
Friday 6 March 2020

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's nearly weekend, so hope you have a good one! We've got more rain predicted, and the Rhine is already high, so thank goodness for waterproof boots and coats! I think my fingers are starting to respond to the treatment, they don't feel so bad today, so that's very good. Thanks to all who sent good wishes, much appreciated!

For Eileen's green challenge at AJJ I have another hybrid piece, put together using a hand-painted background, some strips of torn book paper, a vintage photo, and some elements from Serif. The photo shows a distant cousin of Erika, and her name was Emily, but I haven't been able to find out more about her. I placed her here in the window. The original photo was sepia, but  tried a new trick and changed the figure to green, leaving the background sepia. So I am also linking to TIOT, new technique, and to Paint Party Friday.

Here is the original photo:

This week I went on the tram to Hofgarten to visit my feathered friends. There is lots of green there, too:

Here at the Rhine the water is once again rising, a lot of the meadows are underwater, but the paths are still walkable, even if it's all rather muddy:

And our local bookshop is showing a lot of books about strong women:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely hybrid piece you created, clever how you turned the lady green but kept the background sepia. Have a great weekend. I do enjoy seeing your photos from your walk. x

    1. Thanks Anesha. I was quite pleased with myself for learning this trick!

  2. Hi Val, good evening to you! It's been a cold and grey day here, so I was pleased I didn't need to go anywhere today! Love your new piece, and how clever to turn that lady green, well done, that's a fun ideA! Great photos, as always, love the bookshop display as well as your nature pics. Have a lovely evening, look after yourself, and glad your fingers are getting a bit better! Hugs, Sarah

  3. WOW!! It is already spring for you!! We drove through much flooding here from Missouri to Florida, too! Enjoy those blooms!!

    1. Thanks Tammie. Floods seem to be 'fashionable ' just now!

  4. Lovely art and I enjoyed your spring photos. I love books on strong women!

  5. Springtime on the lake looks beautiful where you are! We're having a rare sunny day today, and it is a delight to see the return of the flowers :)

    1. Yes, the world looks so different when the sun 🌞 shines.

  6. Your art piece is stunning...WOW!
    When I look through the photos you post, I can't believe how beautiful they always are. I feel as if I am there, too.
    Rivers are beautiful but not when they leave their banks.
    Happy your hands are feeling better.

    Hugs Valerie 💮


    1. Thanks, Jan. Too true, sometimes rivers are scary!

  7. Am happy for you that help the medicine. I like how you work ... did I tell you that you have talent? Here in the polder are also many birds, tomorrow will be a sunny day, I'm going to take photos. The Rhine is also high here but not as bad as in February.
    I wish you a nice evening and a happy weekend!

    1. Thanks Ella, it will be good to have some sunshine tomorrow. Have a fun day taking photos.

  8. Gorgeous page, Valerie! Emily looks so eerie staring out of the window like a ghost. Wonderful layering and arrangement of all the digital elements.

    Thank you for joining us at Art Journal Journey with this beautiful green page. Eileen xx

    P.S. I'm glad to hear your fingers are better.

    1. Thanks Eileen. She does look like a green ghost. I will be very happy when my fingers heal!

  9. Eine sehr schöne Seite!

    tolle Foto`s!

  10. A wonderful green artwork Valerie, and lovely photos of your day out.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison! I always enjoy getting out and about.

  11. Your hybrid piece is gorgeous- and how cool to change the image to green! Love seeing spring emerging, and it's always fun to see the geese and ducks too. Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks inda. It's fun learning new tricks, too. Hugs, Valerie

  12. I do like the girl green. Great piece. Also the photos are wonderful. Have a very nice weekend.

    1. Thanks Nicole, you have a great weekend, too.

  13. You may need water wings soon, Valerie! And thanks for once again featuring Canada Geese! Yippee! Glad to hear that your fingers are feeling at least somewhat better. Must be a great relief for you. Best wishes, David.

    1. Thanks David. The geese seem to ne omnipresent just now, they have really made themselves at home here!

  14. Perfect display for International Womens Day. I have just read the Michelle Obama book, was a good read. Beautiful art work Valerie, I enjoyed your photos of the Hofgarten. The river certainly is high, great to hear your fingers are coming better.

    1. hanks a lot. I have the Michelle Obama book, but haven't started on it yet.

