
Sunday 5 April 2020

Geometric shapes -New challenge at More Mixed Media

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at More Mixed Media. as always our challenges are anything mixed media goes, with an optional colour extra, which is yellow this month. You have 4 weeks to link to us, and entries of all formats are welcome. You can also win a prize. It would be great to see you there!
This time I had to think carefully, as I needed something which would also fit my theme of geometric shapes which I am hosting at AJJ. I painted an A3 sheet with gesso, which I textured with a swirl stamp while it was still wet. Then I used yellow and orange to paint over it. The circles were added with cosmetic sponges again. I stenciled stars and numerals onto the background, and added the floating ladies. Then I doodled more spots in turquoise and white and added some strips of washi tape. One of the circles was stenciled over with a clock. I have the feeling that we are all sort of floating through time and space just now, not knowing what the outcome of this crisis will be, a sort of suspended reality alone at home. Let's hope it will soon pass! I did some sewing on 2 corners to finish it off :

And to cheer myself up I looked at some of the  bird photos taken in past spring-times on my balcony.

The magpie trying to hide:

The starling:

 The hungry woodpecker:

Blue tits:

The beautiful jay:

The magpie again:

And the ever hungry wood pigeons:

The  jay also has a very good appetite:

Some of the pics are a bit blurry as they were taken through the (not very clean) windows!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely art work Valerie and appropriate for these times. Great bird photos, looks like they were watching you, watching them!!

    1. Thanks a lot. The birds do watch me, to see if I put more food out! Stay safe!

  2. The bird pictures are wondrous. The piece is all kinds of fun.
    Stay safe. Stay healthy.

  3. Thanks for all the bird pictures, Valerie. May I point out, with great respect, that the jay is a Eurasian Jay not a Blue Jay, which is found only in North America. Stay well! David.

    1. Thanks David, yes it is a Eurasian Jay! Stay safe!

  4. Interesting birds in Germany. We don't see those here in Hawaii.

    1. Thanks. I'm sure you have wonderful birds, too!

  5. Beautiful mixed media. Enjoyed the spring photos taken safely!

  6. Nice new header again. And nice art. I spent some time studying it as you have so many interesting details. And those ladies look so happy dancing and moving through the space. It's got great energy. And nice to see your birds. Except for the starlings they aren't the same birds I have but they are the same birds. They are similar is what I should say, and it was fun to see them. Enjoy your Sunday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I wish had some energy today. It's always strange to see how different the birds are from continent to continent.

  7. Your excellent art looks as if the figures are floating.
    Love the bird photos. So pretty! I can almost hear their songs being sung 🐦

    Hugs and Keep Safe 🌷

    1. Thanks Jan, I am hearing the birds as a write this, they are always loud! Stay safe!

  8. Beauties of nature, love birds and surprised you had a photo of a magpie...thought they were only Aussie bound.
    Fabulous MM spread, awesomely bright and stunning.x

    1. Thanks Annie. We have a lot of magpies here, they are clever birds, and always hungry!

  9. beautiful page,fantastic shape,the colours are wonderful,full of life and energy.
    stay self and well.

    hugs jenny

  10. Lovely page, great bright colours. Love the bird photos as well, the cats will love to say hello to them. lol Have a good day. x

    1. Thanks Anesha! My Kitty used to love watching them from the windowsill. It was like TV for her! Stay safe!

  11. Floating in space about sums up the feelings many have just now. We seem to be on hold waiting for what will happen next. It is a fabulous page for your AJJ theme as well.
    Lovely photos of the birds, I saw a couple of blackbirds in and out our hedge yesterday, Maybe they have a home there, time will tell as the weeks progress.
    Take care, stay safe and well.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I think we all feel like this just now, it's a strange and scary situation. Hope your blackbirds are nesting, that would be nice!

