
Tuesday 14 April 2020

T sTands for TIOT and more

Hi Everybody!

After several days of sunshine and temps of about 25° we were plunged back into a cool 10° with rain and wind on Monday. But it's only supposed to last for a few days before it warms up again. At least it kept a lot of people home, only the dedicated and those being walked by their four legged companions go out early in this weather, so I enjoyed my walk very much.

This week I am joining TIOT as guest designer for the new challenge, 'fun with stencils' with my A3 piece. .I found the stencil of the chess pieces in my drawer, I can't remember buying it, but I suppose I must have purchased it at sometime and then forgotten about it, which gave me a 'new' stencil to use today.  The background was gessoed and then painted with yellow and orange acrylics and textured with a spiral stamp while still wet. The blue circles were added with a sponge. The small leaves and flowers were also stenciled. When it was dry I stenciled the chess pieces using Archival black. Then I doodled some  lines and dots in white and turquoise, putting white dots around the chessmen. I added the quote and did some sewing to finish it off. As it is full of geometrical shapes, I am also linking to my challenge at AJJ:

Today is also time for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link parTy, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T gang who visit.
Coffee is, with or without visits to cafes, my staple diet:

Here a scene from better days:

I made a delicious cream of Kohlrabi soup, which I served with roasted pumpkin seeds - delicious:

And I gave into temptation and made a blueberry pancake, here's it's still in the pan:

The shops were all decorated for Easter before  'Corinna' spoiled everything. As there are a lot of small, independent shops here, I hope that they will survive these hard times:

Most are now offering to deliver goods and people can order by phone or internet:

The restaurants are offering take-aways. There are supposed to be separate entrance and exit doors - here there is only one door, but with white arrows showing 'in' and 'out' - a good try!

And for the hitchhikers - an old photo from London:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Liebe Valierie, du bist eine tolle Gastgeberin und dein Schachfigurenjóurnal liebe ich sehr.. diese Farben sind faszinierend und mit den Formen und die kleinen Details als Hintergrund grossartig. der Spruch klasse dazu.
    Die Kaffetante ist wieder da lach und wie lecker alles ausschaut und der Blaubeerpfannkuchen auch so lecker. Osterdekos sind wunderschön aber nur zum anschauen für mich. Jetzt ist Ostern schon wieder vorbei und mal schauen wie es weiter geht mit allem. Dir einen guten Tag.
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Blaubeerpfannkuche gbt es heute wieder, ich freue mich jetzt schon drauf! Bleib gesund!

  2. Hi Val, good morning! Another lovely post, and congrats on being at TIOT today. They are lucky to have you! Love the piece you made, wonderful quote, too. Great photos, and I like the sound of your soup. Soup and then blueberry pancake, yummy! Too funny with those arrows at the take-away! Look after yourself, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Have a good day, hope the kids and your mum are all doing well! Take care!

  3. MorningValerie, beautiful decorated shop windows, shame they are closed as the pottery is really pretty, especially the ones with bunnies on them.
    Your pancake looks delicious, I have run out of flour and the shop didn’t have any left, first time I’ve ever run out, typical just when I really need some. Oh well we have enough food so no complaints here.
    Our local fish and chip shop, owned by Canadians! Is open for takeaways apparently, you ring and they text when it’s ready, you park up and they come to your car, not something we are willing to do, we aren’t taking any chances after being in total lockdown for almost five weeks, I want to fit and ready when we are allowed out,ha,ha
    Take care, jan x

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks Jan. Yes it's sad that everything had to close, must have been hard for the shopkeepers. Flour and toilet paper are still scarce in the shops here, too, I still have enough for a few weeks, so that's good! Fish and chips sounds good, but you're right not to take risks. Stay well and safe!

  4. First of all we are so happy you are our Guest designer for the new theme at TioT's.
    The page is inspirational for the theme and the one at Art Journal Journey.
    the stencil you found in the drawer looks super and you found a great sentiment as well.
    Seeing the photos and the shops with the interesting windows does make me wonder how many will still be open in the future, its the same everywhere for the small shops.
    Your soup looks very warming and oh my the pancake would be something I would love to have in front of me just now.
    Happy T day wishes Valerie, stay safe and keep well.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, for the welcome, too! I am making blueberry pancakes again today, pity we don't live nearer to each other! Stay safe!

