
Wednesday 22 April 2020

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. We've had sunny weather here, which means lots of people are using their new found freedom to go out, and not all are being careful. I just hope they come to their senses before everything gets worse again.

I have been busy sewing lots of masks, and have gifted them to elderly neighbours. I heard from a lady in a neighbouring house that so many people are scared to go out without them, and there are none to get at short notice. The apothecaries all have long waiting lists, so I hope my home-made masks will tide them over for the time being. I have been using old tee-shirts and napkins to make them.

For my geometric shapes theme at AJJ I have another bright piece in my fave colours. This was actually the first piece I made, and somehow it slipped down to the bottom of the pile. The A3 page was gessoed, textured with a swirl stamp, and painted with acrylics. The circles were applied with a sponge and then I drew around them with black gelatos. I used gelatos for the zigzag lines and diamonds, too. I sewed around the edges and over the washi tape with white thread but it's not easy to see:

These were the first masks I made for myself. I kept going, and in the meantime I was able to distribute more than 20:


And some photos with lots of geometry:

This is the Hundertwasser House in Essen:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. So kind of you to make so many masks for others. Not everyone can sew well. Lovely bright geometric art and beautiful photos.

  2. Well done on the mask making and you are generous to make them for other people. I hope people are careful when they are out and about, at least you are heading for warmer weather which will help. Hundertwasser has a building in the north of the North island of New Zealand, it is a public toilet, but is am amazing building.

    1. Hundertwasser's building are all amazing, and all so happy and joyful, I love them!

  3. I love that you did that. So kind of you. We're still not going out, unless we have to for something. Great art and cool coloured pencils. They make me smile.

    1. Thanks Ivy. Stay home and stay safe!

    2. Hey Valerie! We have a booooooootiful area outside to enjoy. Love it. And lots of raised beds to build. Tim has to work five days a week out though. We are thankful he can still work. Wishing you a yummy week.

    3. Thanks Ivy. Good that you have a nice outdoor place to be. Stay safe!

  4. That is a good thing you did with the masks. Lots of people here are doing the same. I love that you change your banner and I love these big, bright, bold colors. Stay safe no matter what others do.

    1. Thanks Nicole! I think the masks are very important just now!

  5. Look at those masks. That is just wonderful that you are doing that for your neighbors. I don't sew and ended up at Etsy.
    I love that pencil fence.
    Another fun piece. You captured a lot of different geometric shapes.
    Stay safe. Stay healthy.

    1. Thanks Sandra. You stay safe and healthy too!

  6. Beautiful display and gorgeous creation, love this. Loving the photos.. Monte posed for you today and will be up on my blog my time

    1. Thanks Annie, I'm looking forward to seeing the boy!

  7. Hi Valerie oh i love your bright happy pages and boy how clever are you to make masks,well done my friend on both.
    Oh the pencils are fantastic,thankyou for sharing those beautiful pics with us Valerie xx

  8. That is extremely sweet of you to make these masks for the elderly. That goes to show what a good person you are.

    I saw the sewing on the washi tape, and I suspected I saw it on the zig zags, too. I really like this one. It is great and so colorful. You've given us lots of color this month in addition to great examples of geometric shapes. Once again, I commend you for all you have created for us this month at Art Journal Journey.

    I really liked the fence of pencils and the Hundertwasser House. Hope I spelled it right. Thanks for sharing these lovely examples of architectural geometric shapes, too.

    1. I started with the masks because I was so angry that we are all being told to wear masks but they are almost impossible to buy and then much too expensive. I am sure politicians and bank managers have no problems getting masks! And yes, there was sewing on the zigzags, too, well spotted. Enjoy your special day!

  9. Just love the vibrant colours and great shapes in your art piece. Those masks look great. I might try and make some once my shoulder settles down a bit. Have a great day. Anesha x

    1. Thanks! The masks are very easy to make and quick to wash and dry. Hope your shoulder is soon better!

  10. Sehr gut, dass du Masken verschenkst! Ingo hat gestern die erste genäht. Verrückt, dass wir hier keine kaufen können!!!

    Etcetera, wie oft denke ich das in letzter Zeit, man wird müde, alles immer wieder zu erklären...

    Au weia. Der Shortcut ist aber nicht lustig, manch einer mag ihn nehmen heutzutage.... Ansonsten schöne Serie!
    GlG, Iris

    1. Ja, es ist doof dass sie überall nicht vorhanden sind und noch überteuert sind wenn man sie bekommt. Heute werde ich wieder einige Nähen und weitergeben. Sie malen immer lustige Sprüche am Marathonweg entlang, aber bisher ist Niemand gesprungen. Aber das war vor Corrina! Dir einen schönen Tag!

  11. Great art and colors ... They make me feel fresh!
    We are not obliged to wear a mask ... but we can only limited go outside!
    I think you are happy to breathe "freely" again ... despite the mask of course!
    The pictures are beautiful ... the fence made of "colored pencils" is nice!
    Enjoy your day … I hope you won't have to be locked up in your ivory tower again!

    1. Thanks Ella. It's great to be able to go out, I very much enjoy my early morning walks along the river. I only use the mask when I walk through our little town or need to go into a shop, but it's good to have it ready in my pocket.

