
Tuesday 3 March 2020

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

I'm happy to say we had an almost dry day today, with some sun and blue skies in between cloudy phases. Last night it rained very heavily again. The Rhine is very full, almost up to the footpath again, with lots of standing water on the fields. I hope it will go down again, as the repeated high water puts a lot of pressure on the embankments which keep us all safe. Tomorrow is supposed to be dry, but we have heavy rains predicted again for Thursday. At least the geese, ducks and gulls are having a whale of a time.

Since last week the fingers of my right hand have been getting bad again, so I am once again having to take huge doses of cortisone. This is the fourth course this year, and I don't like it, but I need to get rid of the necrosis and all of the open spots on my fingers. So, I'm trying to keep positive and hoping for the best as always!

Today I have a hybrid page to share. The background was hand-painted, splashed and dripped. The figures are hand-carved stamps which I magicked into my graphic programme and changed to die cuts, which were digitally cut out and placed onto the background. The quote is from Martin Luther King. The stitching was added with a digital airbrush. I am linking to Eileen's green challenge at AJJ:

Some pictures of my first walk this morning:

The violets were nestling at the side of the path:

There are always lots of horses and riders out and about:

Light and shadow:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good evening Val! Sorry to hear that your fingers are so bad again, I know you hate those tablets, but I'm sure you'll stick with them as you know how important it is to get your fingers working again. Love the colourful journal page, and the photos are beautiful. Hope the Rhine doesn't rise much more. Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! I will definitely stick to the tablets as long as necessary!

  2. So sorry to hear about your fingers, I wish there was more they could do. Beautiful art and photos today.

  3. I know what you mean about the cortisone, Valerie. I've had to deal with it in the past too and I hate it but boy, it is a miracle drug. I hope it works its magic soon. And if that doesn't lift your spirits, your spring certainly must. I know it lifts mine!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. I am so looking forward to real spring, but the first signs are lovely already!

  4. Disfrutando de sus entradas con esta bellas imágenes Saludos

  5. I find it distressing, Valerie, to read of these ongoing problems with your fingers, and I am sure it must be depressing for you. It is amazing that you are able to continue to produce wonderful crafts under such conditions of adversity. Best regards, David.

    1. Thanks David. I need to just keep going, that's my best treatment!

  6. You are SO brave to create as much art as you do given your current condition. I wish there was something I could do, other than offer encouragement.

    Your journal page is amazing. I know I'm missing out on a lot by not creating digital art, but you have truly mastered it brilliantly. You truly put a lot into this entry for Eileen's theme at Art Journal Journey. Thank you (and your fingers) for this lovely work of art.

  7. Loving your fabulously bright post here, amazing digital work too..
    Pretty photos.xx

  8. Neues Banner :-)
    Ich bin so langweilig, aber die Erinnerungen an The Little Giant Girl sind zu gut um das Design zu ändern...
    Ergo: Schön die Abwechslung hier zu sehen!

    Ach nein!!!! Anderen Arzt probieren? Mit meinem Knöchel war ich bei 11 Ärzten und der letzte hatte die Lösung.
    Ach, so ein Mist. "Gute Besserung" klingt jetzt echt doof, aber ich wünsche sie dir.

    Gute Quote. Schade, dass es noch nicht wahr ist...
    Ja. Das ist verdammt viel Wasser. Aber die Blüten, sooo schön!

    GlG und... auf dass es eine baldige Lösung für deine Finger gibt!!!

  9. Ein wunderschönes Spruch und grossartig das Journal!!!
    Was für wunderschöne Fotos wie bei dir die Bäume schon blühen.
    Das ist wieder schlecht mit deinen Fingern hoffentlich schlägt die Medi gleich an wieder. Gute Besserung dir und einen guten Tag, bei mir ist es heute auch wieder bewölkt! Das Regenwetter und die Feuchtigkeit dauernd dabei ist, die Sonne kann das alles nich tmehr trocknen und schlecht für die Gesundheit!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke. Das Regenwetter ist wirklich deprimierend und macht krank. Ich wünsche Dir Sonne! Die Sonne im Herzen hast Du schon!

  10. Oh my Gosh! you also have cortisone ... I got it Monday for my chronic Fatigue Syndrome and I was so sick yesterday ..... Don't know that I was sick of this medicine or something else ... Today a little bit is going better with me!
    I love your page and your creativity!
    Yesterday was also a nice day here ... I hope the nice weather will stay here for awhile ..
    Have a great Wednesday, Valerie!
    Hugs! 🤗

    1. Thanks Ella. Cortisone helps, but has a lot of nasty side effects, hope it helps you soon!

  11. Love your art work, so vibrant! Sorry to hear about your hand. Hope you get another lovely day. x

  12. Sorry that the fingers are still causing you problems Valerie and good that you do not give in and still manage to create your wonderful art.
    The page looks fabulous and i am so pleased to see you linked to Eileen's AJJ theme.
    Super photos, and good to see the springtime blooms starting to show their faces for us.
    Take care
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne.Sooner or later it has to get better! Hope all is well with you!

    2. It is hard to believe we can go to the moon, but still not all get along. It is scary actually that we can be so smart and so dumb at the same time. Hope your pain gets better soon! Your creation is amazing and has totally set me to thinking. Love the colors and the silhouette. Of course, I love your local pictures too - so much going on and you do them so well!

    3. This is so true Nancy. It seems so hard for some people just to be normal and friendly and to accept others as they are.