  5. Wow, it looks like you had loads of fun using all those stencils! You created such a beautiful page, I love the warmth of the colours that you used and the translucency of the chess pieces is magical - stunning 😁. Such a great coffee page too and pretty springtime photos. Thanks so much for the inspiration and for joining us as Guest Designer at Try it on Tuesday! Happy T Day and keep well! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! You have a great day, too - stay safe!

  6. Was, 25C???
    Schach... nur auf grünem Rasen ;-)
    Hmmm, Kohlrabi!!!
    Ja. Mein Bruder hat Licht an in seinem shop, die Leute müssen klopfen, es ist zu. Als Augenoptiker "darf" er öffnen.
    Es wird werden. GlG von hier, Iris

    1. Ja, es wird werden, aber Geduld brauchen wir noch. Kann man leider auch nicht im Supermarkt kaufen!

  7. Manners, right?! Happy T-day!!! Hilfe, es muss Corinna sein!

  8. Ich habs echt vergessen. Schlimm.

  9. Lovely artwork and photos. I like the colors you used in your TIOT piece.

  10. A stunning and interesting post with so much to drool over, love the colours you used and the most delish food.., loving this .xx

  11. Great to see you as Guest designer at TIOT! I love this bright page - whats great find the chess stencil is!
    Your fabulous page has inspired me to go and get some bright colours out Valerie - Thank You!!
    The look into the shop windows was lovely and yes it must be such a worry for those shopkeepers - lets hope that once this is over they will be really busy! I loved looking back at your coffee and food, I made some banana muffins yesterday but I am low on flour and none available to buy! I have been told that there are catering sizes that are being packed into smaller packs for supermarkets but they are taking their time to get on the shelves! Take care and Happy T Day! Chrisx

    1. Same here, flour is hard to get. I think some people will be eating flour and toilet paper for years to come - with noodles as extras! I'm happy I still have some! Take care!

  12. Nice stencil piece. That quote is quite clever. There is something really fascinating about chess pieces, isn't there. Glad to have you as a guest designer for the next 2 weeks. And boy that cake you had in the good old days looked yummy, as does your soup and pancake. I haven't had pancakes for awhile. Maybe I need to make some. Hope all is well on this T day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, it really is a nice stencil, even thought I have no idea how or when I got it! I love chess, my husband used to play chess competitions. I've got a veggie-noodle soup cooking just now, and pancakes for supper today, so that's good! Stay safe!

  13. Your posts are always so fun-wow I didn't catch that the theme at tiot has changed sounds like a fun theme.
    I enjoy all of your photos, glad you can get out and walk, loved looking in the windows with their displays. and homemade pancakes are the best with blueberries. Happy T hugs Kathy

    1. The theme changes every month, but at the moment I know we all have other problems to contend with! Blueberry pancakes are my absolute faves, and with black cherries they taste good, too. Stay safe and well!

  14. Congratulations on being this fortnight's guest designer at TioT. Not only did I like that stencil, I also liked the sentiment, which I thought was quite true (in chess and life). I was also pleased to see you also created this so it would fit your theme at Art Journal Journey, too. Wonderful and way to think ahead. You're going to have a very busy two weeks.

    Loved the coffee art. I thought it would make a great poster. Of course, I really enjoyed seeing those Easter goodies in the shops, too. Like you, I hope these small indie shops survive.

    Thanks for sharing your incredible art, your lovely coffee art, the Easter goodies in the shops, and your trip out before the virus for cake and coffee with us for T this Tuesday.

    1. Thanks E! It will be hard for the small shops here, they have so much character and it would be very sad if they have to give up and get replaced by chain establishments, which I don't like. Have a fun day, stay safe!

  15. Great page ~ I love how you added detail to the stencil, I was just telling Jo that I need to do that too. It makes the object pop off the page. Beautiful colors too. I miss seeing the shops and hope that they can stay afloat. I bought an ecard for my daughter for Easter from her favorite coffee shop trying to help them a little. I had a pancake too for Easter Sunday ~ Blessings on your week!

