
Sunday 10 May 2020

Haberdashery and flowers

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend! Have a great, new week and stay safe!

I have another tag for Michele's haberdashery challenge at Tag Tuesday
It's a rather surreal scene, and looks like the dress forms are having a conversation, with the couple outside watching them through the window....You still have a week to join in the challenge!

And I have a hybrid page for Mia's challenge at AJJ.
The flowers were a quick water colour study made at art group several years back, placed onto a hand-painted background. I put it together using various elements from Serif:

We had lots of beautiful sunrise scenes, even with clouds it looks wonderful:

And I find lots of beautiful flowers wherever I walk:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, good evening. Just saw this as I was going to switch the computer off. It's another wonderful post. Love the fun haberdashery tag, and the floral journal page is beautiful, love the flowers you painted. Wonderful floral photos, too. The wind is picking up here, so it looks lie the cold weather is well and truly on its way! I'll wish you a goodnight, sleep well, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! Glad you like what I made, I had fun making it. I'm off to bed here, so I'll wish you a good night, too!

  2. Great tag and I love the watercolour study. Lovely to see the beautiful flowers. Stay safe. Weather is rotten here. x

    1. Thanks Anesha. Sorry about the weather, the wind is howling here!

  3. Beautiful photographs.
    You did a lovely job on the flowers.
    Happy Mother's Day.

    1. Thanks a lot Sandra. Hope you are enjoying your Mother's Day!

  4. It does look like the manequins and the couple are talking. :) So fun!

    Love all the pictures of the sky. I have been loving the clouds and sunsets I have been seeing. The flowers look gorgeous. Lovely to see so many pops of color. Gorgeous!

    Hope you had a wonderful day! Stay safe!

    1. Thanks Jess. Have a good and safe, new week.

  5. Oh your flower watercolor is so lovely as are your photographs! Thanks for such beautiful eye candy.

  6. Thanks Lisa, glad to hear it from you. Have a, new week, stay safe!

  7. Hi Valerie. Hope your day was a good one. We have clouds and rain again, but it was still a nice day. Your first piece is just brilliant. I love how the couple is looking through the window. The second piece is just darn pretty. Your photos are lovely too. The flowers are amazing.

    1. Thanks Nicole! It's cold and windy here, too. Have a good week!

  8. Love the dress forms having a chat. The sunrise and sky photos are beautiful. The water colour flowers are beautiful too.

  9. Lovely tag and page today and the sunrise photos and flowers are stunning.

    1. Thanks Christine, have a good start in the new week!

  10. I wonder what those dress forms are saying about the couple looking at them? It is an interesting tag and certainly gives us something to think about. And your beautiful purple flowers are stunning against that grey background. It's always interesting how 1 color can make another color pop. And you have so many beautiful flowers blooming on your walks. They sure make the walk a beautiful one. Thanks for joining AJJ again (for Mia's challenge). Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I think they are talking about the couple watching them! Have a great day!

  11. Beautiful. Lovely styles, photos and gorgeous goodies on here. Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day. ♥

  12. Thanks Laurie- I love the hearts, too, always so pretty. Have a great day!

  13. Quick?! Wow! Ich würde dafür Stunden brauchen! Schön, auch die Quote.
    Nachher mal gucken, ob der Botanische Garten auf hat, aber bei dem Wetter, bäh, ich hab ja meine "Dosis" schon von hier! :-)
    GlG, Iris

    1. Danke. Ich wollte auch heute durch Hofgarten flanieren, aber bei dem Wetter bleieb ich lieber hier!

  14. I love the fun haberdashery label and the flower journal page is beautiful, I love the flowers you painted. Are these lavender?
    The roses are very beautiful, but the purple petunias are breathtaking …
    I wish you a very nice week … the bad weather is over, there was almost no rain here, and is so badly needed!

    1. Thanks Ella. The flowers were a mix of lavender and other flowers in the same colour. The purple petunias are on my balcony! They were from Aldi. It's cold and windy today, but not too bad. Have a great day!

  15. Deien Kurzwaren Bild ist super und das andere ach ist das ein romantisches Journal. wunderschön deine Arbeiten.
    Die schönen Blumen und Himmelfotos,mal wieder für diesen Wochenstart passend um die Freude zu haben!
    Die Sonne strahlt bei mir und auch windig, aber trotzdem toll zum raus gehen für mich!
    Schönen Wochenstart wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke! Hier ist auch windig und kül, aber ich war schon draußen und man kan gut laufen. Bleib gesund!

