
Tuesday 24 March 2020

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Welcome to my ivory tower where I am trying to enjoy my splendid isolation. I have been reading a lot, but didn't get round to any housew**k today, it can wait. There will be time enough, I fear.... The sun is shining, and we had a wonderful sunrise again, I don't mind being woken up for such lovely sights. Nathalie, bless her, did my shopping today at Aldi. She had to wait a long time, only 5 people can enter at any given time, and many shelves were bare. Still, I am now stocked up for the next week with lots of good things, including some delicious and rather unhealthy ones which I don't normally buy, yummy!

For Tag Tuesday, Michele's challenge of bunnies and butterflies, I made a small tag using a remnant of hand marbled paper made some time back. The other bits and bobs are from my stash. I am also linking to Mia's Craftlandia challenge, pink/blue:

And I have one more piece for Eileen's 'green' challenge at AJJ. I used a painted and textured background and my digitally altered and cut out leaves:

The last shadow in the foreground is Nathalie patiently (?) waiting to get into the store:

 We had a wonderful sunrise:

And these are the last photos from my last walk outside, taken with my phone in the fields behind the house:

The lake is just round the corner here:

The sheep on the meadow:

This is a biotope, there are lots of frogs there:

Have a great day, take care and stay safe!
And thanks, as always, for coming by!


  1. I love your header and tags!
    Natalie is certainly a blessing and a good friend.
    The photos are very serene.
    Stay safe. Stay healthy.

  2. Hi Val, glad I got here more quickly this time! Lovely post, great tag and a wonderful journal page! S likes the bunny best! I love the photos, too, it looks so pretty. Take care, hugs, Sarah

  3. Beautiful tag, love your background. Glad you got your supplies for anohter week.

  4. Bunnies and butterflies is both beautiful and precious.
    Nathalie is a very sweet and considerate friend.
    Your photos are always pieces of gorgeous!
    Stay safe and keep creating you talented lady 💮

    Hugs ❤

    1. Thanks Jan. It's good to have friends who care and help. Stay safe!

  5. thank you for those stunning photos;)

  6. A lovely tag Valerie, that bunny is so cute.
    I'm pleased that you are stocked up for the next week, thanks to Natalie, She is such a good friend. You had a lovely day for your last walk and the photos look gorgeous.
    Stay safe, Hugs, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril. Look after yourself and stay safe!

  7. Lovely art. The background is magnificent. We have been locked down for quite some time now. We did go grocery shopping last Sunday and it was awful. People all going in at once and no one keeping any kind of distance. Of course I wear a mask and gloves as does my husband. Your green theme is stunning as well. Keep safe.

    1. Thanks Nicole. Some people never learn, same here! Stay safe!

  8. Hand marbled paper? Oh Valerie, you are a genius! I LLLLLLOVE your gorgeous tag!!! And THANK YOU so much for joining Craftlandia Challenge, my dear friend.
    Your digital page is really great. I love the bright colours you used. And, of course, I am in love with your sunrises and the sheep!!!!!!
    As for the supermarket, patience, sweetie. This will pass too. Kisses!!!

    1. Thanks Sweetie 💖 Everything will pass sooner or later! Stay safe!

  9. Great artwork Valerie, those leaves are wonderful and the bunnnies are so sweet! The world has gone mad at the moment hasn't it. We're not allowed out anymore except to shop or exercise once a day, at this rate I'll have to do some housework too! Take care and stay safe, Sue x

    1. Yes, the world has gone crazy. And that we have to resort to doing housew**k to pass the time - a catastrophe!😁😁😁

  10. Gorgeous tag and page Valerie, I love how colorful the backgrounds are! Glad your stocked up for a week, what a great friend Nathalie is. Beautiful photos too, the sunrise is stunning! Take care and stay safe!
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. I need things that are colourful just now! Yes, Nathalie is a good friend!

  11. Thanks for your sharing !!!
    I hope you are fine,
    stay safe!

  12. So pleased that Nathalie managed to get your shopping.
    Lovely art and wonderful photographs here in your post.

    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  13. Wonderful Nathalie was able to get your shopping. Always enjoy the sound of frogs.
    Keep safe Valerie.

    1. Thanks. I love standing there by the biotope and listening to frogs and ducks.

  14. Nathalie is an angel! Beautiful art and photos today Valerie. Glad you are staying safe.

  15. What an incredible tag. I like that you shared it at two challenges. I love both butterflies and bunnies. I was also impressed that you used both pink and blue for Mia's challenge. I'm hoping to join either Tag Tuesday or Mia this fortnight, but I can't seem to want to get my act together. Somehow I have zero ambition.

    Nathalie is a gem. I'm so happy she is in your life. Glad she is there to help. I was surprised your Aldi looks much like mine. They had nothing on my list the day I went. I'm going to make do, though.

    Lovely sunrise shots and great shots of the fields and flowers. Please, please stay safe and well, dear.

    LOVE that you also joined us at Art Journal Journey, too. I love those leaves and the sentiment, too. Thanks for sharing with us using Eileen's green theme.

    1. Thanks E! Nathalie is really a gem, that's true. Stay safe! Aldi and IKEA stores look the same everywhere!

  16. Süßes Tag :-)
    Und solche Blätter hatten wir in unserer vorherigen Wohnung im Bad an der Wand - schön!
    Ach herrjeh, wie lange soll das noch gehen. Bei REWE war noch viel in den Regalen, bei dm schon weniger.
    Aber was bringt es nur 5 Leute reinzulassen, wenn die Leute draußen so dicht stehen? Wir haben doch jetzt den "Mindestabstand"!

