
Tuesday 10 March 2020

Water, water everywhere - midweek post

Hi Everybody!

I would like to tell you something new, but sorry, it's still raining and the water is still rising. But the prediction is for better weather from the weekend on, so I'm hoping they've got it right this time!
My fingers are still sore, and look bad, but the cortisone is working, and I only have to take it for another 2 days now. That is good! And I am hopeful that it won't start up again after a few weeks, I need a break!

I have a new journal page for Eileen's green theme at AJJ. I used a distressed background, and added images from Mischief Circus and Serif:

 And at the moment I can only show you wet and watery pictures:

I walked through the muddy fields to this old castle, the water was not as high there:

Lots of mistletoe:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. That heronry is impressive, Valerie. I hope it is soon filled with breeding birds, and all the noise and clamour that goes with it - and that your fingers get better soon. With my very best wishes, David,

    1. Thanks David. The birds will soon be back in force!

  2. I wish there were a permanent cure for your finger pain. I hope it gets better. Your art is very nice.

  3. I am glad your fingers are getting better and that you have only 2 days left on the cortisone. Your art is beautiful. The rain is massive there. It use to be here but every year we have less rain. Have a great day.

    1. Thanks. Last year we had no rain for months and month and lots of crops and trees died. Now it just won't stop!

  4. As always your photos are beautiful. And your piece is perky, fun and colorful.
    I'm sorry those fingers are giving you fits, but glad they are a bit better.

    1. Thanks Sandra. Good to see you around again!

  5. Hi Val, love your beautiful journal page, and those splashes of green really give it pep! The photos are wonderful, and so atmospheric, love them all, even if it looks a bit creepy sometimes! Hope your poor fingers soon look and feel better! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! Those fingers MUST get better, I need them!

  6. Liebe Valerie
    Ich hoffe dass deine Finger bald wieder schmerzfreier werden. ich drücke dir die Daumen und dein Journal ist so fabelhaft Ideenreich und schön zum Thema!!!
    *wow* das sind grossartige Fotos auch wenns regnet und Hochwasser hat.
    Es soll ja wieder besser werden, bei mir regnet es auch!
    )ich wünsche dir gute Besserung und eine gute Woche!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke. Ich hoffe dass der Regen bald aufhört!

  7. I hope the fingers improve for longer, hoping it is a seasonal flare up, like the waters. Beautiful art and photos.

    1. Thanks Christine. I hope my fingers will heal when we have better weather.

  8. I'm incredibly impressed with your beautiful journal page. When my fingers hurt, I can't get my mouse to do ANYTHING I want it to. I could never make art like that and am in awe of you doing this, even with your fingers the way they are. I really, really hope this latest round of cortizone has helped and given you the much needed relief you need and desire. This is an amazing journal page and another great entry for Eileen's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Goodness. You have far more water than we have. Every photo shows how the Rhine is out of its banks and the fields are filled with water. Even that creek is overflowing. Please, please stay safe on your walks, dear.

    1. Thanks E, glad you like it. And yes, we really have a lot of water!

  9. Beautiful journal page. Love see your photos. Hope that the water goes down soon. Take care and hope the fingers get better soon. x

  10. U nas też mokro i szaro. Piękne są Twoje prace oglądam je i zachwycam się . Piękne fotografie. Życzę powrotu do zdrowia:)

    1. Yes, it seems to be wet and cold all over Europe just now. Thanks for your kind comments, they are much appreciated!

  11. I'm so glad to hear your finger are finally healing, Valerie!

    Wonderful page with a touch of green. Thank you for sharing it at Art Journal Journey for my Green theme.

    Boy, the river is getting high. Has there been flooding?

    1. Yes, the surrounding fields and meadows are all under water.

  12. Yes, here in the UK it is also very wet!
    We ventured out for a walk but kept to the paths and avoided muddy trails.

    Hoping your fingers heal soon for you.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    PS I enjoyed your photographs.

    1. Thanks Jan. It's sometimes hard to avoid muddy paths here, but it is as it is!

  13. Nice art work Valerie, you sure have had a lot of rain. So much water everywhere.

    1. I hope we remember it when we have no rain in the hot, summer months!

  14. Gorgeous page, I love all of the photos you used with the pop of green! Beautiful photographs too, I love that old castle.
    Tammy x

    1. Thanks Tammy, the castle is indeed beautiful.

  15. I'm glad you're near the end of the cortisone. Still no fun, but hopefully all will be better soon. The water photos are very dramatic.