  15. Was für ein wunderbares Bild!!! Schön dass es wiede rbeser geht mit dne finger. Das ist immer ein toller Besuch im Hofgarten mit all den Vögeln.
    Ganz schön Wasser ist im Rhein drin.
    Ich wünsche dir ien schönes Wochenende und dass deine Finger noch besser werden.
    Lieben Gruss elke

    1. Danke Elke! Hofgarten ist immer schön, ich fahre immer sehr gerne dorthin.

  16. Hi Valerie, really awesome hybrid page-I loved both versions of it.
    Enjoyed all the photos of the Rhine-you get to see many different geese and ducks too-and your spring flowers are so far along already-things here are just "thinking about poking out of the ground haha
    Happy weekend hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. And today the sun is shining again, so I'm looking forward to gong out!

  17. Your lovely green page is getting me in the mood for St. Patrick's Day which was my father's birthday. Blooming things and green grass look so pretty around the Rhine. I hope the waters recede. It looks like you don't need more rain. Glad to hear your hands are improving. Enjoy the weekend.

    1. Thanks! I remember the Patrick's Parades from my childhood, always fun to watch.

  18. Green, am starting to love the colour of green. Great post and gorgeous photos..Have a great weekend.xx

  19. Oh wow. You have mesmerized me with your digital trickery. How incredibly clever. It's fabulous and I'm happy you learned this new technique. It's also fabulous for Eileen's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Of course, I am in love with your furry friends photos today. Your photo of the black swan is both precious and special to me. Thank you for these.

    1. That should read FEATHERED, not furry friends. DUH. I need coffee.

  20. Lovely-lovely-lovely photos, Valerie.
    I am IN LOVE with your page! Wow, my friend! It is amazing! Gorgeous scene and the green lady pops up in a stunning way! Kisses!!!!!!

  21. Very cool hybrid piece. Changing her to green changes the whole thing. It is all so pretty too. Love your pictures. I am especially drawn to the strong women in the bookshop - what a cool things to do and the aviator pieces are super interesting. Fun stuff as always!

    1. Thanks! It's fun experimenting to see how different colours change the image. The bookstore here always makes wonderful displays.

  22. Your blog pictures make me so happy.

  23. That green shade on your work is stunning!

  24. A fabulous hybrid page Valerie and a great way to use the photo. The green woman looking out really drew me into the page.
    Thank you for joining us all over at Try it on Tuesdays and Eileen's theme at AJJ.
    The photos you shared were also good to see, the water scenes looked awesome.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Glad the green woman drew you in!

  25. Yipeee, super, dass es deinen Fingern besser geht!!!

    Man kann viel in die Frau hineininterprestieren (ich bin ein bisschen spät, aber Elizabeth hat ja darauf hingewiesen: International women´s day).

    Osterglocken!!! Und ein tolles Foto durch die Brückenkonstruktion!
    Und ein Kurztrip nach Perth, dankeschön :-)

    GlG, Iris

    1. Thanks Iris. Hofgarten is cheaper than Perth!

  26. I´m so happy yourfingers are working better Valerie !! Hope you´ll recover very soon with this new treatement. I´m also fine now.
    I looove your Art journal page, it´s Wonderful, love every detail, the green is spectacular. Really great !
    Your photographs are gorgeous, love your feathered friends, and the beautiful flowers by the Rhine.
    I wish you a very nice Sunday, and send biig hugs,

    1. Thanks Caty, great to see you around again!

  27. That is a fabulous piece of art today Valerie. I just love the greenery spilling onto it. Perfect AJJ, thank you for linking up and joining us. And it is nice to see spring blooms. Our snow is almost gone and with another warm week ahead perhaps by next weekend it will be gone. Glad to hear about your fingers showing improvement. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. The spring flowers make me very happy, too! Hope the weather gets better soon at your place!

  28. Gorgeous green page and a fun technique too! It looks like spring has arrived in your part of the world with all those beautiful flowers and greenery 😁. Wow, the water level looks really high! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at Try it on Tuesday and wishing you a happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! It was fun learning to make ladies turn green! The water has risen again since this morning, and it's pouring again!

  29. Beautiful green creations Valerie!! I can see Spring has well and truly sprung in your area! I am also loving that book display!! Hope you are keeping well. Hugs

  30. wow i adore those photos so much:)

  31. This is wonderful Valerie. Emily looks like an visitor from a past time looking over the scene. I'm so glad your hands are on the mend, and hope they continue to improve. I've just seen a weather forcast - I wouldn't put your wellies away just yet! Take care, Sue xx

  32. How I love it when the beautiful Erika graces your work! The greens are wonderful. So, too, is that bookshop -- I can't resist a good bookshop!

  33. Beautiful Project. I like your spring photos.
    Thank you for joining us at Try it on Tuesday.
    Have a nice day!


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