  13. I really like all of these photos! And wow, blue skies?? I haven't seen them in Wales for a while and I miss them a lot haha. The artwork is beautiful - I hope that your fingers start feeling better. With the warmer weather, do you think that will help?

    1. Thanks Amy, I'm always happy when we have blue skies! I am sure warmer weather will help!

  14. A wonderful page and a quote that more folks should take heed of!
    Lovely photos and there is a lot of water about, but it's nice to see the Spring colours emerging. Hope your fingers improve with the next round of Cortisone.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril. It's so good to see that spring is coming nearer!

  15. Beautiful early Spring on your photos, so pretty!

  16. The violets are precious and they make the rising waters look less ominous. Handmade stamp?! very cool ~ I hope your hand improves soon. Thanks for taking time to see and photograph the light and shadows ~Beautiful!

    1. Thanks. It was such a joy to see those little violets!

  17. I hope the treatments help. Sore fingers don't seem to hinder your artwork.My, the Rhine looks more like a lake! I hope the waters recede and the next batch of rain doesn't drown the little violets. Enjoy your day!

    1. Yes, it really looks like a lake, my thoughts exactly. But it's not yet dangerously high, so there's hope.

  18. Sorry to hear about your fingers. I've been having chronic hives for too long now and I know the frustration when your body stops working they way you want and need it to. Hope the cortisone helps. And I love the body piece. It is super and perfect for Eileen's challenge. Thanks so much for joining us at AJJ. And wow, you have what here would be May weather. Gorgeous and gives me hope of spring. Of course but my spring it will probably be like summer in Germany. Happy Wednesday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I hope you soon have your hives under control, too. The weather is nice today, too, but from tomorrow we have been promised lots of rain again!

  19. Good morning (here in the states) So sorry to read you are back on the cortizone-hope this time your hand will heal completely
    Great art-as always, and I enjoyed all the photos-the violets made me smile as we had loads of them at the woods house. I spotted a few here at the lake house-they are great to make healing salves with.
    I can see you are close to flooding again-stay safe hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. Violets are always so pretty, I have a violet soap, too, it's beautiful.

  20. Your artwork is thought-provoking, and a teensy bit sad. We humans have so much more to learn.

    The pics are great, as always. Looks like you've had as much rain as we have. The sun almost peeked out from behind the dark clouds yesterday, but it's back to raining again today. My raincoat and boots sure have gotten a lot of use the past couple of months. Here's to sunny skies!

    1. Thanks. We still have a lot to learn, that's true. And my boots and raincoat have been used so much this year!

  21. Piękne są twoje fotografie choc rzeka wygląda groźnie. Życzę szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia.
    Miłego dnia:)

  22. Thanks Lucyna. The river is sometimes scary, that's true, but we have to live with it.

  23. Beautiful and thoughtful green page, Valerie. Thank you for joining us at Art Journal Journey. I pray this course of cortisone will be successful. You have a terrific attitude and that you find ways to keep creating your wonderful art is inspiring. Eileen xx.

    1. Thanks Eileen. I, too, am hoping that the cortisone will help.

  24. It looks so wet! It feels like we're all having more rain than usual. The sweet violets and those spring-flowering trees are lovely :) I try to take your message in your art to heart as I go through my life. Getting along -online especially- through it all is important.

    I trust your doctor will be able to get these issues with your fingers under control.

    1. Thanks a lot! Getting along with others is not always easy, but definitely better than fighting!

  25. Wonderful photos and art Valerie! I love the Martin Luther King quote...if only!
    Alison xx

  26. I never heard of your type of finger pain before until I read this post. I truly hope there is a permanent cure or remedy for your condition. Meanwhile, aloha from Hawaii.

  27. I am sorry to hear your fingers are bad again, I hooemthis course of treatment will be successful. Shame we as a human race can't learn to get along with each other. You have some beautiful blue skies in your photos, lovely to see the violets,they are flowers that have special memories for me. Hope the Rhine is contained.

    1. Thanks for the good wishes. It is really sad that the human race has problems getting along with one another. Violets are special for me, too, they remind me of a very dear aunt.

  28. Hello Valerie. It feels so nice to visit you again.
    I am very sorry to hear that you are having pain again.
    I do hope e that you will feel better soon.
    Beautiful art as always with a lovely quote.
    Gorgeous photos as only you can capture!
    Flooding is a scary thing.
    Take care talented lady 💮

  29. Sorry to hear about your hand, Valerie. I hope it gets better soon.
    Your page is very nice and wow, so many skills used to create it. I really like that photo of the sky with the pink spots and your "light & shadow" photos.

  30. Oh no, I'm so sorry that your fingers are bad again - just when you thought they were getting better! I love your piece today - even if I don't have a clue how you've made it lol. That quote is so true sadly. Take care and I hope your fingers improve, Sue xx

    1. Yes, things don't always work out as we hope!

  31. I do hope your nice weather is continuing. We have lovely sunshine today after a completely foul week of rain, wind and endless greyness. Some wonderful photos here as ever, but the close-up of the blossom is a complete showstopper - stunning! I'm so very sorry and sad to hear that your fingers have been worse again - I understand your reluctance over the cortisone, but I really hope that it can help.

    The silhouettes look amazing against the fabulous background in your painting. Those colours are so intense. The words, as Sue says, are sad but true - a really powerful piece altogether.
    Alison x

  32. So sorry to hear about your fingers, I hope you aren't in too much pain and that it's sorted again soon 😁. I'm loving your hybrid page and the way the background colours have blended! The water levels are so high, we've had sunny days here which is very welcome after the storms! Have a great day! Hugs, Jo x


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