    Schöne Fotos! GlG, auf dass bald alles wieder normal ist (ha-ha).

    1. Danke. Aber, Iris - was ist normal??? Bleib gesund und munter!

  17. Great post and love the flower photos...xx

  18. Beautiful, the bunny is so cute!

  19. A lovely post Valerie, the bunny and butterfly tags are a springtime delight to see. I also love the fantastic journal page you have linked to Eileen's AJJ theme.
    Nathalie is a good friend. it is difficult to shop and get out with all these restrictions in place its a blessing that you have someone who will help in anyway they can.
    Look after yourself and stay well.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Yes, it is a blessing to have someone to help. You look after yourself, too!

  20. Look at the blue on the branches of that last pic. Gorgeous.
    Still loving that header.
    Hope your hands are having a good day.
    Stay safe and healthy.

    1. Thanks Sseetie! My fingers are unhappy with the cold weather!

  21. I love your leaf page and bunny tag Valerie! I am now confined to the house due to my immunosuppressant drugs. Thank goodness for my art and my garden.
    Lovely photos, enjoy those treats,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. Art, flowers and sunshine all help!

  22. Beautiful photos! We are doing ok with our isolation here in the country. I was lucky enough to having starting stocking up before the big rush hit. Just a feeling I had that we should and over the years I've learned to listen to those feelings, In a few days I"ll have to go out for fresh fruits & veggies if I can find them and milk. Hopefully it will just be an in and out with minimal contact.

  23. Those sunrises are worth getting up in the morning for. I love the blues and greens in your art. And so grateful Nathalie is taking care of you, getting your food. We're in for sure till 4/13 and me probably longer acc. to the doc, so it's lovely to see your blooms, especially since it's still too early here.

    1. I never mind getting up early to see the sunrise. Yes, we need patience till we can go out again. Take ❤!

  24. We call those leaves in your art piece Monstera. We have giant monstera plants in our back yard, which are spreading outwards. They are really pretty.

    1. They have the same name here but are indoor plants. I like them, too!

  25. Thank goodness for Nathalie. What would we do without good friends like her. Love your tag and the turn a new green leaf page.

    Thank you for sharing it at Art Journal Journey and for all your support of my theme this month, especially with the special challenges on your plate.

    Stay safe and well, dear friend.

    Eileen xx

    1. Thanks Eileen! It's always good to have friends, but especially at scary times like these. Stay safe!

  26. Hello Valerie, lovely to catch up with you again. Your header is sweet. How supportive of Nathalie to wait in the queue like that to buy your groceries... its these strange times that others' kindnesses are magnified aren't they.
    Your cute little bunny and butterly are a delight as are your sunrise photos.
    Beautiful scenery on your walk. All the very best to you Valerie and to use your same words, this all will pass. Hugs xx

    1. Thanks Sue! Yes, at times like this, kindness means even more. Stay safe, better times will come!

  27. i love this darling bunny! stay safe and healthy -- we will get through these challenging times! xo

  28. Such beautiful artwork Valerie and lovely photos too. Hope you can still see the outside from your balcony at least. Glad to hear you have someone to help with the shopping too.
    Stay safe and well.
    Fliss xx

    1. Thanks Fliss. Take care and stay safe, hugs, Valerie

  29. Trader Joe's here in the US sounds like they have a similar shopping policy now. I was really impressed and felt better shopping there. And nice new tag and journal page for AJJ. Thanks again for joining us so much this month. And I do enjoy seeing the spring photos. One day it might arrive here in New Hampshire. Glad to hear you are healthy and not going too too stir crazy. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks. It's good that some places are really doing a lot now. I hope spring comes to you soon!

  30. Hi Valerie, Such lovely art and beautiful serene scenes - love your cute little bunny and butterfly cut outs... take care - stay healthy.

  31. Kudos to Nathalie. Despite appearances to the contrary sometimes the world has many wonderful people. Stay strong, Valerie. This too shall pass.

  32. It is such a shame we cannot go out and about with this early sunshine but at least some of us can enjoy our gardens and sit in them. Thanks for sharing the photos from your last walk, such beautiful pictures, I bet you are missing getting out as much.
    The marble paper you have used on your tag is just gorgeous. So rich and vibrant in colour in stark contrast to the bunny (love his tail) and butterfly. Lovely rich colours too on your green piece for the AJJ challenge, you certainly know how to make those colours so beautiful.
    I love your new blog header, what a surprise it was to see it this morning, I hope I have not just woken up to something that has been their a short time.
    Take care and stay well, keep creating and enjoy the little luxuries your own personal shopper brings for you.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! Being creative does us all good just now. Stay safe and well! Hugs, Valerie

  33. so lovely that sheep!! :))

  34. Beautiful tag! So fun - we need more fun these days. I may spend this whole week just creating super fun things and not focus on anything serious. Sorry I am late visiting. I didn't want to miss your post though. Your pictures and creations are always a delight and help me feel connected to the world. Thanks!

  35. This is a great composition, lovely.

  36. Terrific tag & I love the pussy willows ~ How fun to have a place on your walk to see frogs and sheep ~ I walk by some ditches this time of year and love when my approach startles the frogs into jumping in the water ~ the splash makes me smile! Maybe I can try and get a picture for next Tuesday since I can still get out to walk anyway. I'm glad you got food supplies, I've been consuming more treats too ~ whatever it takes! ~ Blessings

    1. Thanks. I love listening to the frogs. If treats help us get through these bad times - so be it!


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