  16. Hi Valerie what a wonderful tag,love it and your page is stunning,well done my friend on your beautiful work,love the flower photos,stay safe my friend xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl. The flowers are so lovely just now. Have a good week, stay safe and well!

  17. The sunrise and the flowers are all beautiful, Valerie. This morning we have snow here and that is ridiculous for almost the middle of May. i wish that you would get this situation fixed right away so that I don't have to look at this white stuff again until at least November. Thank you!

    1. Thanks! I've sent an urgent message to the responsible persons and said they should stop this bad weather immediately! It's cold and windy here, too!

  18. Wonderful haberdashery piece - thought-provoking. Love the flowers too - beautiful designs and colors. Your pictures are all amazing. Such lovely things. Wonderful post. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy! The flowers have been amazing these past weeks. Stay safe!

  19. Jestem zachwycona twoimi pracami . Pięknie jest na świecie mimo wszystkich przeciwności losu. Miłego tygodnia

    1. Thanks Lucyna. We need the beauty around us just now more than ever. Have a great week!

  20. Good morning, Your post brightened my day-Gorgeous flowers-loved seeing all of those and I love your art-cool tag and I really love your handpainted piece.
    Have a great new week hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy! Glad you enjoyed the flowers. Have a great week!

  21. Your tag looks like an exhibit at a modern art museum. And the hyacinths on your page rival the gorgeous flowers you took on your walk. Amazing sky photos, too. Take are.

    1. Thanks CJ. The flowers are so wonderful just now, and we always have lovely skies here. The view is perhaps the only good thing about my apartment!

  22. I think the clouds themselves look wonderful. And those beautiful spring flowers!

  23. Those photos of the sky look like paintings. So beautiful.

  24. Its a gorgeous floral page Valerie and I loved the quote you added. Thank you for the inspiration and for linking up with Mia's AJJ theme. Your photos of the flowers were so lovely as well, you are lucky to see so many flowers when you are on your walks.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. I forgot to say I loved the tag as well, I have all kinds of topics that they could be talking about going round in my head. You can tell I don't get out much these days when I think its okay to talk to shop window displays.
      yvonne xx

    2. I think it's okay when we talk to inanimate objects. It's just worrying when they answer us!

  25. Your tag is gorgeous Valerie !! Full of beauties. Wonderful page too, love these flowers. Amazing photographs. Have a very nice afternoon, stay safe and big hugs

    1. Thanks so much Caty! Have a great week, stay safe!

  26. Gorgeous art work today Valerie, fabulous tag and I love your watercolor painting, it's beautiful! Awesome photos too, I love all of the different flowers you see on your walks!
    Take care & stay safe.
    Hugs, Tammy

  27. Love your tag and your page.

    Beautiful sunrise photographs and the spring blooms are joyful to see.

    Hope you have a good week.

    All the best Jan

  28. Great post ! 👏👏👏
    Have a nice week!

    1. Thanks Carolina, have a good and safe week!

  29. I absolutely adore that tag you created. Those mannequins are superb. If only we could hear what they were saying to each other. It's a lovely tag.

    Your beautiful journal page is wonderful, too. It's so beautiful and perfect for Mia's theme at Art Journal Journey. I absolutely adore it.

    Your flower photos from your walk show what a beautiful area you live in. I was mesmerized by all that beauty and kept scrolling back and forth to see all those lovely flowers and flower boxes. Such a joy to see, dear friend.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, hope you are feeling better!

  30. Another wonderful tag, and a beautiful page Valerie!
    Lovely photos too.
    Alison xx

  31. Oooh lovely pieces Valerie, your watercolour is so beautiful and so are your photographs. Take care, Sue xx

  32. Gorgeous sunrise photos, Valerie, and I love these flowers! It is a post full of spring!
    Your digital tag for Tag Tuesday is simply GORGEOUS! And I love your hybrid page! You are the master of hybrid creations, my friend! Thank you so much for joining my challenge at AJJ! Kisses!

  33. more dress forms! love this tag also! such gorgeous flower photos! xo

  34. Your bleeding hearts are out! Oh, these are my favorites -- they remind me of my grandmother who had such a large bush! Mine are coming on but not quite blooming yet!

  35. There's something about those conversational dress forms which really appeals to me - quirky and unnerving, but intriguing. Love your watercolour flowers again - the flowing blues and purples are beautiful, as are your skyscapes.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. I often imagine dress forms and mannequins in shop windows talking to each other when nobody's about!

  36. Really love the tag, Valerie - a fanciful narrative! and the photos are stunning


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