  12. Morning Valerie, jumping here quick before the day eats away at itself again. Fabulous journal page, those colours are definitely calling to me too. So nice of you to make extra masks, I wish the UK would make up their mind regarding the mask rules, it's an extra worry for me as I continue my care duties. Hand sanitiser is my bestest friend right now. Loving the shapes from those windows, our walks are getting greener day by day. Please take care & stay safe Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! Time seems to fly by very quickly, huh? They are no a must here, except in some shops, buses and trams etc, but I do think they help a little and perhaps remind others that we are still in a crisis! Spring is such a wonderful time. Take care!

  13. Well done making the masks and sharing them with others Valerie, you are so kind and thoughtful.
    I love your geometric journal page, the brighter colours are so uplifting, your are sharing super inspiration pieces for your AJJ theme.
    The photos all looked super and I am loving the wall shaped with large pencils.
    Stay safe and well.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! I think we all need bright and cheer colours just now. I would love a wall with pencils like those! Take care and stay safe!

  14. Kudos to you for donating the masks, Valerie. Miriam has now given away well over two hundred. If we all do what we can do to help others it makes all of society a better place. Stay well.

    1. Thanks David! Miriam has done wonders with her mask making. We all need to help each other. It's a pity that those who need help often get pushed to one side in favour of others who could and should help themselves.

  15. This page is fantastic and I am glad you found it to share. I not only like the shapes but the cool texture is has with those spirals. It makes a great header also. You have been a fantastic hostess so far this month my friend. (And at TIOT too) And cool geometric photos, but that colorful painted Tushita building caught my eye. Hope your day is going well. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! I have been having fun with this theme. The Hundertwasser house is really an eye-catcher, I love his architecture. Have a great day and stay safe!

  16. Love your masks and that you are making them for others - you have such a kind heart! So talented too. Great pages with great colors and shapes and techniques. These colors are so energetic and happy. Super pictures - love that snail!!!! Hope people will get smart too - we don't want another giant wave of all this but I think we are headed there! Hugz

    1. Thanks! I know we don't like snails in the garden, but their shells are really very pretty! And yes, let's hope people get smart.

  17. Your etcetera page reminds me of the King and I played by Yul Brynner where he says Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Made me smile. So kind of you to make masks for your elderly neighbors

    1. Thanks! Now that's a film I got to see several times as my aunties all loved it, so this time I can relate!

    2. You are so thoughtful and caring to make those wonderful masks. Thank you for caring.
      Love your bright and cheerful uplifting.
      Your photos are so magnificent... gorgeous!

      Hugs and Stay Safe🌷

    3. Thanks Jan! You look after yourself, too!

  18. Hi Val, hope your day has been good til now. I'm still enjoying the quiet while minis at my sister's. S is feeling better, not so fretful now. We had a nice walk this morning, that did us good. Your journal page is wonderful, packed with power and energy. Hope you are not feeling too sad today. Well done on making the masks for the oldies, great job! Take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Glad you've had a couple of relatively quiet days! I'm glad I got through today quite well.

  19. Love the energy in your art, and the colors. I always love your tours of where you live. Stay safe!


  20. You are a great person, you help your elderly neighbors, the masks are colorful and nice. Very beautiful photographs. I wish you much health. :)

    1. Thanks so much, Lucyna! You stay healthy, too.

  21. What a kind and generous neighbour you are Valerie, the masks look great!
    I love the colours on your page too, and great designs.
    Keep safe,
    Alison xx

  22. That snail has a mobile home. Ha.
    Again, huge kudos for you for making masks for those in need.

  23. Love the colorful page Valerie and the textured background is gorgeous! So sweet of you to make mask for you neighbors, I bet they feel safe now when they leave their homes. Great photos, the row of pencils is so fun. Take care.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! The row of pencils is a fence in front of a school. Stay safe!

  24. I tried my bandana mask yesterday, and it didn't stay up as well as I'd've liked. OK, I guess, but it didn't feel secure. We've ordered some commercial masks, and they'll eventually get here.

    I love the etc. patterns and colors. So bright :) I got a kick out of "short cut" lol I'm wanting to follow the snail to see where he goes. Such a pretty shell.

    1. Hope you soon get your masks! They always have fun texts by the marathon. The snail was on it's way to the other side of the path!

  25. I enjoyed looking at the fine details of your art. I hope people aren't too rash about reopening the city. We don't want another crisis.

  26. I love your page Valerie, just my kind of colours. It must be nice to have a bit more freedom but I'm kind of glad that we don't have here. The numbers haven't dropped enough, and I know that people will go mad once the restrictions start to be lifted. Great masks by the way! Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. I'm afraid people will just get careless again. From Monday on masks MUST be worn outside of the house, so glad I have mine ready. Take care!

  27. Lovely seeing all of your photographs.
    I especially like those pencils - so colourful.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan! Those pencils are really a lovely idea, I smile every time I pass by them!

  28. What a lovely energetic art piece! How kind of you to make masks for others. I bought some fabric, but I haven't sewn in years so I haven't made much progress... Your photos are also lovely!

  29. I did not know that you know how to sew, Valerie. Your masks are gorgeous. And I sure the neighbours will be grateful to receive them.
    Your page is absolutely amazing. Great use of the Gelatos and great inspiration for me!
    And I love the pencil fence! Hugs, my dear friend.

    1. Thanks Mia. I used to teach art and creative textile work when I was teaching. I just have problems using my fingers these days! Stay safe!

  30. Love the colors of your piece and you are wonderful to create masks for the seniors. I know they are very grateful. The pencil fence is great!

  31. Very cool post! Love your art piece, the pencils, the snail! Great post! Big Hugs!


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