  12. Very nice mixed media! Love the bird photos … the woodpecker is my favorite!
    Enjoy your "ivory tower"! Hugs!

  13. Lovely bird photos but I don't recall ever seeing a magpie trying to hide, lol. They're usually so bold and bare faced, cackling at you if you attempt to scare them.
    Love the idea of a floating, suspended reality. Not easy to depict but you did a good job of it. Lovely colour combo, too - those rich orange tones are so warm and comforting, yet strong with the red in them. Wonderful art!
    Cath x

    1. Thanks Cath! Yes, magpies are mostly cheeky, one chased my cat from the balcony once, that chutzpah for you! Stay safe!

  14. Schönes Banner!
    Und tolle Arbeit. Ich würde auch gern floaten... wie herrlich das sein muss!
    Schöne Fotos!
    GlG, Iris

    1. Danke. Ich hab 'gefloatet' im Toten Meer, war auch wunderschön.

  15. Yes, it does feel as if we are floating by these a kind of limbo state. Lovely artwork. I also love your wonderful photos of the birds beside the flowers. Very uplifting!

    1. Thanks June. A lot of people are sharing these feelings just now. Glad you like my feathered visitors, they are always amusing to watch. Stay safe!

  16. Such gorgeous colour in your art …

    Really enjoyed seeing all the birds today, thanks for all the photographs.
    Stay safe.

    All the best Jan

  17. A beautiful bright page Valerie, I love all of the circles, and the stitching.
    Gorgeous photos of the birds too.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison! Have a good week, stay safe!

  18. I really did enjoy this piece.
    YOU have a great day. Stay safe. Stay healthy.

  19. I've never seen a magpie in person. Pretty colors :) And those other birds aren't ones we ever see here. Great photos!

  20. I don't know why, but I just adore orange and turquoise together. It's so alive and vibrant. I love the theme of your piece -- it really works for me in every way -- intellectually and artistically. The birds are a welcome sight. So many delightful birds here -- I love them all.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. I love my feathered friends, too. Stay safe!

  21. Toll diese Veränderung, gefällkt mir auch wieder sher gut! Hat so was lebendiges an sich!
    Schön all die Vögel die du gesehen hast in dne letzten Jahren! Fa hast du regen Vogelbesuch bei dir auf dem Balkon und auf den Baum!
    Och wünsche dir einen guten Wochenstart und bleib gesund!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  22. Hi Val, I'm sorry I'm so late again, it was the usual chaos here. Mum is being very difficult and the kids had loud and wild day, oh my! It can only get better....Love your beautiful art, so vibrant and lively, and very meaningful just now. Love all the photos of your balcony visitors, they are all so pretty. Take care, have a good week, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Don't worry about visiting when you are so busy! It sounds bad just now. I hope you soon get help with your mum. Look after yourself, stay safe!

  23. Your Art journal page is Amazing Valerie !! Great background, love the colours, the shapes and the sentiment. Congratulations for hosting AJJ this month ! Gorgeous photographs from the birds, really lovely to see them.
    I hope you´re fine, stay at home and safe dear friend. I send you big hugsss,

  24. Beautiful page Valerie, I love the bright colors and that fabulous sentiment! Stunning photos as always, I love all of the sweet birds!
    Hugs, Tammy

  25. I love your mega page Valerie, these colours work perfectly together and your floating ladies are wonderful. Such fabulous bird photographs too, we have very hungry (and noisy) pigeons too! Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. I am always astonished how loud birds can be and how much food they can eat!

  26. I understand that floating sensation. I feel like I am watching what is happening, doing my part by staying home, and hoping that others will too and this will be over sooner. But- the lack of control and the dystopian quality to everything does make me feel like I am floating for sure.

    Birds always cheer me up. I love watching them in my backyard. Always fun to see the visitors that others get in other places. I love magpies. :)

    1. Thanks Jess. Everything is really surreal Just now.

  27. I love your floating art piece! Beautiful! Thank you for the bird photos! You made me smile! Big Hugs!

    1. So good to see you around again! Look after yourself!

  28. Me encantan tus creaciones artísticas... con tanto color como hay en los paisajes y en la naturaleza.



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