already.
    I love the new header. The red shoes look very comfortable, especially as you walk a lot. (or are they Natalie's?)
    Yes, lovely lemon sponge! Yum, I'll have a piece, thank you.
    I enjoyed the photos of the park and the flowers. The Japanese garden is stunning.
    Happy (belated) T-Day,
    Stay safe,

    1. Thanks, I am feeling a bit better. Those shoes are mine! Nathalie has similar ones in green and blue. I just came back from the Japanese garden again, it is a great place.

  35. Wow - those leaves are amazing! They work so well on your page with those wonderful words. We don't want to let go but we so need to! So though provoking. Cool coke images as well. I drink diet coke for years and years, but gave up soft drinks a few years ago. Love the dessert and coffee cups as well as all your lovely pictures. Such a treat to visit you! hUgz

    1. Thanks Nancy. We all need to let go of all the things that poison us and pull us down, however hard it seems. Have a great week!

  36. The blue and the yellow are STUNNING together.

    1. Thanks, it's a great combination. Stay safe Ivy!

  37. Sorry you were not feeling too good … hopefully you are a lot better now.
    That lemon sponge looks delicious, I'd love to share a virtual slice with you :)

    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    PS Beautiful photographs on your post

  38. GORGEOUS leaves on your project! And I have to say, your blog is so inspiring!!! ((HUGS)) Helen

  39. Valerie I love these leaves and the Coke lady is awesome. Great photos.

    1. Thanks, The leaves were fun to make, I will do something like this again.

  40. Your journal page is fantastic and lovely photos.


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