
Saturday 1 February 2020

Weekend Post and 2nd on the 2nd on the 1st

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a good weekend. We have extremely mild and springlike temperatures here, but have been promised more or less non stop rain over the whole weekend - time for brolly, boots and raincoat!

For Tag Tuesday I have another tag for Wendy's black, white and red challenge. I made a hybrid tag using elements from Serif and a photo of me as a baby :

For Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd I have some faces to share from 2015:

Today it was rather grey most of the day, but dry enough to enjoy walking:

I was happy to see the first crocuses by the Rhine:

The daffodils are almost ready:

The snowdrops are still a joy to see:

On Wednesday the weather was very changeable and we were treated to sun, rain, dark-clouds, hail-stones and rainbows in quick succession:

Thanks to all who sent well wishes for my fingers. The necrotic, black patches are slowly healing, and we have started to reduce the amount of cortisone. I still have to take my 'candies' every day, but am hopeful that it will soon get less. These are my morning candies, but I get more for lunch and tea!

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh my Valerie, i'm surprised you have room for meals with that amount of tablets, how generous to have them three times a day BUT.. if they are doing what we all hope they are and getting those fingers working they are worth every mouthful.
    You red, white and black tag is magnificent so special to have you as the focal today, such a cutie and just look at all those shared faces *sigh* all so different but beautifully formed.
    Wishing you a not too wet weekend, please remember the brolly :)
    Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, those 'candies' save on food bills!

  2. That is a gorgeous tag. I love how you framed yourself and used that clothespin image. And it is also nice to see those pieces. I remember them and they are just as enjoyable time number 2. And seeing we still have some snow on the ground,it is great to see green grass and spring bulbs already growing. At this rate you will have summer flowers by May. Happy February Valerie. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks! Last year in May it got so hot that the summer flowers all died off! But I love seeing the first signs of spring!

  3. Your tag is beautiful and I love all the faces for the second look. We are having similar weather here-ups and downs in temperatures-but our weekend will be rain free and like spring-Hubs may even go fishing off the dock.
    I enjoy all of your photos, wow your spring flowers are really popping up early. Happy second on the 2nd, and Happy new month too-hugs Kathy

  4. Beautiful tag and the faces are something I really love....looks like you have a bottle full of pills to take...lot there.xx

  5. Thank goodness for the healing however slow. Cute baby you were and your faces are lovely. I love spring flowers and those snowdrops are so tiny, I would miss them if I've ever seen them!

    1. Thanks Christine! Snowdrops are tiny, but beautiful!

  6. That tag is incredible. I love how you framed your beautiful face and the digital clothes pin. This is fascinating.

    I remember those beautiful faces. They are just as impressive and stunning the second time around. I'm delighted that you chose to bring them back again for your second look on the 2nd.

    I loved the walk you took and the view of the rusty sculpture when you showed the snowdrops. That was my favorite shot of the day.

    Glad your fingers are getting better. I am sure those pills must cost a fortune, so I hope they make you better soon, dear friend. Sounds encouraging, at least.

    1. Thanks, rust and snowdrops are a great combi. I'm glad my insurance pays for the pills!

  7. I love your tag, cute baby photo. Your ladies are fantastic. Hope your meds get reduced soon. Hugs Anesha

    1. Thanks Anesha. From today the meds get reduced....

  8. Liebe Valerie,
    Deine Frau ist grossartig und fanastievoll gestaltet. Sie ist wunderschön und die vershceidenen Arten vom Hintergründe super. Das tag mit der kleinen Dame ist so goldig ach herrlich an zuschauen!
    Deine Fotos mit Regenbogen und Sonne mit Wolken und die Blumen so schön... deine Tablettenmenge sind sehr viel nur gut dass du sie reduziert bekommst ab jetzt und dass es besser wird. Jeder hat sein Mist ich mit den Beinen udn du dass aber du lässt dich nciht unterkriegen so wie ich auch das finde ich so toll!
    Schönes Wochenende wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  9. Ja, ich Doofie bin mit Mütze losgegangen - viel zu warm draußen!
    Oh, süßes Foto! Tolles Tag - auch wie das Blütenblatt hinausragt.
    Zeit, oh, ja, oder oh jeh... Schöne Arbeiten sind das.
    Krokusse, jetzt schon?!
    Der Rhein hat wohl gut Wasser?
    Ach, du weia. Candies ist das richtige Wort für die bitteren Pillen!
    Auf dass sie weiterhin (schnell(er)) wirken, GlG, Iris

    1. Danke. Hier auch warm und nass. Der Rhein ist noch nicht zu voll, kann aber schnell passieren wenn zu viel Regen und Schmelzwasser kommt!