    1. Thanks Karen! It's fun adding details to stencils, it sort of makes them more your own. Things are heard just now, I hope and pray we all come through this unscathed. Have a wonderful week, stay safe!

  16. Valerie, I love blueberries too!
    Congrats for your Guest DT, my dear friend. You certainly deserve it.
    And, a big WOW! I am in love with your gorgeous page. So many details and a beautiful background. Thank you so much for the inspiration, sweetie. Kisses!!!!

  17. One of my big concerns, Valerie, is that small restaurants and stores of every type will be unable to survive being closed down for weeks, or even months on end, for it is those business that form the character of a neighbourhood. We have a local bookstore, for example, that struggles at the best of times I have no doubt, and I suspect that they may well succumb during this period. What a loss that would be. This damn virus is going to change the way we live in more ways that we can imagine. And I don't think we are going to be free from its grip any time soon. Continue to stay well, chère amie, make soup, and drink coffee! And to everyone, when and if your local stores, restaurants and bakeries open, give them your business. Forget about shopping on line for a while, no matter how convenient it may be.

    1. You are so right, David. Everything will change, but the thought that we should lose all of these lovely shops, some of which have been selling as a family business since the middle of the 19th century, is deeply disturbing. And I am looking forward to the time when I can get out to my special places for my coffee and paper, shoes, books and whatever I need. Stay well and safe, hugs to you and 'mask miracle-worker Miriam'!

  18. That tart look delicious :)
    Keep safe!

  19. I love those chess stencils. Very useful for mixed media artwork! I love your quote too. So true.

    1. Thanks June. Stencils are indeed useful for mixed media work.

  20. Lovely art and interesting photos. The blueberry pancake looks delicious!

  21. Wonderful colours and design of your page. Glad you are enjoying your walk. THe sun is out again but it is a bit colder than it has been. Keep well.

    1. Thanks Anesha. It's cold Here but sunny, too. Have a great week.

  22. fantastic journal page-love the colors Valerie!! And the chess pieces- such an unusual but fun stencil. Glad you can still get out a bit. Beautiful window displays of the local shops!! I do hope too that these small businesses will be able to keep going...
    love the new header and your coffee art . Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda. I hope very much that the small shops survive.

  23. That chess drawing is really pretty! and I am about to make myself coffee :)


  24. Got leftovers? I'll be right over for some of that soup:) I'll keep my distance of course;)
    Great take on geometric shapes. And the saying...priceless.
    Stay safe. Stay healthy.

    1. Thanks Sandra, the soup was very good. It's veggie soup with Chinese noodles today! Stay safe.

  25. Thanks Luis, I will visit your Blog!

  26. It's been unseasonably chilly here, too. Brrr! I liked your coffee scene from better days, and the blueberry pancakes sounds like a real treat! Restaurants are offering take-out, or curb-side, or delivery here. It makes a nice change. I see that fun 42!

    Happy T Tuesday!

  27. i used to play chess when I was younger:)

    1. I did, too, but I have No patience These days!

  28. Loved the chess piece and the quote. And your coffee print made me laugh. You and your cappuccino. 😺The dessert and the blueberry pancake look so yummy. I'm not sure of the soup as I don't think I've ever had Kohlrabi. I love the way your shopkeepers decorate their store windows. So beautiful and a cool 42. Take care and Happy T Day

    1. Thanks. Kohlrabi ist yummy! Have a good week.

  29. Beautiful stenciled page Valerie, I love the added doodling and stitching! Your blueberry pancakes look delicious and fantastic photos of the shops decorated for Easter. Take care of yourself.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! I could eat blueberry pancakes every day! Have a safe and happy week!

  30. Your soup looks yummy even though I have never heard of it. I will be looking it up. And that cake from the 'better days' has my mouth watering. Those layers with the berries on top really has me wanting a slice.
    I am too am hoping all the small shops will be able to stay open after all this is over. The window displays are lovely.
    Beautiful artwork this week! Wishing you warmer temperatures. We too have gotten a sudden cold front.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. Kohlrabi tastes like a very mild sort of cabbage, and is delicious!