    1. Thanks. It does all look dramatic, I just hope it soon dries out!

  16. Oh I like that vintage page Valerie. That green really pops too. Thanks for linking up to AJJ and Eileen's green challenge. And glad to hear the fingers are improving, but the water situation is looking more like a lake. I hope the sun comes out soon. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. It really looks like a series of lakes. doesn't it!?

  17. Gosh water is everywhere but what gorgeous photos, lovely...Your fabulous splash of green is very uplifting as well on your fabulous
    Monte sending big sloppy lick...eeeek...

    1. Thanks Annie, the sloppy lick is much appreciated, give him a hug from me!

  18. Good luck with your fingers. Reminds me of my cortisone journey, not funny.
    I like that page and I just realize I skipped language again.
    Hoffentlich geht das Wasser zurück ohne großen Schaden anzurichten!
    Das Leben ist ein Abenteuer, aber nicht so eins, hoffentlich. GlG und einen schönen Tag dir, Iris.

    1. Danke Iris. Irgendwann geht das wasser wieder weg, und dann ist alles wieder grün!

  19. this vintage artcraft is so amazing:)

  20. Oh my you do have a lot of standing water, the photos however did show it so well and were beautiful. Be careful when you are out walking.
    Your journal page is fantastic Valerie and I am happy you have linked it to Eileen's theme at Art Journal Journey. A;l the images you used work so well together.
    I hope your hands and fingers are feeling better and I hope you don't need any more treatment for a long while.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Last tablet tomorrow, that makes me happy. Hope you are keeping well!

  21. I hope you´ll feel better very soon dear Valerie, without pain.I have to say that your Art journal page is absolutelly Gorgeous, I love your creativity, that´s fantastic !!
    You´ve got a lot of water, , yes, too much, but, personally, I think the river is fabulous, wish have a river like yours here.
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, and I send you biig hugs,

    1. Thanks Caty. It is too much water but it does look pretty. Biiiiig hugs Back!💖💖💖

  22. How do u take such beautiful photographs!

  23. Oh I love your journal page Valerie, so creative! You sure do have a lot of water, maybe we'll have a Summer without a shortage for once! I'm glad your fingers are on the mend, but probably not as happy as you are! Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue! I'm sure we will sooner or later have the net water shortage!

  24. A super page and great photos Valerie!
    I hope your fingers are better now, and you get some dry weather soon.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, my fingers are slowly getting better.

  25. Such a mess having your fingers so sore, hope this set of injections helps. It's just not fair when you love your art so much, it must make producing it so much more difficult. Not that one would know from this beautiful page you have shown us. I just love the way you have introduced that lime green. So very very effective. Great composition and I do like how each individual part of the picture links to another. Good thinking there.
    Here's hoping the weather is improving as are your fingers.
    Take care - Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. The weather should be improving from the weekend, and it hasn't yet rained today - I'm staying hopeful!

  26. Lots of rain here in Alabama too - so glad you got out in it and took all your awesome pictures. Super cool green vintage-y creation too. Life is a grand adventure - we just don't always see it in that light. I really love the bright green utensils. Fun stuff here! TFS!

    1. Thanks. I think it's better to see life as an adventure and not as a drama!

  27. I'm glad the cortisone is working for you and hope your hands are healthy soon. So much rain! Our farmers are having a hard time :( I love your sky and water photos. Mistletoe doesn't grow here, and I had no idea it grew in such large amounts like that. Wow!

  28. I've never seen so much mistletoe in my life! It looks like you painted it in the trees ~ sending you healthy wishes ~

    1. There is a lot of mistletoe here, pity it's always too high up for me to pick it!

  29. I'm late catching up, so by now you should be off the cortisone - at least for a while, and hopefully for good. I love the collaged images on your page - they remind me of an Agatha Christie mystery - that period of such glamour and style (as long as you were one of the idle rich, of course!). I started weaving stories in my head about a murder on the golf course (she did write at least one of those), and the woman at the bottom left in mourning, and the mysterious danger stranger arriving in the top corner to reveal some dark secrets... but maybe that's just me!!

    Glorious atmospheric photos - it may be a bore enduring all that rainfall, but it certainly makes for some beautiful, eerie landscapes. Love the mistletoe bundles too - amazing!
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. Yes, I'm off cortisone now, and hope it can stay this way. I love putting pages together using disparate images. I once did a series of journal pages with Agatha Christie quotes, but most people didn't recognise them - I think other things are in fashion. I think it was 'why didn't they ask Evans' on the golf course?


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