  10. Beautiful works and photographs. Hope you get well soon:)

  11. Lovely artwork and great photos. Your necrotic, black patches on your fingers doesn't sound good at all: I didn't realize that was part of your injuries. I hope that heals 100%.

    1. Thanks Anne. It's not pleasant and very painful so I hope the meds will get rid of the symptoms soon.

  12. I've always liked black, white, and red together, and I do like what you did with it in your art. Your spring flowers are an encouraging sight :) Thank goodness for modern medicine!

    1. Yes, I am very thankful for our medicinal possibilities

  13. Gorgeous art Valerie, your baby pic is adorable! Great photos too, I spotted lots of spring flowers today on my walk 😊
    Hope the tablets do their job well, and your fingers are better soon.
    Alison xx

  14. It's hard to choose because I like all of them :)
    I hope you get better soon..

  15. Beautiful tag and faces. It's great to see the beginning of the Spring flowers in the garden. Your pile of pills looks a bit like mine, hope your hands feel better,
    Hugs Wendy

    1. Thanks Wendy. The older we get the more we need😁😁

  16. Du warst aber ein süßes Baby, schön dein Tag mit dem Foto. Deine Gesichterbilder gefallen mir alle sehr. Schön zu sehen, daß bei dir schon die ersten Blümchen sprießen.
    Hoffe du kannst den Candy-Cocktail bald verringern und es geht dir besser.
    Liebe Grüße

  17. Danke, damals war ich süß, heute nicht mez so!😇

  18. What a darling baby you were, so blond and sweet! It's a darling tag -- I love it!

    I'm glad you are able to begin reducing the cortisone. I hate taking that but when I have to, it does help. I hope they continue to be effective and you can gradually turn your "candies" into the sweet, fun kind!

  19. Se ve estupendo todo! 👌👌👌 Espero tu opinión en mi reciente entrada! Feliz noche! 💓💓💓

  20. Lovely photos and beautiful art pieces. Its good to see the spring flowers showing, signs of spring coming i think.
    That is quite a pile of candies you have to take, I hope they are beginning to work for you.
    Have a good rest of the weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  21. Beautiful art work and photos Valerie, your weather sounds like ours, four seasons in one day!! Lovely to see the spring flowers coming through. Also good to hear your fingers are healing.

    1. Thanks, and sometimes it feels like 4 seasons in one hour!

  22. Hi Val! Gorgeous post, as always, love your works old and new, always wonderful. We just got back home, sorry I couldn't write yesterday, you know what was going on! Look after yourself and have a great day, hugs, Sarah

  23. Hi Val! Awesome post. And I would love to visit where you are. It looks so good from your photos!

  24. Your posts are so full of life !

  25. Such beautiful artwork. I know I am in winter here and spring will be next- but your woman with the fall colors is my favorite. I have always thought being a woodland fairy would be fun- and she makes me think of the woods in the fall.

    Beautiful pictures. Can't believe all the flowers popping up. Our winter has been milder than most here- but it looks like there is snow in the forecast this week! Hopefully it doesn't get too cold. :) Have a lovely week!

    1. Thanks Jess! It#s been a crazy winter here, all seasons present. Just now it's a wet spring, from Tuesday we've got Polar air coming our way....

  26. Glad to hear your fingers are getting better! Your tag is gorgeous and I'm loving the journal pages, the faces look amazing 😀. It's been sunny today so I did some gardening and found a big clump of purple crocus all in flower, so pretty! Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos. Sending you healing wishes! Happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. Nothing like the first spring flowers!

  27. Stunning creations Valerie!! The tag really pops in those colours. That was a great challenge! Loving all your amazing artwork today! While out walking we spotted some snowdrops and tulips! Lovely to see. Oh my word you won't need much food with all those tablets!! Hope they are working their magic.

    1. Thanks Pinky! It's so good to see spring flowers, isn't it.

  28. Hi Valerie :) I love candy, but not that kind! Wishing you well! I LOVE your ladies, especially the one with the birds!!!

  29. I love your tag Valerie, and it's one of my favourite colour combinations. Your faces are beuatiful, I remember these from last time, and it's good to see them again. Have a very happy week, Sue xx

  30. Hi Valerie! Love your cute tag with your sweet baby photo! The faces are fantastic.
    Take care!!! Hugs, Mar

  31. Good gracious, they've got you on the meds don't they? Are your fingers continuing to improve?
    Loved your pieces. So delicate and light. And what a cutie you were as a baby and of course still are:)

  32. Lovely tag, and isn't it wonderful to see Spring flowers, loved your photographs.

    That is a lot of tablets, with more to come later in the day!
    I do hope they help … sending lots of extra healing wishes to you.

    All the best Jan


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