  31. That blueberry pancake looks great. It's so nice and fluffy.

  32. LOVE your stencil work on your art journal page!!! And great quote to remember as well! Thanks for being our Guest Designer and sharing your lovely piece with us! ((HUGS)) Helen

  33. My grandma grew kohlrabi back in the day. Love the blueberries and the sponge circles are super cool. Also nice that you got to very much enjoy your walk. That’s the good stuff.

    1. Clever grandma. If I had a garden I would grow it, too. Tasty and very healthy! And I would like blueberries in it, too. And perhaps potatoes! Thanks for the kind words! Hope you have a great week!

    2. Blueberries! Yes. I love them.

    3. I see you are a girl after my own heart!

  34. That is a great 'piece' with chess pieces. The quote is so true in real life too. And I love the colour.
    I should know not to read your blog before dinner. I'm really salivating seeing that lovely cheesecake and the blueberry pancake and the kohlrabi soup. Yum.
    Thank you for taking me window shopping again. I love those shops (although I probably could not afford anything in it).
    Happy T-Day,
    Stay safe, stay healthy, stay home,

    1. Thanks Lisca. Isn'T it strange that we always get hungry when we see food on other blogs! Tuesdays are always really hard! Have a good week, take care!

  35. U nas też właściwie wszystko jest "na wynos" . Czekam aż ten trudny czas minie i znowu będziemy pić kawę w ulubionych kawiarenkach . Pysznie wygląda ta zupa. nigdy takiej nie jadłam. Miłego tygodnia:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna! es, one day we can drink our coffees and eat out again, and we will enjoy it all the more for missing it so long! Take care!

  36. I had to laugh at myself, I read your find a cheese not chess, so was wondering where the cheese was in your art piece🤣🤣🤣 had to go back and start again!! The weather is super changeable isn't it, much the same here. Your blueberry pancake looks wonderful. The shops look lovely decorated with Easter goodies.

    1. Too funny! I must try and find something cheesy in future. Laughter is good! Look after yourself!

  37. The windows in the shop are all darling -- I hope they will survive when all this is over. I love your piece with its brilliant colors -- so beautiful!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. I hope we will all survive and can go out and enjoy again!

  38. A gorgeous page and delicious photos Valerie! I'm missing lattes!
    Happy T-Day!
    Alison xox

    1. Thanks Alison. I'm sure you miss your lattes, I am happy to have a machine which makes them for me!

  39. A fabulous page Valerie, love the bold colours in the background for the fabulous chess stencil and I love the words you added.
    Lovely photos - the cake from the café photo looks delicious and so does your blueberry pancake. The Easter window displays look lovely, I think there will be a lot of small businesses struggling at present.
    Thank you for being our Guest Designer for this challenge and stay safe.
    Hugs, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril! I enjoyed making the page for TIOT! Have a good day and stay safe, too.

  40. Love the rich background you created. So much depth..and yummy colors.
    Happy T day!

  41. Oh I love your chess piece Valerie, the colours are amazing, I really should use this combo more often. I should also make blueberry pancakes, this looks delicious! I hope the warmer weather comes back for you soon! xx

  42. That's a wonderful piece or the "Fun with stencils" chalenge, Valerie. I love the chess pieces and the Italian proverb. Great embellishing with all those little white dots and the stitching.

    Stay safe and stay well.

    Happy T-Day! Eileen xx

  43. Always a delight to see the photos of your 'neighborhood' and what's going on. Love your stunning stenciled art work! joyful colors are something that makes me happy. Your blueberry pancake looks wonderfully yummy too. have a wonderfulweek!

  44. A super background and fantastic bright colours.
    Have a nice weekend!

  45. I love your art piece and I love the quote you used with it! Some beautiful shops you have! I do hope they all survive! Big Hugs!

  46. What a wonderful guest piece for TIOT - the background is just incredible with all those layers of colour and contrasts, and I love the elegant chess pieces.
    Alison x


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